What RC activity did you do this week ?

Started by anwar, April 20, 2009, 08:07:39 PM

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Another fun morning at the field.  Flew the Trex 600 Nitro heli for one tank.  The rest was all testing and setting up various planes for others.

Here is my brother's latest addition, a Piper Cherokee (classified as a "semi-scale sport" plane). 

Yep.. that is a Futaba 9C "72Mhz"  :P

Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


great flyin chan. {:)} {:)}

Quote from: anwar on October 04, 2009, 09:47:53 PM
OK, from here on, anyone attending any event has to report with pictures and/or videos, or they face the hammer  :violent:  >:D

The ones who did not get to participate in person have the right to get a glimpse of such good news !  Anyway it is great to see the hobby being showcased to the public often  :thumbsup:  {:)}

That reminds me of a video i have from a previous airshow event held in Pune...let me see when can i post it.


Thanks Ankur..

Now to carry on with this weeks happenings!

There was a SPIN Workshop held at the air force base in Tambaram for the Instructors! The instructors were being coached on the different kinds of spins and the ways to recover out of them!  Me, Guru and Alex were called in to demonstrate the different spins that can be performed on the aircrafts!

I flew the my 50cc Yak and demonstrated regular spins, flat spins, inverted flat spins, spirals, spinning out of maneuvers etc..

Alex did the same with the Groovy and Guru flew his Viper jet and did some nice high speed passes, loops and rolls!!

It was entirely a very good day and the air force people were also thrilled to see so much of RC activity!!

It was also enlightening for us because we were exposed to so much inside the base and we learnt a lot too..

The best part comes now (Anwar..this would make you happy!)

I have got my Raptor Titan 50 ready! Running on a OS Hyper and HS 645 MG servos!! Gyro is GY401!

Aravind is going to be my instructor and I would probably start flying post Diwali.. Practicing on the sim full time now!!

Itching to get started now.. I think I cannot go wrong anywhere with such an instructor!! ;)!

Any tips for beginners??

- Chan


Congrats  {:)}  Welcome to the dark side ;D

The only tip is practice on the sim, which you are already doing.

Remember... every beginner heli crash I have seen is pretty much because of two things.

1) Flying too far or too close.  Plan your paths in your mind a bit ahead of time. This applies to planes also, but those big blades on helis make you panic more/faster in close range, and the profile of the helis (with no wings) make it harder to read the orientation when they are too far.

2) This is the big one.  Practice "nose-in" hover on the sim.  Even if you do not get nose in hover completely mastered initially, learn to apply a quick punch of rudder, to make the heli go back into "tail-in" orientation.  I think 80% of crashes I have seen is because the heli ends up "nose-in" inadvertently, and the pilot panics!

Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Hi Anwar,

I am able to comfortably nose in hover in the sim and am even able to do basic loops and continous rolls without losing altitude! The only problematic place is when I come for landing, I still havent got that smooth transition from forward flight to a hover! But am able to land though its quite hard.. The only comforting thought is that Aravind would be standing next to me connected thru a buddy cord!! Lets hope all goes well!!

And did I forget to tell you something more  ;D  ;D

Would be flying my first jet sortie on Sunday on a Baby Boomerang running a Jetcat P60 SE turbine  >:D  >:D!! Starting a completely new era of flying.. Would try to get some videos and post them here!!

- Chan


Wow  :thumbsup:

I never had a significant urge to get into planes, and turbines are the next step in planes.  The only turbine aircraft I have flown was a Vario scale heli. 

It is interesting to see the fire-extinguisher being brought next to the aircraft every time the engine is being started  :P  Living in a world of lipos, makes them look routine though !

Witnessing them fly is a whole another feeling, as compared to watching other types of aircraft. And the guys at our main field make perfect landings time and again, that part is particularly satisfying watch !  The hind wheels touch town together, and couple of seconds later, the nose wheel. We all do that, but they do it again and again and again !  :salute:

Do post pictures and videos !
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Forgot to ask... Have you finished the break in ?  One tank on the ground is enough usually for the OS50 Hypers.  The second tank onwards, you can hover at a few feet (but be prepared to land any time though). Some people even hover for the first tank, but I found that the engine tends to quit many times, that it takes the fun away.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Hi Anwar,

The best thing that drew me into turbines is the awe that comes with it!! Its like a dream flying machines that can be soooo fast!! But the one that I have got now is a relatively slow jet trainer! So no retracts and no brakes! But still I hope that someday I would be able to afford a mean machine!

The heli engine is brand new.. It has been run one tank already! Aravind would be doing the maiden and a couple of flights before I take over (with the buddy cord of course)!!

Yeah the jet landings are something and the sound that they make on the low passes!! It would be Guru who would be helping me with the jets since I am a noob to turbines!!

- Chan


Hey Chan,
You sure are going fast man. 50 CC gasser, then Heli and Jets. Way to go !!!
We will all be looking forward to ( and glued to ) your "Getting into Helis" and "Getting into Jets" :)

Now, I also recently acquired a Raptor 50 Titan . Though i am not confident to learn this thing by myself. OK, i do have Realflight and practiced on it, but for someone who never has been into Helis its a steep learning curve to do everything yourself.

Good for you that you are in Chennai and Aravind can help you learn. Also he has such a good stock of spares that you will not run out of anything.

Keep us posted on how things go, perhaps might give me the necessary encouragement to go ahead with this myself.

BTW what batteries did you use for the RX on your gasser ? A123s ?


nothing much meet my school friends n was mostly busy but got my cox engines today and played with them  :D
Today might be a great and wonderful day. It depends on you.


