What RC activity did you do this week ?

Started by anwar, April 20, 2009, 08:07:39 PM

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Testing the zyx controller on a 450 size heli. The tarot zyx on a 450 heli with emax digital servos and a 3800kv motor a perfect setup for sports flying and a bit of 3d. Heli was missing some 3d punch as i am using 20c lipos. Things went wrong in the end as i accidently pressed the THold on my transmitter but due to autorotation no damages. Still figuring how did that happened  ???

Hiller 450 pro FBL
3800kv motor
60a esc
emax digital servos
Glass fiber blades
2200 20c lipo
Transmitter RCB 7x

location -> private land - baroda.
Planes are like feel-good buddy movies and helis are like horror films... you just have to like being scared!



Flew the Hawker tempest.... It has HUGE cg issues.... the cg with the recommended battery was too far behind, but I had a roll of solder wire as weight and put it right up into the nose and now it tracks straight and is a beauty to fly! It even sounds and looks true to scale!
Award | OFNA Nexx8 | Art-Tech Edge 540T | Glidiator V2 | Hawker Tempest | Cessna Citation Jet
Turnigy 9X
FPV Platforms : CF Tricopter| HK EPP FPV | Bixler 1 | Bixler 2 | DJI Phantom 2 +H3 3D


It also had Retract issues, on landing one retract got jammed into the wheel pocket.... as I come to know - the reason was that upon the first harsh landing the landing gear got a little displaced and shifted a few mm behind and hence the gear got jammed. I was able to land it in high grass and then confirm that the retracts worked fine before the next sortie.
Award | OFNA Nexx8 | Art-Tech Edge 540T | Glidiator V2 | Hawker Tempest | Cessna Citation Jet
Turnigy 9X
FPV Platforms : CF Tricopter| HK EPP FPV | Bixler 1 | Bixler 2 | DJI Phantom 2 +H3 3D


Flew the E-Starter and Parkzone micro Spitfire and got chased by several hawks.


It had been a really busy week and i was wanting to let off the steam. TO add up to the stress i crashed my RTF P51D mustang,which certainly was not a beginner model as it suggested. :giggle: Anyway,it was a few weeks back that i got Mr Rishi's no. from a long lost post on RCIndia.I needed a diesel engine from him,but sadly i got to know that he had stopped their production. However the good part begins here,he handed me Mr. Athlaye's no. Mr Athlaye is a senior RC lover(thats wat i would call him considering his enthusiasm which contradicts his gray hair :bow:).So  i had a couple of telephonic exchanges with him and we decided to meet up yesterday. I was sleeping in my bed when i got a call at 8.30 in the morning,it was Mr Athlaye,asking if i would wanna join the field. I was up in a sec grabbed my bike keys and rode 27 km all the way to hadapsar.

Sadly by the time i reached there it was already 9.30am and these guys had finished flying.I was a bit disappointed,however the best part of the day was about to begin. Mr Athlaye invited me at his house and offered me to take a look at his collection. I was more than happy with it  :hatsoff:. Well and my happiness was turned into an overwhelming experience when i saw all those home made planes and tiny engines he had. I had neva in my life seen or even heard of a engine powered by CO2. I was even more surprised when i saw the size of the prop that it turned. {:)}.

After enjoying at Mr Athlaye's house we went to Mr. Sandeep Bajare's place. It was like a rc lovers paradise. ALl his planes are hand made using coro and biofoam or any other piece that one would get in a local hardware store. All his models matched my criteria for a beginners aircraft,large, light & powerful and the best part is that these models are so simple yet aesthetically appealing. He showed me some really hitech planes on autopilot and gps !!! :o i had neva seen things like these before.

