Please stop calling model hobby airplanes & multirotors as ‘UAV’s and ‘Drone’s.

Started by gauravag, September 02, 2013, 09:55:11 PM

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Dear All,
In the past few years, it seems all too common (and alarmingly) to see the words UAV and drone enter our hobby terminology. It seems like every other guy, particularly students and newcomers, who builds a multicopter or an airplane, fitted with an off the shelf hobby grade navigational system calling their bird a 'UAV' or a 'drone'.  While building and flying these is probably OK,  but calling them UAV and drones, in my opinion is highly misleading to themselves, their peers,  ( in the case of students, their colleges and faculty) as well as poses a threat to the rest of the aeromodelling community . Why so ? . Read on.

Until 2008-09, an aeromodellor's life was simple. All they had to do was to charge their batteries, or fuel up their airplanes go to their favorite RC field and fly. They were not bothered to 'upgrade firmwares' , wait for GPS locks, or fiddle with gain settings. They were also, more or less, limited to flying from their fields and scarcely flew above people,population and property.  Things changed with the advent of mass scale production of accelerometers, gyros, GPS units, thanks to their growing application in the mobile industry. Following this, sites like 3DRobotics / DIYDrones  came up . They offered, off the shelf, ready to use, relatively cheap and affordable  stabilization systems, autopilots and waypoint navigation which are easy to install, configure and fly. 

Today, building a multirotor (also called a multicopter,  variants including quadcopter, tricopter, hexcopter and octacopter ) is a piece of cake and, face the reality, in most cases, poses little or insignificant technical  challenge in building one, and there's hardly any innovation involved. All components are readily available, many plug and play, some requiring some basic soldering skills and abundance of How-Tos, videos, guides and forums showing the build process, assembly, configuration and setup. Mounting a camera, and transmitting a live video feed is equally that easy. Hundreds of online sites sell frames, motors, ESCs and a variety of controller board options. These controller boards can be anything from cheap manual controllers to expensive GPS based self stabilizing, waypoint navigation systems. Perhaps, more skill is needed in selecting the right components to buy and prepare the 'correct' shopping list , than any  other technical challenge involved in building these multicopters.

The case with airplanes is similar, the internet provides hundreds, if not thousands of free plans, online stores selling variety of gear, electronics and programmable navigational equipment.  Put on a $200 Arduplane, and you have a RC hobby airplane with a page full of advanced features which are hard to believe and hard to beat !

What is to be noted is that, all of the above flying machines are based on purely hobby grade amateur components. None of these components are commercial or industrial grade. From the radio sets, to the electronics, to the controller boards , navigation systems, and the firmwares within them . End result ?

What we have is a Hobby grade multirotor, airplane or an flying camera platform. Not a Drone or a UAV. 

Its an appeal to everyone, please stop fooling yourself, a hobby airplane/multicopter that can fly waypoints is NOT a UAV or a drone. Its just a model toy airplane fitted with hobby grade equipment.

Likewise, all teachers,  professors and management , please educate yourself. Just because a team of students  comes up with a plan to build a flying airplane that can fly a series of waypoints, auto land and a bunch of fancy features doesn't make it an industrial grade UAV, and its uses are also limited as such.

Now the question . How can they harm the rest of us hobbyists ?  Bring media into the picture. Local journalists and mediapersons are often unaware of the realities, and the finer details of where the actual innovation lies . Once they see a flying airplane or a multirotor with the fancy features, they easily give in and publish reportings that seemingly depict that a revolution has taken place.

It is these reportings that shed a bad light onto the hobby.  Such headlines are now becoming frequent by the day, and it is just like a trigger that's about to be pulled that can bring around regulation from authorities , specially the IAF to serve advisories that may hamper flying for the majority of us. And this is India, unlike US it will not invite petitions or factor in whatever noise our small hobby community creates.  Believe me, this is real.

What can you do  ?

Students: Please do not call your creation a UAV or a drone. Limit it to calling a hobby/experimental flying model. Also generate awareness, in various college meets and events , where specially mediapersons are present to bot blow things out of proportions. Stick to the reality and the facts.

Admin/moderators : Please make this sticky, so that this doesn't get buried and that everyone reads this. Also actively edit the titles that claim UAV and drone development.

