whats the difference b/w these futaba Tx's.

Started by Snehal.Samar, February 24, 2011, 02:59:18 PM

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Hello everyone, :)
I wanna buy a Futaba radio 72 mhz .
But i cannot understand the difference between these radios .So please clear up the confusion for me.
I am in planes now ,but i can turn in to heli's.

1)Futaba EXP                       

2)Futaba EXAP

3)Futaa EXA                               

5)Futaba EXP Air version             

6)Futaba EXAS

Which one is best and will have more range ??
which has has the maximum functions??
Is 6 ch radio tx sufficient for fpv (i dont want pan and tilt and will be watching the live video transmittion on my lappy)

Finally i need your suggestions on Futaba Exp 72 mhz .Is it a good radio or should i buy another one.(Please suggest under 200$ :o)


Snehal Samar


EXA - Old FM only Radio
EXP - Newer FM/PCM Radio

Instead of hassles of importing from West, I would suggest you to go for Futaba T7CAP from 'Rajib' on this forum. Futaba 7C has much better Computer and is more future proof than 6EX*.

Any reason sticking to FM when the cloned 2.4 GHz receivers are as cheap as FM Rx ?
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother


Arcarious @ Akky.....
I have never crashed while flying....Its the Landing only that gets me....
Happy Landings....&.....Happy Crashings


Quote from: akky on February 24, 2011, 03:28:52 PM
check it out here
6EXA is a discontinued model and i could not locate its feature page in the above link.

6EX is a 2.4G one.
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother


only EXP is available now....but now no one buys them...except for some accidental purchases
Arcarious @ Akky.....
I have never crashed while flying....Its the Landing only that gets me....
Happy Landings....&.....Happy Crashings



most of the people prefer 2.4ghz..much safer and dependable
Arcarious @ Akky.....
I have never crashed while flying....Its the Landing only that gets me....
Happy Landings....&.....Happy Crashings


Except those points i think its a good radio to go with.


Quote from: thundertiger on February 24, 2011, 04:00:36 PM
Except those points i think its a good radio to go with.
What 6EXP ? I beg not. A few dough more and You can buy a Futaba 7C. If you are not a Futaba Fan, Airtronics RDS 8000 is much better option, may be a DX7!

Just go to the comarision page for Futaba and look at Sections 'AIRCRAFT FUNCTIONS' and 'HELI FUNCTIONS'

Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother


Hey now that is the problem,i dont enough cash to spend .Actually i am in 11th.so no pocket money nothin :)  .But have a budget of 200$ ie around Rs 9000 at maximum.

So it is final that exp is NOT a good radio. :o

I  want RANGE AT LEAST 1.5 MILES, so i though 72 mhz is better ,then someone said it is not better.
AAH very much confusing!! :headscratch:

As i have read before that  when TWO RADIO ,one72 mhz and one 2.4 ghz ARE TRANSMITTED AT THE SAME POWER,72 Mhz WILL HAVE GREATER RANGE AND PENETRATION.?IS IT CORRECT??

In india,will we have interfernce with other frequencies(from cellphones or other wireless devices)??

WILL 2.4 GHZ give me 1.5 mile of range and better penetration than 72 mhz?? ??? If yes then with what radio and devices.??


Snehal Samar


I wanna buy futaba only because of its relabilty and versatality.Almost all the devices are copatible with futaba.

I cant decide wether to buy a 72 mhz or 2.4 ghz ??
Also a 72 mhz radio is compatible with all fpv gears.

If it is so that 72 mhz will have interference ,then why not do something to reduce its interferece .??
Is there any option??

Snehal Samar


You are almost at the border. If you are planning R/c for some years to come, go for Futaba 7C from Rajib, if he still has. Start with the FM one you would get for 10K (if you can buzz Rajib for 9k, all better  :thumbsup:). Save some more money (:Rs 2K) and get a FrSky X8 hack module. Install that in you Tx and this may give you over a mile of Range. You can get a Patch Antenna instead of the regular 'Omni directional Whip Antenna' to increase the range. Third step could be using a 2watt Amplifier for $70+  (I have discussed this in other thread) to get further range of 5+ KM.

All the best.
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother


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Thanks. but why would i need to install a hack module when 72 mhz radio itself will give me 1.5 miles of  range.??If interference is only issue with 72 mhz ,then why should we not reduce it?? how??
Snehal Samar


72MHz is good  got people who 'Grew' up with and were aptly disciplined with sharing the Channels. I see the modern flyers just forgetting their 2.4g Radio 'On' in the field. If you do this with FM, you might end up crashing others.
In Ranchi (When Capt Manish is no longer there) I doubt you would ever find any one else on the freq band. So yes, FM is good for you. But for all future events, it would be wise to move on to 2.4G systems (Say you go to a competition tomorrow).

Strike a deal! You cannot go wrong with Futaba 7C
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother


@ujjwaana    .

Thanks ujjwaana for clearing my doubts.As no one flyies RC plane in Jharkhand
(I guess) .72 mhz would be better for me.

Is there any other way to reduce the interference for 72 mhz's??
Come on ujjwaana i want to hear from you that 72 is better than 2.4 except interference.
Snehal Samar

Rajib Samadder

Many people think 2.4 GHz is better than 72MHz, but both are radio frequency, right? One is with very narrow wave length and another has longer wave length. F you have idea about RF then you know very well that both type frequencies has their own advantages and disadvantages.

Around 20 to 25 years before while there were very few flyers that time 27MHz AM radio set used to work very well, but with time number of flyer has increased and lots of RF communication application has also increased which caused of interference of radio signal. So to avoid such problems FM comes instead of AM, but after a certain time there was other RF interference problem even for FM, so then came PCM FM but still there was problem of using of same frequency by more than one person. If there are lots of flyers at your field then it is very much possible that some of their radio frequency matched with each other. But the main problem is with those unknown source of RF interference which cause by some RF communication tower or wireless police patrolling van.

