What is the best way to deal with troublesome neighbors and crowds ?

Started by shashank, May 18, 2011, 01:02:27 PM

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Hi all,

It has been just 2 months since i bought my RC nitro car and for most of the part in this time it was idle.Each and everytime i run my car i always have a bad experience. First my neighbor who created a big scene on the road and because of which i cant run my car near my house. Second, whenever i take my car to an empty site/public ground i always have people telling me to get out. Once i resisted and these people started hitting my car with tennis ball and rubber ball. Since then, at the slightest hint of trouble i walk away from the field with a very bad feeling. This despite the fact that i always have atleast 2 friends accompany me.The only place i get peace of mind is at the track.

So tell me friends, have you ever experienced such hostile people ? How do you deal with them ? I am so fed up with these experiences that it pains me immensely to say i've decided to buy an electric car and limit my nitro runs only at the track  :banghead:
Traxxas Revo 3.3


Man thats bad. Maybe you should try hoskote lake. No one will have a problem there. There a large ground near my place and early morning or around noon its deserted so i plan to use it to my advantage.

Your neighbour shouldnt have a problem with electric.

Even my neighbours yould have problems with nitro and i guess its that same everywhere.


The ground i took it to in the morning is very large. Infact, an indoor stadium is being constructed there and STILL people have issues. I wish i could shoot them a million times over !!! I'd deposit some 2000 rounds into their **** faces so that they shut up !!!
Traxxas Revo 3.3


You cant help this. I was in the same situation when I got my car.

Only solution is get on a track. It saves you all issues and gets you to be a good driver, meet people and learn more. RC is a not a solitary hobby, its a team hobby.
*Mugen Seiki MBX7 with Novarossi P5 engine*
*Mugen Seiki MBX6T M-Spec with Novarossi P5 engine*
*Mugen MBX6 Eco with Mamba Monster 2200kv*
*HPI Mini Recon with BL system*
*Team Losi 1/24 rally*
*Team Associated RC8 onroad GT Car, Team Orion power system coming soon...
*Hobbyking 1/18 Rally Extreme BL*
*Sanwa MT-4 radio*
Previously owned - Mugen Seiki MBX6 M-Spec, Thunder Tiger MTA4 S50, ST-1, Sparrowhawk XB, HPI BAJA 5Bss, TRAXXAS REVO 3.3


I would love to go to the track ! The only problem is that i don't see many people coming there as in other places. So if i go to the track i'd still be by myself only saving grace is that i have absolute peace of mind and can improve my driving skills
Traxxas Revo 3.3


Hmmm.. My neighbour had problems initially but just asked me to run it in the morning or late evening cause they're an elderly couple and nap during the afternoons. I guess the best thing is to visit them one day and ask them if a particular time of day is fine. Usually most people respond positively. Unless they really don't like you. Which I doubt.

As far as the public is concerned. The key is to just smile and be friendly!! Ask them if its ok to be there. Works every time for me. More often than not they'd love to watch or just go about their business. While i have a lot of empty land around to mess around in, I have a school behind my house which has a neat ground and I love to run there. I just tip the guard something every now and then and he's cool with me being there. Some weekends they have kids around for some drawing competition etc. Such times, offer a helping hand. The key is not to be a stranger.
Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


Tassem, this chap is a guy of my age so any display of sense or maturity will be a total waste with him. He's the kind who makes the most noise when some one else causes a little trouble, never talks to anyone else around my place and is just plain jealous i guess. As far as the regular public goes, most of the people i encounter are in the 20-25 age group so the next time i'll try and ask them if its ok like you suggested :)
Traxxas Revo 3.3


I guess your neighbour is a knob then. If the rest of the neighbours are fine, then you can just ask him to take a hike. But the smile and ask works more often than not with the regular public.
Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


My neighbours have no problem at all :) Plus my compound is like a dirt track so it really helps :D You can also try different roads or gallis where there is less traffic ! I drove my buggy quite a lot on roads , most of the times the people didn't mind . But the ones that did , you just don't drive there again !


