Learn to fly in 5 days flat

Started by Harveer, April 02, 2013, 12:55:54 AM

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I am starting a summer camp for people to learn to fly RC Planes. 5 days, 4 sorties on the field per day and adequate time on a simulator.

Learn the correct way to fly by the 5th day. Everything needed to learn will be provided. You will get to learn to fly on my trainer, with a buddy cord. Fuel included in the training charges. All breakages during training are also included in the deal. You will however need to make your own arrangements, for travel to Indore and for your stay in Indore.

Training is available for both Mode 1 and Mode 2.

Training fee is Rs. 10,000/-. It would be helpful for both the student and me, if you book in advance so that I can schedule the sessions, giving each student more than adequate time to fly.

Contact: 0 9301704475
Harveer Singh Sodha.

Hotel tariff will be posted by tomorrow.


1. From which level are you inviting the participants? Rank beginners who have absolutely NO idea of RC Flying or are you looking at more experienced types who have some Glider / Free Flight experience?

2. What models do the participants learn to fly on? Yours or theirs? Nitro, Gas or Electric?

3. Do the participants need to carry their own models or do they travel light?

4. "Everything" needed to learn will be provided." If this is REALLY true (at this price) - this is a very good initiative by Harveer. {:)} {:)} {:)}

If one can learn to fly RC flying from scratch in just 4 sorties - that is fabulous! :thumbsup:

Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Its 4 sorties per day VC. Total flights will be 20 or plus (if needed) in 5 days.

Actually this program is for beginners who have on idea of RC Flying but those people can also join who flies on sim and hesitate to fly actually.  

We give training on Styro Plane-25. Ws- 57" weight- 1650gms.



Great initiative! Considering that most beginners will very quickly crash their first few models (and probably get turned off from the hobby) very quickly, it's a wonderful price!


which engine useing in Styro Plane-25.


Thanks for your kind words Sanjay.

Raj- We r using OS 25 Fx on SP-25.


I see RC tourism towards Indore :) :thumbsup:

Still curious as to why a glow model for training, as opposed to an electric pusher like Skysurfer / AXN / etc. 

I am sure the glow model makes sense after the beginner gets his orientation etc, to get the basics of glow engines and all.  But wouldn't the electrics make sense initially ?  This question is based on our field experiences.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Good initiative harveer kudos

+1 as reagrds electrics
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


Just wondering what the market is for interested students to shell out Rs 10,000 for some stick time...

It's a huge commitment for a new RC person.  Not everyone in 4 days or even 4 months can learn the orientation, hand-eye coordination, info processing at light speed.

You may want to diversify, have three levels of clasess with price corresponding structure.

It would be more attractive too if they flew their own plane.  So, one idea is get a bunch of Clouds Floaters AXN and after training they already have their first plane.

Most first time RC pilots will want more than the stick time. They will want to walk away with something to fly on their own the next weekend. 


Thanx Anwar & Gusty...

We are using nitro planes for training bcoz you dont have to carry a bundle of battery packs. New students comes to know how to tune engine, How engine sounds when tuned properly. We teach them to start it etc. At the time of hard landing, EP props goes very often. 

@ theleabres- The biggest fear in a students mind is 'CAN I FLY WITHOUT CRASHING IT'. Students & parents comes to us n says, If we buy a plane and would not able to fly it or crash it then... So, we started this program. Learn to fly & then buy...

I am doing this for last 11 years without any prob. Just use good Rx batt. fuel it n fly...



From my view, 100 minutes( 5 days X 20 minutes) is not at all sufficient to learn flying.

At least for me, I took 30 sessions to learn flying (take-off, landing, flying in straight line, flying cross wind, making figure 8 etc..).

One more thing cost it too high. 100 Rs for every minute!

May be I am just being stupid critic here... but please consider reducing cost and increasing number of sessions .



The time for learning depends on one thing and one thing alone... the amount of sim practice you have had before hand.

If you are armed with sim practice, and you have someone to assist using a buddy cable, you can pretty much fly comfortably the first time, take off during the second flight, and land on the third.  All this is from personal experience with multiple people.

