All other forums seem to have a long running thread, where people just keep updating on what RC activities they are doing currently (or in the immediate past).
So here goes one for RC India !
If you have nothing else to post about, post your activities here ;D Remember that build threads, question, queries etc are best handled in the other areas of the forum. Keep this thread strictly to routine activities, and an occassional picture/video.
Helps you with our sweepstakes too !
I have been travelling, so no flying this month :(
But I have been able to collect/buy RC stuff, and avoid paying shipping charges ! ;)
Figured out that RC Universe is a good place to pick up stuff, if you are in this region. For example, there are some great deals on radio stuff here :
Some sellers on RCU ship international too !
Hi ,
Sunday was a great day at flying , very very very windy considering we were flying just about 1/2 a km from the sea .
Planes flown :
Multiplex Easy Cub
E Pad 3 D Stick Coro Scratch built
Seduction 32
Maidened : Hobbico Hobby Star 60 ( Electric )
we flew this plane for the first time despite heavy winds . a real beauty of a trainer.
Everyday in the week twice or thrice a day I went bashing around my complex with my Thunder Tiger Phoenix BX. Its so much fun!!! :)
This week as usual two day flying!! Saturday and Sunday!!
Saturday was quite uneventful with two sessions. One in the morning and one in the evening. Both the sessions were too windy but I was able to fly my Funstar and the Seduction. Flew a couple of sorties. Had tuning issues on the Funstar and also 3 deadstick landings on stiff winds. But managed to get her back in one piece. Evening, the engine issue was sorted out and had a couple of flights but still was not comfortable with the plane. Flew till sunset and came back. The main reason for the evening sortie was because a friend of mine wanted to maiden his new Bandit Turbine Jet. But due to failing light and some programming issues on the TX, we were unable to do so. Packed up and reached home after dark!! No building and no tweaking at home. Left the planes in the car for Sunday morning!!
On Sunday, I reached the field early and the winds were still very high! Got out the Seduction and took a sortie. My usual maneuvers.. Knife edges, low level inverted passes, snap rolls and the works!! Everything was picture perfect and the landing was very tricky!! We had the wind 90 deg cross from the runway and I had to crab it in!! But the landing was also good enough and I decided to pack it up as the winds were literally howling and I did not want to fly a pattern plane in those winds!! Time for the Funstar! Did some minute adjustments on the tuning and took off!! Felt really confident for the first time with this model (been flying it only recently)!! Put her through all the low level aerobatics. Four point rolls, squares, snap rolls, hovers, harriers, inverted harriers, flat spins, inverted flat spins etc.. Hovers and harriers were always breaking away to the left. Found the cause to be left thrust on the plane!! I would be changing the thrust line and adding a couple of washers to give it a degree of right thrust!! Also have ordered a couple of 10 x 4 props which would be perfect for 3D for this engine!! This time also I had a few dead sticks all which were handled correctly!! (I even have a video of me doing an inverted harrier quite low and the engine quit!! Had to take a quick circuit and float her down!) Would post some videos later on!!
The turbine was also maidened on Sunday morning!! Flies like a beast!! Landings were very difficult in those winds!! But was amazing to watch! Would also upload that video here!!
Happy Landings!!
- Chan
I did nothing.
Suffering from Elections 2009 fever. Hope to get well on 24th. ;D
Hai all,
I fly my MOSS GLIDER today early morning at 6:30 am . I fly it 3 times with safe landing , no any damage . I come back home soooo happy :) :) :).
Hey guys,
Posting my first video in RCIndia.. This was taken a month ago in Sholavaram.. Was flying the Seduction on a heavily repaired wing which I had considered to be a writeoff long back.. Let the video speak for itself :p!! Though the whole video was shot on a single sortie, it would be in parts.. Thanks to Vikram for the video.. Would appreciate your valuable comments!!
- Chan
Some pics taken last week!!
- Chan
Some more pics
today was a great day of flying .
The Maiden of the SUB MICRO TUFFY was the highlight .
The Piaget and the rebuilt Katana flew wonderfully once again proving real thrillers from the TECHONE Shock flyers .
Flying the Easy cub and Saju's SLOWSTICK was really relaxing .
Will post a separate thread on the SM Tuffy soon ,
The Plane is a SPAD , 18 " wing span pusher AUW 110 gms
Trying to build Nr.Mooss46" and waiting for the wing streanthening CF Tube which Mr.Sai forgot to inclide in the kit. :(
forgive my spelling. My eye-brain-hand-finger-Keyboard co-ordination is not doing well now :D
Some flying from last Friday (13 June 2009).
Building Mr.MOSS 46" hoping to finish by Saturday night and maiden on Sunday morning. ;D
;D Just came back from the field ;D ;D
I guess you can make out from my smiling face , i had a blast.
It was simply superbbbbb, my first ever flight on easy star {:)}. Did 3 flights today, prady helped me get the plane in air and he taught me some basic stuff..
It was incredible to see tat bird fly.. {:)}
Built a Mr.MOSS 46" Glider. Hoping to maiden this evening if weather permits.
Today was a real fun flying day ;D.
Flew Saju's Slow stick first rather we hovered it for 10 mins each adjusting to the wind and just about keeping it in head wind .
The slow stick take off was close to VTO 6 " rolling at best .
Then cam e the highlight of the day the Maiden of the Multiplex Twin star {:)}
This plane is one amazing plane , flew 2 sorties of around 20 mins each on a single charge on the 11.1V 4300 mah battery and what we were left with was astounding the Voltage on the Battery had dropped from 4.07 per cell to 3.73 per cell . I am sure a 1 hour + flying time is easily possible on this plane .
Will post some Videos later .
A truly amazing Plane {:)}
finishing the airplane mode and some indoor testing and some praying so that the rain stops. it doesnot seem to have worked
also my birthdays coming up in a month so start collecting gifts guys for my birthday . ;D ;D
Hi guys,
Had some serious things to sort out this weekend. First, I had to test out my new Tx and Rxs.. I fished out a very old model from my hangar (even older than me)!! A .60 size King Kobra and got everything rigged. Servos were Dong Yang standard servos, the engine was a .60 OS FSR, the RX was a 606 2.4 Ghz Futaba Rx and the Tx was the Futaba 10CHG.. Did all the programming required. Took about 15 mins with the Tx to setup to the model details, triple rates, servo travel / reversing etc.. and maidened the plane after 27 long years of hangar life on Saturday..It flew great though it was a bit heavy for the engine.. tracked beautifully well and rolls and loops were perfect... landings were very fast but very stable..had some solid fun with it... flew about 4 sorties.. the engine also proved to be perfect after 25 years of storage!! reliable and solid.. Finally when I went in for that "one more sortie"! the landing was a bit bumpy and the wood on one of the landing gear gave way..nothing serious except that I have to sit to stick back the landing gear plate!!
Ultimate thing is, I tested my radio on a 6 ch 2.4 Rx and it worked perfect and I was able to get my programming straight with the Tx.. No probs whatsoever..
Went back home, dumped this plane and took the electric Yak and the Funstar to the field on Sunday.. I have retired the King Kobra from active service and the Rx was transferred to the Yak permanently!! The Funstar was given a 617FS 7 channel Rx.. I had a problem with the Funstar's exhaust popping off so I had to get that ready!! And the Yaks old problem persisted and I decided to get that sorted out in the field..
On the field, the Funstar was flown with my new radio setup and it was good for the first sortie.. The second sortie, the exhaust popped off!! I did 8 more sorties on the Funstar without the exhaust!! Loads of complaints about noise pollution from fellow flyers :D :D!! Overall a great day with the Funstar...
I tried resetting the Yak's ESC and still it didnt solve the problem, so I tried replacing the ESC.. unluckily my other ESC had smaller bullet connectors, so packed up and left it for sometime this week...
The only thing left to test is my 8 channel high speed Rx which I am reserving for my 50cc bird!!
Would post some pics from the field soon...Still no radio pics :(!! Too excited about flying that I forgot to take a pic of the radio!!
- Chan
hey chan bhaiya before you put the King Kobra to its hangar please post a few pics as its last memory in our minds. well guys this week shall be full of buying stuff for the plane also there has been a slight change in ospreys game plan as monsoon waits ahead we will go in for the heli mode as it can be done indoors too so will achieve the major part of the build in the next month also will be needing lots of help from our expert heli pilot anwar bhaiya as i dont have that much of a experience with heli's though trying to gain some from friends. so anwar bhaiya get ready for a month of torture.
Hey , i think this Model should be donated to the museum in Kerala .
well now thats up to chan bhaiya to decide as he might have many many many many memories associated with it
This was my dad's first scratch built plane.. so very nostalgic and that was the reason why I dont want to fly it anymore (and probably damage it more!!).. It is going to be hung in my house in Trichy after repairs!!
- Chan
Crashed my Model while taking off... >:(
There is a frequency clash... Another pilot who has the same frequency switched on and trying to takeoff at the same time without asking.
Well I recovered and repaired it( ofcourse it is not complete) ;D
That stinks >:( But good to hear you are almost back in the air.
Time to swtich to 2.4Ghz.
today will be a day of shopping most of it from sai uncle and the tx from sanjeev uncle at rcdhamake
Here are some pics from the field. The Funstar and Yak on Sunday and the King Kobra on Saturday.
- Chan
flew the moss today with the 2212/10 and first flight was good and then the second flight i went to 3/4 throttle(usually flies at half throttle very very well) and the control were so sensitive that when i was trying to bring it down it rolled and had a nose dive crash. good thing nothing happened to the plane and the motor though i was not using the prop saver, bad thing i broke the gws prop :'( :'(. someone give me another prop. i don't have any prop left for this thing now so will wait until i buy a new one
Hey ,
ive got a few Props , foldable + normal . foldable - 6 size till 9 size
normal - 8*4 , 8*3 , 7*4 and i am using 7*3
again crashed my model(wasp-40). The cause is a heavy gust, It threw the model in to a right turn, and i allowed it to go right. But during that time it lost height. I tried to gain height and correct right attitude, by pulling elevator up, left turn and throttle a bit up, but it was late and it crashed :'( :'(
the fuse is severly damaged and beyond repair, the exhaust connector broken and pealed up the bolt hole on the engine.
>:( what to do now i am undecided.... guess my learning will be delayed more...
I put the electronics in another trainer but what should i do about the engine? any suggestion???
Depends on how bad the engine block is affected. You can always get the engine block (outer shell) alone and replace it, if it is real bad.
Can you post some pictures ?
OK, back in Kerala and almost finished building a 1meter E330 EP from Hobby Lobby, a much appreciated gift from a friend who is a also a member of this forum ;) Should be test flying it soon, as soon as the workload comes down a bit. Nice balsa AFT with magnetic hatch and an easy build. Will post photos tomorrow after completion.
I can't find a direct reference, but the box says is a "1M series plane sold by Hobby Lobby". The closest I can find is this one :
More importantly, met with Santhosh, and had fun flying his Mini Titan. Nice heli, just needed a bit more power, as it had a small wobble (as if you are applying left and right ailerons back and forth continously. This is a classic case of low headspeed, so it was fixed by increasing the throttle curve a bit.
It was good to fly something after almost couple of weeks. Thank you Santhosh ! Hopefully we will meet up to fly more soon.
Flew the E330 for the first time, and crashed ;) Too heavy a battery, and a little too big a prop (didn't have any choices on me, didn't want to wait for new ones to be shipped in). ESC got hot and then cut off. Small damage to the nose.
Time to build the Techone Mythos from Sai.
Plus a fellow flyer shipped in 7 helis to be fixed ;D Busy days ahead (outside of the work !). One of them is the cute little Trex 250, which I will be test flying for the first time !
shot down a 2ch airplane from the sky....... :P
@ sahevaan
please do not put loose talk lines as now we never know when it can effect us.
sorry....... ??? ???
Everyone knows you mean absolutely no harm, but you might still want to clarify what you meant by "shot" ;)
That is a troublesome word these days; as it has other meanings/contexts other than taking photos, playing billiards, football, cricket etc ;D
Flew Santhosh's E-Flite Tribute for a few minutes, great 3D acrobatic plane ! Thank you Santhosh !
The prop needs to be a bit lower pitch to really keep it in hover, and it was a bit too windy. Still, loads of fun ! ;)
That looks beautiful. Should look great against the greenery in kerala. What about some pics.
flew with anwar today,was a nice experience thanks a lot anwar.hope saturday will be a maiden day for many of my planes in the hanger ( hope anwar keeps promise)
A friend's kid wanted to see RC flying, and they even found an open ground not too far from home (like 3km). So off we went with a Trex 450 and 4 batteries. As soon as the heli took off, a pretty significant crowd appeared !
Ended up flying one battery, and answering questions for the other 3 batteries worth ! Very satisfying experience :)
Had a blast with Santhosh, test flying his array of Multiplex planes. The E-Flite Tribute had an eventful day. First I flew it for a little while, then Santhosh flew it. And that's when things got really interesting :P Winds were very gusty, so not totally unexpected.
See the attached crappy mobile phone pic.
oops its happened again..........
guess Anwar knows what to do... ( :D
Didn't need to get that sophisticated. Someone climbed halfway, and shook the branch. The plane did get damaged a bit in the resultant fall, but was an easy fix with 5 minute epoxy.
Another interesting thing that happened today was the Multiplex Twister (ducted fan jet) got carried away in the wind (that is what it felt like), and went away from our sight. So we started searching the thick bushes in the approximate area, in the middle of a few houses. What had happened is that it had fallen (throttle was cut when the model went out of sight) in the bushes next to a house, and the people inside heard it fall. Then we started giving small bursts of throttle to locate the plane. This really scared the women and children of the house, and they barricaded themselves behind the locked doors ! ;D I mean you hear a loud bang, than the periodic sound of a ducted fan; must have been scary for people for whom RC is something they have never seen or heard ! They came out after we got to the area, with relieved faces ! We all had a pretty good laugh about how scared they were :)
BTW, the twister had ZERO damage. Multiplex stuff seems to be nice when it comes to crashes !
