Need help with customs

Started by kplkum, October 15, 2010, 08:50:23 PM

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I have read that package below 2k with shipped is duty free! is it true?


or if you want to ship a bigger package ask the seller to declare only 20% and ship through fedex
nil or hardly any custom duty will be charged
Passion is Airborne


so I was charged Rs.200 on Rs.1000 package shipped from hk!I haven't accepted it yet and will be held in post office for 7 days! what to do?


accept it
no choice
you will rather spend more money and time arguing with fpo and customs and 90% they dont agree
if its a bigger duty its still worth it
Passion is Airborne


hmm! that's a shame, so it's like the law of customs only applies on us , not the custom officials! even if it's mentioned on there site below 2k is free of charge


well i ordered 68$ parcel frm hk
i was charged 2k custom duty on it !!!!!
i kenw a very reputed officer contacted him told explained him wt had happened
he told me nothing can be done
my dads an importer
when he imports stuff (everything is wholesale like 1000pcs per box)
when he recieves the boxes minimum 10 pcs are stolen by custom officials
and its normal
the officer himself calls and says i have kept 10 pcs myself
and  you cant say anything or else they will seize your next parcel ...............
Passion is Airborne


@chintal: had you gift marked it?


nope it was my first order frm hk so i didnt have any choice it was marked as toys
other two orders of 10$ and 28$ i was not charged any custom duty
all three orders shipped via airmail
god knows how does customs charge duty ........
Passion is Airborne


yes! last time I ordered worth 2.8k and the officer said if it was below 2k then if was duty free but as it's 2.8k then I have to pay 41% and I shouldn't argue on that!
now as my package is below 1k, the officer says not even Rs50 worth item is duty free! See how they change there words!



HobbyKing won't mark the shipment as gift or under value the shipment till you become Gold member.To be a gold member you have to place more than three order.
You want to go up---pull the stick back--You want to go down---pull the stick waay back!



Not only in customs these thing happens in all government body.

We starts every thing
to get anything process fast we are mentally ready to pay more then we can't blame them.

Here local hobby shop sell double to triple time the cost but we are ready to pay.
You want to go up---pull the stick back--You want to go down---pull the stick waay back!


The system is corrupt not an individual
Cz to become an custom officer they have to bribe or they are not opted or passed in the exams
After bribing and going through all this their mentality changes money is the only law......
Passion is Airborne



For 1k shipment 200 duty means 20% they have charged.I would have accepted the parcel.
You want to go up---pull the stick back--You want to go down---pull the stick waay back!


@moorthy! It's not the money! actually I paid 680 total for the parcel but they have written 1k the parcel price! It's like paying 10k and paying customs for 20k! should I still accept?


Quote from: moorthy on January 15, 2014, 01:22:55 PM
Not only in customs these thing happens in all government body.

We starts every thing
to get anything process fast we are mentally ready to pay more then we can't blame them.

Here local hobby shop sell double to triple time the cost but we are ready to pay.
Earlier for getting it done fast we need to bribe, but now for even getting it done we have to bribe. My humble opinion.
Money won't make you happy... but everybody wants to find out for themselves! - Zig Ziglar
Multiplex Easy Star | F22 Raptor | FT Simple Storch | Futaba 14 SGA



Its not like that these customs has target for collection of duty per month.

Your parcel will be around 2k and they charge duty next will be a politician parcel around lakh but they won't charge because the customs officer will be transferred in week.
You want to go up---pull the stick back--You want to go down---pull the stick waay back!


You want to go up---pull the stick back--You want to go down---pull the stick waay back!


do the customs keep track on the frequent online buyers?



Keep track on who paid duty regularly,Retained shipments

In customs portal just typing your details gives complete data of any retained or confiscated shipments of yours and how many shipments you have paid duty previously.

The shipment without duty won't be available.
You want to go up---pull the stick back--You want to go down---pull the stick waay back!


Akcopter... I have deleted one of your posts.  This is not a place to use such language, no matter how agitated you are.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


when every hk use Singapore post, custom duty is applied but using china post gets delivered with no hassle!


didnt get you ?
use singapore post or china post ?
Passion is Airborne


hk has started using sing post from few months now and lot of people are having problem with it. You get options when using shipping. registered $23, china post 25$, and registered 13$, depending on weight but if you chose through very cheap register option then they mostly send through sing post! it's better use 25$ option than lower. That's what I have experienced!



Many forum gives negative feed back about singpost

Hong kong post and china post are ok.
You want to go up---pull the stick back--You want to go down---pull the stick waay back!