Hobbyists : I know it is exciting to transform your plane from a regular plane to an autopilot enabled one, that can perhaps take pictures and shoot HD videos. but please do not get driven away. Its still a model hobby airplane . Please stick to calling it the same

College Teachers/faculty/professors management : Please take the time to go through the recent developments and sites like and There are several dozen such projects going on, all hobby grade and their end results are far from delivering a commercial solution. Do not give in to pitches thrown in by students with fancy feature claims,
Club owners/presidents :  Spread this word, publish this article in your magazine and  please try not to bring UAVs and drones into the world of aeromodelling and hobby specially when briefing  students and mediapersons. 
Aerial photography professionals : Perhaps these are the lot that is already best aware of this.  They are also the ones that stay cautious, however I would encourage them to generate even more awareness .

Startups: I see several dozen startups these days promising to deliver UAVs and drones that have applications in various sectors.  Again, please stick to reality and facts. If your platform is designed ground up for industrial grade commercial applications then its good, if not, you are better off calling it a model hobby airplane.

Some of the recent media reportings, that I refer in my writeup above, Perhaps there would be hundreds more.

1.   Kolkata student builds a drone

Subhanjan Saha has his eyes in the sky. A three metre by one metre drone, or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), built by him from scratch has garnered widespread attention ..>

2. Independence Day: UAV creates a buzz in Mangalore

MANGALORE: An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) used for aerial photography and videography was the cynosure of all eyes at the 67 thdistrict level Independence Day celebration here on Thursday

3. Indian Student Builds Drone Bomber for £400
A 21-year-old computer science student in India has come up with a design for a drone bomber aircraft made of scrap metal and costing £400, IBTimes UK has learned.

4. Indian student builds a drone

5. Flying High
In a collaborative project, students are engaged in developing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for the modern urban environment.

6. Drones set to crowd Indian skies

How about a pizza being delivered at your home by an UAV ( Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)? Or getting a courier through this flying machine? Or spying with a UAV as small as a butterfly which perches itself on a windowsill? Sounds like sci-fi? Experts say this could well become a reality.

7. Father-son's homegrown planes in defence collaboration

The small, first floor flat in a quiet lane of Adyar is buzzing with activity. Quadcopters with four humming rotors and miniature planes, commonly known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), dot the verandah which resembles a small airport without a runway. What started as a place for student projects in 2010 is now incubating projects developed in collaboration with national labs for defence and police forces.

8. Kashmiri students develop Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
SRINAGAR: Inspired by the blockbuster Bollywood movie '3 Idiots', three engineering students from Kashmir have developed an UAV, which they claim is the first Unmanned Aerial Vehicle made in the Valley.


Words of Wisdom indeed! As a forum we must and will try to use correct terminology

How do we educate the media, colleges and budding "UAV/Drone/UFO" developers out there?

Mr. V.K. Nagar (flytrack) time for AIMA now


i swear , i agree, i feel the same, people get excited calling their stuffs especially multirotors and fpv planes drones etc, it is exciting to boast off, feel good factor but its very misleading too, its developers/builders self satisfying stupidity or maybe people do it to justify the price tag and their assembly effort, and in front of the media nobody wants to call their rc a toy so they go make it worse by calling it uas/uav/drone.

'Charity begins at home', we have to make it our point to call it what it is and spread the word.


Thanks Gaurav !!

PLEASE listen to gaurav and stop using the word UAV/Drone, before S@@T hits the ceiling. things wont be comfortable if you use these words, like gaurav covered. you call your hobby model a UAV/Drone and you are booked for any violation, i can assure you you are gone for good.

IT IS A HOBBY AEROMODEL period, end of story, i don't want to go any further into permissions (I am obtaining one to be on the safer side), Air Traffic and Air defence clearances, air worthiness certificates and other legal cover that one requires when one flies a UAV

If you decide to call one of your sad looking and performing contraptions as UAVs or Drones. think hard and think twice

i cant emphasize any further

Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


I think that the subhanjan shah story is the worst! he talks as if he's some pro hacker/drone maker ever! he scratch builds an aircraft, and gives titles such as "biggest rc plane In India" and the media just absorbs all this BS! he tells people he has a "modified radio with long range" in reality, he uses a fs ct6b with a lrs module. with the claims he makes, he's going to destroy the hobby for everyone! the last thing we need is rc flying being banned in India :-[

so you built a rc plane/quad... great, but please remember, there are millions more who have done the same. stop reinventing the wheel, and claiming fame.

this hobby is held up only by a small group of dedicated people, who fly because they want to, not because they look cool in front of their friends. but idiots like shah are almost hell bent on destroying it for all of us.