I have seen one extreme case, where someone bought a Trex 600 Nitro heli, assembled it with a bit of my assistance, and flew circuits with it on his first every flight. He had ZERO prior experience of any RC flying before his first solo flight.  I was on a buddy cable with him, but he insisted on flying himself, just took off, and flew circuits ! His only comments were "this is pretty much like the sim".  He had at least 3 months of solid sim time behind him, I am guessing 10 to 15 hours a week.

So it all DEPENDS !
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


May be you are right Anwar. I first learn to fly and then got my simulator... so for me it was totally different story.

Any thoughts about the cost?


I've taught about 10 kids last year, ages 9 to 12, how to fly in 15 minutes, take off, land, ovals, the basics.  I used the Hobbyzone Champ, 1s ipo power!

After that, 5 kids ordered the same plane and we flew 6 Champs together like a parade.

Here's my kid at 12 flying solo after 15 minutes...

K K Iyer

I may be one of the few flyers in Indore who was not taught by Harveer. That is because I started flying before he was born! If you come to the field on Sunday, you can see the flyers trained by Harveer, and see that the have become safe, independent fliers. One has won prizes in college competitions all over India after less than 2 months with Harveer. I think at least a few locals should give it a try and post feedback on the forum. Disclaimer - I have no connection with Harveer except that I and my wife go flying with him and the boys every Sunday.


STOP Talking, START Flying!!


Can you offer advanced lessons, ie pattern flying or 3D flying?

K K Iyer

Harveer is not picking up the phone as he is probably at the gym. If he does not post his pattern/ 3d / heli aerobatics, then my wife will. Curious about theleabres - where is his flying field? In india? Also curious about guys like Anwar Sir, Wingco Gusty, VC Sir etc who seem to be veterans I've never met. Grateful if they care to contact me when they have time. (Started the aeromodelling club in IITK Late 70s during V V Nanda's time, have a 4 hour flight on Schwietzer 1-26 VT GDE, anyone remember that? Over 30 yrs back)


My RCGroups blog:

Two of my recent Youtube vids:

I didn't have a camera ready last Sunday when I used a 4S on the modified Skyfun.  It seemed to be going over 150 kph!


Quote from: K K Iyer on April 08, 2013, 08:54:02 PM
Also curious about guys like Anwar Sir, Wingco Gusty, VC Sir etc who seem to be veterans I've never met. Grateful if they care to contact me when they have time.

I should not be counted in this group at all. I started about 5 years ago, and I am not an aeromodeller (as in, a builder). I am more of a flier.

I have also wanted to make some RC pilgrimages to the north of our country to meet many of the active members of this forum, as time permits.  So far, such plans have always failed due to other commitments. Some day, God willing.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.

flying doc

I have stayed in this hobby and learnt to fly all thanks to the styro trainer and Harveers training. I started flying in March 2010 and on my 2nd sortie I was doing figure of 8's, both right and left. I started landing on my 6th sortie and was given my solo on the 8th sortie. The styro trainer that Harveer teaches with is a very forgiving plane and a great plane to learn on. Add to it the organized, and diligent training by Harveer and almost anyone can have the confidence to fly his own plane after 20 sorties.
10000/- to learn how not to break a plane is to my mind a good deal. A high wing ARF would cost about 5 - 6000. 1 crash and that is the cost of training. what more can one ask for.

Tiger Sports 40, SPA3D, SPAD Extra all with ASP 52 engines.
SPAD Debonair with OS 46
Turbo Raven 60 with an ASP 91
Next build - Accipiter 91 with DLE 20
Futaba 6EXAP, Futaba 10 CAP


Very Well Said @ FlyingDoc   ;) ;)
STOP Talking, START Flying!!


Hi there Mr. Iyer, you shouldn't include my name with those stalwarts. I'm just having fun and enjoying this hobby. I'm just a clown. 4 hours on a Schweizer??? Lots to learn from you Sir! In the late seventies, I was throwing around the Magpie, Gnome and Veron's Rascal. :giggle:

Btw, Harveer has my vote - this is a fine effort and will benefit a host of youngsters.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


I shouldn't be in that group either.  I've never used, never ever seen in person a buddy cord.  Thanks all for promoting the hobby.


Yes, we do train for advance stages of aerobatics...

Thanx Tanmay, Iyer ji, Doc, VC, theleabres, Anwar  for your support.