If you're flying very far away from city where no such RF tower near your flying field or very less flyers then you're much safe. I'm from Kolkata and I have seen during military events they switch on their Jammer and then no matter what FM/PCM or GHz you're using nothing works right. I've some friends though lives outside India and they are still flying FM, they said most of the people are using GHz at their field except him so now he has no such problem of inference at all, so why he should buy GHz while his all FM/PCM are working fine? I will not say Fm is better or GHz is better, I think both are good at their own field.
Rajib Samadder
WhatsApp: +919433344777

Membership Id: ASAB-SR04
Website: www.asab.org.in
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ASAB2011


I am not a old timer with R/C, but ya, I have been doing Aeromodeling since early 90's, I cannot answer which one is better. But whatever my one year with 2.4G goes, I have never faced interference.

I guess more seniors here would better answer this from their experience.

Going from technology per say, I bet 2.4G should be times a many secure and interference free - both natural, accidental intentional.  The 2.4G band itself has too many users in an urban setup (WiFi routers, Bluetooth), the various encoding mechanism (FHSS,DSS, FASST,DSM) inherent to these 2.4G radios makes 2.4G collision free by miles when compared to older FM radios. Yes, there are so, so many report of Lockout, burnout, GUID leak with 2.4G, but then there were far, far grave problems with FM, which people used to take as part of the parcel.

As I  told earlier, go ahead and test the water with FM. When you have more fund, it is more sensible to move to 2.4G later.
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother

Rajib Samadder

One thing I do not understand, how snehal50samarpit is going to fly 1.5 mile? Generally we cannot see beyond 1 to 1.2km. Unless he is going to put FPV on his plane it is not possible to fly so far away. I want to know where from you came to know that 72MHz has range of 1.5mile. If you have any reference please give me, because as much as I knew it is maximum 1.8km but never get chance to test in real. But it will be nice to know that our FM radio works up to so long range.
Rajib Samadder
WhatsApp: +919433344777

Membership Id: ASAB-SR04
Website: www.asab.org.in
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ASAB2011


these were the lines by alishanmao(youtube) .

{{72 is better, I have futaba 10C with stock 2km range}}                                        (its not 1.5 mile)

and next i also contacted muni86 (you can check him out on youtube)
and he said

{{1)   For FPV it would be best to run the plane on the old 72 system

2) http://www3.omnimodels.com/cgi-bin/woi0001p?&I=FUTK62**&P=0
should be good enough for 2 Miles because of the Dual Conversion Receiver, with extended receiver antenna


I think that the range doesnot much depends on Tx ,it always depends on Rx's and its sensitivity,

Here is an out of syllabus question.(Dont mind Anwar ,as you r strict with rules)
1) how can i connect my tv(it has 3 ports coloured in yellow for video,and red for audio and i dont known know what is white for.)
to my pc ,
I will be playing a movie on my pc and i will watch it on my TV.
Is there any connector available.(Since i will be watching movie on TV so i dont need to watch it on my pc monitor so it will be switched off.)

thnks in advance.
Snehal Samar


hmm i am the only one at ranchi ,who will be flying an Rc plane ,so no chance of interference.but yes we have tv tower ,police jeep with wireless communication,wi-fi,and 3G towers.SO IS THERE ANY CHANCE OF INTERFERENCE WITH THESE ??

And yes with 72 mhz 7watt booster the range is almost out of city (at min it should be 10 km) .I  read about it on a forum ,i dont remember where .(As i dont have an inernet connection at home,everythin done in cafe)

72 mhz with corona rx is good for 3-4 km( by IBCrazy on rc groups forum).he is an engeneer in field of something like radio ,frequency... whatever).

Why you haven't tested your 72 mhz???  and why you wanna sell it ??

Snehal Samar

Rajib Samadder

Hello snehal50samarpit, I have only used 72MHz radio but as I said I have never fly so far away so I am not sure what is the maximum range of the 72MHz radio. Also I am not sure how to boost RF power of my radio without opening the case of the radio.

I have few sisters though lives in USA and I asked them to bring radio for me and each of them brought one radio for me. I have all total three 72MHz radio [Futaba 3FR-FM, Futaba 6EXP and Futaba 7CAP]. Those days I was busy with my work so I didn't get time use them and later I have bought GHz. I thought since I have now GHz system let sale these all FM radios which might be useful for other people. But I think I have made mistake because many people thinking I am potato seller and they are offering me price of potato and if I reduce my price they are thinking sure something is wrong with the radio. If I do not get reasonable price I am not going to sale, I will keep them.
Rajib Samadder
WhatsApp: +919433344777

Membership Id: ASAB-SR04
Website: www.asab.org.in
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ASAB2011


Quote from: snehal50samarpit on February 27, 2011, 01:05:20 PM
Here is an out of syllabus question.(Dont mind Anwar ,as you r strict with rules)
1) how can i connect my tv(it has 3 ports coloured in yellow for video,and red for audio and i dont known know what is white for.)
to my pc ,
I will be playing a movie on my pc and i will watch it on my TV.
Is there any connector available.(Since i will be watching movie on TV so i dont need to watch it on my pc monitor so it will be switched off.)

thnks in advance.

check if your Video Card has a 'S-video' out. It could be found on most of good Laptops. It a 4-7 pins round connector:

Then you need a matching  S-Video to RCA Cable. You connect the Yellow RCA Male to the Yellow flame 'Video' in your TV.

At worse, you might need a RGB to S-Video converter:

A good literature on  the entire topic:
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother