Time for some soul searching fun... ;)
Say you just won a whole bunch of money that you are free to spend (at least a chunk of it) on RC stuff...
What is the ONE item that you will get (RC related) ? In other words, what is your foremost wish list item (that is not inexpensive) !
Seriously? I would end up owning Hobbyking!
Jokes apart, I would love to get myself a giant scale Focke Wulf FW 190 D with the most expensive radio around. (:|~
JR 11X
the website calls it affordable.Yeah right. :headscratch: :banghead:
assuming that I just won 10 crores!
the first and foremost thing that I would do is, buy a huge plot of land, level it off and build a completely advanced aerodrome, airport, helipad and a refueling center for RC stuff only..Which will also house cottages for out of state fliers and forum members. Open up a training center for interested and enthusiast hobbyists..
And buy a Suzuki GSX 600 ;D
or did I speak too much too soon? ??? :headscratch:
I was looking for more of the VC and Ashish type of replies ;) Not the "I want to solve world hunger" type from controlflyer ! :giggle:
Personally, I would get into turbine flight (I have to admit that it is not too much out of my league as is, but easy money would be a great motivation!)
hahaha..I was being too patriotic I suppose!
but anyways, we are all different people and have different little minds of our own, one does not know what the other holds!
I would buy this one...
Sorry, only RC stuff :)
JR 11x is an interesting product. A lot of JR users got really upset because just before it came out, many went out and bought the JR 12X for double the price ! Then the 11X came out with better features and half the price, immediately causing the 12Xs take a huge dent in resale value !
There was quite a bit of discussion on the forums about this.
Guess! nobody has anything in mind yet!! or are you guys still digging your wish lists?
BTW, I am 104 posts old in 29 days!
JR11x is only 750$. whats the big deal?
Quote from: CrazyPilot on August 11, 2010, 04:49:03 PM
JR11x is only 750$. whats the big deal?
It depends on the individual. There are a lot of people for whom $750 is a significant deal (especially in the Indian context). Plus, even for people who can afford it, the easy money would be a great motivation to get whatever IT is that they want immediately !
In short, this question is more about what will be your next significant purchase, and less about the price of the item itself !
(Traxxas Slash 4X4 ultimate)
(E revo Brushless edition with all hop ups)
http://www.lehner-motoren.com/series30/ (With some extreme prop)
Biggest Jet Cat turbine with many tons of aviation grade fuel.(I know,my spelling is wrong in my fantasizing condition) :P
And the jet
Not jet actually,B52.
Quote from: anwar on August 11, 2010, 03:25:37 PM
Say you just won a whole bunch of money that you are free to spend (at least a chunk of it) on RC stuff...
How big is the bunch going to be?
because members now are going to open their wish baskets and believe me we as individuals have the weirdest RC stuff in our minds, mine was weird enough for a start!
Ok! lets give that bunch a significant number, shall we?
Quote from: iamahuman on August 11, 2010, 05:00:46 PM
(I know,my spelling is wrong in my fantasizing condition) :P
hahahaha! fantasizing condition eh?? ;)
Crazy pilot(sir), still after customs and stuff it will be very expensive.Who spends that much on a radio when a DX7 can do pretty much all that?still retails for 1200$.
Even my English(which I suppose is good)takes a turn for the worse.
Firstly, I would get a full sized E Revo Brushless, with its lipos etc.. Then I would get its little brother the Mini E Revo. RealFlight G5, Spektrum DX3S, E-Flite Blade CP for learning in real life, move on to a T-Rex 600.. Then will build a small trainer foamy, and finally move on to a 4-Site!! (:|~ (:|~
Oh yeah,Divyam reminded me,the Spektrum DX3s with all the telemetry.
I hope this topic keeps swelling up just like this.
But seriously, someday I DO wish to own the largest, best stocked toy / model shop in India. That has been a long cherished dream. A shop that will cater for all hobbyists starting from Basic Chuck Gliders to Turbine powered models. Comprehensive stocks of aero, submarines, ships, trains, cars, scale plastic kits, modelling supplies, electronics - you name it. If there is one thing that I want to achieve in my life, then this is it. Hobbyking + Towerhobbies + Toys R us+ Hamleys all rolled into one!
A dream remains a dream till you add a deadline to it. Then, and only then, does it become a GOAL. Dreams die hard, Goals can achieved.
Even if I do have a deadline, I do not wish to disclose it here.............. :)
I would buy the large piece of land nearby so that i can do any flying , testing there whenever i want without joggers running around! Then i would get myself a HPI baja and balsa wood as that is all i need now :) Oh and a donation to rcindia sweepstakes :D
I would love to have something from your future shop VC sir. I do not want to go to the Chinese for my hobby.(Actually my hobby is taken care of (right now)by an American company. Would be fun to start dealing with an Indian who owns an Indian HK.
There are now 2 land lovers! ;D for the hobby of course!
Rajath n me!
Quote from: controlflyer on August 11, 2010, 05:02:14 PM
How big is the bunch going to be?