Sent from a potato using a lamp


DRONE is a very very wrong word a Harsh acronym for what all we are flying.

RC Planes though are all UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES in true literal sense whether it is used for RC flying, aerial photography or any other purpose.

This goes for every one of us. Bottom line is, this hobby has to be pursued with a lot of responsibility and a self control for a constant strive for safe flying. Any kind of accident due to a few minutes of reckless flying for show off of one person in any category of RC flying can land this hobby in soup.

A Section of lobbyist due to their deviant motives and ulterior objectives who are only interested in putting a cap on open source development are today deliberately naming it as Drone to discredit all those pursuing this beautiful hobby. We should not inadvertanly be a part of this propaganda by contributing overtly or covertly by your misplaced arguments and claims

To qoute wisdom of Gp Capt Ramesh Tahlan

We in India need to look beyond the horizon. In the US army, a Brigade has almost 300 remote control planes, mostly with just a camera and a video down link. Yes.... its the same as you and me fly. Tbe size is one meter span with removsble wings and removable tail surfaces so that it packs into a light carry case. This is what the soldier has at the very end of the front line. He does not have to look back to ask for a fighter recconaisance mission or a multi million dollar UAV/DRONE to get him images of what is hidden behing a hill or mountain or building. Most importantly, the progress of our hobby where miniturisation is tje key is an off shoot from the R&D for space missions. So to say it plainly, all items of our hobby are dual use components. These can be used for military and can be used for hobby also. This is why DRDO (Defence Research And Development) has given an open invitation to one and all to come and participate in an event, with handsome prizes running into lakhs. Because like the US and other countries we also beleive that amoungst the youth some has a very bright and innovative to take our Hobby RC flying in UAV and Drones to the next level. This is why our young lot has also won in this same field in the US and come back with a smile. Because unlike us, the invitation by USA is international. Gentlemen... there is no line dividing what we use for our hobby and what is used by the military in todays world.


You need something like this organization to help you charter clubs here.  They have great resources to liaise with the gov't so that the gov't understands you fly with rules and safety in mind.


links to become legitimate hobby with gov't officials visiting your clubs to help you.  if you can make your version of AMA, everything will be easier.

v2 eagle

Well Said gauravag  Sir,
Its pretty bad how these people make up to the media that easily, where real innovation sometimes get Buried.
Today what most engineering student calls as a Innovative project is already available as a commercial product somewhere in the world. May be their project guides have outdated Knowledge about the latest technologies in the world.
FPV with head goggles


Highly appreciate your concern Gaurav.
due to such misleading ( may be unknown to them self also ). RCing should not get into trouble.
This may lead to , so much of clearance from officials and legal documents and so on on ....
Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.


Quote from: sundaram on September 02, 2013, 11:20:09 PM
RC Planes though are all UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES in true literal sense whether it is used for RC flying, aerial photography or any other purpose.

As you said in the true literal sense, even $10 chuck glider is an "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle" or a UAV . In common  perception  and understanding UAVs are understood to be bigger flying machines that can fly beyond line of sight, be autonomous, and can operate at higher altitudes and may need clearances and cut through regulations to fly and operate.  I know we need to change this. But , our hobby community is too small to bring about this change in thought and perception.  Rather than stir up the hornet's nest , I suggest its better to leave those words alone and stick to calling our planes hobby aeromodels, multicopters, FPV planes etc which do not have so much regulations tied along with them.