And the Multiplex Twin Star is also a nice plane. Enjoyed flying it !
Thanks again Santhosh for hosting. It was good to see many people who are interested in flying gather and wait. Also, since we flew at the grounds of my old college, many youngsters came by and were asking questions about models. Hopefully some of them will pick up the hobby !
Quote from: anwar on August 08, 2009, 09:19:03 PM
BTW, the twister had ZERO damage. Multiplex stuff seems to be nice when it comes to crashes !
Frankly when reading it I did not expect damages in any case Multiplex is made solid to take a lot of beating {:)}
since last 3 day in have been flying my 2ch ir plane in the morning from 5am to 5:45am and in the evening from 6:40pm to almost till i feel the misquotes had enough of my blood for the day ;D
today is sunday guys what did you all do today
Today some rain hear so i cant fly my MRMOSS
Great Day today .
1) Tested the cheap turborix 2.4 G system on easy cub
2) Flew the slow stick
3) Fox had a few sorties
4) Acro master had quite a few sorties with good 3 D included
5) Twin Star flew as usaul 45 + mins on a single charge
Highlight of the day was Venkat had 2 of his trainees ( Saju and Myself ) up in the air together for the 1st time otherwise we would normally bully him to stand next to us to take over the plane after we had done something that got the plane close to a crash , but today was different we both flew independently and returned back with our planes intact. ;D
Guys give us a big hand {:)} {:)}
Got videos of the acro master and the fox ( whenever visible to us ) .
So over all a great day.
Mostly finished building my "nutta" wing and tail. Will get 3gm servos this week and set up the stuff. Hoping to be able to get this up during this week. Yes, raining here too, but thats what the nutta is going to help with.
1. I maiden my own built 32" coroplast winged Mr. Moss. It flew very well with 2212/13, 9*6 DD Prop and 3 cell Battery.
2. Operated my E-Starter Wing, cut in two parts, to make a low winger plane.
hey guys took out my slowstick for a spin today as driver uncle was free he took a video for me it was too windy in the first trial when he took the video and i got a brushed motor and esc from pramod bhaiya it had a bit less power but flight times were high. in the video it was a short one after that i had a 15-20 min flight don't know the exact time and my batt was drained to a point it needed some charging.
anyway i did some waves going up and down and had a lot of fun will have the videos up today
Maidened by Phoenix Diabolo. Whew! Flies nicely on the 60 FX, if only the spinner supplied by the manufacturer was matching with the rest of the plane it would have been perfect
Quote from: flyingboxcar on August 17, 2009, 09:08:23 PM
Midened by Phoenix Diabolo. Whew! Flies nicely on the 60 FX, if only the spinner supplied by the manufacturer was matching with the rest of the plane it would have been perfect
Congrat's Capt. heard the Katan also flew well at Avadi {:)}
Had a perfect weekend.. Flew my Seduction after a long time.. Also flew my Yak on an ASP .52.. Felt that it was underpowered and hence put in an OS .60 and it was performing well on a 14x4W APC prop..
Also flew the YAK for an airshow for the Air Force at Avadi.
Moreover witnessed a few turbine sessions on the field..
Best part is.. I started work again on the 50cc.. The wings are now done completely with the servo mounting.. would update my build thread! Also ordered LiFePo4 batteries for my 50cc Rx and Ignition.. should recieve it by the end of this week.. hoping for a maiden early next week :)..
- Chan
QuoteAlso flew the YAK for an airshow for the Air Force at Avadi.
good to see you back in the forum ;)
good luck with you median
Congrats Chan for the airshow. Looks like Chennai is becoming an RC hotspot!
BTW, a 14x4 prop on a 60 engine seems to be pretty close to the max. Check if the engine overheats or struggles. I have seen that + or - pitch by 1 inch does not make significant difference in prop performance but for diameter change by 1 inch makes a difference in the amount of drag produced by the prop. Thatz because the extra drag is produced at the tip of the prop and the engine feels a greater resistance at its crank shaft. I guess, you have arrived at 14x4 based on 11x7 prop recommendation for the 60.
Chan, where are the pics ? ;) Especially the ones from the Air Force show ??!?!
Hi Ismail,
Yeah true about the prop.. I landed on it with from the recommended 12x6.. But it did not perform well on a 13x4W.. so switched over to 14x4 and had a boost in performance.. Moreover this is the old FSR version.. So my guess is that it requires a heavier prop than today's engines! But I may be wrong..
Hi Anwar,
No pics from the cams allowed... :(!! But it was very good.. and was my first public display!!
- Chan
As long as the engine is happy and sings to the tune.. no issues. A simple check is to see how the engine's throttle response. If the engines reves up/down almost instantaneous to your stick movement then it should be fine. If it struggles or has a tendency to stall then the prop may be too big for it. Generally, the FSR type are good to handle big props.. they are like Yamaha RX 100s of the RC aircraft world.
Ya the only cams allowed were of the authorised photographers so no pictures of the show.
Sai thanks for the compliment, the katana just did some basic stuff and i chickened out on the landing due to all the trees and handed over the Tx to someone more experienced to land the bird, better that than wrecking the thing in front of spectators
Quote from: izmile on August 18, 2009, 04:42:21 PM
As long as the engine is happy and sings to the tune.. no issues. A simple check is to see how the engine's throttle response. If the engines reves up/down almost instantaneous to your stick movement then it should be fine. If it struggles or has a tendency to stall then the prop may be too big for it. Generally, the FSR type are good to handle big props.. they are like Yamaha RX 100s of the RC aircraft world.
It sings happily with the 14x4.. And the throttle response is very good.. I am even thinking of a 15" prop just to see how it performs.. Also have a couple of 14x6 wooden props to try on!! All would happen this week.. This is the 2nd night sitting on the 50cc.. Things completed so far (yet to update my build thread)..
1. Ailerons hinging
2. Elevator hinging
3. Aileron servo mounting
4. Elevators servo mounting
Tomorrow I woulld complete canopy sticking and rudder hinging in the morning and engine mounting and rudder servo in the evening (hopefully)...
today i flew the slowstick again, work is slowly moving ahead on my yak 54 and the f/a - 18 hornet and one thing i did today was to tape my moms n72 (mobile phone) on to the slowstick but i did not go higher due to fear of the mobile the falling off hence could not get any clear video will try it next time
Great day of flying :
1)Saju's Tuffy was maidened
2) Acro master flew great with new metal gear servos and Assan Receiver
3) Easy cub flew on the Turborix 2.4 G ( same one that need a laptop for programing ;) ) , great range , but I think I am taking this plane for granted did not check it prior to taking to field , had a rudder and elevator issue gluing which should have been checked and taken care of at home. some field taping and of she went. Should remember to set it up properly next week end.
Another great day of flying yesterday, before the start of travel again for a little while.
Santhosh, my brother and another veteran flier named Sebastian were on the field of the college I went to, in Santhosh's home town. Santhosh had his Multiplex range out (MiniMag, EasyStar and TwinStar), all of which flew beautifully. I got to try some sport flying (inverts, rolls and loops) on the TwinStar, which was first for me on a plane with twin props.
The Hacker ZoomZoom4 went out of sight from about 70ft height while my brother was flying it (due to high winds), but was recovered with zero damage ! A very sturdy plane, and the fact that the whole area is covered with shrubs of at least 1ft height helped ;) Flew it again immediately.
Finally Sebastian had two 450s, a Paragon 40 size nitro plane, a Hirobo Sceadu 30 size heli and a raptor 50 on the field. We both flew everything except the Hirobo and Paragon (due to rain forcing us to take breaks). It was good to fly a glow powered model after a break.
Yesterday i bought the subaru from saurabh and ran it around on the terrace though it was quite close to crash because there wasnt much space on my terrace...
20Mins on Real Flight everyday, hoping that the 4ft tall grass will be cut at the municipal stadium where we fly. Since its a reclaimed paddy field, dont like to see lives claimed at the spot :D you could get lost in there LOL.
due to the conditions - I guess its RC training as activity for this week..
ok guys today was a long day of flight with my slowstick and the banner and i want to move onto flying other planes i would like to buy one. i have till now flown the yak 54 e-starter slowstick extra 300 multiplex easystar moss and one more i dont remember which. in helis i have flown about 2 esky helis and 1 walkera and tried the ccpm heli butam not perfect at it.
suggest some plane which can be a good choice for me ( i like a bit bit fast and which can handle wind) and what is pattern flying ? and i dont like profile planes
Yesterday was a hi-tech day at Kovalam with the word "Video" or photography involved in just about any thing that took off except for a few sorties by Acro master and Easy Cub.
Rajesh was there with his Easy star hybrid and all sorts of electronics around it including Eagle tree telemetry etc.
We maidened the FPV on the twin star and flying FPV was truly amazing .
Details report on the FPV thread .
Visited a local field. Nice facilities.
Sorry for the quality of the mobile phone pictures.
Some observations.
Most people had at least one 50cc gasser. One guy had DL56, else were all DAs.
Most had small electrics/foamies also. It was funny that many of them were also using the TowerPro combos from for their electric setup !
Not many heli fliers in this field.
Most of the people were flying very well ! Rolling harriers, hovering just above the ground etc. Saw one knife-edge with wing tip scraping the runway :o ;D
And finally, all except one person were using 2.4Ghz radios. :P
Forgot to mention, they have a big electric fun fly coming soon. Would be fun to go and watch !
Today for the first time i felt the thrust. Increased the bore of prop HD 8060 to 5 mm and fitted on my BL-2212/10 1400kv motor. completd the circuit and started the motor on 50% throttle. Initially the direction of motor was pusher type so swapped the motor connecton and the direction of rotation changed. Now desperately waiting for my slow stick from Mr Sai.
ok guys i came back from kerala this sunday (oh i remember the cisco song - "and so i am back no time to waste" blah blah). had a pretty exhausting time and no flying nor did i meet anyone i wish anwar bhaiya was there in kerala. anyway i am pretty busy on the space shuttle project and all my hobbycity parts have been shipped the space shuttle is built and ready for flight after which i shall add SRMS (Google please) and the cargo bay mechanism and retracts and all flap-ail-elevons and major one the rudder cum speed brake in short we want to make this model do whatever the real one doe. oh and we have smoke too and many many many other features which i shall be laying out in the space shuttle thread. just some info
this beast uses
3* edf70 systems from hobbycity each gives about 900gms of thrust
3* 40 amp esc
3* 2650 25c 3s lipo
15-17 servos (for maneuvering and other salient features)
and 2* 6chradio one for flight and one for display mechanisms
oh and another lipo to power up the 2 rx containing the features
this is really a beast
shall test it in thane probably
Quote from: Pikle6 on September 08, 2009, 08:48:50 PM
ok guys i came back from kerala this sunday ...........
I thought you will be coming to Chennai as well :(
oh sorry sai uncle i will come in 2010 after my board exams and stay there for 2 months
tomorrows test flight is canceled i cant go to pramod bhaiya's house as my car is in workshop
Today was a very eventful day for us at Kovalam , Saju and me started seriously Learning to Fly with my son Venkat as our teacher around June Mid , till then we used to fly in spurts but only a few circuits in the air and then would hand over the Tx to him to land that too when ever we got time , hence effectively our learning interest was very limited .
Around June it dawned on us that Venkat being in Xth we would get stuck and our Sunday Morning flying would completely halt when he started concentrating on his boards and his flying reduced .
So we started right earnest trying to learn flying ;D .
Today was eventful because for the first time three of us were flying independently and three of our planes were in the air at the same time , we repeated it twice as below :
Sortie 1 : Saju : Slow Stick , Venkat : Twinstar , myself : Easy Cub : around 15 mins of Joint flying
Sortie 2 : Saju : Easy cub , Venkat : Slow Stick, myself : twin star : again around 15 mins
Venkat also flew 2 sorties on the FPV on the twin star..
A mixed day, after almost 6 weeks of no flying. Other than the usual heli flying (my brother's HK450 Trex clone and couple of batteries on the Trex 500), test flew 4 other planes (one small electric Cessna, one Kyosho Calmato 40, another plane which seemed to be built from parts of two separate planes and looked like a T-34, and finally a Rascal which looked like 60 size).
It was satisfying to detect the cause of instability (it is like random aileron input being applied to the plane) on the Calmato ! It was a case where the decals/color scheme trims would come off during flight, causing massive drag on one of the wings. Some tape took care of it, much to the delight of the owner of the plane who is a veteran "aeromodeller" from the early 80s (who builds much more than he flies!).
On the flip side, I crashed my brother's Tiger 60, when my right finger slipped off the stick while flying low :( I am seeking consolation in the facts that 1) it was I who bought it for him at a great deal from a friend and 2) it can be rebuilt fairly easily as the wing etc are intact. Yet it feels that the whole incident was avoidable :(
The local hobby store was getting a new set of Calmato 60s, and they are similar in flying characteristics to the Tiger 60. So we may go for one of those regardless.
sat at home and tried repairing my heli scratching my head
To all those in Chennai. Head to Raceway 112 for all the RC car action you can get! For more info please visit
The last week has been very hectic.
Beginning with 25th Sep, we ( Mr. Sai of RCFORALLIN, his son and self) had an aeromodelling workshop we were conducting called "FLYSPAD" at MIT campus of ANNA UNIVERSITY, in Chennai, for 2 days. We had 37 teams (of 3 persons per team ) participating from various colleges including IISc, Bangalore, and NIT, Nagpur etc. Each team was guided to make their own Mr. Moss out of Corroplast. We provided all the electronics including TX, RX, motor, ESC, servo, battery, charger etc. Out of the 37 teams, 36 teams completed the building and the test flying was done by Venkat (Mr. Sai's son). All of them flew and each individual team member was highly thrilled to see their handiwork taking to the air. Out of the 37 teams, there were 2 all girls teams and there were a few other teams with some girl team members. Some of the teams even made some brave effort to fly their handiwork themselves after the test flight. All of them were very confident and exhilirated by what they had done.