The visit on that sunday morning was a real bliss for a person who hates waking up early on sundays'. After all these years with helis im now gonna start up with planes and i think these guys are the best support anyone can have.So here i was gearing up my scratch built biofoam plane. Got a really powerful motor from RCB pune and was awake till 12 am last nite.Have put up the ailerons,rudder and elevator will have to wait until friday :). I am really excited about saturday. :)

For folks in pune wanting to learn to fly can join me along with others.
People wanting to learn to fly can also get in touch with Sandeep bajare.(He is on the forum) :hatsoff:

Sanket :salute:


Good to hear about your exp. I have seen some excellent support on this forum myself. Went to the Mundka field in ND and Laxman and other frequent visitors helped a lot to understand and rectify the issues I had with my model. Just saw your post and thought its a good time to pay my regards to the seniors :)

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Let's fly!


I crashed my heli..Again a failed autorotation. 2nd crash practicing same manouevre.


Planes are like feel-good buddy movies and helis are like horror films... you just have to like being scared!


Hey doc, any videos of the crash, man that would hurt crashing all your expensive gear?
Let's fly!



Bro, i dont record videos of crashing. hehehe

Avesh, not raptor but Gaui x5. Autorotation is one of my favourite manouevre. Crash cost roughly 6 or 7k.



Man, what's the fun in a flight video without a breath taking awesome crash at the end :) :)

Never tried autorotation myself though, will try it out on RF soon ...

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Let's fly!


Btw doc, it must hurt crashing a beauty like x5 ... Crashing a 450 has always been very routine for me sometime back to the point I stopped feeling much hurt about it ...

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Let's fly!


sad to hear that doc, last time auto-rotation saved my 450, all of sudden due to blackout but still having cyclic control saved my heli from a height of 30 feet.  I always like to land my heli on autorotation (450 and 500) both.
Planes are like feel-good buddy movies and helis are like horror films... you just have to like being scared!


@avesh: I have an auto rotation bail bout via the castle talon 90 esc. This is the coolest feature of Castle escs allowing me to practice autos during the entire flight. This time the motor didnt power up as it should have (Went into failsafe due to low battery) so the confusion resulted in a crash.

Anyways, good save avesh. I know the feeling when u save ur bird. Try autoing a 700 or a 600 size bird, they seem to float forever in air.


Quote from: doctor on November 12, 2013, 10:25:25 AM
Avesh, not raptor but Gaui x5. Autorotation is one of my favourite manouevre. Crash cost roughly 6 or 7k.

I have only had torque tube gear teeth broken due to botched autorotations/training.  But I have saved my heli and the helis of others (when they are on buddy cable with me) multiple times because of being able to do autos reasonably well.  The savings that may come by knowing how to do proper autos are much higher than the initial costs of training for the same.

Keep practicing them... doc :thumsbup:
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Thanks Anwar bro for your encouraging words.


Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager

Dr. Abhishek Agrawal

Flying my Quadcopter

450 frame , 1000 kv BL motors , 20 Amp Simon K Esc's , kk 5.5 FCB , 2200 mah 20c LiPo , 1045 props. customized  stand and camera mount and LED lights for night flying.
(Sky Surfer V2 , Tiger Trainer MK III nitro , Arising Star nitro, Beetle QuadCopter ,Futaba T6 EX  Tx , Q450 Quadcopter with DJI NAZA M, JR XG 6 Tx , Techone Arrow 3D, Extra 300s 3D, Lil Ripper 3D foamy,  LH X1mini quadcopter, HJT EPO Quadcopter,Funtana 3D,FLYGUY 46" Superman, F-35 Jet, Mig-25 Foxbat Jet,    Frsky TARANIS PLUS TX , FT VERSA WING ,RC Flying Eagle,FT Spear wing, FT GUINEA PIG TWIN MOTOR, DJI Phantom 4 PRO, DJI MAVIC PRO,TBS,  5" Racer Quad, TARANIS Qx7,I )


Night flying, awesome, the bird is looking good, will post some pics of the x350 that arrived last week :)

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Let's fly!



Nithinraj Kotian

Rookie jet flying at Karkala
Pilot:Jayps Rao
Life is Simple Don't Make it Complicated


Pilot has skills to handle the speed. 

Nithinraj Kotian

Life is Simple Don't Make it Complicated


How much approximately for the jet?  I need to figure out how many more decades I have to save in order to buy one.