Well... I guess I need to clarify myself a little. I was looking for mostly things like what products were on people's wishlists. If it is a radio, which radio are people fantasizing about ? If it is a large scale model plane (I can think of a few people who would kill for some of those!), which particular models are the frontrunners, and from which manufacturers ? Also included in the list are things... like a nice car/van with foldable seats to carry models to the field... etc... etc...
I hope you get the idea :) In short, thing can be done quickly ("wire the money, get the product" kind of stuff).
A ford pickup or transit van to carry all this stuff.
futaba 7c or spektrum DX7
DX7 :) DX7 :) DX7 :) DX7 :) DX7 :)
For the folks who want a DX7, wouldn't it make more sense to wish for something like the DX8 or a JR DSX9 instead ;) This is from the perspective of features !
If I were the receipent of a windfall
Go out buy a plan for 1/3 scale DH 89 Dragon Rapide and then build it with full scale detailing.
You see then I dont have to work for a living and can devote my entire time to building and detailing
Good going Captain... that's the kind of stuff I was hoping for from this thread ! I had never come across this model :)
Here is a picture of what a DH 89 looks like
Nice... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Havilland_Dragon_Rapide
Made my day... learnt something new in RC !
Methanol in Tamil Nadu & Kerala
1)Fully Loaded vibe 90 SG.
2)12 Channel radio with 10 RXs
3)1/4th size Extra 330 L or YAK.
4)Fun jet
5)FPV with Goggles.
6)1/8 scale off road truggy.
Some place to fly.
I wouldnt need anything more than the above. Hope the list isnt Big. ;D
Quote from: deepikarun on August 11, 2010, 08:03:53 PM
Methanol in Tamil Nadu & Kerala
Hope your wishes come true
Quote from: flyingboxcar on August 11, 2010, 07:40:57 PM
Here is a picture of what a DH 89 looks like
Thats a beauty, Youl need quite a lot of time on the detailing :)
Quote from: flyingboxcar on August 11, 2010, 08:21:01 PM
Hope your wishes come true
I guess this one is coming true already with the PowerGlo stuff :) And I wonder what the announcement is that Ajo was hinting at :headscratch:
Looking for more wishlist items (ie coveted products) from others in this thread !
Go to the JR or futaba people... Give them as much money as they want and get two 101 Channel Radio Developed
10.20 ghz..and that to will tell them not to make more like this.... :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
A very own Aero Drome....Nuclear powered jets... :giggle: :giggle:
50 monster Trucks...convert them into RC :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
all the jets of US ARMY Convert them into RC
And Licence to fly RC All around the World
And Yess My Own Satellite
And A Satellite Radio System TX/Rx
High Precison Xray cameras mounted on Evry Planes
with 10000X Optical Zoom
A bugati and Lamborghini Convert Them into RC
And At Last qa Thing Like BAT MOBILE...
I wish, you (akky) were to get through the boards with top results and get admission in the finest college ( of your choice ) in the world.
gaurav sir itss mentioned RC Stuff.........But Thanks Alot for u wishes.... {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)} ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Only 2
(1) conduct a r/c model boat show; like this one
(2) Build a 1/2 scale piper cub
i will try to put edf units in boats! ;D
Most people are going for the "dream" stuff, while I was hoping to see more of the "JR 11x" kind of stuff. But it is still good to see what "dark desires" people are harboring :giggle:
I wont buy cars anymore because i have enough of them
I would make a US level Hobby Shop Somewhere around Delhi with a race track included
Just came across this thread.... ;)
If I had a wish, I'd want to own a Huge Scale RC P51D Mustang with retracts & a big gas Engine, a Scale RC Predator UAV with a live camera fitted on board, A scale RC Model of B2 Bomber made with some aluminium alloy fitted with miniature jet engines and retracts, a Align T-rex 700 Heli and last one a RC 1/5 Scale Ferrari GT2 fitted with an equally awesome engine along with a miniature NOX System.... (:|~ (:|~
And of course, a state of the art tx with LCD touch screen, jog dials, lots of switches and controls - which can work with all my big bad RC Models (:|~
if i had a good amt of money.i would buy a land which was like 10 acres .it would have good facilities like refueling station,cafeteria,emergency rc shop,repairing station and help and learning station.last but not the least owner of some planes like these. :)
Hey yash....AAmeen for your wish(s)....such a huge wish ....and so small picturs of your dream machines.......Make them big...and clearly visible..like all your dreams.....you will get them for sure ..... :thumbsup:
since iam new to this hobby. i guess my dreams will be small.. all i can think if is
1) a cool large area of land to drive and make a track
2) an FG hummer comp spec https://www.fg-onlineshop.de/ItemDetail.aspx?ig3=4WD+Monster+models+1%3a6&ig2=Comp.+Monster+Hummer+4WD&ig1=Chassis&desc1=Comp.+Monster+Hummer+4WD+w.hydr.brake%2c+clear&ig3id=5&ig2id=81&ig1id=3&iid=5439&mi=0&hasv=0&webi=0
3) and a Baja 5T
thats all for now
My dream is to start a manufacturing plant of motors, esc's, batteries, models, props, you name it right here in India so we dont have to be dependent on our chinese counterparts and no importing hassles just to name a few. I hope this day comes soon and the LHS in our country support this.
