The DGCA Strikes Back

Started by sanjayrai55, October 11, 2014, 01:56:02 PM

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Under this letter, all radio controlled aircraft, single or multirotor or fixed wing, are now illegal and banned

Gentlemen: we are all law-breakers!!


It's been said true, "No one will come to help you if you're doing something but someone will surely come to spoil it".

So they should as well ban the birds since they are also flying in "civil airspace" without any regulations. And kites too.

"Till such regulations are issued..."
Pretty sure that means, "F*** off. I don't wanna see another plane EVER!" or at least till the tenure of director is over. Its sad India seems to be going backwards in time. Before we used to have unlimited internet plans. Now all comes with FUP when I expected them to lower the rates and increase the speed and network.


But the ban is on flying in the airspace. I am sure upto a few feet is ok else all apartment builders would have needed dcga clearance. Doesn't air space start a few feet above ground?


As per Gusty any thing which leave ground more than 20 Mtrs is in Aviation Airspace.

All of you guys please change to micro RC gears and fly strictly only indoors.  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Horrible Retards who make up for administration of this nation.  :banghead: :banghead:


Sanjay Sir this entire thread needs to be be merged with the Please don't call your models Drones thread.


Wings are for wimps  :)-Mikado Logo/"OXY3  "/Scorpion Motors/Savox/JR PROPO/Spinblades/EDGE BLADES/KDE Direct/YEP/YGE/RJX/ GENS ACE Bavarian Demon-


oh no..!!
I Just gt myself into this hobby. very bad news. i am going to be a criminal.  :violent:


Pizza guy where are you
I would like to cordially invite you to apologies to the hobby community
This all started from the most irresponsible  public stunt which was fake....
Passion is Airborne


Is there some kind of petition that we all can sign and do something ?


We should revolt this actually
Passion is Airborne


Does anybody know any procedure to start a petition against this ?


Quote from: chintal on October 11, 2014, 05:10:22 PM
Pizza guy where are you
I would like to cordially invite you to apologies to the hobby community
This all started from the most irresponsible  public stunt which was fake....

chintal sir u are right. they must do that.


Go ahead Chintal, be revolting  :giggle: :giggle: ;)


The DGCA Strikes Back

Background music:

Next Installment: The Return of the Aeromodellers!


Sir I think that there should be a way to take a special license , so that we can fly , of course in a specific place only


Heard of AMAI? (

This was it's raison détre

Now it is beset by internal politics, so much so

The laws of our country are many and varied.

Technically it will always be illegal to fly, unless on private property. You could always be stopped for creating nuisance.

So just keep on flying with a twinkle in your eye and a song on your lips  ;D ;D


I do t know about u guys but i m not gonna stop flying.....
Passion is Airborne


Thanks sir , I have this big ground in front of my temporary rented house in Pune , do you think , if I fly here , anybody would stop me ?


me too. i am practicing. i'll not stop.
but what'll be the charges against me for violating the law?


Law ?
A person can drive over a guy sleeping on footpath and still roam freely
As long as u are not flying in public and very high or commercially we all should be good

I am not encouraging anyone to break the laws ....
Passion is Airborne


We'll smuggle a hacksaw blade in a cake to you when they lock you up  :rofl: :rofl:


So what going to next ,how about supply of partstx rx motor batter etc etc all illegal to sale


I wont require that
Just send me a mini quad
That will do ROLF....
Passion is Airborne


Or just keep some money in your pockets , if people can get away by bribing traffic police than they can surely get away by bribing air police !!!


Quote from: chintal on October 11, 2014, 05:55:14 PM
Law ?
A person can drive over a guy sleeping on footpath and still roam freely
As long as u are not flying in public and very high or commercially we all should be good

I am not encouraging anyone to break the laws ....

thank you sir.
but what is limit as you have mentioned "very high".