Draft DGCA guidelines - Comments requested by 21/05/2016

Started by vibranthobbies, April 24, 2016, 07:55:24 PM

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@Saikat da. :)

When it comes to FPV we are still in awe with likes of Gaurav Agarwal and Pravesh and have lot to explore.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk


I also read the post of @flyingboxcar upto the part on "Madam" and had a good laugh. Did he see to whom I addressed my letter? It was DGCA ... The Director General. And she is a lady.

And at the end there was a "copy to:" to Mr. Lalit :)

I know to whom the comments are supposed to be sent. But I wrote the main letter to DG and mailed and posted to her address too...and there's a good reason for it.

I hope someone understand the difference between Directorate General and Director General in the first line.

Finding faults is good. But don't underestimate the intelligence of others ;)


I am not sure how many have read sundaram sir's suggestion for amendment you should read it here


Read it 2-3 times it's very nicely written and suggestions are better than AMAI's guidelines.
one stop for multirotor needs:


Himadri Roy

Quote from: satyagupta on May 20, 2016, 09:51:35 PM
I am not sure how many have read sundaram sir's suggestion for amendment you should read it here


Read it 2-3 times it's very nicely written and suggestions are better than AMAI's guidelines.
Yes quite well written! Lets not waste any more time in this cat fight of proving each other wrong and do some work to get the best result! :thumbsup:
For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with eyes skywards for there you have been and there you will long to return
- Leonardo Da Vinci


K K Iyer

I guess we can
Hang together, or
Hang separately.

What is it that we wish to protect?
Our right to fly a model plane/multirotor, with reasonable safety requirements, isn't it?
Thats what we need to impress upon the DGCA, no?
And maybe thats ALL we should say.
The more we talk in detail, the more difficult it becomes.
Single/multi, electric/glow/gas, fixed wing / rotary, auto pilot, GPS, FPV, RTH, video tx, autonomous capability, payload, camera, infra red, night vision, jet, rocket...
This is just BEGGING for more regulation.

So can we keep our request simple?
Maybe that will make it easier for her* to free hobbyists (as opposed to commercial operators) from too much regulation
(*yes, santanucus, we do know)


Just confirm to me two things...are lines with green additions to the existing AMAI points? And secondly, is this or is this not official draft of AMAI or simply Mr. Sundaram's own letter?


@KK Sir, I am all for keeping it simple. In my draft only the points that were agreed by all had been mentioned.


send mail guys, whatever your suggestions are press send. time is running.


Hey Santanu,by addressing your letter to the DG you gave me a great idea. Thank you for that  
For greater impact and effect, I will make copies of the already sent letter with some revisions, and  address that to HE The President, with cc to others in descending order of protocol till the cc list reaches to the correct recipient. And will also retain a personal copy.
Imagine, that way I will be able to create maximum impact in the system when the DGCA DG receives my letter forwarded through proper channels from higher up, and when (and if) the letters reach the desk of JDG he will have no other recourse than sit up, take notice and act.
If you are really into scale you should be here. www.rcscalebuilder.com


@flyingboxcar, I hope you now admit that Madam was not Lalita and I'm not as stupid as you thought ;)

As for why I addressed the letter to DG, there is a different reason than what you think, which is not important to discuss here. Others may choose to do it or may address it to Mr. Lalit.

As for the rest of your comments, I know the officialdom at DGCA much better than you do. If you want to send it to the President, please do so ;)


@ santanucus Greens are addition to AMAI's Points and its purely my recommendations which anyone may wish to adopt if they like it.

To be frank I am literally peeved at your interpretation of AMAI's Draft and representaion to DGCA on that.


There are already more than 10 Highly active Aeromodellers clubs functioning in various parts of the country with or without the affiliation of AMAI. With some members who have chosen to take up membership of AMAI to be part of national events whenever its happening.  In any case all memeberships of any and all clubs have been collectively taking part with all enthusiasm in all major events till now inspite of the occasional friction amongst.

Best Example of that are the Mizoram Gang of Aeromodellers and their club. Such a large gathering at eastern most tip of the country with no commercial interest what so ever and purely a hobby community.

Its not difficult for us to organize into few hundreds more aeromodellers clubs in the country if we have the will under or on a separate banner to AMAI. IMHO with affiliation of a National body would be have been great for Unity of our community.

Rest is up to the community to fight their own battle.

PS : Last few hours are left. Few thousand more representation from this community is solicited aimed towards DGCA keeping it simple and to the few points desired without any subversion attempts please.    


@sundaram...your draft is better but still the points of contentions remain in that draft.

Its not my interpretation alone. There are others who are angry with AMAI draft. And if AMAI thinks they can steamroll their point of view on others, should we remain mum? That's my point.

I kept everything simple and sent my comments. Then I saw the AMAI draft.


I Never alluded you to be stupid. If you think that way, that is your outlook and does not matter to me a bit.
Have fun and take care
If you are really into scale you should be here. www.rcscalebuilder.com


Quote from: Dharmik on May 20, 2016, 10:06:47 PM
send mail guys, whatever your suggestions are press send. time is running.

