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Started by traxxrc1, October 03, 2010, 05:01:17 PM

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where can i get a PLASTI DIP/LIQUID TAPE to water proof my cars ESC, SERVO and Reciever
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Nice topic, which can deal a bit more expansion/exploration ;)

So what is it that people usually do to waterproof their electronics ?  Is this the preferred method ?  I mean for regular stuff, not the electronics that are not designed to be waterproof in the first place.

Even if the circuitry is made waterproof, what happens to the connectors etc ?  How are those made waterproof ?
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batteries & electrical contacts are sealed them with eletrical tape and liquid tape or skotchguard by 3m.
the receiver can use a balloon  and a zip tie for one method.
Another is to use plastic dip and the last is pouring liquid tape on it.
The motor does not need weather proofing or winterizing.
The nitro engine needs a sock or foam wrapped around the head to retain heat.
Servos can be sealed by plastic dip or silicone adhesive with green slime by AE around the main gear.
esc's need to have the heatsink heat sink with full metal to metal contact
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even a LIQUID TAPE will fo the JOb instead of PLASTI DIP

ANyone knows about its availability?
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