On 2nd of October, we (Mr. Sai, Venkat and self) had active participation in the IIT-AEROFEST at Chennai IIT. This was a grand show with about 20 planes being showcased. We flew our Multiplex Sqaudron (Easy Cub, TwinStar, Easy Star). TwinStar and Easy Cub had the honour of inaugurating the show with streamers and the AEROFEST banner.
28 Sept went practicing for IIT aerofest at IIT campus. Oct 1st had a great show at Tambaram air force station. October 2nd had a great show (again) at IIT aerofest and oh! my God the crowd loved it all. The best part was the last when a 50 cc Yak and a Groovy were flown by Guru and Chan and they gave what the crowds wanted. And oh yeah! the week is still not over with Sunday yet to come.
On a side note, I see some one has still not recovered from not being tagged a " A true aeromodeller" :giggle:
Quote from: flyingboxcar on October 03, 2009, 03:24:01 PM
On a side note, I see some one has still not recovered from not being tagged a " A true aeromodeller" :giggle:
Thank you Captain for being active on the forum, despite me totally resisting your authority/decision to "tag" people summarily :argue:
The quality of information you are posting in the various threads will help a lot of people for a really long time :thumbsup: :salute:, and are reason enough for you to feel you had that authority >:D You have certainly earned the respect of people who do not know you in person !
Quote from: flyingboxcar on October 03, 2009, 03:24:01 PM
The best part was the last when a 50 cc Yak and a Groovy were flown by Guru and Chan and they gave what the crowds wanted. And oh yeah! the week is still not over with Sunday yet to come.
Wow!.. should have been a great day... {:)} Videos please.
The week from 25/9 till 4/10 was hectic in terms of aero modeling with the workshop and air shows all around .
On 2/10 we had 2 secessions of flying with :
1st one at Saju's company L& T some basic flying for a family day function it really gave us an understanding of the communities exposure to this great hobby.The idea here was nothing spectacular but was part of our effort to reach out to the community and observe the general reactions to aero modeling and I must say there were quite a few who had never known of such possibilities .This included a lot of technically qualified persons even at senior levels of management . They were surprised at the speed at which models fly especially considering that their previous impression was that these were some toys . Seeing even basic models like the easy star and Easy cub take off and land opened their eyes to the fact that these far from toys ;D.
After this I really agree with TG that community reach out initiatives even without spectacular elements is essential to push this hobby forward.
The afternoon the big one at IIT Shastra 2009 .
Apart from what Capt Manish has mentioned there were the following as well which in my opinion need mention :
1) Arvind did some great Heli flying with the Augusta Scale Heli and some breath taking flying with the Raptor
2) Capt Velraj and Alex did some very precise flying and put up a great effort in getting the crowd to understand the nuances of various aerobatic moves clearly showing what professional qualified Pilots can do with their models they flew for short while but precision was evident .
3) Mr Shridhar with his Auto Gyro was another unique air craft : possibly those from Sholavaram have seen it so often they don't feel its uniqueness
4) Capt Manish and Meenakshi did some great combination flying with a scale P51 and a sport plane .
5) Venkat flew to Music with his acromaster with streamers opening with an Enrique number , it was something like sky dancing for the model with free style aerobatics .
6) Vivek from IITM opened the show with the Multiplex easy cub with steamers attached to it accompanied by the twin star towing an Aerofest Banner which was longer then its length
7) Prabhakar with his scale Cessna was flying exactly like a real one.
After all this aero modeling we decided to do some relaxed flying with the Easy Star , Easy Cub and the Twin Star and had a great time today with tension free flying despite heavy winds.
OK, from here on, anyone attending any event has to report with pictures and/or videos, or they face the hammer :violent: >:D
The ones who did not get to participate in person have the right to get a glimpse of such good news ! Anyway it is great to see the hobby being showcased to the public often :thumbsup: {:)}
Actually the Ground at L& T was an open bus parking lot next to the factory , some locals were playing cricket there as well so not much is needed to show case the hobby at its basic level I was surprised that they were awed even with simple beginners planes :o :D ;D there was nothing sensational at the L&T event but that itself was good enough
There is a difference between everyday (or weekly) flying, versus an organized demo/event. And it is the pictures/videos from such events that I was mentioning earlier :)
I suppose Mr. Sai and Mr. Saju have some videos to share ;)!! My camera was not even unpacked on that day!!
Or lemme get some vids and pics from the IITians!
- Chan
Quote from: flyingboxcar on October 03, 2009, 03:24:01 PM
The best part was the last when a 50 cc Yak and a Groovy were flown by Guru and Chan and they gave what the crowds wanted.
Thanks Capt. am still hunting for a video of that sortie!
- Chan
Maiden my Blazee Bee .............But :banghead: :banghead: >:( >:(...something wrong.....didnt fly ......thrust was good but as soon as i hand launch the plane it wooble in air and danced in air approx 6 mtr above ground level and crashed like a plane without vertical stabilizer. i think Subu was rt about short Vertical stabilizer. will increase the height and design of VS and will maiden again.....
Tried my E-Starter Low winger..... :banghead: :banghead: again something went tilted to left after hand launch and crashed....might be due to some weight towards left wing...will check and do a test flight next Saturday....Guanli Thunder Bird flew very well again.....although flight time with NiCd apck is approx 5-10 min.....but i am happy...will convert it to Lipo and brushless.....
Quote from: sandeepm on October 05, 2009, 12:43:31 PM
Maiden my Blazee Bee .............But :banghead: :banghead: >:( >:(...something wrong.....didnt fly ......thrust was good but as soon as i hand launch the plane it wooble in air and danced in air approx 6 mtr above ground level and crashed like a plane without vertical stabilizer. i think Subu was rt about short Vertical stabilizer. will increase the height and design of VS and will maiden again.....
as i said that there would not be much vertical stab and i was busy last whole week with space shuttle and vtol and ordered the pulama shockie today as i want to start learning some basic 3d above loops and rolls will get it tomorrow and start work on it
QuoteBeginning with 25th Sep, we ( Mr. Sai of RCFORALLIN, his son and self) had an aeromodelling workshop we were conducting called "FLYSPAD" at MIT campus of ANNA UNIVERSITY, in Chennai, for 2 days. We had 37 teams (of 3 persons per team ) participating from various colleges including IISc, Bangalore, and NIT, Nagpur etc. Each team was guided to make their own Mr. Moss out of Corroplast. We provided all the electronics including TX, RX, motor, ESC, servo, battery, charger etc. Out of the 37 teams, 36 teams completed the building and the test flying was done by Venkat (Mr. Sai's son). All of them flew and each individual team member was highly thrilled to see their handiwork taking to the air. Out of the 37 teams, there were 2 all girls teams and there were a few other teams with some girl team members. Some of the teams even made some brave effort to fly their handiwork themselves after the test flight. All of them were very confident and exhilirated by what they had done.
On 2nd of October, we (Mr. Sai, Venkat and self) had active participation in the IIT-AEROFEST at Chennai IIT. This was a grand show with about 20 planes being showcased. We flew our Multiplex Sqaudron (Easy Cub, TwinStar, Easy Star). TwinStar and Easy Cub had the honour of inaugurating the show with streamers and the AEROFEST banner.
darn i miss being a student,i wish wish............................. :sleepy:
Hi Guys,
Heres my first submission of the IIT Aerofest 2009..
This video is of the combined flying done by me and Guru..
I was flying my 50cc Yak and Guru was flying his Groovy 90 powered by an OS 1.20 pumped 4 stroker!
The main part is that we both were performing whatever the crowd was asking for and we were requested for a Shakira move as a leg puller by the crowd..
Capt. Manish and Alex immediately prompted me to do a tail wag in front of the crowd to simulate the infamous Shakira belly dance!!
It was an instant crowd puller with the audience asking for a repeat!!
The only sad part was the outstanding short landing of the Groovy by Guru was not shot in the video!! It was a tight field and landing the 50cc was also quite a deal there!
- Chan
Great work
The Highlight of the show is chan s shakira move best move in the show
i wanna be a aeromodeller lik u chan ..........
U ROCK.............
Quote from: Vasudev on October 07, 2009, 09:46:05 AM
Great work
The Highlight of the show is chan s shakira move best move in the show
i wanna be a aeromodeller lik u chan ..........
U ROCK.............
Thanks a lot Vasudev!! Were you there for the show??
- Chan
yes i was there
i have seen u flying in sholavaram
but this one is a outstanding performance ........ {:)} {:)} :D :D :thumbsup:
Another fun morning at the field. Flew the Trex 600 Nitro heli for one tank. The rest was all testing and setting up various planes for others.
Here is my brother's latest addition, a Piper Cherokee (classified as a "semi-scale sport" plane).
Yep.. that is a Futaba 9C "72Mhz" :P
great flyin chan. {:)} {:)}
Quote from: anwar on October 04, 2009, 09:47:53 PM
OK, from here on, anyone attending any event has to report with pictures and/or videos, or they face the hammer :violent: >:D
The ones who did not get to participate in person have the right to get a glimpse of such good news ! Anyway it is great to see the hobby being showcased to the public often :thumbsup: {:)}
That reminds me of a video i have from a previous airshow event held in Pune...let me see when can i post it.
Thanks Ankur..
Now to carry on with this weeks happenings!
There was a SPIN Workshop held at the air force base in Tambaram for the Instructors! The instructors were being coached on the different kinds of spins and the ways to recover out of them! Me, Guru and Alex were called in to demonstrate the different spins that can be performed on the aircrafts!
I flew the my 50cc Yak and demonstrated regular spins, flat spins, inverted flat spins, spirals, spinning out of maneuvers etc..
Alex did the same with the Groovy and Guru flew his Viper jet and did some nice high speed passes, loops and rolls!!
It was entirely a very good day and the air force people were also thrilled to see so much of RC activity!!
It was also enlightening for us because we were exposed to so much inside the base and we learnt a lot too..
The best part comes now (Anwar..this would make you happy!)
I have got my Raptor Titan 50 ready! Running on a OS Hyper and HS 645 MG servos!! Gyro is GY401!
Aravind is going to be my instructor and I would probably start flying post Diwali.. Practicing on the sim full time now!!
Itching to get started now.. I think I cannot go wrong anywhere with such an instructor!! ;)!
Any tips for beginners??
- Chan
Congrats {:)} Welcome to the dark side ;D
The only tip is practice on the sim, which you are already doing.
Remember... every beginner heli crash I have seen is pretty much because of two things.
1) Flying too far or too close. Plan your paths in your mind a bit ahead of time. This applies to planes also, but those big blades on helis make you panic more/faster in close range, and the profile of the helis (with no wings) make it harder to read the orientation when they are too far.
2) This is the big one. Practice "nose-in" hover on the sim. Even if you do not get nose in hover completely mastered initially, learn to apply a quick punch of rudder, to make the heli go back into "tail-in" orientation. I think 80% of crashes I have seen is because the heli ends up "nose-in" inadvertently, and the pilot panics!
Hi Anwar,
I am able to comfortably nose in hover in the sim and am even able to do basic loops and continous rolls without losing altitude! The only problematic place is when I come for landing, I still havent got that smooth transition from forward flight to a hover! But am able to land though its quite hard.. The only comforting thought is that Aravind would be standing next to me connected thru a buddy cord!! Lets hope all goes well!!
And did I forget to tell you something more ;D ;D
Would be flying my first jet sortie on Sunday on a Baby Boomerang running a Jetcat P60 SE turbine >:D >:D!! Starting a completely new era of flying.. Would try to get some videos and post them here!!
- Chan
Wow :thumbsup:
I never had a significant urge to get into planes, and turbines are the next step in planes. The only turbine aircraft I have flown was a Vario scale heli.
It is interesting to see the fire-extinguisher being brought next to the aircraft every time the engine is being started :P Living in a world of lipos, makes them look routine though !
Witnessing them fly is a whole another feeling, as compared to watching other types of aircraft. And the guys at our main field make perfect landings time and again, that part is particularly satisfying watch ! The hind wheels touch town together, and couple of seconds later, the nose wheel. We all do that, but they do it again and again and again ! :salute:
Do post pictures and videos !
Forgot to ask... Have you finished the break in ? One tank on the ground is enough usually for the OS50 Hypers. The second tank onwards, you can hover at a few feet (but be prepared to land any time though). Some people even hover for the first tank, but I found that the engine tends to quit many times, that it takes the fun away.
Hi Anwar,
The best thing that drew me into turbines is the awe that comes with it!! Its like a dream flying machines that can be soooo fast!! But the one that I have got now is a relatively slow jet trainer! So no retracts and no brakes! But still I hope that someday I would be able to afford a mean machine!
The heli engine is brand new.. It has been run one tank already! Aravind would be doing the maiden and a couple of flights before I take over (with the buddy cord of course)!!
Yeah the jet landings are something and the sound that they make on the low passes!! It would be Guru who would be helping me with the jets since I am a noob to turbines!!
- Chan
Hey Chan,
You sure are going fast man. 50 CC gasser, then Heli and Jets. Way to go !!!
We will all be looking forward to ( and glued to ) your "Getting into Helis" and "Getting into Jets" :)
Now, I also recently acquired a Raptor 50 Titan . Though i am not confident to learn this thing by myself. OK, i do have Realflight and practiced on it, but for someone who never has been into Helis its a steep learning curve to do everything yourself.
Good for you that you are in Chennai and Aravind can help you learn. Also he has such a good stock of spares that you will not run out of anything.
Keep us posted on how things go, perhaps might give me the necessary encouragement to go ahead with this myself.
BTW what batteries did you use for the RX on your gasser ? A123s ?
nothing much meet my school friends n was mostly busy but got my cox engines today and played with them :D
Quote from: gauravag on October 17, 2009, 06:37:33 PM
Hey Chan,
You sure are going fast man. 50 CC gasser, then Heli and Jets. Way to go !!!
We will all be looking forward to ( and glued to ) your "Getting into Helis" and "Getting into Jets" :)
BTW what batteries did you use for the RX on your gasser ? A123s ?
