Aerial View of a Beautiful Mosque

Started by kailashnaik, July 18, 2015, 08:34:48 PM

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Please don't. who ever shoot this video is screwing up this hobby.


I think they are doing business with multirotors and posting on a hobby forum!!


Hi Dharmik, sorry i'm trying to understand why would this interfere with hobby? This video was captured today on the occasion of Eid by me and my friends.


I think u hv no idea about rules and regulations in India about Aerial Filming.


Can you please share the rules with me, and if at all it is published anywhere. That will be helpful.


Hi Kailash
i am not discouraging you. if you used multirotor i would like you to see this video. it might tell you what i am tryung to say.


Well, I could share a video of a car accident. Will that stop you from driving in India?


Well, For driving car you must have licence but for quad there is nothing like that so wait until some permanent regulations applied.
Because in India there are many rumors about Quad people even don't know what exactly they are and try to harm them.
Most people know them as Drones even they have no link with them so far.

Himadri Roy

kailashnaik, well if that's your attitude no one can explain or reason you!
As Antriskh said Multirotors is pretty new to India and there is a hell lot of problems and confusion about it.
And while flying these their are some guidelines to follow

1) Flying in public places and over people must be avoided! When these thing just fail you cannot do anything but helplessly see it fall like a rock.
And think about a 1 kg multirotor falling from a height of 30-40m on a person??! Its not just others who are in danger, but you too.

2)Well filming such public places, monuments requires NOC and clearances, did you have it?

3)Being pretty new in India there is a lot of confusion about this hobby and when anything goes wrong people wouldn't like to understand the reason as to why the failure happened!

Care to go through this topics
For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with eyes skywards for there you have been and there you will long to return
- Leonardo Da Vinci


The video is great no doubt
But people care about the community as a whole and hence advising you
1) either fly with proper permissions for a local police  authority in public places or
2)fly in open grounds with no one or no property below

If everyone acts responsible enough government wont have to put a ban
Its not just you this message is for everyone

One wrong step can not only put an individual in trouble but the whole community will

@admin we should have a banner displayed in all pages specially for certain guidelines for all us to fly safe (its a request if possible )

@all lhs's should also put up a page for proper guidelines on their websites (including mine )
Passion is Airborne


Thanks Chintal, I agree with you.


I am sorry about the attitude, the tone "screwing up the hobby" got me a little raged up.

Not with the intention of debating, but here are my thoughts in line with your pointers:

1) Technology with multirotor is advancing faster than ever, these devices are becoming safer by the day. An experienced pilot along with the latest equipment reduces the error margin drastically. Accidents do happen, and they always will.

2) NOC from the monument authority was arranged for this shoot. It is currently not a mandate to seek permission from the local police department. However, I have sought police permission for other shoots, and a constable accompanied me throughout the duration of that shoot.

3) I am glad I initiated this conversation. Not to forget, we are on the same side. We have to protect this technology and hobby. And pray for the regulations to be in our favor, which again will take its own sweet time. That does not mean we refrain from this hobby/technology. I am not promoting fly around recklessly, but having taken necessary precautions and permissions, and appropriate flying etiquette on our side, it's actually a good thing.

P.S.: I always carry a copy of this memorandum (originally posted here:, just in case of random enquiries, I produce this to show that I am not unaware of the law.


@ kailashnaik - truly a beautiful and well shot video.

please share what equipment younhave used.


Dear Kailashniak..... a lot of people have told you not to do photography of public places and you instead of taking their advice have gone on a tangent and given the example of mundane thing like a car crash would not stop you from driving.... well it could get you behind bars for over 2 years and maybe a large sum of money as payment for treatment and rehabilitation the victim and his kin.  Be reasonable and look at what a reckless thing you have done.....

OK..... one by one....

1.   You flew over a busy crowded place with though with intimation to police, no insurance for the guys down there.  What if your machine and gone down and hit a few people on ground.

2.   You flew over this place of worship...... as per Rules of the Air areas of recognised places of worship are designation as Prohibited or Restricted places as by the GOI.  Flying over any prohibited place is prohibited.  Anyone doing that can be booked under very severe laws and he may not see the daylights for many many years.  A pilot flying over such places can be booked for flying discipline and would loose his flying license.

3.   Flying over a crowded mosque or a for that matter on any temple on a religious occasions or even simple gathering of people with so many people around and with your machine going out of control could have caused panic in the unsuspecting people down on the ground. Worst case scenario could have been a stampede.... The DGCA in its rules on flying over populated areas states that such flying will be at a minimum height of 600 meters (2000 ft).

4.   Here is the link to the permission for aerial photography in India...... please read it and be educated.  To find out the rules go to the DGCA website and you will get it. 

5.   Lastly.... the police can still take cognizance of your act as a act with a potential to disturb peace and harmony or a suspected terrorist activity or an attempt to scare unsuspecting people or doing aerial photography without permission.....  and a host of other rules and regulations you may have flouted.  Well... this all put together can land you behind bars for over 4-5 years.  

OK... for the answers for your post.. para wise....

