What RC activity did you do this week ?

Started by anwar, April 20, 2009, 08:07:39 PM

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That stinks  >:(  But good to hear you are almost back in the air.

Time to swtich to 2.4Ghz.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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today will be a day of shopping most of it from sai uncle and the tx from sanjeev uncle at rcdhamake
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


Here are some pics from the field.  The Funstar and Yak on Sunday and the King Kobra on Saturday.

- Chan


flew the moss today with the 2212/10 and first flight was good and then the second flight i went to 3/4 throttle(usually flies at half throttle very very well) and the control were so sensitive that when i was trying to bring it down it rolled and had a nose dive crash. good thing nothing happened to the plane and the motor though i was not using the prop saver, bad thing i broke the gws prop :'( :'(. someone give me another prop. i don't have any prop left for this thing now so will wait until i buy a new one
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


Hey ,
ive got a few Props , foldable + normal . foldable - 6 size till 9 size
normal - 8*4 , 8*3 , 7*4 and i am using 7*3


again crashed my model(wasp-40). The cause is a heavy gust, It threw the model in to a right turn, and i allowed it to go right. But during that time it lost height. I tried to gain height and correct right attitude, by pulling elevator up, left turn and throttle a bit up, but it was late and it crashed :'( :'(

the fuse is severly damaged and beyond repair, the exhaust connector broken and pealed up the bolt hole on the engine.

>:( what to do now i am undecided.... guess my learning will be delayed more...

I put the electronics in another trainer but what should i do about the engine? any suggestion???


Depends on how bad the engine block is affected.  You can always get the engine block (outer shell) alone and replace it, if it is real bad. 

Can you post some pictures ?
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OK, back in Kerala and almost finished building a 1meter E330 EP from Hobby Lobby, a much appreciated gift from a friend who is a also a member of this forum ;)  Should be test flying it soon, as soon as the workload comes down a bit.  Nice balsa AFT with magnetic hatch and an easy build. Will post photos tomorrow after completion.

I can't find a direct reference, but the box says is a "1M series plane sold by Hobby Lobby". The closest I can find is this one :


More importantly, met with Santhosh, and had fun flying his Mini Titan.  Nice heli, just needed a bit more power, as it had a small wobble (as if you are applying left and right ailerons back and forth continously. This is a classic case of low headspeed, so it was fixed by increasing the throttle curve a bit. 

It was good to fly something after almost couple of weeks. Thank you Santhosh ! Hopefully we will meet up to fly more soon.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Flew the E330 for the first time, and crashed  ;)  Too heavy a battery, and a little too big a prop (didn't have any choices on me, didn't want to wait for new ones to be shipped in).  ESC got hot and then cut off.  Small damage to the nose. 

Time to build the Techone Mythos from Sai. 

Plus a fellow flyer shipped in 7 helis to be fixed ;D  Busy days ahead (outside of the work !). One of them is the cute little Trex 250, which I will be test flying for the first time !
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


shot down a 2ch airplane from the sky....... :P


@ sahevaan

please do not put loose talk lines as now we never know when it can effect us.
Hangar: SU27 .90, Escape .46,
RDS8000 2.4ghz,
GS Racing 1/8 Truggy,
KM 1/5 Baja,
coming soon *XRAY XB808*



Everyone knows you mean absolutely no harm, but you might still want to clarify what you meant by "shot"  ;)

That is a troublesome word these days; as it has other meanings/contexts other than taking photos, playing billiards, football, cricket etc ;D
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Flew Santhosh's E-Flite Tribute for a few minutes, great 3D acrobatic plane !  Thank you Santhosh !


The prop needs to be a bit lower pitch to really keep it in hover, and it was a bit too windy. Still, loads of fun !  ;)
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


That looks beautiful. Should look great against the greenery in kerala. What about some pics.


flew with anwar today,was a nice experience thanks a lot anwar.hope saturday will be a maiden day for many of my planes in the hanger ( hope anwar keeps promise)



A friend's kid wanted to see RC flying, and they even found an open ground not too far from home (like 3km).  So off we went with a Trex 450 and 4 batteries.  As soon as the heli took off, a pretty significant crowd appeared !

Ended up flying one battery, and answering questions for the other 3 batteries worth !  Very satisfying experience :)
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Had a blast with Santhosh, test flying his array of Multiplex planes.  The E-Flite Tribute had an eventful day. First I flew it for a little while, then Santhosh flew it.  And that's when things got really interesting :P  Winds were very gusty, so not totally unexpected.

See the attached crappy mobile phone pic.

Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool. Shun him. He who knows not and knows that he knows not is a child. Teach him. He who knows and knows not that he knows is asleep. Wake him. He who knows and knows that he knows is a wise man. Follow him.

My Hanger
Profile Edge540 / Multiplex Easystar / Coro Avispad / Scratchbuilt Cub / Lazy Bee / Ultron3D / Jimmy J Flyer's Bug (under construction)


Didn't need to get that sophisticated.  Someone climbed halfway, and shook the branch.  The plane did get damaged a bit in the resultant fall, but was an easy fix with 5 minute epoxy.

Another interesting thing that happened today was the Multiplex Twister (ducted fan jet) got carried away in the wind (that is what it felt like), and went away from our sight.  So we started searching the thick bushes in the approximate area, in the middle of a few houses.  What had happened is that it had fallen (throttle was cut when the model went out of sight) in the bushes next to a house, and the people inside heard it fall. Then we started giving small bursts of throttle to locate the plane.  This really scared the women and children of the house, and they barricaded themselves behind the locked doors ! ;D  I mean you hear a loud bang, than the periodic sound of a ducted fan; must have been scary for people for whom RC is something they have never seen or heard !  They came out after we got to the area, with relieved faces !  We all had a pretty good laugh about how scared they were :)

BTW, the twister had ZERO damage.  Multiplex stuff seems to be nice when it comes to crashes !

And the Multiplex Twin Star is also a nice plane.  Enjoyed flying it !

Thanks again Santhosh for hosting.  It was good to see many people who are interested in flying gather and wait.  Also, since we flew at the grounds of my old college, many youngsters came by and were asking questions about models.  Hopefully some of them will pick up the hobby !
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Quote from: anwar on August 08, 2009, 09:19:03 PM

BTW, the twister had ZERO damage.  Multiplex stuff seems to be nice when it comes to crashes !

Frankly when reading it I did not expect damages in any case Multiplex is made solid to take a lot of beating  {:)}
www.zuppa.io : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


since last 3 day in have been flying my 2ch ir plane in the morning from 5am to 5:45am and in the evening from 6:40pm to almost till i feel the misquotes had enough of my blood for the day  ;D

Today might be a great and wonderful day. It depends on you.


today is sunday guys what did you all do today
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


Today some rain hear so i cant fly my MRMOSS


Great Day today .
1) Tested the cheap turborix 2.4 G system on easy cub
2) Flew the slow stick
3) Fox had a few sorties
4) Acro master had quite a few sorties with  good 3 D included
5) Twin Star flew as usaul 45 + mins on a single charge

Highlight of the day was  Venkat had 2 of his trainees  ( Saju and Myself ) up in the air together for the 1st time otherwise we would normally bully him to stand next to us to take over the plane after we had done something that got the plane close to a crash , but today was different we both flew independently  and  returned  back  with our planes intact. ;D 

Guys give us a big hand  {:)} {:)}

Got videos of the acro master and the fox ( whenever visible to us ) .

So over all a great day.
www.zuppa.io : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones