LED Props! They're so cool

Started by hyd_quads, May 14, 2012, 11:46:24 AM

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While glancing at the Multirotor forum of rcgroups.com, I noticed this: www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1410144. It's a pretty old thread, but it's good.

They talk about installing tiny LEDs on both the ends of the props, and while spinning it looks pretty cool! They talked of using a disc cell at the center of the prop. I also saw someone talkng about harnessing the prop's rotation to power the LEDs. Check it out!  ;)

courtesy: www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1410144


Super cool man, but this quote by one of the members in the thread is even super cool..

QuoteWhy bother with battery? How about using the fact that the prop is spinning to generate the electricity for leds? Put a small coil and a magnet there... Might work who knows.
:giggle: :giggle:
one stop for multirotor needs:



Quote from: satyagupta on May 14, 2012, 11:53:49 AM
but this quote by one of the members in the thread is even super cool..

By this "I also saw someone talkng about harnessing the prop's rotation to power the LEDs.", all I meant was that quote! ;D


one stop for multirotor needs:



Arey dude i wanted to ask where did you got that LED strip for your quad from?? HK??? or from India?
one stop for multirotor needs:



its very esay to add L E D s at the blades anywhere, but i found a drastic change in performance as even a tiny wire can alter the air flow performance over blades, especially on smaller blades.. so i abandoned this idea.. we can add L E D s by modifying the prop hubs, or by two simple rings, as slip rings, can use the out runner as the first, and a simple ring attached to the out runner over a plastic sheeth, will serve as the second.. these tiny SMD L E Ds are available all leading electronics shops.. will be like a paper..


Nice found hyd quad. Looks really cool and useful for night flying. As roopesh sir said smd led is best as they won't affect aerodynamics of prop.


Quote from: satyagupta on May 14, 2012, 12:27:17 PM
Arey dude i wanted to ask where did you got that LED strip for your quad from?? HK??? or from India?

No, I bought them from a local electronic-projects dealer. Sometimes, you might have seen local cabs and rarely bikes with those LED strips. So I suppose it's available with car decors and automobile spare shops, too.


Quote from: roopeshkrishna on May 14, 2012, 01:26:47 PM
its very esay to add L E D s at the blades anywhere, but i found a drastic change in performance as even a tiny wire can alter the air flow performance over blades, especially on smaller blades.. so i abandoned this idea.. we can add L E D s by modifying the prop hubs, or by two simple rings, as slip rings, can use the out runner as the first, and a simple ring attached to the out runner over a plastic sheeth, will serve as the second.. these tiny SMD L E Ds are available all leading electronics shops.. will be like a paper..

As always, great info. Thanks :)


I wish it was me who made it! Why doesn't someone experienced on this forum make it and show all others? It'd be great! We're waiting, Roopesh sir!


one stop for multirotor needs:



Umm.. mine is 'close' to this : http://www.ebay.in/itm/CAR-BIKE-LED-STRIP-LIGHT-BLUE-60-CM-32-LED-SINGLE-PC-/130668252737?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_203&hash=item1e6c6f4e41#ht_3999wt_905

But I have taken the actual pic of my strips. Attached (open the img in new tab and see it closer.   ;) )

And they work on 12V, so I used my LiPo itself.
And I am waiting to see your quad with LEDs!!!


thanks for the link, separate battery or from the quad itself??
one stop for multirotor needs:



From the quad's battery itself. I think using a separate battery for the LEDs is not so sensible.


one stop for multirotor needs:



Gokul ravindran


Quote from: hyd_quads on May 14, 2012, 11:58:01 AM
By this "I also saw someone talkng about harnessing the prop's rotation to power the LEDs.", all I meant was that quote! ;D

If you add something like a coil to generate electricity to run these LEDs, the coil will create lot of drag which will increase the battery power consumption and nullify the effect of electricity generated :banghead:



That was my view, too. Just that didn't mention it. ;D


Respected Modellers.. while reading above posts, i feel amaze and sad, that all we are wandering behind this simple idea, in a wild manner.. is it need to look in western forums..? to add some L E D on props or rotors..?  are we Indians are good for nothing..? all westerners are magicians..? only they can do..?  cant we..?  why..? whenever we sees something interesting, we consider it all as amazing.. is that a need..? never..and not.. think a little.. and work a little, with patience.. and be RC INDIANS.. yes.. be RC INDIANS.. so we must do.. because our nation need people with creativity in an unstopable manner and spirit..
Quad rotor crafts are considered as toughest one to make.. is that true.. nothing.. if we use balance systems properly, it will works perfectly.. we can achieve this even with some servo driving circuits with piezo sensors.. but, remember, adding L E D strip, or L E D to a main blade, either prop or a main rotor disc, will affect the air flow and aerodynamic performance all the while.. and yes weight of the craft also increases.. but will not affect battery life, up to an extent, as the L E D eats a very little current.. as low as 30 to 50 mA almost.. but can add any L E D to any prop in various ways.. its all easy.. here i made this mechanism within 10 minutes.. in a roughest manner possible.. but can make simply with patience and time in a professional manner..  :thumbsup:


we can add this goodie to any craft, on heli, airplane or multi rotors.. will be a stunning view at night flying.. but once again.. can alter the aerodynamics of the blades..!!  here i am using the same battery pack used to drive the entire motor set up.. is done by one slip ring.. and one slip ring as the motor body itself.. cool.. and stunning.. imagine this one is the one arm of your multi rotor craft.. i added a blue L E D at first.. its an ordinary L E D ... and reinforced the prop after fixations..  :thumbsup:


you can choose any colour, any wattage.. but a high bright L E D will be more stunning all the while.. here at dark..
and can add any numbers of L E D s on the blades.. in to various colours..  :thumbsup:


the colour of the L E D is all up to us.. can also add blinking L E D s.. this idea can also be added in the wheels of an RC car.. will be nice at night.. or on flying saucers..  (:|~ :thumbsup:


here is the test videos.. please do not try this at home, without proper precautions.. ECMs are far powerful, and must handled carefully.. please do not run the ECM in hand at any instances.. be resposible.. and careful.. here is the cool video..


Roopesh, a tutorial please for us idiots..............
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