Videos of RC shows in India

Started by anwar, June 06, 2010, 11:30:14 PM

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Here are a bunch of videos of RC / aeromodelling shows in India. 

This first batch is by RCPA, Chennai (driven by Arvind of Rotor and our own Chan).

These shows really help in taking this hobby to wider audiences :thumbsup:
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


J10, Jet Rookie, Jeti DS14, JR 12X,Hawk EDF Jet,Spitfire OS.46, Chipmunk OS.60, Trex700, HPI Baja 5S


Nice video jayps. A preflight RAGE TEST  :giggle: is absolutely necessary to keep self and others from harm. Rage can sometimes lead to a state of mind where the individual experiencing it believes, and often is capable of doing things that may normally seem physically impossible.
When you fly electric, fly clean, fly quiet, and fly safe!


Thanks Crazy Pilot, this was a Army-AD project held in Jhansi
J10, Jet Rookie, Jeti DS14, JR 12X,Hawk EDF Jet,Spitfire OS.46, Chipmunk OS.60, Trex700, HPI Baja 5S


Cool Jhansi was my Old duty Station. I if I am not mistaken the model is from Kadet Systems.

Gosh!!! How Nice it would have been if I was on leave in my home town to attend to the air show in Trichy that time.


@Sundaram, yes it was from Kadet Sys, i went in as an external Mode 2 trainer, the entire excise was a waste of my time... half of the time we were repairing the broken aircraft :banghead:, we lost 3 of 4 models, mid air failure due to power supply...the model for me was a utter failure :giggle:...were r u now?
J10, Jet Rookie, Jeti DS14, JR 12X,Hawk EDF Jet,Spitfire OS.46, Chipmunk OS.60, Trex700, HPI Baja 5S


presently in Shillong, Meghalaya  :)


Watch the whole thing... there is some cool illuminated banner towing in the middle of the video.

Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Pretty cool videos :) !! Having Good fun in this forum
Before you touch the trigger, ill venom you - Viper