This is one area of the hobby that is ignored in the world of ARF's Today but a branch of Model building which deserves its place and respect as the origin of aero modeling so when I came across this site I thought why not build up a resource base of sites where KITS can still be bought even today for those who have the inclination towards this good old type of Model building be it planes OR Ships or control line Models
Other's please pitch in with your links to help people know more about Kit building .
An interesting site I came across as an of shoot is this one :
The interesting thing for me on seeing both these sites was that they talk about tissue covering Antique aero Modeling {:)} {:)}
PS I got to know of this site from Col Nair from Jabalpur who has got Super Mini.
Thankfuly somebody put up this thread. I this age of ARF and RTF, the art of building the wooden birds from kits/plan/scratch design is slowly dying in most of the of the part of the world. Just like Indian TV copies worst from western Soap, more and more budding Aeromodelers (sport fliers!) are picking up ARF/RTF instead of doing wood. Maybe it is making flying more popular, nevertheless, building from Balsa plan is becoming extict.
Well the good news is, if one is committed to spend more time for the hobby by building from Kits, balsa kit plans are already available from Indian LHS, instead of going to Western shops. I recently bought a 32 inch 'Gnome' glider kit plan from "New India Hobby Center" Bangalore, (Rs 700) who had another Cessna kit for 1800 as well. The owner Mr Sampath sources the Kit from some manufacturer from KolKata. You can reach Mr Sampath at 09845296906.
I am touching this magic wood well after 7-8 years of dormancy (from infancy) in the hobby, and with the kit spread on my drawing board, I am more thrilled to soon complete the build, than my first Foamy F-22 Raptor. This is a much primitive build than that of 'Soothie' build taken my Mr. Sanjeev, so I thought a 'build' log would be an overkill. Nevertheless the picture of the Plan and the Kit for people who incarnation in this hobby with R/C planes! I am building this plane with full plan to mod it to un-powered 2-channel R/C controlled glider. suggestion are heartily welcome.
Huh!! I started with a gnome as well some 10 years back and from Sampath when they were located at Commercial street.
Its a good glider and you could make it RC (2 - channel - rudder and elevator only). Pls. do post a build log, there is a lot of learning and its best done with an inexpensive model first. :thumbsup:
A good site this one with build articles -