what did you do about the people who started throwing balls on your car ? Didn't you take them to task ?
and which area in Bangalore do you live in ?
Rcpowers Extra 300
JAS-39 Gripen
F-117 Nighthawk
HK EPP-FPV 1.8m plane
Trex 450 Pro
Spektrum DX6i


We live in the same are mate  :) Vijayanagar i live close to the bus stop. No we couldn't do much, all we could do is shout at them. They were a bunch of 15 barbarians and we were only 2. The most sensible thing to do was to give a piece of my mind and leave, though i wanted to break open their skulls  ;)

@sahevaan: Lucky you  :) even i have a lot of empty space sufficient to build a backyard track but my parents wont allow me. My grandfather's hobby is gardening so all i can do is wish he gives me atleast some space to run my car. All problems would be solved then
Traxxas Revo 3.3


HAHA..btw, do you run your car in the RCP layout ground ? I think i've seen you there...
Rcpowers Extra 300
JAS-39 Gripen
F-117 Nighthawk
HK EPP-FPV 1.8m plane
Trex 450 Pro
Spektrum DX6i


No. its called the "new public school ground" though the school is no longer there the name remains. I ran it for the first time today  :) at around 10 am
Traxxas Revo 3.3


Yesterday , Rohit(rohitgupta322) came down to my place , and we went to a nearby field to fly my first build Shikra , but as soon as we took the wings and fuse out, the locals started gathering (read annoyingly overcrowding) and making meaningless comments (the common most question being how high can you take it ?).
All that we could manage was an assembly and a glide test , and it nearly missed a flying football while being unassembled. We immediately took off and am now going to make some survey before planning a fly day like that. :P


A flying football would've caused a huge dent in your pocket i guess ! Lucky you escaped :) the most i get is what's the mileage ?
Traxxas Revo 3.3


Luckily, I live in an apartment.. All the people have already seen my car running, so there's no problem there.. Lots of space too!
But, I run electric, so no noise issues :)

My car has been hit by footballs, tennis balls etc with no damage done :D
Thunder Tiger Phoenix BX
Associated RC18T2/B2 Kit
Walkera 5G4Q3
TechOne Angel
Hiller 450 v2
Futaba 7c 2.4Ghz
Slash 4x4 (sold)


Nothing happened to the Monster as well :) but it just leaves you with a bad feeling
Traxxas Revo 3.3


Quote from: shashank on May 18, 2011, 06:06:17 PM
A flying football would've caused a huge dent in your pocket i guess ! Lucky you escaped :) the most i get is what's the mileage ?
:giggle: :giggle:
a REAL BIG one sir..... :giggle: :giggle:


Felt so hurt after reading this.Why can't people just get along???!!Your neighbour seems like crap.

The questions make me really uncomfortable.That is one of the reasons I don't carry my slash around.Also,people think I'm fairer than normal so I get asked if I am from India. :banghead: That really pisses me off.Its one of the reasons I despise crowds and crowded places.I would suggest you have a gang of friends at the ground.The guys who threw balls have none.  >:D

The track seems like the ideal solution.But I've seen this trend here.Not many people come to the tracks often.But I hear Pitstop will be revamped.I hope it happens soon.

The electric should solve your problems.Hope you get it soon.And make that neighbour even more jealous.Some people are just born as losers.He fits the description of one.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Man everytime i've walked out with half or quarter tank of fuel left, never felt so terrible many times before. I changed my purchase from an electric to a nitro simply because i was sure i would enjoy it so much more. I've been super unlucky with all my experiences. I thought people mostly preferred to go to the track in blore, but now it seems the other way round. Hardly anyone uses the track. The mumbai guys are better, they meet up every weekend or so. Hope the trend picks up in bangalore too. Apart from solving issues like i have it will help us be better drivers.
Traxxas Revo 3.3