Hi Gaurav,
Thanks!! I dont think there would be a getting into helis / jets thread as I did not do any research into it.. Both were acquired ready to fly! I think I would first fly and then learn :)!! Anyways, even I know that am very lucky with Aravind in town!
I would definitely keep all you guys posted on the happenings here!
I still have not started using the Hyperion Lifes on the gasser.. Right now they run on 2 x 3000 mAh Zippy Lipos and Castle Creations BEC!
- Chan
Today was an interesting day as we test flew a SPAD glider with a 2.5 mtr wing span with twin motors .
Three sorties were fairly good .
Kept the set up rudder elevator hence the turning radius was way too high .
But experienced a funny problem the rudder was not responsive when the plane was powered up with the motor running but when the motors were shut down the rudder was more responsive ???
Any ideas ?
10 cm short of cularis
Quote from: rcforall on October 18, 2009, 06:44:57 PM
But experienced a funny problem the rudder was not responsive when the plane was powered up with the motor running but when the motors were shut down the rudder was more responsive ? Any ideas ?
You mean you were able to reproduce this by holding the aircraft in your hands and at some high throttle total deflection of the rudder was less with the motors running ?
This was observed in Air
If this is in the air, then wind and resulting aerodynamics would explain it. Would need some time to think through and illustrate with examples.
To give a better Idea The wing is 8ft and the fuse is 6 ft AUW = 3.5 kgs . My take on this is that in the case of the motors being powered the rudder has to over come a faster airflow , enhanced forward momentum as well as the inertia of the plane where as in the case of the power off scenario 2 of the above 3 are not there ???
Hi Mr sai
What is the battery used for this plane??
Possibly post some pics of the plane as well. Never heard of this big spads before.
this week i flew the pulama and did its review today i fixed the rudder pushrod and completed my blu-baby and ducted fan slowstick
Quote from: tg on October 19, 2009, 11:42:34 AM
Possibly post some pics of the plane as well. Never heard of this big spads before.
For now no photos as yet . I use 2 nos 11.1V 4300 mah batteries one for each motor.
You will be hearing more of it often ;D
It flew very well but rudder alone was just not enough , so I am planning some mods on it.
Havent been really posting/updating on this thread here, but i have been doing some upgrades/maintanence on my planes and here is what I am doing :
1. GP Extra 300S .91 - Replaced the rudder servo with a Hi torque digital - Futaba S3050 . Changed the Single Elevator Servo to Twin servos. Installed the new FASST Rx and adjusted battery location for better CG. Ready to fly. Looking to fly this today
2. CG Chipmunk - OS 91FS - Completed engine and radio installation . Used a Futaba Digital S3050 on rudder with Pull-Pull controls. A high torque on the elevator - S3010 . Ready to maiden this ( without the cowl ) . Most likely in the next 2 days.
3. Javellin - Saito 1.25AAC - Replaced engine ( earlies used the OS 91 FS ) . Moved all servos to the tail. Used a all Digital setup here. Hitec HS5485HB everywhere. Except rudder which again has a S3050 High Torque Digital. Zinger 16x6 prop at the front. Ready for breakin. Should be done this week. Waiting for Klots KL100 to arrive, since will be using this for breakin.
4. Phoenix Models Tiger .46 - Improved the RX FASST installation.
5. Top Flite Cessna 182 .90 - Working on finishing covering. Hope to get this ready by the year end.
6. Phoenix Scanner .46 - Did a complete engine servicing yesterday. Had a TT 46 PRO which had done over 500 flights ( combined on several models ). Cleaned Carb, cylinder/piston ( lots of carbon deposits on the head ). Installed and test run yesterday. Much better throttle response and power.
Wow. I have so much going on here....
pics pics pics is all i can say
anyway my slowstick ducted fan is set for maiden tomorrow and also the blue baby with extended flaperons and extreme strengthening and overpowered system will be maidened though it has been flown but with little success.
here are some pics oh look out for the extended flaperons and my extreme ss wing decaling ;D ;D ;D ;D
anyone wants to see or fly the blu-baby come call me today itzself at 9833036737 and tomorrow at 8 am i am flying in kharghar oh and i am shooting videos tooooooooooo
Lots of RC activity in Allahabad in the last week.
Maidened my Super Chipmunk with a 91 FS. Flew unbelievably well. No trims absolutely ans majestic flyer.
Then flew the Javellin with the new Saito 1.25 . Big airplane and loved it.
Also flew my Extra , Piper and Scanner.
Amir flew his bipe and did some very nice manoevers.
Attaching pictures. Note that all my planes have their cowls off, as i waas cleaning/tuning the engines. Cowls will be all put back on , and new photos taken next week.
Nice models Gaurav ! The Chipmunk 90 brings some fond memories of testing flaps on one which my brother had.
Yet another Friday morning at the field. Witnessed two heli crashes, the airplane guys all went back unscathed ;)
One was our best 3D heli pilot, and the wind sort of messed up his calculations while doing low level routines. The other one seems to be a case of using the wrong servo. Some one who had just started on helis was flying a Hirobo Shuttle RG 30 (nitro powered), and seems like one of his servos seized up. He was using the JR DS811 servos that come with the Spektrum radios, and like some people had raised the concern, they are probably not a very good choice as cyclic servos on helis.
Practised more of the 4 point tic-tocs on the Trex 600N.
Hey guys,
As Mr. Sai had already pointed out in a previous thread, we had a complete ball yesterday at the RCPA airfield. The guest list was more than 50 people and almost all the flyers in Chennai were there.. It was RC mania there!
I had taken my 50cc Yak and had about 5 flights with it and completely abused it!! ;) ;)!! And almost mastered a hover on takeoff!! And it was a very different experience flying from pilot posts!! Took a couple of flights to get used to it!!
The best part was yesterday was the first day of helis for me (just got a Raptor 50 Titan)! The first flight on a heli, I took off and hovered for about 3 mins under Aravinds guidance and then proceeded to do circuits!! Did about 4 to 5 circuits and came in for landing!! After that I had about 4 more sorties and was getting familiar with the controls and orientation.. Thanks to Aravind, I was able to fly quite well yesterday :)!
Would be posting a LOOOOTT of photos and videos in the days to come!!
- Chan
Sounds awesome :thumbsup:
So was it the official opening of the new field ?
Not cool that you guys are not posting pictures right away ! :thumbsdown:
Shoi Saabar Ya Anwar :giggle:
Chan was the hero of the place even though true life hero Ajith was around ;)
Saju is to blame for lack of photo's from my side can you imagine carrying a discharged camera to the field ;) ;D
Can't blame me I don't have a camera worth its name at all :(
Quote from: rcforall on October 26, 2009, 12:55:04 PM
Shoi Saabar Ya Anwar :giggle:
Lame excuses 8-) :P Maa yaghder.... Marra thaani maafee :violent:
Wow. The RC activity in Chennai seems to be great !
We, in Allahabad, too had a ball this Sunday, though just with 2 fliers around ( apart from myself ).
I flew my Javellin ( on its 5th flight ) with the Saito 125. Lovely airplane, and flying qualities.
Though in its 3rd flight of the day, had a engine cut and though landed quite nicely the landing gear came off ! I am so surprised at the build quality of these ARF models. What looks good on the top has so much crap within ! Any engineer worth his salt wouldnt have designed the gear in the way it was on this airplane. I would be doing quite a bit of work on this in the next 3-4 days to design a better gear and install it on the plane.
Virtually ALL of the ARFs I have seen/assembled need reinforcement in the firewall and landing gear areas. I have an IMAGINE 50 and although a "premium" ARF from Thunder Tiger, had virtually no glue around the U/C mounting plate and came off on a normal, albeit slightly hot, landing in grass!
Thanks a lot for the compliments uncle.. We flew till dark yesterday!
And also posting some pics I had!! Would be posting some more!
- Chan
A pic of my Raptor
- Chan
Quote from: sushil_anand on October 26, 2009, 03:07:52 PM
Virtually ALL of the ARFs I have seen/assembled need reinforcement in the firewall and landing gear areas. I have an IMAGINE 50 and although a "premium" ARF from Thunder Tiger, had virtually no glue around the U/C mounting plate and came off on a normal, albeit slightly hot, landing in grass!
Yes i seem to be realising this . Javelin has been my third ARF. ( Phoenix Tiger and Scanner being the previous ones ). How is the Imagine performance ? Seems like this plane too has a fuse length greater than wingspan, so performance must be pattern like ? What engine do you have on it ?
Quote from: chanvivek on October 26, 2009, 03:26:52 PM
A pic of my Raptor
- Chan
Chan, Way to go ! My Raptor is still ( and perhaps would remain like that for a while) in the box, wish I had someone like Aravind to train me too !
Super fun on Sunday at RCPA runway. Chan was the most talked about pilot. His stunts on the gasser and first Heli flight amazed me. Chan macha, you will go down on Chennai's aeromodelling history pages. {:)}
Capt Velraj was another pilot who impressed me a lot. A real sad ommission was Ajith's pusher type Jet which he couldnt get started even after so much of effort. That would have been awesome fun to watch.
Excellant flying by Sai sir's son with cool electrics planes. If I ever start flying, its going be one of those models first. It looks quite possible now, Aravind's Helis and now Chan's flight set my pulse up. Ajith commented that since I am into cars, its just natural that I will take to flying. He asked to hang around often with this crowd and they will convert me. ;D
The FPV amazed me, Cool gadget. Some interesting ideas on the Assan module for my Transmitter, going to work with Sai sir to see if its possible.
Had some excellant runs on the tarmac and offroad with my Truggy and Monster truck. Some straight line runs excited me and hit good speeds.
Thanks for the compliments Ajo!! Your cars rocked too! Am planning on getting a nice car next since my heli dream has been achieved! And this is mainly because of the numerous car tracks that have popped up too!! Might be interesting to have races on Saturdays and flying on Sundays :) :)!!
- Chan
Quote from: chanvivek on October 26, 2009, 08:02:25 PM
Am planning on getting a nice car next since my heli dream has been achieved!
Awesome... {:)} Let me know, we will plan it.
Another day at the field.. 3 hours on the field, and NOT a single flight. Enjoyed it thoroughly though, with various activities.
Helped some one (who is also a member of this forum) with his first ever RC flight on a buddy cable :thumbsup: He has been preparing with my Real Flight sim for a while. Some one else offered his high-wing plane and his radio, and I volunteered with my radio as the student one (Futabas). Windy day, so did not do it for long. Hoping to continue with it next week.
Helped someone with test flying his Trex 600 Nitro heli. He was a seasoned airplane flyer (about 10 years), but recently got into helis. Did one tank with him on a JR buddy setup (he was well prepared, came with two radios etc).
The lowlight was that a 30 size heli crashed due to the mismatched servo arm issue ( :'( In the attached picture, the white servo arm disc is a futaba one (shown removed and dangling), and the servo near the nose is a JR one.
If anyone noticed, the pull start was a highlight of this 30 sizer !
another flying video of twinstar
not much flying these days, but we performed air shows in iit guwahati and thapar university patiala last week
followed by chuck glider workshop.
Can you expand on what was involved in these ?
Would love to see some pictures from the chuck glider workshop.
QuoteYes i seem to be realising this . Javelin has been my third ARF. ( Phoenix Tiger and Scanner being the previous ones ). How is the Imagine performance ? Seems like this plane too has a fuse length greater than wingspan, so performance must be pattern like ? What engine do you have on it ?
It IS a pattern ship and flies like one. Smooth, and predictable. No apparent vices. I have an RCV 58 on it. Not fast like a 2 stroke but oodles of power. The plane is good but not worth the premium price. The build quality and fit of some components ( like the dihedral brace) was worse than some of the Chinese ARFs. A CM Pro Magpie or similar plane should be just as good at a considerably lower cost.
BTW I have a Javelin too that has not been flown yet.
Quote from: sushil_anand on November 05, 2009, 12:10:33 PM
BTW I have a Javelin too that has not been flown yet.
Is that a Javelin 90 ? I have always been interested in Pattern. Have you tried the GP Venus or Venus II ?
No. It is the Javelin II - 45. I have had the Venus. It is (was) an excellent airplane. Would rate it a bit better than the Imagine. Used the same engine on it.
Yet another day at the field, mostly in trainer role on buddy cord setups.
Flew my brother's Kyosho Minium. It is so light, it is perfect for indoors, and absolutely a bad choice for any amount of wind. Had a tough time keeping it in the air with about 5 knots wind.
And the good thing is that it can fly almost for 10 minutes on a single charge, and the batteries are available for $1.99 each in Hobbycity ( !
Got to take some pictures of the work in progress bipe being built out of two Calmato 40 elevator sets. More at :
PLANES ARE NO GOOD THIS WEEK END :banghead: :banghead:.
well not this week but the week earlier i flew the slowstick again and it crashed after mud being trapped on the battery connectors and it lost contact and my slowstick came down and thud !!. i broke a fin off the edf have to order replacement though i have two more edf's and my front fuse is shattered but i must say i almost did a rol on this slowstick on the earlier flight though it took more than the whole runway to accomplish and as usual the pulama was great
Did 18 flights of my Javelin-90 over 3 days Fri,Sat and Sunday. Practised pattern, slow rolls, knife edges, square loops etc.
Seemed to have some problem with the engine yesterday on the first 2 flights, and found out that the exhaust pressure tubing had come off.
Did a couple of deadsticks but after that the Saito 125 flew like a charm.
Till now i have had around 2 gallons of fuel through it, and consider the break in period to be over.
On agenda to further improve flying :
a. Seal hinge gaps
b. Re-mount aileron servos ( seem to be a little loose )
c. Re-mount the cowl - vibration seems to have shaken out the nuts
d. Trim has come off in several places. Re-iron and fix.
Next flight should be on Friday if all of above goes well.
