Turnigy 9x flashing with FTDI adaptor.

Started by Purush, October 18, 2015, 05:18:54 PM

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Hi All,

I have  turnigy 9x radio and planning to flash with ER9x firmware. The question, Can I use FTDI adaptor  to connect the transmitter to the PC. Please comment the below connection are correct.

RXD = miso
TXD = mosi
DTR = reset
CTS = sck
GND = ground
5v = vcc

Thanks in advance..



To flash the firmware into your 9X you need a USBasp. They are cheap and you can order them either from hobbyking http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__27990__USBasp_AVR_Programming_Device_for_ATMEL_proccessors.html?strSearch=usbasp

or from ebay:


I would recommend the e-bay one because it has the option for 3.3V and 5V.

Or you can also use an arduino board like uno or mega and use as ISP



@albeagle  :
Could you share the url for flashing proceedure as well.
It would be helpful.




Here is a tutorial about flashing 9X (it's not mine though)


For flashing procedure, head over to my website for a step by step tutorial with pictures. You will find there everything you need (how to install usbasp drivers, companion9x, download firmware, flash it to your radio). The only thing that's different, is that you don't have to choose mavlink (unless you are connecting to APM) so choose whatever options you like. So open:


and start reading from

2. Flashing Turnigy 9XR with OpenTx firmware

It is the same procedure with 9X as well.



Thanks a ton  :hatsoff:
The USB device from ebay is ordered.


Quote from: albeagle on October 22, 2015, 03:28:37 AM

Here is a tutorial about flashing 9X (it's not mine though)


For flashing procedure, head over to my website for a step by step tutorial with pictures. You will find there everything you need (how to install usbasp drivers, companion9x, download firmware, flash it to your radio). The only thing that's different, is that you don't have to choose mavlink (unless you are connecting to APM) so choose whatever options you like. So open:


navigate to Open LRS page and start reading from

2. Flashing Turnigy 9XR with OpenTx firmware

It is the same procedure with 9X as well.