I also respectfully disagree with what Grp Cpt. Tahlan has to say. What US army has is much ahead and different in technology from our hobby grade amateur equipment. Superficially, it seems like our hobby planes can serve the purpose and that the same components are used by theem. They may look similar on the top but there is a lot of innovation,behind them that makes them way ahead of what we use in our hobby. What i am  talking about is about the way these real UAVs are controlled- they are not flown with amateur HAM licensed LRS systems or 2.4G links, nor do they have unencrypted analog video links, or easy to jam GPS navigation. Just because we can transmit live video and have a fancy OSD that resembles a modern fighter HUD doesnt make our system like a F-16 ! We really need to think outside the box and design systems from ground up that can serve the purpose and goals, and not just purchase, plug 'n' play stuff !!

I am not urging anyone to stop their flying . What I am saying is that understand and accept that we fly hobby aeromodels and refrain from making big claims, specially in front of media about their capabilites . They are too far fetched to be true.

As i repeat often - One idiot can bring our whole community down. Lets be responsible and fly safely and use the right sense of judgement to avoid any bad light to come upon this wonderful hobby.

AMA needs to be cautious here as well. Aeromodelling is limited to flying within line of sight . With modern advancements we can fly outside this limitation , which may be fine  , but please do not advertise this or give hopes to students and colleges that by following this hobby they can make UAVs and drones. Aeromodelling is still best pursued as a hobby, not a career .

Be real . Fly safe, fly lots !


Quote from: theleabres on September 03, 2013, 12:21:50 AM
links to become legitimate hobby with gov't officials visiting your clubs to help you.  if you can make your version of AMA, everything will be easier.

We already have associations like AMAI in India which have objectives similar to AMA in the US. However the big difference is that we lack the numbers !! US has hundreds of clubs and thousands of fliers, with a thriving  hobby industry/business . Their system is also open enough to listen to voices raised. India is different. Though we need not stay in constant fear, but yes we need to self regulate and be cautious in what we talk about.


Quote from: gauravag on September 03, 2013, 11:12:48 AM
We already have associations like AMAI in India which have objectives similar to AMA in the US. However the big difference is that we lack the numbers !! US has hundreds of clubs and thousands of fliers, with a thriving  hobby industry/business . Their system is also open enough to listen to voices raised. India is different. Though we need not stay in constant fear, but yes we need to self regulate and be cautious in what we talk about.

I second you on that gaurav. But India is no different it is all of us who have to take efforts to graduate to that level by having Unity among us, by getting all our activities as a local groups organizing into the gambit of local clubs with set codes of conduct for fliers and self imposed and spelt out safety regulations in black and white. Further restricting all our activities in safe zones without disturbing the privacy of general public. making sure all our activities in public are strictly by invitations and permission.

Many have already achieved commendable progress in that direction and are bringing good recognition for this hobby.


Quote from: gauravag on September 03, 2013, 11:41:15 AM
video of Subhanjan Saha in Timesnow

Most irresponsible news coverage by the media without ratifying credentials. One other example which proves How insensitive our media can be and Indian media which needs regulations. 

It was not even an airworthy RC plane for that matter. It was just a RC plane with camera flown LOS. Terming it as Drone is a pure Rubbish and Bul****it.


Only thing Mr. Manish Tiwari said good and i agree with; "reporters should have test to get licence to report".


Quote from: gauravag on September 03, 2013, 11:07:54 AM
I also respectfully disagree with what Grp Cpt. Tahlan has to say. What US army has is much ahead and different in technology from our hobby grade amateur equipment. Superficially, it seems like our hobby planes can serve the purpose and that the same components are used by theem. They may look similar on the top but there is a lot of innovation,behind them that makes them way ahead of what we use in our hobby. What i am  talking about is about the way these real UAVs are controlled- they are not flown with amateur HAM licensed LRS systems or 2.4G links, nor do they have unencrypted analog video links, or easy to jam GPS navigation. Just because we can transmit live video and have a fancy OSD that resembles a modern fighter HUD doesnt make our system like a F-16 ! We really need to think outside the box and design systems from ground up that can serve the purpose and goals, and not just purchase, plug 'n' play stuff !!

I have been fortunate to get a first hand experience of handling and Flying a Raven RQ-11. So I can vouch for it my HUD and IMU is way better than Raven RQ-11.  :giggle:

Gaurav  Firstly my intent of calling all RC Plane in literal sense as UAV was not to stir Hornets nest, but to instill self imposed safe flying practice for all RC fliers like us. Accident with any of them will land us in trouble not only FPV. Mind you I have witnessed my share of some reckless flying by so call experts and veterans.  