1.   Well yes the technology is getting better and safer by the day.  But on the flip side cheap technology is proliferating in our lives at a much faster rate and this is as unsafe as dealing with an angry cobra.  If you wish to go for a safe set of technology go for aviation grade technology where you will get a machine which is safe enough or is safety certified (but even that will come with a host of riders on safety parameters and warnings) and will cost you maybe 6-10 lacks for a multicopter which can take a Kg plus of payload.

2.  An experienced pilot is safe and good only till the day he has not been stupid enough to be a cause of an accident.  Ever human faces such a situation every moment in his life i.e. when he is in a state where his overall acumen is at test.  Only the ones who maintain their composure and resist the temptation of distraction survive that moment.... just to face the same story the next moment again.... in effect a person has to be very highly disciplined throughout... is the one why can "probably" remain safe.  Your act of filming the place of worship was as rash and reckless as anything in this world can be (especially with the unsafe or non safety certified machine you have).

3.   YES... Accidents do happen.... in aviation there are a host of accidents which take place all so often.  But the repercussions are far to grave.... sad and grieving families are left behind.  Accidents will continue to happen... BUT... in aviation there is so much of Safety indoctrination and equipment safety certification.... and systems in place that most stupid acts of "Safety Sensitive Personnel" automatically end up in either that person loosing his job or loosing the license or a similar harsh punishment.... maybe a jail term on attempt to murder if it is a rash act.  The Indian Penal Code is the guiding factor once an inquiry has established the culpability of the people involved.

4.   Good that you took police permission and good that they gave it to you and also assisted you with a police constable with you while you were shooting the scene.  Well.... the local police chap probably does not know that he does not have much say in giving this clearance till the time the Intelligence agencies and others have vetted the request for such a filming and given their clearance.  OK..... IT IS NECESSARY TO TAKE POLICE CLEARANCE FOR ANY SHOOT OF THIS NATURE......... writing it in bold so that all can understand the gravity of not doing this.

The last thing..... the DGCA circular which has been put up by you.... states very clearly..... "The civil operation of UAS will require approval from the Air Navigation Service provider,  defence,  Ministry  of  Home  Affairs,  and  other  concerned  security  agencies, besides the DGCA."   SO things are clear who can give the permission and the Police just can not do it on its own.

Well I am writing all this as I have personal experience working in the field of aviation for over 27 years.  All these regulations are in place.  The DGCA is to identify rules for allowing the hobby to continue and that will come in due course of time.  We all need to understand the equipment we use is highly unsafe and what ever may be our level of confidence in aeromodel flying... we are still not tested by some independent agency for our proficiency and that too in "non routine" situations and that is where most accidents take place.

For everyone.... lets refrain from doing anything which may cause harm or injury or hurt sentiments of someone..... That's the only way we will survive and this hobby will survive.

The FINAL thing is..... we need not look for rules or absence of rules to do what we need to do.  Just go by the common sense and the para above...... and we will see that we have complied with most rules if not all.

Well this not to say that the video is not good.... but the means employed are not good.  Do you think that the big Journalists and Photographers of this country were so naive that they would not have shot such scenes earlier...... it is only because they follow the law and well... I must say that there is no need to take this kind of videos while putting so much at risk......

Happy landings.
Well I been into aeromodelling since I was in School....  and then been in the air for over 30 years.  Now looking to be back into aeromodelling full time...


Very well said Shobhit sir! +1 to you indeed


Good lord.... Sanjay Sir... you too after VC
Well I been into aeromodelling since I was in School....  and then been in the air for over 30 years.  Now looking to be back into aeromodelling full time...


Lots Going on in the discussion. I love multi rotors and aerial photography. Though we use good quality flight controllers we should know METAL BIRDS with high tech systems prices at 200 Crore crash now and then. our mere few thousand priced "DRONES/Multi rotors" are not reliable. At this crucial condition for our HOBBY after frequent drone issues in Mumbai, Chennai all over. we should refrain from bad PRESS.
please have a concern about the Hobby! and all the Hobbyist. please don't fly in Public Places.


That's a good message from you Arjunjois..... Keep up the good work and stay away from public places or where you can cause harm to anyone.
Well I been into aeromodelling since I was in School....  and then been in the air for over 30 years.  Now looking to be back into aeromodelling full time...


Thank you Shobit17! I am curious about your medals and acquisitions :). can i get some more info about the competitions held?


1. Part from all caveats
Praises: for Kailashnaik you have very aesthetically shoting the video with good edits dissolves music and ends well.
For Shobhit too: he has written the PhD thesis on air safety here ( in good sense) that educates novice,

Don'ts: Kailashnaik you shd never ignore the IF Part that is having serious implications
IF you loose controll or a bat hits it it gets trapped in cable wires which are invisible due to night, if people think it's UFO OR some mischief by other community at their place of worship, things could spread up like wild fire ....DESPITE THE FACT THAT YOU HAVE TAKEN PERMISSION......NO BODY WILLCARE .. JUST NO BODY...
ADVICE: the way you have done it hides many business possibilities in KEEP IT UP