Started by controlflyer, July 19, 2010, 03:14:50 AM

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Hello Rc Fliers,

I have been sitting here in my room doing nothing, so thought of designing a EDF jet  F-86 Sabre!
I have made a cross sectional drawing of the jet, the dimensions are completely the modelers choice, hence
nothing in the dimension part is included.
Build notes :
Thermocol(Styrofoam) Sheets 2" or above (or as preferred)
Wires as per electronic component placement
Bamboo sticks or Carbon fiber rods (anything that is light and strong, a forum member VC used Kebab Skewers)
Balsa sheet ( can even use plastic sheets)
Fevicol glue (SH) SH grade is mostly used in carpentry work and is quite stronger then MR.

Procedure for getting the body done is simple, one can either use a block of thermocol and file a hole into it and get the outer fuselage shaped with a sand paper or can make it in 2 parts and hollow the middle intake nozzle and join the shaped parts together and then sand the outer fuselage.
Check that your EDF is a tight fit after hollowing the nozzle intake, and as far as cutting into 2 part goes, you can always make a notch for the EDF to fit in before assembly.
Once a perfect fuselage is completed, work on the wings and tail fins, wing and tail fin rudders can be incorporated with balsa or plastic.
Make sure all fittings are properly filed, sanded.
Make grooves for the electrical system and wires(for wire placement, you need to execute a proper cutting plan so you don't cut in the wrong places and then change your mind, because it will only make your jet prone to breakage during flight or while handling)
For placing wires, the best practice is to cut a thin notch using a cutting blade not more then 10mm deep.
Once sanding and shaping is done, take Fevicol glue and brush a thin layer of it over the fuselage and allow to dry over night.
Once dried, you will notice a shiny fuselage with a rubbery coating the next day.

Cutting grooves for the electrical components is completely up to the modeler, I wont emphasis much on it.(There are always the regulars to help) :P

Forum members and regulars, please help the interested ones, and let them indulge in the joy of RC controlled DIY EDF jets...

Thank you and good night!



NB: If there is any help needed, my PM's are always open!

Money flies when the transmitter is ON...


Sorry folks,
I was so sleepy doing this that I forgot to allocate a place for the Rx. :headscratch:
I would recommend to place it on the jets belly.
Moderators, regulars, members! Please help me and the interested modelers out in placing the Rx. :help:


Money flies when the transmitter is ON...