Gp Capt Tahlans view are about Tactical UAVs 1 1/2m wingspan, Not the full scale ones which are no different in capability than what you and me are flying. What we have may be infact shade better than what is used by US Army However no denying that they are Hobby Grade stuff only. Difference is in the limit and extent of usage and application. It is only that what is a tactical UAV is shade better in Endurance and resilience. Encrypted Video Links are in the gambit of Full Scale UAVs for now.

Today order of the day is miniaturization. There are applications in hundreds for use of an UAV in civilian peace time applications which do not need encryptions. Some them are like Geo Surveys, rescue operations, Maritime Operations, Disaster relief, Conservation, Operations in inaccessible terrain.

I would like to again reiterate my statement here

A Section of lobbyist due to their deviant motives and ulterior objectives who are only interested in putting a cap on open source development are today deliberately naming it as Drone to discredit all those pursuing this beautiful hobby. We should not inadvertently be a part of this propaganda by contributing overtly or covertly by your misplaced arguments and claims

we should rather be talking about only safe flying habits, Dos and Dont's for safe flying, Responsible Media Coverage of all RC events than try to instill fear and invite bad publicity by talking about fictitious Air traffic clearance Air defence clearances, airworthiness certificates and other legal cover for use of Hobby grade products which you are supposed to fly only LOS as per the manufacturer's instructions away from all Airtraffic and civilian property.


Just saw the video. The media as usual is saying "Kamaal ho gaya, What a great achievement etc etc.". Calling that high wing trainer with a camera attached to it as a path breaking thing is silly.

N the guy seems like very much interested in working with Indian Armed Forces or may be he wants funding to fulfill his interest. ( Sorry, i may sound rude here). I think he is well aware that the armed forces of our country already have the proper so called drones that too sophisticated ones.

Anyway, the media with such news n these rc hobbyists jeopardize our hobby.

K K Iyer

Dont even want to see the video.
Hard to believe TOI in Kolkata, of all places, does not know anything about this hobby!
Other TOI editions carried the story a day or two after it had been criticised in this forum.
A few days later Free Press Journal carried the same story (without crediting TOI).
This is how non-news spreads in India.
Local TOI has been asking me to do a piece.
Now I will. And show them telemetry and aerial video.
Can others also invite media to a day of flying?
And tell them it's only a HOBBY HOBBY HOBBY and nothing sinister.


EDIT : just a warning, subhanjan watches our forum. I saw photos of the satyaquad on his Facebook page....

if this is the case, I'll strap a fpv system on a chunk of thermocol and call it a "advancement in aerial technology"  the media are so desperate, they'll swallow anything

Sent from a potato using a lamp


Quote from: sundaram on September 03, 2013, 12:38:09 PM

..Air traffic clearance Air defence clearances, airworthiness certificates and other legal cover for use of Hobby grade products which you are supposed to fly only LOS as per the manufacturer's instructions away from all Airtraffic and civilian property.

It is not fear, it is real , anything above 50 mts (Even LOS) needs ATC clearance and ADC, make no mistake, ask UAV units who fly BVR (Like you & I do in LR FPV), it has to have a/m clearnces period. else it is illegal if you dont get one, whatever may be your argument. MATS and ICAO rules doesn't distinguish manned / unmanned, because it involves safety of other flying machines flying with humans in them in the vicinity.

Anything that flies above the said ht has to be 25 nm away from a notified airfield (Which includes ALG). it is a different issue that like most laws even this is not enforced in India. However there is a lot of hue and cry being made about it, as to the concerns gaurav expressed. it is being talked about it by most imminent speakers (whom i hear nearly everyday and atlest 5-6 have already mentioned about the growing menace of micro aerial weapons) it is just matter of time before s@it hits the ceiling.