Here is my letter: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6UgXTZBN0sCYXJhRWhuWElOZHM . Please amend it suitably. It refers to one of my previous letter and DGCA reply. You have to change it.

Counter to AMAI Letter: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6UgXTZBN0sCZnI0TFpiaWlNelk  . I am not insisting that others send it. But I don't like the clauses, even after Mr. Sundaram's modification. Also other members of AMAI may send the original draft anyway. If AMAI is unbending on their stance, why do we have to relent? Those who find it logical may send it. Its a preventive measure.

DG's email is :

It is to be sent to:   . Additionally, sending to DG is your choice.

Postal address is:
Shri Lalit Gupta,
Joint Director General,
Office of the Director General of Civil Aviation,
Opp. Safdarjung Airport,
Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi 110 003.

I sent a copy by post too.


Those clauses which you claim to be still the irritants are to encourage safe flying habits in Novices in the community.

Not everyone are expert pilots from the day 1 when they enter in this hobby. I consider myself still in the learning curve in the hobby. Self imposed discipline for me for safe flying habits I would like to follow you might say. I have to look at my 14 year old son's perceptive too.  ;) ;)


How many people fly model aircrafts and multirotors in India? A few thousand at the most.

In the USA the figure would be much more...maybe approaching hundreds of thousands.

So why such Red Tape-ism for people in India only? In USA there is no such restriction even though they faced 9/11

So is it a result of some old bureaucratic mindset, I wonder.

In the name of safety, we like controls.

This is what makes me wonder that behind this suggestion of "safe flying" there is actually a desire to monopolise. Maybe I am wrong but this attitude is seen in every field in India.


Red Tape-ism. I would not say when the draft is still out, asking for comments to amend by the National Authority.

Yes everyone is getting worried about the activities ;D of the ones that does not like any form of control and the resultant threat to privacy and safety of rest of humanity as a whole.


I won't blame the DGCA. They asked for opinions. But look at the irony. In those domains where DGCA did not propose controls, someone else is suggesting that. Strange!


I hope you understood from the original draft that DGCA totally forgot recreational flying aspect of Model Aircraft flying and chose to mention only in the passing at 5.3. DGCA had clubbed Recreational flying aspect with commercial guidelines.

If you desire to carve out a space for recreational flying with least interference from DGCA you need to take more responsibility for your own actions. That's what AMAI has done.


Yes...DGCA circular had many drawbacks. But that does not mean that someone should suggest more controls than that done elsewhere. Of course AMAI would want DGCA to give them advantage. But that does not mean everybody should accept that.


Why am I  getting convinced that you are just anti AMAI for what ever personal reason and jabbing away to create anti AMAI sentiments and I am wasting my time with you. Who rubbed you on the wrong side from AMAI for such animosity.  ;)

At the cost of repetition I am saying again AMAI is not the only clubs in India there are more than 10 highly active and much more successful Aeromodellers clubs functioning in India.

Many have already sent their recommendations without any expectations from this forum. They did not even care to ask you if you might.

Please do not waste your energy in subversion on others efforts. You have your own keyboard and send button. No one is stopping you. National Authority is formed by level headed blokes. They will get the drift for whatever its worth.


True. Its good that I saw the AMAI draft. Now I know what these clubs are upto  :P

I am not anti-AMAI. I am anti-control by non-government agencies.

If DGCA has level headed fellas, no problem with my letter either and no need for you to be concerned. I wrote about AMAI. I will add names of other clubs too.

Subversion is a harsh word. Its simply conflict of interest. AMAI has every right to further its interest but others have right to protect theirs' if there is a conflict. Its as simple as that. DGCA is the deciding authority. Let all of the stakeholder write their views and let DGCA decide. Its democratic.


Quote from: santanucus on May 20, 2016, 11:45:17 PM
I will add names of other clubs too.

Did't you say that you were associated with DGCA earlier in this thread.  >:D Do I infer and detect a DGCA Mole amongs't us in you who is subverting against interest of all aeromodeller's and clubs who are successfully functioning till date safely creating grounds for domination by DGCA. Your representation against AMAI (and now claimed against other clubs too) gives that picture for most part if you read again.


Haha...now comes the conspiracy theory :)

So I am subverting the interest of the aeromodeller clubs.

But I admit that already...not about being the mole. About intention to subvert their interests :)

Because their interests conflicts with ours. They want to control us. We don't want to submit.  ;D

Let them talk about our interests. I will support that !


Quote from: santanucus on May 21, 2016, 12:02:40 AM
Because their interests conflicts with ours.

Please be specific that it conflicts your interest not ours.

Why not the DGCA Mole. You did while ago claimed to glory how closely you were associated with DGCA.

We are all closely following the animosity existing between AMA and FAA for the same reason to retain/gain control.  

I did a second read of your representation against AMAI and it does give that picture with your claim of association with DGCA.