I wish for a huge grassy field for a backyard, and a NE Sail blue adventure (http://www.nesail.com/detail.php?productID=5471) 8-)
My dream is also to start manufacturing of Laser Cut Kit & ARF model planes in INDIA. (:|~
Hazaro Kwahishe aise..ke har Khwahish pe dum nikle
Bhaut nikle mere arman magar, phir bhi kam nikle..
nice dreamy topic..to me, i will hold the money in hand, and took a permission from Govt of India, to develop a good reliable RC Radio set, ranges from, 2 channel to 16 channels, aproved by related Ministry of India, and each and every radio sets will be authorised and registered..so authentic..and will establish a good firm, to make all needed electronic stuffs, for RCyers..of India..each and every components will be custom made..and, with balance money, i will buy a little land, apropriate to start, an RC Museom, and it stays near to lake and big maidaan, near to my home, starts from static models, to big models, in all segments, and the museom will be equipped with a teaching centre, for RC stuffs..teaching, and training will be free of cost..but will add any donation from members for further running of the museom..as we can make all big planes and ships, our own, only collects needed balsa wood, and also adds a machine, to make thin slabs from the wood MURIK, as this wood is same as balsa..to work and weighs..and will post some tallented personals there, to design, and to make new planes, ships and land based models..the name of the firm will be Vidyut Bharathi..briefly VB.. :hatsoff:
My wishes.?...Somebody touched my nerve real hard.
Here is the list,
First of all, Get a good job so I can go further in this hobby. I like trains, Planes and water crafts, So...
->I wish to own a large land.
->and construct a huge shallow pound(And grow Palms on its sandy shore, So, I can enjoy relaxing on the beach from time to time ;D).
->Two runways facing in different directions as they have in real.
->an R/C race drift/Sprint/Drag track.
->A big workshop with all the needed tools and machine in it.
and finally world's longest Model Rail road.
Near the pound would be my Home sweet Home. I will also keep few Pitbulls, A pack of Ducks and rabbits, Few Horses which sometimes will haul a Buggy So I can show the whole place to my guests without breaking their legs off.
Completely No real vehicle region except the parking lot...
an Aviary with 100~200 finches inside. So, I don't miss their chirp in the morning.
Completely Free entry for those who admire the realness of life and want to enjoy the weekend with me and my family. A little campfire near the shore, A grill full of barbecues, those Pitbulls wandering on the beech around us, Horses running all over the field when anybody is not driving, Flying or Sailing.
Once in a year would be a "Kite Festival" probably on 14th January. And the entry would be free for all the RC India members.
Few More things on that large land are
"A log House" with a bar like they have in San Fransisco"(and the beers would be served only to adults in the hotter times ;D)
A Soccer ground somewhere past the runway while the Runways would work as cricket pitch when we are not flying.
Will keep adding more.
I promise, Not so soon but one day I will live that life for sure.
Thanks to all, specially to Anwar sir for starting this thread.
Edit: Now that bar serves correct beer. ;D
Beautiful! I wish I was there. Jokes apart - I wish that your dream comes true - SOON!
Just one question - would the bears (being served to adults only) be Grizzly, Kodiak or Brown? Or could we choose our own species? :giggle:
p.s. I must post some snaps of my Trains / Rail roads collection someday. you will love them!
Oh that's a silly mistake. Pardon my English VC sir. And Sure, We will be there hopefully within next few years.
"Amen" :bow:
And those railroad photos would be great.
Thanks for those photos, Wish and pointing to the right one.
P.S: By the way, The "Bears" are going to kill those rabbits and ducks if it is so. While the "Beers" will make them fly. Now I see the difference. ;D
BTW, Do you know somebody which can tell me How to import those Grizzlies in India? :giggle: And How much duty I would have to pay for them? Is there any LGS (Local Grizzly Store)? Otherwise I would have to order them from "Jungle King" :giggle:. Which shipping to choose? I think I should go with "Animal Registered(300-400KG)". What about EMS? Will custom guys open the box on arrival :giggle:? Can I declare it as a "Rabbit" on the invoice to save duty? or should I split it in multiple smaller parcels? I am a beginner in Bears. Please somebody help me.
Hilarious....Imagine somebody asking such questions for real on this forum.
Quote from: Sumeet on March 10, 2012, 01:40:34 AM
...Will custom guys open the box on arrival :giggle:? Can I declare it as a "Rabbit" on the invoice to save duty?
Quote from: asinghatiya on March 01, 2011, 11:22:56 PM
Hazaro Kwahishe aise..ke har Khwahish pe dum nikle
Bhaut nikle mere arman magar, phir bhi kam nikle..
wah .
and A small feild for flying
I wish to know more and more things that were unattended.But I see this as positive view.
i wish for no crashes in future . :)
I wish the ability to gift you your wishes.
My wish is that to become a cheif commissioner of customs and i will stop the all import duty tax and radio bans on all rc products so anyone can order without custom hassles + i will like to own a factory of JR and FUTABA radios.