If you think it is unreal, well ! you are entitled to your opinion. i will only urge you think again.

again ! you HUD may be better than Raven, but his symbology & eqpt has gone through air wowrthiness test your has not been through a SEMILAC clearance, sadly that is how it is, you may think it is big BS, it could be, welcome to the world of aviation, where everything comes at a big cost, who is making money? god only knows
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


another food for thought sandy

if UAV units are filing for clearances and flying when only when the clearance is available (in spite of being from the armed forces), what makes you and I different ? what are we   ? above the law ? think about it
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


Gusty you have understood everything absolutely wrong. Your 50 mtrs ceiling is plain BS. Anyhow what you are talking about is for imported strategic UAV which india has now which has much greater range, wingspan, which we are flying much higher ceiling, much farther, which AD and AF can track in their RADAR.

India is not having Tactical UAV for now. For now you should talk about legislations for what you can legislate and track in your Radar. What good is your clearance when in tactical scale I am as good a bald eagle in the signature and in numbers I am going to be and invisible. When you can do nothing about that bald eagle why you shit scared about me now.

They are meant to be for tactical use. When talking about clearances for use of tactical UAV at every instance of use you are being wishful there. I am sure you are aware of difference in their operational use. Their clearance is going to be way out of the tactical perspective reqd. That is why they are called tactical.  Infantry units are going to have it in near future. Infantry soldier is going to fly it. In days to come its going to be less than half meter wing span. That design is going to be mine thats my target for now :) with SEMILEC. Of Course they have to be flown in safe zones like how we are expected fly in safe zones.

"Anything that flies above the said ht has to be 25 nm away from a notified airfield (Which includes ALG)". Agree with you 200% on that not the statistics though. That is where lets talk about safe flying practice.

"MATS and ICAO rules doesn't distinguish manned / unmanned, because it involves safety of other flying machines flying with humans in them in the vicinity". Could not do anything about trillion birds close to 2 meters wingspan already airborne above 1000 mtrs and while you were flying on providence amongst them till date. Why crying fowl for a meter wingspan now and creating fictitious threat scenario. Its high time big wings better wake up to the reality and upgrade their radars systems and countermeasures instead of calling unfair from high pedestals.

Other day when I went for AirShow in IIT Guwahati was staying in accommodation 150 mtrs from the Guwahati Airport Runway. Both sides of runway was waterlogged and on the trees there were some 500 Nos migratory birds Stroke 1.5mtrs wingspan perched on trees and flying around. That is reality.

Anyhow Lets leave the talk about talk of clearance and airworthy certificate for hobby grade ones altogether for now which is totally out of perspective of the above contentions. You are supposed to fly LOS that is what is black and white. Don't be the Pro lobbyist what I was talking about earlier.  ;)


I totally agree to what is said by Gaurav sir, we dont build drone or UAV, these words are totally misleading.

Quote from: aniket210696 on September 06, 2013, 12:27:35 AM
EDIT : just a warning, subhanjan watches our forum. I saw photos of the satyaquad on his Facebook page....

if this is the case, I'll strap a fpv system on a chunk of thermocol and call it a "advancement in aerial technology"  the media are so desperate, they'll swallow anything

Sent from a potato using a lamp

satyaquad?? seriously dude? i have a name satyagupta. You can call me either satya ( i would prefer) or satyagupta but dont just add anything.

Which facebook page can you show me the link you are talking about? Yea he is member of this forum, and yea he does purchase products from me.. But i am no way related to him dude!!! Just an acquaintance

Back to topic: to be true when i started making my quad, i used to think 8-) 8-) 8-) wow one day i will make it fly over mountains and i can make it to go some place, spy over some of our enemy blah blahh. But now i am like who m i kidding!!! This stuff is no way near the real UAV or drone.

So to the students or any new comer to this fab hobby, dont use the work DRONE or UAV, that would make Indian gov to KEELL this hobby quickly.

While writing this i got an idea, would send this content to my customers and put a banner on website too :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Gaurav sir can i copy and paste this whole post and send to my customers. Pleazeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

one stop for multirotor needs:


@satyagupta, that was the name i gave the v939 quad u sell.  :P i wasn't insulting you or anything... also, what i meant was that saha may be reading this, because he has visited the forum recently. i know he visited the forum, because he has photos of the v939 quad on his Fb. the quad idea started from this forum, and satya sir sold it through his site.
i am not saying he is related... just saying that watch what you say about hi on the forum, cause he may be watching... :P