custom clearance, fcc certificate, conformity certificate

Started by parthu_777, April 28, 2011, 09:42:14 AM

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thank you guys for giving your valueable time,

i ordered Futaba 72mhz 6EXP 6-Channel FM Transmitter/Receiver from towerhobbies.
i tried so much to convience custom officer. but they said tht they are not going to release my parcel.

with redio i ordered hobbico battery n thunder tiger engine also.
so is thr anyother document tht i can show him instead of fcc certificate.

i searched everywhr on google. i didnt get any kind of certificate.
here i am going to attach copy of fcc.

i need tht kind of certificate from futaba/hobbico/thunder tiger..
i ordered these stuff by USPS. and the total amount of order is above $500.


If someone can find the FCC-ID, you can get the certificate at the link I posted earlier.  The FFC ID will start with "AZP".

Anyone here who owns the same TX may please see if the FCC-ID is posted on its back.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


72 MHz is not a good sign. That's all I can say.
Best of luck! I will pray that your item is released.
If you are really into scale you should be here.


As per WPC India web site Futaba T6EX - 2.4 Ghz is Type Approved.

HK-450GT Pro 3D Belt-Drive Helicopter Kit (Align T-Rex Compat.)
Radio: WFT07 2.4Ghz


In reply to # 24, yes the Radio is same all over, but frequencies allowed for aeromodeeling and surface use are diiferent. And all over the world either the Mfg or the retailer, do the necessary paperwork and it all depends on the market in thier geography. Give the limited market in India, the mfg are not very inclined and we end users do not want to buy from the LHS who have type approved equipment to save few.
If you are really into scale you should be here.


netsecret yes it is but here we are all talking about a radio which is on 72 MHz band
If you are really into scale you should be here.


So I went hunting a bit... how do I get the FCC ID when google searches did not reveal it directly ?  I realized that I needed to see photos of the back side of the TX.  Doing google image searches did not get anything useful, so be a bit more clever about it ;)  Searched for "futaba 6exp assan hack" in Google images search, and I got close  :P

Now plugging these values, i.e.  "AZP" for grantee code, and "T6EXA-72" for product code at

does bring up results (although this is a slightly different model, but should be close enough).

From the results, you can see the all the documents when you click on "Detail" : FCC results URL

If someone has exact FCC ID, that should give you all the details you are looking for PRECISELY, otherwise this should be good enough !
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


You have done two mistake.
1. You have ordered all in one packet including Tx from abroad.
2. Your shipment value is high.
The same issue has been elaborated several times. Just search and read the previous posts.

I recommend just go careless to the custom that you are not in urgent need and they can do the rescerch all the documents and if they satisfy, then only despatch and otherwise whatever they wish, they can do. Just informing you about what they do and why with supporting document. You will got it withen 3-6 month clearance.

Otherwise, you may Manage . Though I am in favour of first process.

My brother requested Ubuntu to distribute their CD (Free inc. shipping) in Kolkata Book Fair for popularize Open Source Programs (OS + Tools). THey send 300 CDs and customs demanded 50 :Rs: per CD for clearing though clearly written FREE and all documents attached in transperent Plastic pack. So, they tried us to bend to their dark motif. We dont bend and asked them to return or destroy that informing both sender and receiver with information (Please remember, at that time, Prof. Kalam was a grate fan of open source and Presendent too). After 6 months, it comes to us without any further inquiry by Indian Post. As the pack was heavy, the postman requested to take from Post Office.

Now, Take your decision.
A part of customs rule book may help you attached herewith collected earlier from this forum.
We have to unite and to prove ourself to make indigenous products as well as marketing / Canvasing them. I'm sure we must achieve success if we try unitedly.


First go and meet the custom officer there. Tell him you were not aware of these items been in the banned list.

Secondly, tell him that kindly send them back to the merchant and tell him to issue you a letter stating the same. Contact tower hobbies and inform them of this. Hopefully, you should get an answer in your favor.

This is what I can think of. Let us know what happens..


I have also tried to find FCC with Freqn range between 72 to 76 Mhz for Futaba, result shown was 194, unable to find out exact type.
HK-450GT Pro 3D Belt-Drive Helicopter Kit (Align T-Rex Compat.)
Radio: WFT07 2.4Ghz


Once you do the search based on FCC ID, you can see the actual certificate when you click on "Dsiplay Grant" (the check mark like icon).

The result looks like this : FCC Grant
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Ok, got the FCC ID, it is "AZPT6EX2-72", so just plugging in "AZP" and "T6EX2-72" in to

we get the approval here : FFC grant

and the rest of the documentation here : FCC documents

If these documents are not enough, then you will have to do some "social engineering" (playing soft or tough, as you deem fit) !
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


HK-450GT Pro 3D Belt-Drive Helicopter Kit (Align T-Rex Compat.)
Radio: WFT07 2.4Ghz


Hey Anwar thanx,
but i am not able to open this link...
the web page says 'The Following Error(s) Occurred While Retrieving The Requested Page:'

did u open it?? i tried both chrome and internet explorer. still its not opening.


"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


All works for me.

Connect directly instead of proxy if proxyed. FCC is a Govt. server.
We have to unite and to prove ourself to make indigenous products as well as marketing / Canvasing them. I'm sure we must achieve success if we try unitedly.


Quote from: KALYANPRODHAN on April 28, 2011, 08:59:45 PM
We dont bend and asked them to return or destroy that informing both sender and receiver with information

@KALYANPRODHAN - Good Job.  :salute:



Futaba T7c.2.4, boomrang trainer 46., 60size Extra 300s, Raptor 30v2, raptor 50 Titan, electric biplane, Thunder Tiger raptor 50 titan Se, J3 piper cub, Tarot 450 sports, Align 500,


thanx anwar....

i got tht certificate for futaba 72mhz 6ch tx....
today i went to custom office and show him tht document...

n u no wat now he wants documents for all hobbico battery, thundertiger engine n silicone pipe n nut bolts n all that,

n also he told us tht he dosnt want money frm me...

nw plz tell me what sud i do??



they want FCC CERTIFICATE or CONFORMITY CERTIFICATE for all the products......


Well I guess this will continue on. Follow what Kalyan da told.
Be Inquisitive


thanx alllllll of u....

finally i got my parcel....
w/o any documents or certificates... {:)}


Hi All/parthu_777,

First of all this is very nice to see all your afforts and hardwork to help parthu_777, Specially Anwar Sir.

parthu_777 can u tell me, after FCC Certificate they gave your parcel or somthing else ?

HSP 1/10 Nitro Tyrannosaurus Off-Road Truck
Thunder Tiger 1/10 SSK V2 Nitro Truck with Radio
HK-300 3 Channel 2.4ghz FHSS Ground Radio
Turnigy 9x 8-Channel


did you gave some other document which is less then A4 size to get the parcel  :headscratch: .