Quote from: gauravag on October 17, 2009, 06:37:33 PM
Hey Chan,
You sure are going fast man. 50 CC gasser, then Heli and Jets. Way to go !!!
We will all be looking forward to ( and glued to ) your "Getting into Helis" and "Getting into Jets" :)
BTW what batteries did you use for the RX on your gasser ? A123s ?

Hi Gaurav,

Thanks!! I dont think there would be a getting into helis / jets thread as I did not do any research into it.. Both were acquired ready to fly! I think I would first fly and then learn :)!!  Anyways, even I know that am very lucky with Aravind in town!

I would definitely keep all you guys posted on the happenings here!

I still have not started using the Hyperion Lifes on the gasser.. Right now they run on 2 x 3000 mAh Zippy Lipos and Castle Creations BEC!

- Chan


Today was an interesting day as we test flew a SPAD glider with a 2.5 mtr wing span with twin motors .
Three sorties were fairly good .

Kept the set up rudder elevator hence the turning radius was way too high .

But experienced a funny problem the rudder was not responsive when the plane was powered up with the motor running but when the motors were shut down the  rudder was more responsive  ???
Any ideas ?
www.zuppa.io : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones



Quote from: rcforall on October 18, 2009, 06:44:57 PM
But experienced a funny problem the rudder was not responsive when the plane was powered up with the motor running but when the motors were shut down the  rudder was more responsive  ? Any ideas ?

You mean you were able to reproduce this by holding the aircraft in your hands and at some high throttle total deflection of the rudder was less with the motors running ? 
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


www.zuppa.io : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


If this is in the air, then wind and resulting aerodynamics would explain it.  Would need some time to think through and illustrate with examples.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


To give a better Idea The wing is 8ft and the fuse is 6 ft AUW = 3.5 kgs .  My take on this is that in the case of the motors being powered the rudder has to over come  a faster airflow , enhanced forward momentum  as well as the inertia of the plane where as in the case of the power off scenario 2 of the above 3 are not there  ???
www.zuppa.io : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Hi Mr sai

What is the battery used for this plane??


Possibly post some pics of the plane as well. Never heard of this big spads before.


this week i flew the pulama and did its review today i fixed the rudder pushrod and completed my blu-baby and ducted fan slowstick

Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


Quote from: tg on October 19, 2009, 11:42:34 AM
Possibly post some pics of the plane as well. Never heard of this big spads before.

For now no photos as yet . I use 2 nos 11.1V 4300 mah batteries one for each motor.
You will be hearing more of it often ;D

It flew very well  but rudder alone was just not enough , so I am planning some mods on it.
www.zuppa.io : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Havent been really posting/updating on this thread here, but i have been doing some upgrades/maintanence on my planes and here is what I am doing :

1. GP Extra 300S .91 - Replaced the rudder servo with a Hi torque digital - Futaba S3050 . Changed the Single Elevator Servo to Twin servos. Installed the new FASST Rx and adjusted battery location for better CG. Ready to fly. Looking to fly this today

2. CG Chipmunk - OS 91FS - Completed engine and radio installation . Used a Futaba Digital S3050 on rudder with Pull-Pull controls. A high torque on the elevator - S3010 . Ready to maiden this ( without the cowl ) . Most likely in the next 2 days.

3. Javellin - Saito 1.25AAC - Replaced engine ( earlies used the OS 91 FS ) . Moved all servos to the tail. Used a all Digital setup here. Hitec HS5485HB everywhere. Except rudder which again has a S3050 High Torque Digital. Zinger 16x6 prop at the front. Ready for breakin. Should be done this week. Waiting for Klots KL100 to arrive, since will be using this for breakin.

4. Phoenix Models Tiger .46  - Improved the RX FASST installation.

5. Top Flite Cessna 182 .90 - Working on finishing covering. Hope to get this ready by the year end.

6. Phoenix Scanner .46 - Did a complete engine servicing yesterday. Had a TT 46 PRO which had done over 500 flights ( combined on several models ). Cleaned Carb, cylinder/piston ( lots of carbon deposits on the head ). Installed and test run yesterday. Much better throttle response and power.

Wow. I have so much going on here....


pics pics pics is all i can say

anyway my slowstick ducted fan is set for maiden tomorrow and also the blue baby with extended flaperons and extreme strengthening and overpowered system will be maidened though it has been flown but with little success.

here are some pics oh look out for the extended flaperons and my extreme ss wing decaling  ;D ;D ;D ;D

anyone wants to see or fly the blu-baby come call me today itzself at 9833036737 and tomorrow at 8 am i am flying in kharghar oh and i am shooting videos tooooooooooo

Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


Lots of RC activity in Allahabad in the last week.
Maidened my Super Chipmunk with a 91 FS. Flew unbelievably well. No trims absolutely ans majestic flyer.
Then flew the Javellin with the new Saito 1.25 . Big airplane and loved it.
Also flew my Extra , Piper and Scanner.

Amir flew his bipe and did some very nice manoevers.

Attaching pictures. Note that all my planes have their cowls off, as i waas cleaning/tuning the engines. Cowls will be all put back on , and new photos taken next week.



Nice models Gaurav !  The Chipmunk 90 brings some fond memories of testing flaps on one which my brother had.

Yet another Friday morning at the field.  Witnessed two heli crashes, the airplane guys all went back unscathed ;)

One was our best 3D heli pilot, and the wind sort of messed up his calculations while doing low level routines.  The other one seems to be a case of using the wrong servo.  Some one who had just started on helis was flying a Hirobo Shuttle RG 30 (nitro powered), and seems like one of his servos seized up. He was using the JR DS811 servos that come with the Spektrum radios, and like some people had raised the concern, they are probably not a very good choice as cyclic servos on helis.

Practised more of the 4 point tic-tocs on the Trex 600N.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.