Hey guys,
As Mr. Sai had previously mentioned, it was a really wet weekend.. Restrained myself from venturing out with my planes / heli on Saturday but was unable to hold myself on Sunday! Finally, at about 11am I set off with only my heli.. Went to Sholavaram and waited a while till the rains died down, then put out the heli and then I noticed that I did not have the hex starting rod :(!! Managed to get it started with my hex driver coupled with my torque starter ;)!! Did my first solo flights yesterday!! I hovered and did some gentle circuits in the first flight and the second flight I went all out!! Did nice high speed circuits and fast turns!! Landed exactly where I wanted it to land (but the way it lost altitude should not be questioned!! ;) ;) )... Managed to get it packed up and then again the skies opened up!! Was very content at having managed that couple of flights!!
- Chan
Can't wait to see Chan doing weed-whacking inverted ;)
One flight on the Trex 600N (mostly trying to get 4-point tic-tocs right). The rest was testing and setting up planes for others.
The star of the day was a Magic "high-wing" 3D plane brought in by a fellow flyer. It could not sustain knife-edge flight, but other than that it was doing many/most other maneuvers including hovers and torque-rolls.
Hi Anwar,
Long way to go still ;)! In fact yesterday and today, I was doing an airshow for my school in Trichy. The field was a tight field and hence I restricted myself to flying helis!! yeah!! I did about 7 sorties yesterday.. circuits and pirouettes were the only things I was capable of doing!! And the crowd was awed when the heli shoots straight up in the air when you slam throttle while hovering low!! Had a nice time with the Raptor!!
- Chan
Looks like you are doing demos every weekend :thumbsup:
If you can do circuits and pirouettes, combine them into "stall - turns" (I have a feeling you are doing them already!). First with half pirouette (180 degrees turn), and when you are confident, move on to 1.5 pirouettes (540 degrees) and then to 2.5 pirouettes. It is a simple yet amazing move, that always catches the eye of the first time audience :)
Hi Anwar,
Thanks for your help and guidance :D as for the first time I took the helly high up in the air and was able to fly it the same way as in a simulator did some figure 8's n all it was fun :D, but I don't know what happend and the helly suddenly zapped down ??? 10 feet and then i regained control but still it got a bit crashed nothing major though I changed the blades n its hovering ok now. The main rotor gear teeth's are a bit worn out may be 10 of them so should I fly it with the wornout teeth or should not take a chance and wait till i get the new one.
Great to hear you are progressing nicely with your flying :thumbsup:
Do not let the initial crashes discourage you. I am saying this because I have seen many people quit helis and go back to flying only airplanes after the first couple of crashes.
When you should wait till you change the gears depends on how bad the teeth are worn out. If you can hear the noise generated by the main gear changing when the worn out portion comes into contact with the motor pinion gears, then it is better to change the gears. Remember that the broken teeth get worn out even faster, once the nice symmetry is lost.
Overall, if 10 teeth are affected (instead of 2 or 3), you are probably better off changing it.
Make sure you do not point your transmitter antenna directly at the model, especially when the model is a little far from you. It sort of helps to keep the antenna pointed at about a 30 to 45 degrees angle towards the ground in front of you. This is one possible reason of the glitch.
A glitch in the receiver caused by static discharges is another possibility but that is mostly seen in belted helis. I believe your Honeybee CP2 has a separate tail motor, so that should not be the case.
Make sure you have enough battery power on both the TX side and on the heli/RX side. Also, make sure the connection of the battery to the ESC is solid.
Quote from: anwar on November 14, 2009, 09:48:15 PM
Looks like you are doing demos every weekend :thumbsup:
If you can do circuits and pirouettes, combine them into "stall - turns" (I have a feeling you are doing them already!). First with half pirouette (180 degrees turn), and when you are confident, move on to 1.5 pirouettes (540 degrees) and then to 2.5 pirouettes. It is a simple yet amazing move, that always catches the eye of the first time audience :)
Hi Anwar,
Thanks for the suggestions. I have tried the stall turn with just half a pirouette!! But am yet to try the 1.5 and 2.5 pirouette routines!! Would try them next time I fly!!
- Chan
Crashed my yak today !!!
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Oops :(
How come it was damaged the way it is ? Looks like the landing gear got ripped off, but the rest of the damage is closer to the tail, and that too on the side, yet the wing seems pretty much unaffected ?
yes.. actually i was flying on 60% expo initially, but changed it to 30% , response completely changed, even after few flights it was not getting into my subconsious mind ;)
but flying was fine on the airstrip, but when i was conducting demo flight for my juniors in college, the ground is small as compared to airfield and surrounded by trees and homes,
engine was also not giving enuf power, thanks to ASP :banghead: ;)
in doing a low pass it touched the ground and i myself cant figure out what happened..
the wings are fine, planning to put it into some scratchbuilt 3d model..
Amir ,
Not very difficult try a scratch build Coro fuse . I did a coro wing for my Tiger 60 and it flew very very well ,I think a replica fuse will be quite do able
Quote from: anwar on November 15, 2009, 02:03:16 PM
Great to hear you are progressing nicely with your flying :thumbsup:
Do not let the initial crashes discourage you. I am saying this because I have seen many people quit helis and go back to flying only airplanes after the first couple of crashes.
When you should wait till you change the gears depends on how bad the teeth are worn out. If you can hear the noise generated by the main gear changing when the worn out portion comes into contact with the motor pinion gears, then it is better to change the gears. Remember that the broken teeth get worn out even faster, once the nice symmetry is lost.
Overall, if 10 teeth are affected (instead of 2 or 3), you are probably better off changing it.
Make sure you do not point your transmitter antenna directly at the model, especially when the model is a little far from you. It sort of helps to keep the antenna pointed at about a 30 to 45 degrees angle towards the ground in front of you. This is one possible reason of the glitch.
A glitch in the receiver caused by static discharges is another possibility but that is mostly seen in belted helis. I believe your Honeybee CP2 has a separate tail motor, so that should not be the case.
Make sure you have enough battery power on both the TX side and on the heli/RX side. Also, make sure the connection of the battery to the ESC is solid.
HI Anwar,
Yeah i can hear the noice made when the broken teeth mesh with the gear so I will change the gear.
Thanks for the great tip again, I think I was pointing the TX towards the heli for more range :-[ but After your suggestion I tried using a lanyard to ensure that the TX remains in one position
Another question: the heli will fly for about 1 min and then it starts to come down even with newly recharged batterieis first I thought it was the battery but when I tried to recharge the battery it got recharged in 1 hour which normally used to take 3 hours. So i still think its the problem with either the motor or toomuch pitch on the blades. I will soon post a video to clear the confusion which will also showme using a pitch gauge for your reference.
hey guys i am very busy with my studies and literally have no time for flight though i am trying just once more before the boards. only one of my planes pulame is in flying order all other are resting dormant anyways i can help anyone call me at 9833036737 and anwar bhaiya sincere request to you can you just help me archive all the topics that have been talked about from today till march end as i think i will be having not much rc until then but after that nearly three months non stop rc guys ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D so please any way it would auto matically be possible it would be of a lot of help and any body want my planes for these weeks is most welcome come home and take them for just 3 months mind you
oh i will come to chennai tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
The regular field day of Friday was converted to a family day (due to seasonal festivities). Went to the field for about 3 hours on Saturday, without carrying any RC gear (except the toolbox). Spent the whole time setting up, doing break-in and test flights on a fellow flyer's brand new Trex 700 nitro heli.
Helis of 90 size are a whole different game :P About time to get one !
Some interesting news amongst all the rare rain in this desert... I visited the Qatar Scientific Club to renew my membership, and two things noteworthy happened.
1. I saw them trying to build a quad-rotor aircraft out of commercially available helis ! The model I saw there had 4 Big LAMA helis with their canopies removed and attached to the 4 sides of a square aluminium frame. Don't have much details on how it is all controlled/connected, as the concerned person was not there. They did say that the lift provided was not enough (because of the weight of aluminium), so they may try to change to CF sheets/rods and/or change the helis to something powerful like Trex 450s. Going there again tomorrow morning, will get pictures and some more details.
2. On the occassion of the national day of Qatar (Dec 18), I have been invited to do heli demo flights to an audience. Not sure of the exact timing and location, but tomorrow I will do a demo flight for the club folks. No big helis are allowed, so it will be the Trex 450 and Trex 500.
Exciting days ahead !
Went and did the test flight at the QSC. There are multiple rows of lamp poles in the parking lot where the flying is to take place which are about 10 ft high, so all action have to be higher than that. And the event is tomorrow.
What was more interesting is the amount of RC activity taking place at the club, ever since a new instructor (more like a technical resource) took over. Everything from chuck gliders, to many types of foamies, to planes being built from kits and so on.
Saw a glider that seems to have about 5 meters wingspan (estimate based on counting the tiles on the floor, which are each 60x60cm).
Looks like spending any free time at the club would be interesting !
Hey guys,
I had a ball of a time with my Raptor 50 this Sunday!! No planes!! Took only my heli and had a superb day!! Must be my 10th flight or so with this machine.. And I had finally found the guts to handle the stunt modes as well (of course with a lot of coaxing from Aravind the week before).. I was able to do loops, rolls, pirouettes, stall turns, a bit of inverted flying and also autorotation landings!! I had about 15 autorotation landings last week.. Take up the heli high and hit Throttle Hold!!
I also made a stupid mistake. Took it up nice and high and hit throttle hold and I reduced the pitch too much and it came down like a stone.. I immediately took the pitch up again the heli just started falling back (something like a stall)!! Sheer reflexes made me release the throttle hold switch (which proved to be dangerous) and the heli did a pirouette and was shuddering.. Luckily I managed to recover it though it was nose in and then took her up steadied her and then came in to land!! Gave me quite a scare!!
- Chan
The way normally we start training on autos is to go high (like 150 to 250 feet), hit hold, and while coming down, at about 50 feet abort the hold and take the heli back up again. Then you abort even a bit lower, like 10 feet. After that, you let it come all the way down, without aborting.
Because learning to safely abort a hold is a critical part of the learning autos. For planned autos, this is critical (for unplanned ones, you have no choice but to come down!).
Anyways, good to hear that you bailed out (and passed the test of nerves) ! :thumbsup:
One mistake people do in planned autos is to go to hold directly from stunt mode, and when they abort a hold, the engine jumps to extremely high rpm. Always move to normal (non-stunt) mode, then do the planned auto.
Hi Anwar,
Thanks for the tips. I always go to normal mode before trying an auto.. And I never tried what you mentioned. I always landed whenever I tried auto (except for that one freak incident!).. maybe i got lucky all the while ;)!
- Chan
yesterday's flying was a show for my friend from qatar, took my new bird gemini biplane to our favorite paddy fields, flew nicely for abt 1 minute then the unexpected happnd , the top wing come off in mid air ,lucky to land safely with the bottom wing, see the pics
Glue problem ? Glad to see nothing bad happened :thumbsup:
Well... 2010 is off to a great start... on the field at 7am ;)
First the minor setbacks...
Windy day, so planned to fly my Trex 600 nitro heli, but it developed a locked clutch problem. On closer inspection, I realized that the clutch lining had worn off, and the arm of the clutch shoe had extended too much. Time to put a new clutch lining, and probably change the clutch shoe also. This is usually noticeable in flight itself due to how the engine rpm is translated into blade speed, but some how it went unnoticed. Time to remove the engine and do some maintenance !
And on to the fun parts...
The next big activity was testing the AXN Floater. Being a windy day comes with both advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that you have to struggle a bit with the controls, and the advantage is that you can make aircraft do things that they are not supposed to do. In this case, we had a lot of fun hovering the AXN Floater, and just taking it up high and then cutting the throttle completely and letting in glide for a long long time.
Although the wind made it tough, we had a lot of fun (and couple of minor crash landings!) trying to grab the plane in the air instead of landing it. Video of that to follow ;)
Well im free now a days and its snowing outside. Had some fun in the snow with slash last night. Seriously need chains on rear tires, but I think I will go with zip-tie mod for better fun in snow.
Probably will be doing some snow drifting once i swap the brushless from slash to my fk'05 as its waterproof and the parking lot is smooth and slippery coz of frozen black ice.
Also got a new package from Thunder Tiger for my buggy and its "BRUSHLESS CONVERSION KIT" Sweeeeet!!!!
But its gun metal color, I was hoping for red to go with my rest of the red bling-bling upgrades.
Taking the buggy apart right now to rebuild it with conversion kit. Need to change diff oil to heavier one.
No plans to run it in snow, as my Mamba monster isn't waterproof, so will wait for snow to clear out.
Its so good out thr, everything white covered in snow, if only it wasn't this snowing I would have been flying by trex 450. Want to hook up a camera or something and take some sick pics!!!
Happy New Year to ya all!!!!
Nasty crash of a big Piper Cub on our field :'( Also some other local crashes in the compilation.
PS: I was NOT there when this happened.
I flew my first RC.
It was an amazing experience. All thanks to sir Manpreet (hangingtough).Who came all the way from his office to the place where i was staying just to share his rc with me (we all know how painful the traffic is in delhi). He guided me on the controls of the rc. It was an utmost joy to hold the transmitter and throttle up the coaxial heli. The moment I increased the throttle i realized that the RC didnt respond the way i expected it to , it didnt go straight up, instead it lifted up and started to drift without my command, thats when i actually realised that i had to actually guide the machine myself, doing a few adjustments here and there on the tranmitter i managed to make it go up vertically (without dirfting away in any other direction), just then i realised one of my biggest passions hatching from its egg. Then the battery died on the RC and i had to return it to manpreet sir.
I hope i get more chances to fly.
Congrats ! {:)} :thumbsup:
It is an amazing feeling, and the beginning of a lot of fun to be had in the future ! I am sure Manpreet enjoyed it just a much, as helping others is just as fun as flying yourselves.
