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Petition to DGCA

Started by K K Iyer, July 22, 2015, 09:47:07 PM

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K K Iyer

@anwar sir,
Considering that this forum has over 13000 members, i feel that you and senior moderators like rcpilotacro are the right persons to steer a petition to DGCA from RCI. (One presumes AMAI is doing something similar)

A draft is offered here, based on my email to DGCA on 12th Oct 2014.

1. DGCA could set up a website for flyers of remote controlled aircraft models to register on
2. Flyers of RC aircraft models can register by providing their name, ID, address, phone number, transmitter frequency and location of usual flying site, and get a registration number.
3. Flyers of non remote controlled models need not register.
4. Main restrictions can be:
- weight not to exceed 5kg
- no flight above 400 ft
- no flight within 5km of an ATC airport
- no flight over public or vehicles or houses. Rules for permission can be worked out.

The DGCA registration can be like a car numberplate. Flyers can proudly display on their models.

Anyone caught in suspicious circumstances can easily be identified as a bonafide hobbyist or not.

For many decades we were not allowed to photograph airports, something that is now allowed.
All aeromodellers are not necessarily enemies of the State!

Sir, if you don't take the lead, we'll have a lot of talk on the forum, and NO action!

K K Iyer

As santanucus says in another thread, maybe we need to go higher.

The petition may need to be addressed to the PMO, copy to Minister for Civil Aviation and DGCA.


Quote from: K K Iyer on July 22, 2015, 09:47:07 PM
- no flight over public or vehicles or houses. Rules for permission can be worked out.

The DGCA registration can be like a car numberplate. Flyers can proudly display on their models....

Iyer sir,

I'd like to share my views while Anwar sir ponders upon all this.

1) All this negative stuff started with multirotors. I love RC as much as any hardcore RC enthusiast, but honestly, multirotors are just flying blenders even in experienced hands. Even if the propellers are shrouded, a falling multirotor can cause a lot of damage. I think the law should be that RC models capable of flight should ONLY be allowed in large open areas far away from residential areas.

2) Micro sized shrouded multirotors should be allowed indoors. Multirotors weighing less than 1 Kg should be allowed within the confines of the licenced individual's private property.

3) We should have licences for RC just like we have for vehicles. That way over-excited newbies and photographers won't be able to take to the air right away.


Quote from: K K Iyer on July 22, 2015, 10:19:27 PM
As santanucus says in another thread, maybe we need to go higher.

The petition may need to be addressed to the PMO, copy to Minister for Civil Aviation and DGCA.

And while doing this we really need to take into consideration their perspective. For them it's a grown-up-kids' hobby VS national security. Also, the new breed of bad guys is using all kinds of technology while trying to infiltrate our lands. Maybe we should wait till after 15 August.


License shall be required for all the purpose including leisure as well. Although FAA has made license not mandatory for leisure purpose. But it shall be required in india since In india Terrorism is a major issue.

K K Iyer

Just a thought
Maybe the IED and katta makers get permission from local administration...

Not clear why this is getting so complicated.
It's simple:
1. Register and fly as per safety rules
2. Otherwise fly and go to jail


If we go by UAV wise registration that would be a huge problem. A person may make or purchase many UAVs as part of his hobby. Often they dismantle one and make another from the components.  Just imagine if he has to go to DGCA everytime to get his new plane/quad registered. I think we should not give this proposal on our own. Rather, flyer-wise permission may be considered. This is like bargaining. We don't want to give in lots of concessions right at the beginning. In fact why suggest a "licence raj" type of restrictions right at the beginning? We shall gradually up the ante as we progress. If we start at a position of disadvantage, we'd end up with more disadvantage.

9/11 happened in USA..not India. If they can go for a licence-free regime, why do we insist upon licences from the beginning?



But sir in US . We need to obtain registration from FAA.(Not mandatory for some purpose). Since DGCA is likely to copy those rules. I am pretty much sure that it is going to happen.


Please don't assume something from the beginning. DGCA will take FAA rules and put more restrictions in that. If we ourselves insist upon licensing even for recreational use then DGCA will impose even more restrictions. Licence for Commercial use is justified but for hobbies, if licences are required, it will become unpopular. Licences and restriction type Inspector Raj has become a thing of the past. Why insist upon it? I don't think we have to think what government wants..that is government's job. Our job as hobbyists is to put forward things that will be convenient to us.

K K Iyer

Maybe we need some 'out of the box' ideas...

One of the problems in India is how to implement helmet laws for two wheelers.

There is a simple answer.
Insurance Cos should introduce a clause that no claim will be entertained if helmet was not worn. Insured will be liable for all claims by aggrieved parties.
That's all.

K K Iyer

Registration could be an extention of 'licence raj'
But we do need driving licence, no?

Here's an 'out of the box idea'
If we are so concerned about 'security', why don't the police/security agencies just shoot down any 'aerial vehicle' they consider a security risk?
Our local cops know us, know that we are not a security risk, and often stop by to watch us fly.

Or just deflate both tires of helmetless riders.

Perhaps after we finish catching all the stray dogs...


Quote from: K K Iyer on July 22, 2015, 11:06:41 PM
Maybe we need some 'out of the box' ideas...

In USA the FAA does not require licences for recreational use of UAVs. I think we should not insist upon the same in India. Licence Raj is a thing of the past and government does not have manpower to do that. Also Licence Raj will breed corruption.

But if you insist, a simplified online system may be considered (let us think out of box and not in 1960s-1980s terms :))

My suggestions is this...please comment.

