Learn to fly in 5 days flat

Started by Harveer, April 02, 2013, 12:55:54 AM

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K K Iyer

No takers for Harveer's proposal? Maybe rate too high.
I just learn from watching him fly without paying him a penny!

Refer VC Sir's reply, started with Bobni in 1968, then Magpie, Martin, Inchworm, Gnome with Cox in the nose, Tomboy and Tee Hee with Mills .75, Peacemaker with Enya 19 / OS 20 against Ravi Kumar, RC glider with releasable towhook and split rudder airbrake against Ravi's Orange Box and VK Nagar's (now head of AMAI?) 10 ft glider with OS Pet. Still have one Veron Rascal kit.

Anyone remembers these old names (models and men)?
Anyone remembers John Decruz, who ran IHC Delhi when Sanjay Gandhi used to come to fly at Polo Ground.
Or a Jawed Anwar of Cal who gave me a Cox glow clip free 40 years back without even knowing me.
Or Father Carlson (chuck glider Tich)
Or Indian Modeller magazine?
Or NJ Rice, then GM of Godrej, living at 6 El Cid somewhere in Bombay, who gave me 24 issues of Aeromodeller in 1971
Sorry about the soliloquy. But i request Anwar sir to start a Hall of Fame, starting with (the late) Shri Suresh Kumar, father of Indian aeromodelling, Society of Model Aeronautical Engineers, India Hobby Centre, Ravi, Rishi.


Here sir, as you wished, i invite you to do the honours first. before rest jump in

Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.