Quote from: anwar on January 01, 2010, 12:54:56 PM
Although the wind made it tough, we had a lot of fun (and couple of minor crash landings!) trying to grab the plane in the air instead of landing it. Video of that to follow ;)
Video posted here :
Hi Guys,
Officially entered the Jet League day before yesterday.. Had a couple of flights on the Intro Boomerang.. Unable to stop myself, I went and flew yesterday too.. This time it was 4 flights.. Did a formation flight (sort of) with Guru.. It was a back to back takeoff with me going first on my Intro and Guru following on his Viper.. We did some fly bys one behind the other and I landed first and taxiied off the runway making space for Guru to come in and then he greased his Viper in.. Would post a video of the whole episode... We burnt 20 litres of fuel yesterday alone.. Going to the field yet again today.. Planes being taken are the Skygate Hawk (HUUUUUGGEE Jet), the Boomerang XL jet, my Intro Boomerang jet, Tiger 60 and the Groovy 90 (flying on a YS110)..
And another thing worth mentioning... Guru was test flying a Great Planes Giles 1.20 size flying on a 26cc petrol engine.. After about 5 minutes into the flight, the aileron pulled off and the plane went berzerk and came nose down on a spin (almost).. But he managed to recover and pulled off one of the most beautiful landings I have ever seen.. Plane was saved without a scratch.. Got a video of it..
Pics and videos of the last couple of days to follow soon...
- Chan
Very cool {:)} Waiting for pictures/video !
some pics taken the last two days..
- Chan
some more pics..
final bunch of pics..
- Chan
WOW ! That jet looks way too cool !!!!
Chennai rocks !
Amazing {:)} Whats the cost of these jet setups. The viper looks huge :o.
Quote from: anwar on January 01, 2010, 12:54:56 PM
Windy day, so planned to fly my Trex 600 nitro heli, but it developed a locked clutch problem. On closer inspection, I realized that the clutch lining had worn off, and the arm of the clutch shoe had extended too much. Time to put a new clutch lining, and probably change the clutch shoe also. This is usually noticeable in flight itself due to how the engine rpm is translated into blade speed, but some how it went unnoticed. Time to remove the engine and do some maintenance !
Clutch shoe had broken off. Not totally unexpected with almost a year of aggressive flying. Replaced.
Flew the AXN Floater again today, with larger 2200mah batteries. The CG is a bit better with these, and the longer flight times are an added advantage. And confirmed that it can float to ground when power is cut.
All-in-all, looks like this is one of the best beginner ARF that money can buy. And it is extremely cost effective too. Looking forward to the local stores carrying it soon. We are getting couple more of these for newcomers to the hobby on our field.
Also flew couple of tanks on the Trex 600 nitro, after replacing the clutch shoe.
My brother tried some on-board cam also with the AXN Floater. Need to try the "pen" cam next.
Currently taking simulator training!!! :giggle:
Video of me and Guru doing formation flying on Jets :)
- Chan
Went to the field, still under the threat of heavy winds and possible rain. Turned out to be a good day.
Helped a new flyer from Kerala with building and flight testing an AXN Floater. A week on the sim, and 4 batteries of flying my brother's AXN Floater on a buddy setup with me over the past two weeks, and he is flying around and landing on his own with his AXN :thumbsup:
Thinking of getting an AXN Floater or a high-wing 40 or 60 size nitro trainer for training purposes alone. Have a spare sim, so a few flights on a buddy setup should have people flying on their own. The more the merrier ;)
Quote from: chanvivek on February 06, 2010, 10:42:46 PM
Video of me and Guru doing formation flying on Jets :)
Nice ! Does your jet plane have flaps ? Wondering about the landing speed.
Hi Anwar.. It does have flaps but the speed that you saw in the landind is just about the right speed at which it wants to sit down.. The flaps are just below the turbine and I come with full flaps down (amost 90 deg deflection)..
- Chan
Saw this RV-4 being built from a kit in one of the local shops. Was a bit of a surprise, as not may are spending time to do this any more, and it is all ARFs these days.
had a nice flying with chan in our paddyfiels,chan will post the videos. tnx a lot for coming here, we all :salute: :salute: :salute:
Wow ! Missed that one entirely :(
hope we all can meet once again in trichur,as chan is very much impressed by the scenic beauty of kerala and the company of our friends :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
How come no pictures yet :headscratch: :banghead:
chan was here for three days,my camera got a severe problem so no videos from my side.chan fitted a smoke system to my twister and flew it nicely hope he will post the videos by tomorrow.left from here today only
Hi Guys,
Just landed at about midnight in Trichy... Up already and editing the videos.. Would be posting them soon!! Had a soooooper great 3 days with Santhosh and friends.. What a company oh man!! Was lucky to be there.. And they were the perfect hosts!! Thanks Santhosh....
I flew 2 twisters, the Gemini and the Twinstar all in the paddy fields.. Was very much impressed with the Twister.. Flew about 5 sorties on 3s Lipos and found it to be slightly underpowered and struggling on takeoff so after reading a bit, I punched in 4s since I was quite confident about my throttle management. But proved myself wrong and burnt the ESC after about 4 mins of agressive flying, though I made a conscious effort to reduce throttle after the passes!!
Check out the videos which would come later on today!!
All in all a soooooooooper time in Thrissur!!
Planning another trip in March.. this time with some of my planes too :) :)!!
Thanks again to the perfect host!! And the launcher (Kannan) deserves special mention!! :) :)
- Chan
Heres a video of the Twister flying on 4s and smoking up as well ;)
- Chan
Nice Video {:)}... but it could have been extrememly dangerous with Lipo and smoking and so many people around.. hope no one got hurt... I dont like smoking and Lipos together... :P
Aaaaahhhh miss that crowd ;)
Was the ESC the only loss ?
Good flying there Chan... {:)} You should be having a separate battery for the receiver. Didn't you?
Ya. the launcher appears authentic south Indian style. I liked the way he launched the plane in one of the previous videos. :thumbsup:
Santosh ,
Great Plane {:)} , Great Host {:)} :salute: , Great launcher {:)} :salute: and great Flying Field ( very much like Kovalam where we fly ) :thumbsup:
Chan ,
Good flying {:)} from what you say it looks like the 4S fried the ESC and not the BEC , if the BEC was to go it should have done so within seconds of take off. Hence it could only been a problem of ESC cooling or excess amp draw :headscratch: . BTW which was the ESC may be we could check the specs as all MPX sites say only 3 S .
Anwar ,
Elapor so not much damage should be there . ;) ;D
Santosh ,
Why don't we have a fun fly event out on your Paddy fields sometime in April/May 2009 .
Anwar can plan then to be home as well ;).
Santosh ,
Why don't we have a fun fly event out on your Paddy fields sometime in April/May 2009 .
Anwar can plan then to be home as well ;).
sure ,always welcome,will try to coordinate with anwar bai
Quote from: anwar on February 19, 2010, 01:08:45 PM
Was the ESC the only loss ?
Yeah Anwar, the ESC was the only loss :)
Quote from: izmile on February 19, 2010, 01:39:18 PM
Good flying there Chan... {:)} You should be having a separate battery for the receiver. Didn't you?
Ya. the launcher appears authentic south Indian style. I liked the way he launched the plane in one of the previous videos. :thumbsup:
Thanks Ismail... No the ESC had a built in BEC and we were making use of that.. No separate battery pack for Rx.. And regarding the launcher... Hes the best ;)!
Quote from: rcforall on February 19, 2010, 02:21:42 PM
Good flying {:)} from what you say it looks like the 4S fried the ESC and not the BEC , if the BEC was to go it should have done so within seconds of take off. Hence it could only been a problem of ESC cooling or excess amp draw :headscratch: . BTW which was the ESC may be we could check the specs as all MPX sites say only 3 S .
Hi Uncle,
It was a typical case of drawing excess amps!! And once the motor quit, I put it on the landing approach.. so it was pretty safe!! And thanks to elapor too!! :) :)!!
- Chan
nice to see you guys having fun :D
Hi Chan,
You must be very lucky to have the BEC working when the ESC was smoking!
With these Multiplex ones and that paddy field, it would not be a problem even if the BEC also went out. When Santhosh and I were flying earlier, we had a model disappear from sight behind some trees at a height of about 100ft, and all we could do was to cut throttle. It fell to the ground amidst some shrubs, and had ZERO damage !
Quote from: izmile on February 19, 2010, 11:50:01 PM
Hi Chan,
You must be very lucky to have the BEC working when the ESC was smoking!
You bet he very very lucky In the case of my Acro the BEC smoked as well and we lost total control , but as Anwar says with MPX it crashed but back to flying the very next week
Had a lot of fun flying my hornet trainer at our flying field.done a few low high speed low passes,also had a lot of fun with my electric low wing done a few barrel rolls.Had to come across a few cross winds.landing was a bit tough than other days due to cross wind,at the end landed everthing sucessfully without damage ;D.It was fun to watch my frens flying their planes too.anyways heres some pics
Happy flying and landing,
I went to the field today with a friend to help him with some training on his Trex 600N heli, on a trainer cable setup. We share our adhoc flying field with folks who fly hunting falcons (yes, real birds!), and just when we were to take off, we noticed a falcon swooping down on a pegion next to our car. It caught up with the pegion under our car, and soon the owner of the falcon arrived and pulled both of them out from underneath the car.
It was a great opportunity to see a falcon hunt its prey in such close proximity, and the gentleman was kind enough to pose for some photos :)
Just added to the fun today at the field !
Hi Guys,
We did an airshow at REC, Trichy yesterday and it went on really well!! Had a very nice time there.. The planes that I flew are Yak 54 50cc, Giles 202 26cc, Mustang OS 1.20 and an Easy Star. Aravind flew his huge scale helis and did some crazy aerobatics with his new Raptor 50 SE! One more friend of ours, Mr. Rajesh flew his Extra 300 50cc, Yak 54 26cc and a Low wing trainer. Overall it was a very nice experience performing there. Had a bit of trouble with my DA 50 though.. When the model was flying, I noticed a weird vibration!! I landed and checked the engine, the prop had completely come off and was just held by the spinner. I removed the spinner and then saw that the 4 bolts used to hold the prop to the engine had completely sheared off and they were stuck inside the engine.. Very lucky to have got the plane back yesterday.. The spinner edges was slightly bent and the prop was damaged pretty badly.. No other damage.. Have to get a spare hub from DA for my engine now..There is no way to remove the broken bolts from inside the engine.. The only way is to retap and enlarge the threads...
Anyone from the forum came for the show???
- Chan
Good going.. Chan :thumbsup: Please do post some pictures/videos !
Quote from: anwar on February 28, 2010, 10:58:47 PM
It was a great opportunity to see a falcon hunt its prey in such close proximity, and the gentleman was kind enough to pose for some photos :)
Well if he was happy to pose, then y did u blur his face? Also just wondering if the pigeon is the food for the gentlemen or the falcon :headscratch:
Because he posed for personal pictures taken by us, not to be posted publicly on a forum :) At least not until I meet him again, and get specific permission for the same. It was more a courtesy move from my side.
The pegion was food for the falcon, just as nature prescribed !
Wow, My mouth is watering! Not at the pigeon, but after seeing the Trex 600 Nitro! (:|~
I knew of an interesting use of RC Planes in UAE concerning Falcon and Pigeon .
In UAE Falconers build a small cage under a highwing trainer and put pigeon in it , take off reach an altitude and open the cage door with a servo and the pigeon flies out . then falconers on the ground set free their falcons at the same time . The competition is whose falcon gets the pigeon .
The first time I saw a plane being modified for it in Abu Dhabi I was quite surprised at the ingeneous use of the RC plane.
Actually that is very common here ;) People (with lots of "resources" and who are into both hobbies) buy like 5 to 10 pieces of the same model of planes (the Kyosho Calmato Sport 40 low wing is a frequent candidate), and have them all tweaked with the "bird release" mechanism. Causes planes to get sold out in no time, causing some grief to others ;)
I would love to own a Falcon which could hunt & bring R/C's (especially Ashta's (:|~) from Jakkur to my home
QuoteI would love to own a Falcon which could hunt & bring R/C's
Hi All,
Here are some videos of a recent Heli RC meet in gurgaon Delhi
Helped train 4 different folks this week. One of them was my brother's 10 year old son. He flew near perfect circuits on his very first flight (using a Kyosho Minium), reiterating the fact that significant simulator time really helps. He flew more using the AXN Floater, with pretty much no external help ! And the important thing was that turning both ways (figure 8s both ways etc) seemed like very natural things for him.
I hope any newcomers take their sim time as serious as they can.
here is the video of my friend kunjai flying his twinstar ( posting as requested by him)
Where is this :o ???
And I wanted to see where/how he landed !
Did he put the Trex 500 flybarless back together, and is it flying ?
flying area is the back side of his house ( he told me so). other questions no ans from my side
Thanks... I thought you were with him ;)
our rc activity in mangalore and karkala
heli from Ratnakar
plane from Sandeep
Buggy from Rajaram
Saw this turbine powered beauty at the field today, and it was setup for night flying. Had to leave early, so did not see it fly.
The wing seemed to be located more towards the back/tail, when compared to other high wing designs.
Had two crashes in my own control today. One was a Raptor 30 heli, which I was test flying for someone. The tail guides came loose, lost tail control and crashed. It was close to the ground, did not even get time to hit throttle hold. Damage, ONLY the wooden blades, so it was nothing really in the scheme of things.
The bad one was a .60 nitro Extra 330, which I was helping someone train on using a buddy cable setup. It was his first time flying a low winger, and seemed to be very comfortable despite the high winds, and flying at various altitudes. At one point when the plane was on one end of the field and at low altitude (around 40 feet), he lost control with the plane heading nose-in into the ground, and there was not much I could do. Taking control and applying elevator did not happen fast enough to save the plane. The airframe is a write-off, engine needs to be cleaned. Everything else seems to have survived fine. The plane was gifted by my brother, so it was sort of OK, except for that uneasy feeling that it was preventable :(
Reminded me one more time that I need to ensure enough recovery altitude in training lessons.
again, no photos :headscratch:
You wanted pictures of broken stuff ? ;)
This thrust vectoring turbine model was spotted on our field.
Thanks Murali bhai !
Quote from: anwar on March 19, 2010, 10:37:08 PM
You wanted pictures of broken stuff ? ;)
yes, likes to capture ( see ) photos after a crash ;)
RC Meet Noida Enjoy :)
Test flew my first RC ARF on sunday. Phoinex Tiger 3, Low wing trainer, done by my very experienced and great instructor. She flew great. went through the whole gambit of rolls, spins, loops, snap rolls and inverted flying.