1. Let UAV fliers be registered online using a specific website.

2. Let flyers be identified and linked with Aadhar Number or Election Identity Card

3. They can register their UAVs online too. Photos, weight and other capabilities e.g camera, FPV, telemetry etc. and similar details can be uploaded by the user himself/herself

4. Places where they are likely to fly can be informed online by the user himself. For example, if I want to fly in Goa, I enter the time and dates and locations online. In fact flying locations can be pointed out on a Google Map mashup at the site. The map can also automatically display restricted areas where flying should not be done. Time based restricted areas can also be shown e.g. around Red Fort area on August 15th.

5. After entering details of UAV, a printout of UAV identification number can be generated and pasted on the UAV itself

6. After the user registers the location to fly (which can be a date or a range of dates) he can generate a printout, which he should carry with himself at the time of flying. Authorities can also ask for the slip anytime from the flier.

I think with this kind of simple online registration system in place, we'd not have a problem with flying or carrying the UAV anymore. User identification will be easy. And there will not be an issue of Licence raj. Such a system will address security concerns and also flyers' convenience.


Quote from: santanucus on July 22, 2015, 11:00:28 PM
...Our job as hobbyists is to put forward things that will be convenient to us.

Yeah, because our convenience is so much more important than safety and security.

Like Iyer sir said, we are over-complicating this. There should be just one simple law: fly in large open spaces far away from people.

This hobby is getting into more and more inept hands every day. I really don't mind standing in a queue to get registered if it means less noob disasters. I'll completely support the ban on flying around people if that's what it takes.

I like the idea of having a registration number based on our Aadhar card number. This way, if you aren't registered, face the consequences. If you are registered, simply follow the rules.

Individual models need not be registered. That's just stupid.


Very good suggestion here santanucus.
But the point is our lazy government will not implement anything..


guys, who is the head of
i could draft a petition as from to the dgca through
and with many good points of ideas as shared by y'all....pls reply...


we shud all demand more so then when dgca goes on cutting, we are left with what we wanted


i really feel could protesting together as "RCINDIA" we could do something.....can anyone tell where can i chat with the head of

in singapore, they are gonna assign special areas in parks for uav hobbyists...


From my point of view this will be best.

1. We can get an license for flying planes, multirotors, helicopters and any other thing.
2. No need to get an license for every single plane, quad, etc.
3. Assign some places where we can fly.
4. For commercial purposes permission should be requieed for every single time they fly.

These is what I could think of!
Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


Quote from: foamybuilder on July 23, 2015, 10:52:29 AM
Very good suggestion here santanucus.
But the point is our lazy government will not implement anything..

Its not about individuals. Its the system. The system in the government is such that nobody wants to take decisions. Everybody proposes "safe" measures to save his skin. That's why things don't get going. But there are ways to address this problem.

Please post your draft petitions. We can write individually, as a group, online in and through all the means possible. The more, the better. But our letters should have a common framework to be effective.

As for Singapore, my opinion is that Singapore is a city state with very limited area. The can and should specify parks for flying. But India is a big country. There should be exclusion zones. But if there are only specific places to fly, that would be too restrictive and people would be fored to violate the law due to inconvenience.

As for licence, if its online, then even if we get every plane registered, that won't be a hassle. But ideally, I think like USA, government in our country should not impose licences on hobbyists. At the most it should be online self-declaration. But in the eventuality that licensing is imposed, how best to deal with it is the subject matter of our concern.


We don't have agreement over whether a licensing system would help or not ! :(

Overall, anytime there is licensing involved, it seems to instill some discipline on the owners (like gun licenses in our country). It does typically come with lots of redtape and procedure (depositing guns at police stations during elections etc), and renewal hassles.  I am not sure licensing will be smooth in our country.

Putting simple but well defined ("CLEAR" !) rules might be the viable thing, along with designated spaces identified by local clubs.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


For Noida Aero Club (AMAI) here is what we did and its working great for us .....
Divay Puri
FUTABA T6EX|FUTABA 8FG|SEAGULL 40|SEAGULL FAIRCHILD -PT19|PIPER CUB - 90"|EDGE 540 EP TMPRO|YAK 54 .60| Mustang P51 .40|AXN FLOATER JET|HK Bixler|REACTOR 3D EP|U CAN DO 3D| Blitz SkySurfer|EDF Jet T-45 Goshawk|HK-450 GT PRO|Seagull PC-9 .91|Edge 540 20cc|Reactor 50cc|PC-9 30cc|SU 26 30cc|HK 450 GT|Hirobo Evo .50|MXSR 50cc|Tarot


It does "sound" really important.... basically should work :)
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Amateur photographer ... DIY enthusiast ... Scratch Builder... Student-Innovator


Quote from: anwar on July 23, 2015, 01:14:24 PM
We don't have agreement over whether a licensing system would help or not ! :(

Overall, anytime there is licensing involved, it seems to instill some discipline on the owners (like gun licenses in our country). It does typically come with lots of redtape and procedure (depositing guns at police stations during elections etc), and renewal hassles.  I am not sure licensing will be smooth in our country.

Putting simple but well defined ("CLEAR" !) rules might be the viable thing, along with designated spaces identified by local clubs.

Sir...That's why I am not in favour of licensing either because in India it gives rise to harassment, corruption and red tape. But clear rules should be framed and we should write to the authorities putting forth our viewpoints and inputs before the frame the rules.

So what do you say ... ? Will you send any petition on behalf of this group or shall members send individual petitions?