Cant wait to handle her myself.
Maybe in a few weeks, after, the cheif clears me for my solo on the high wing trainer.
Video coming up soon.
Today i fly these two models solo :) ;D :)
had the biggest rc week till now
first off maidened the edf slowstick flew like charm
made a blucub 2 maidened it yesterday with shrikant bhaiya at airoli field it flew great too.
then shrikant bhaiya flew it and he did a good landing on the first try but on the second attempt the motor mount was dislodged due to a crash. just needed a bit of hot glue.
then on the field we fixed shrikant bhaiya's moss heavy cg problem i have it with me to put in the electronics.
also i am making a blu baby for him to practise on (i am completing what he started)
and finally he had bought a cessna 180 from usa about four years ago and he never got it airborne
i repaired it yesterday in the house and tested it and it was a charm to fly. basically what i did was
the plane had a stock 5*3 or 4*3 prop which made it run but it could not get off.
with an 8*4 the prop was hitting the ground
my solution took a 9*5 prop took precisely an inch off each side and sanded it round and was in balance just like a factory built one
and also added a tail wheel now the plane does great rolling takeoffs pretty much scale
also thinking off adding some flaps as it would fly better (as i felt)
finally the biggie beginning on the boeing 747 with 2 ducted fans(the other two pods will be empty unless i get my other two ducted fans before the test flight also that will just go on to add about more than a kilo of weight keeping in mind that brick like batteries which they need) about 50inches long and wingspan 60 inches (dont remember correctly.
one big apology. i am again not being punctual i just dont know my internet connection keeps timing out and hence cannot upload the guide or any pics or videos i am reinstalling windows 7 (retail) again today to see if that helps as thats what mtnl says.
even this post was written in word and then copied here
Quote from: Pikle6 on April 04, 2010, 10:26:44 AM
one big apology. i am again not being punctual i just dont know my internet connection keeps timing out and hence cannot upload the guide or any pics or videos
this problem has become a common with mtnl and bsnl connections
i use 4 os and then also it is there proving it to be their fault and mostly everyone i know using govt. broadband have this problem
i use ubuntu,xp,win 7 and fedora but all experience it
i even try to run it using live cd of ubuntu[which i m doing right now and my ip is changing everytime i log in using it] using which all settings and everything is default but the same problem goes on
lets see if we can figure out it
i am making
my westwing judge wakefield and flying ace moth glider planes but i am unable to upload pics due to the same problem
i m also trying to repair and fix the flaws in my balsa glider which i started back in july 09 but left it and now it is in a very bad condition
hey thanks ankur i just did a complete reinstall and now my internet connection works like a charm as i have been stress testing it for the past few hours
will post the topics mentioned by tomorrow (if my internet doesnot start acting up again)
well thats gr8
let see if it works
i have tried uploading some pic here but my connection is getting broken
tried 12 times using 5 different os[3 live os] but no progress...
lets see
will use idea netsetter or connect using mobile to upload...
[this post was posted in 3 tries]
Since everyone is posting heli builds (and most of them Align ones) for the past couple of days, here is a Trex 600 ESP I am building for someone. Worked on it for about 7 hours three days ago, then did not get time to do anything more yet :(
Pretty much done, just need to secure the wiring and hook up a receiver to test.
Quote from: anwar on March 19, 2010, 05:52:07 PM
Reminded me one more time that I need to ensure enough recovery altitude in training lessons.
Yes! Height is money in the bank. I define it (for training) as "one mistake or two mistakes" high! But I can fully understand the relative "comfort" zone if a trainee seems to be flying OK. It leads to a bit of complacency on the trainer's part.
Here are some more vids of this week's RC Meet
Some nose in and circuits and some fun vids
Belt CP
Trex 450 & hk 450
Had finished building and testing the Trex 600ESP for someone a few days ago. Receiver wiring is a bit sloppy because I was temporarily testing it with a 7ch FASST rx, and it would later use a Spektrum rx.
Garurav - These are the same Align 600D CF blades you were thinking about.
Took it apart again for packing and transport to India (as in the last picture).
A picture of hover testing the Trext 600 ESP. Should see it fly in Kerala next week !
Lots of buddy cable action on the field today. This is me helping someone with nose in hovers.
And this is Murali bhai helping a fellow flyer with landing training.
had a lot of rc activity this week with the 747 project and cessna182 repair
my plan for today
i plan to build a f-22 for the meet on sunday
mod my slowstick's wing as it was flexing like helll :banghead: :banghead: and i meant it like almost a V shape
repair shrikant bhaiya's moss glider
just repairing my blu cub for sunday
and for tomorrow
15 hours of dedication to the 747 and rest of my time to build my new shockflier which i shall be getting only by tomorrow
it is a sukhoi as edge was out of stock
Capt Yasin made a quick visit to test the JR Vibe 500E, after the gyro was upgraded to a Spartan Quark. The quality and finish of the heli is amazing. And there were some mods done, like using the Trex 600 landing skids (wider and stronger).
Overall, one nice heli !
The Captain also had a nice carrying case for the heli... made it look like some kind of a musical instrument ! Being a full scale pilot helps, it is easy to pick up bargains from far of places like the US and the far-east !
Hi guys,
Just back from an exhausting and at the same time relaxing 12 days from Seychelles n Dubai!! Looking forward to getting back up in the air this weekend!! A CMPRO Quest 50 is on the building table now.. Going to power it with the OS .91 4s pumped!! Should ooze power all the way!! And having my eyes on a funjet ultra too!!
- Chan
Some flying from today, including the Mini Slinger flown by my brother, and the HK 450 Pro TT and Trex 600 N flown by me.
The camera was a new one, and looks like the low light, image stabilization (not sure if it was on or off!), and the use of zoom all together affected the quality of the video. Most annoying is how the heli blades show up :( Need to fix this for the next time.
NICE FLYING :salute:
My Practice for Aamby Valley video, Not as great as yours.
Good flying Harveer !
You just need to do more some more pitch pump maneuvers, and do them a bit lower. These seem to leave lasting impressions on spectators :)
I like to play safe, slow & study ;). I never crashed any of my 4 Raptors (2 x 30's, 1 x 50SE & 1 x 30 sold Intact) not even a Main or tail blade (Touch wood) :) in a span of 4 yrs.
Slow and steady ;) I am sure fast and low tic-tocs are in your near future :thumbsup:
Yesterday ,
I went to Capt. Randhawa's air field privately owned by him .
I carried my SPAD and had 2 flights on it .
1st flight -
Axels on the wheels were loose so it was constantly moving to the right , we shut the engine and de-fueled it .
Tightened the axels and took off . It was quite unstable and if we have little elevator input , it would go up and continue or just dive . it safely landed about 12 minutes into the flight .
2nd flight -
fueled it up again and captain took it off . During flight if i'd give very big input's it'd fall into a spiral . About Half tank was complete and 8 - 10 mins in the flight , the engine quit and Capt brought it in for the landing .
It became so unstable that capt. had a hard landing with it and the screws holding the landing gear to the fuse bent and the landing gear got separated from the fuse . It also bounced back in the air after the first touch down .
Now ive decided to abandon my SPAD as i want to learn how to fly with a more stable trainer .
Capt. , Bharat uncle & Shashi Uncle were also present at the field .
We had lots of fun flying . Sadly only one video of the hard landing of the SPAD and no pics :(
Good to know that you visited Capt. Randhawa's field Sahevaan. I was there sometime back and please give my regards to Capt., Bharat and Dr. Shashi as well as the others!!
On my side, I have totalled my 50cc Yak!!! :( :(!! On landing, as I was flaring, the plane just nose dived into the ground from about 10 feet!! A soldering on the Rx battery switch had pulled off and there was complete loss of radio control!! Fuselage and Cowl writeoff, wings intact, tail plane intact. Yet to chk servo conditions. Engine muffler damaged!! Bad break for me yday!! Ok.. one more reason for me start working on the Quest!
- Chan
Wow. glad that this happened close to ground and there was no other damage. A 50 CC with no radio control can be dangerous !
Wow :( That was unfortunate.
Which brand of switch, so others can be careful too ?
I am glad you figured out the real cause. Otherwise people would be quick to blame it on 2.4Ghz ;) and either Futaba or Spektrum would be on the receiving end !
The mistake was not on the switch!! It was because of my careless soldering which gave way due to the vibration! Just for the record, the switch was Electrodynamics and capable of 10A! Unfortunate!!
- Chan
hey guys yesterday and today i was teaching shrikant bhaiya to fly the axn floater jet which he got from HC
we had about 45 mins of flight yesterday and about the same today
i used to take the plane to a height and then hand him the tx and let him fly
he has learnt a lot in these 2 days posibly faster than i did
he also has got the confidence in taking off the floater jet
yesterday he tried twice or thrice and got it to takeoff once perfectly
today we had an excellent flight
this was the third sortie of today
and shrikant bhaiya just surprised me with his skills suuperb well done shrikant bhaiya
next week we are planning to maiden my new glider and
more training while taking off and landing the plane as he is dedicating himself to the sim
just one demoralising time came when we finished the third sortie and changed the battery
while connecting the battry to the esc he connected it to reverse polarity and burnt the esc
he was really very sad as he wanted to fly it more
then i had a 20 amp esc in my bag and just gave it to him to chenge the burnt one
anyways i gained a bit more experience for the upcoming glider
and the boeing weight reduction mission is on its way
Quote from: chanvivek on April 26, 2010, 05:58:35 PM
On my side, I have totalled my 50cc Yak!!! :( :(!! On landing, as I was flaring, the plane just nose dived into the ground from about 10 feet!! A soldering on the Rx battery switch had pulled off and there was complete loss of radio control!! Fuselage and Cowl writeoff, wings intact, tail plane intact. Yet to chk servo conditions. Engine muffler damaged!! Bad break for me yday!! Ok.. one more reason for me start working on the Quest!
- Chan
Hi Chan,
I always use dual battery setup on Gassers with machanical swtiches & battery monitor on-board... Pic attached
Dual battery setup :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Thanks Harveer!! I should be doing this too!!
Hey everyone ,
On sunday i again went to captains airfield . When we reached there , it was very cloudy and all of us were making guesses when would it rain . After 30mins and when Dr.Shashi had completed on flight , it started drizzling . Just 10 minutes later it started raining very heavily , it didn't stop for very long . It would stop for 2 mins and start again . Finally it stopped at 6.15 , Captain was teaching one of his other students of my age to fly and it was the first flight of their trainer . After 20 minutes and it started raining again . So i had no stick time on this visit . At about 7 or 7.30 capt. ran My subaru's engine to see wether it was alright so if needed we could change the engine as i had a spare lying around. But the engine ran beautifully and started in one flick . So next time i go , as soon as i reach i could get the subaru in the air . At about 8 capt. started packing and we all left by 9 .
Did an aeroshow at pavaratty ,trichur in connection with a kids fest. highly tensed as i was flying first time before a big crowd. thanks anwar bhai for giving me such an oppurtunity as it is a real morale booster for i am confident that i can fly a bit :giggle: :giggle:
Nice :thumbsup: And thanks again !
The plane is hardly visible in the video, I will try to get some footage from the organizers.
2 Solo on this Sunday :salute: :salute: :salute:
On sunday , went to captain's airfield again and had 2 flights on the subaru .
It flew beautifully . Captain even said i can do my training on this model but not landings and take-offs .
Another student had also brought along his trainer and did his solo yesterday . Bharat uncle got his spitfire with a .25 TT pro for its maiden . The engine had problems , so it flew for about 20seconds and had a dead stick landing.
After dark , Captain did some night flying on his Excel 2000 .
Overall it was a great day of flying :)
On Sunday i had been to karkala to watch rajsigma :salute: :salute:
fly his new achievement
here s the video
sorry camera quality too low
My RC activities for the week.
1. Constructed only the airframe of cessna, handed it over to the professionals for the electronics.
2. I purchased my first RC(moss glider), under the guidance of Sai Sir (rcforall).
3. Burnt my Rx which sundaram sir had given me but that problem will be solved.
4. Getting hands on experience on RC modeling.
5. Probably increasing my level from a novice to a bit knowledgeable.
I thank
1. Anwar sir for being a role model
2. Sai sir for guiding and providing the resources for my theoretical to practical conversion.
3. Bohrey sir for guiding me
4. Sundaram sir for kicking start my journey.
5. Rcindia for being a perfect and a patient platform
Well done man {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)}
Quote from: santhosh on May 04, 2010, 11:06:38 AM
Did an aeroshow at pavaratty ,trichur in connection with a kids fest. highly tensed as i was flying first time before a big crowd.
{:)} {:)} {:)}
Setting-up Aarons GP Yak 54 55cc....... :thumbsup:
More Pix....
Please post the model equipment details and sources (if possible) in a separate thread. It is always good know what people are using and where they are getting their stuff from :)
Flew the RC Dhamaka Yak 54 after a loooooong interval today :) Since there was lots of wind, the most fun activity was to to heli type landings (coming in around 60 to 80 degree angles for landing).
Changed the spinner today, and it made a huge impact on vibrations. The earlier one was an old beat-up piece. I did not expect this much impact from just the spinner being off balance.
Quote from: anwar on June 12, 2010, 10:36:17 AM
Please post the model equipment details and sources (if possible) in a separate thread.
Another Sunday passes... no one did any interesting RC stuff ? :headscratch: 8-)
Lots of action for me…
firday morning 6.30am to 7.00 am
crashed my rave inverted… motor gave away – thermal shut down (actually took off at 6.45 am in the morning and I think the humidity and the heat of the middle east was too much of the American electronics... :banghead: blades, torque tube, main shaft, flybar cage, flybar, mixing arms, tail shaft, canopy… etc :banghead:
7.05 am
pulled out my furion 450 flybrless – my first conversion and my first flight on FBL…
hovered.. fantastic… then dumb instincts took over, without even looking to set up the bell and hiller and phasing number I got the heli inverted and then the servos got locked and I had a non responsive heli… CRASH… :banghead: main shaft, blades, canopy (thank god no flybar and its cage). :banghead: . and by 7.08am packing up my things and driving back home…
came home and fired a CC 60 amp esc... this was my activity and took a break for a few hours and got back to fixing the helis... ;D
Wow.. that was not the story I was looking for :(
Part of life though....
almost finished my pby catalina,hope to maiden by next sunday
Quote from: anwar on June 20, 2010, 09:23:56 PM
Wow.. that was not the story I was looking for :(
Part of life though....
I think, this is wht u r looking 4 anwar. Flying in Mansson, it was raining when v r flying today. Gr8 fun to fly under car dikky.... :giggle:
Quote from: anwar on June 20, 2010, 09:23:56 PM
Wow.. that was not the story I was looking for :(
Part of life though....
I think, this is wht u r looking 4 Anwar. Flying in Mansoon. Its raining today when v r flying. Gr8 fun flying under car dikky..... :giggle:
That's more like it ;)
Quote from: sujju on June 20, 2010, 09:00:49 PM
Lots of action for me… crashed my rave inverted… pulled out my furion 450 flybrless – CRASH… :banghead:
came home and fired a CC 60 amp esc...
Now, thats more like what happened to me a couple of weeks before!.. my laptop was broken, car GPS gone dead, TV settop box dead, Cellphone gets funny... All electronics were against me! Now, I am thinking like what next.. :banghead:
Did you have to get each of them professionally fixed or replaced ? That would be NO fun at all :(
Quote from: izmile on June 21, 2010, 02:12:05 AM
Now, thats more like what happened to me a couple of weeks before!..
Izmile , it seems you are having a huge Static electricity/EMI problem in your house/locality. Did lightening struck recently :D :D :D
May be... or its just a mere coincidence.. whatever it is the end result is a huge surge out of my wallet.
On this Sunday.......
This week there was lots of action.... Went to Kozhencherry (near thiruvalla, kerala), met Jerry tried to fly my cessna... it was brushed, it flew but power was very low... Then on sunday we converted it to brushless put in a tunigy airodrive 1130KV motor.. We were joined bt dileep.. He came from madras.. We also flew jerrys GEE-BEE, lots of 3d moves... It was fun....
That is cool ! Earlier it was all either Prakkat or Santhosh who were "having friends coming over" for flying in Kerala. Great to see more people coming together and flying in Kerala :thumbsup:
Hope someone remembered to take pictures, amid all the excitement !
Thanx Anwar bhai... dileep had taken pics.. hope he will post it soon...
HI Guys !! Here are some pics of the regular Airoli Flying Field (next to Patni Computers)
Weather was cloudy and windy, so nobody turned up on Sat !!!
And here are the pics of the NEW AIROLI Field which Praveen had discovered :salute:. This is about 3-4 kms from the original field.
The best part.... we have a tarmac !!!! {:)}
There is a new construction that is being done on the Palm Beach road. This is a small patch which is idle and not being used currently. There is not much public around and its open from all sides.. A good flying patch. !!!
A few more !!!
here is the link to this tarmac.,72.985879&spn=0.002493,0.005262&t=h&z=18
Here's what the daredevils at indore did last sunday and this sunday. On both days the rain Gods were smiling on Indore but that didn't deter any of us to reach our field. We waitied till the rains had slowed down to a slight drizzle before we took off. U'd notice the plastic sheet covering the Tx and that is how we flew these last 2 sundays.
The best part is our styro trainer which we could dismantle in 6 seconds flat after landing, and it can very easily be put under the car till the rains slow down. We had 2 planes up in the air and all of us took turns flying. 3 Cheers for the styro trainer :bow: :bow: :bow:
Here are the photos.
Flying in the rains has its own charm, I must say.
Happy flying and safe landings
Quote from: saurabhhsrivastavaa on July 04, 2010, 10:35:41 PM
here is the link to this tarmac.
Thanks Saurabh for posting the link... I have updated the list of fields with the new information :thumbsup:
Quote from: flying doc on July 05, 2010, 12:06:39 AM
On both days the rain Gods were smiling on Indore but that didn't deter any of us to reach our field.
That's the spirit :thumbsup:
We also had a similar situation going for the past two weeks, extremely windy conditions. But we make the best use of it, by trying to "heli" landing air planes (land vertically down). It is a lot of fun, and can only be done (safely) on days with extreme amounts of wind.
Most importantly, we were also helping a newcomer train on a highwinger in such high winds. Nothing like practising in less than ideal conditions. Of course it was on a buddy cable, so it is not all craziness !
Quote from: saurabhhsrivastavaa on July 04, 2010, 10:35:41 PM
here is the link to this tarmac.,72.985879&spn=0.002493,0.005262&t=h&z=18
Thats great.. Saurabh please let me know when u go next.. the timings. i'll like to come along.
Sure. Mpp !!!
You can reach me at 9004548889. However, since the monsoons are here, it is unlikely we will be going there soon. You can call and check if we are flying there. You can surely join us.
again flew my addiction on the christ college ground, this time a little more aerobatics includes a bit of hovering tooooo :giggle:
watch the video
Nice to watch this in HD :thumbsup: So you asked the future Indian cricket team to wait for a while when you were flying ? ;)
I still remember when the Multiplex ducted fan model fell into thick bushes next to a house not too far from the Christ College ground. All the women and children of the house ran inside, and barricaded themselves behind closed doors ! They had not seen us fly, and all of a sudden something falls from the sky with a sound, and then whenever we applied throttle in our efforts to locate the model, the ducted fan in the model would make a big sound, scaring the life out of these folks !!! ;D Can you imagine something falling into bushes in front of your house and making hissing noises every once in a while ?!?!?! (add to that... if you have never seen RC models!)
They were much relieved as the hunting/search party moved in and they carefully opened the door and pointed us towards were the noises where coming from ! We had plenty of laughs seeing their reactions !
Also, looks like the servo jitters are still there... have you tried rerouting the wires ?
This Sunday,
Flying with Indore's youngest flyer... Devyanshi :thumbsup:
"Sunday Flying" Some of my flying pix..... ;D
Quote from: Harveer on July 13, 2010, 12:34:14 AM
This Sunday,
Flying with Indore's youngest flyer... Devyanshi :thumbsup:
Right now she is into statics but in a couple of weeks ;) she'll be taking off with the Pitts Python sitting on the wing.
3 Cheers for the 17 month old pilot. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Flying & Relaxing after 4 hours of flying session....still not satisfied >:D
Great Harveer !!! Nice flying... heard about you from Doc.. keep up the great skill. :)
Doc I am sure you had a great time as well... yet to see you into helis... :)
BTW Doc, your parcel is here in Mumbai with Customs. I got an inland letter intimation yesterday from the Commisioner of Customs to come with the invoice and justification of the imported items to them at Ballard Estate (Foreign Post Office) I will go ther in a few days.
Anyone having similar experience ??? This came through registered post (not EMS) it has 2 Turnigy 200 W chargers, some servos and other small items. ANy information and suggestion will be appreciated.
Quote from: saurabhhsrivastavaa on July 13, 2010, 10:04:49 AM
Anyone having similar experience ??? This came through registered post (not EMS) it has 2 Turnigy 200 W chargers, some servos and other small items. ANy information and suggestion will be appreciated.
try talk to them @022 22611791, most of the time this number is busy, but if ur lucky then they will provide u the details, check with them if it is fine to FAX them invoice. i do remember once i faxed my invoice and a letter for justification and they released my parcel with some duty!!
let us know the progress!! and of course how 200W turnigy Charger
Thanks dude... Let me try the numbers... if the need be, I will visit them as well.
Appreciate your help.
Quote from: saurabhhsrivastavaa on July 13, 2010, 10:04:49 AM
Anyone having similar experience ??? This came through registered post (not EMS) it has 2 Turnigy 200 W chargers, some servos and other small items. ANy information and suggestion will be appreciated.
As many real seniors on the forum have already explained, try to avoid the 'Radio' or the 'Plane'. If you want to convince, try 'Robots' [:D] - they too use LiPo, Servo etc na!!
Quote from: saurabhhsrivastavaa on July 13, 2010, 10:00:22 AM
Great Harveer !!! Nice flying... heard about you from Doc.. keep up the great skill. :)
Doc I am sure you had a great time as well... yet to see you into helis... :)
Thanx Saurabh....
Quote from: santhosh on July 12, 2010, 02:33:56 PM
again flew my addiction on the christ college ground, this time a little more aerobatics includes a bit of hovering tooooo :giggle:
Hi Santhosh
looks like your plane is shivering with cold :giggle: :giggle:
here is a link to a problem similar to yours...maybe you can find out the reason by having a look at it..something to do with the covering i guess...
Hi guys
Well this was not exactly this week..but a lot earlier. In 2007 or 2008 PAA (Pune Aeromodellers Association) conducted an airshow around Diwali.
This was my first real contact with RC planes.
The size of the crowd and their response is huge !
One huge side-effect of this is that it helps showcase the hobby as a legal thing to local law enforcement personnel.
Action from the Mundka field (Delhi), courtesy of Capt Ramesh Tahlan
Went to the abandoned air strip to fly 4:30 am in the morning.....enjoyed alot.....chased away cows grazing nearby and a doog also....was not able to shoot a video because we did not take with us our camera...........,one can imagine two people on an activa....two trainers...and a 16kms trip.... :giggle: :giggle: and enjoying jalebees after that....a morning worth enjoying ;D ;D ;D :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Dear all,
Wanted to share this little mishap that happened to me over the weekend,
Well, as every weekend, me along with my fiancee had gone window shopping to a mall here in Kuwait, after some time as usual, we ended up at Carrefour shopping groceries and ration.
And as always, I sneak to the toys section to check on new innovations on display. What I seen that day was a beautiful Hughes MD 500 co axial heli with gyro and pilots, along with the fleet, displayed were some little indoor helis, a 3.5 channel dragon, a 3 channel Air wolf and a Apache AH64.
This Hughes was huge, so I instantly put that in my trolley and rode back to the grocery section.
Once I was home, I did some indoor hovering to check the consistency of the gyro, I have to say..amazing piece of a machine..
days passed, planned to go out to do some flying, but backed out due to high humidity and heat in Kuwait.
Hence, went on again to fly indoors..yesterday, when I was doing some indoor hovering, my colleagues, the usual onlookers were on my tail asking questions about the make and from where I got this...
Then, after its 3rd charge, something bad happened, I was 4 Mins into flight and landed to get a sip of water, my colleague, asked me if he could try flying it, to which I readily agreed,(its so maneuverable that it looks easy to fly)
so I placed it in the middle of the room and asked him to be a little sensitive on the throttle. The poor guy pulled the throttle so high that she went right at the ceiling and banged her main rotors which broke her top blades on the hinges that once held a fan..and his nervousness was such that he pulled the throttle down to zero in no time shooting her down to the ground like a bomb!
Shes 560grms in weight... :'(
When I lifted her, I knew I had to invest on blades!
That was the rise and fall of a beautifully crafted heli in less then 2 weeks!
Oath Taken: Never allow an armature to pull somebody's throttle!
That was what I mostly did during this week!
Scale seems to be a huge obsession ;)
Some more action videos from Capt. Ramesh. Must be the DMA/Mundka field.
Was planning to hold another get together at Irinjalakuda with Santhosh bhai this Sunday, did not work out because of other family commitments. So Santhosh came by my house, and we did the receiver wiring and radio setup for his new Trex 600 ESP. Did some test hovering outside the house. Also spent some time tuning the Mini Titan too.
I am expecting a Trex 600 ESP video from Santhosh bhai soon ;)
Hoping to see others posting their weekend RC activities !
sure i will post some videos of trex 600.nothing more to say you are a master in setting up the helis :bow: :bow: :bow:
working this week on my new C-17 build, made a small prototype and now dong the cutting of foam board..
Styro Plane 46 Trainer's formation Flying......Pix
More Pix......
Nice Harveer! specially the last picture!!
Quote from: Harveer on August 24, 2010, 11:05:04 PM
Styro Plane 46 Trainer's formation Flying......Pix
Coool! Upload videos if any.
Always a pleasure to see highwingers inverted ! ;)
Quote from: controlflyer on August 25, 2010, 02:47:15 AM
Nice Harveer! specially the last picture!!
Thanx controlflyer....
Right now in San Antonio (Texas ) at my grandmom's place
bought some new accessories (catsle creations MMM 7700kV combo -540) from a family friend Robby's shop at Nacogdoches street in san antonio itself. its actually one of the biggest stores here.the shop is called RCHeadQuarters,has a pretty good track as well for the members. i got a chance to hire one truggy from there and had fun.
also Robby is gonna take me to visit headquarters tomorrow and meet the chief editor Gary Katzer.
i have gary on my facebook profile but havnt met him,but now the time is here. i am pretty excited.
will post the pics of meet with gary soon, here are the pics of the store and track
If they allow you to do it, please do post some pictures ;)
I thought the Ron's ( down in Corpus was much more famous. Sad thing I was not into RC even though I spent many years nearby (Austin).
63-me 4th from right
74-track cleaner guyz
30-track early in the morning
193-burned a touring car
711- burning plastic stuck to stink....!!!
87-rick getting the haulted cars bang again
88-the losi that i hired
i havent heard about ron's because i havn't been to texas /US a lot many times, i basically belong to UK,
but robby has been running the store from the past 4 yrs only, so probably you might not have listned about him, but anyway what i meant with was that it is i think the largest hobby store in texas which specialises in cars more than anything else.
what i feel about him and his associates is that I went in with a large budget hoping to get back into the hobby with a bang, not one of the 5 people behind the counter asked me if I needed any help except robby (that too because i know him personnaly). They were too busy joking around with each other. After about 30 mins of walking around the shop I finnaly decided to get out fast.
thust i will say that the stuff there is nice, huge variety and brands but the help and assistance is not up to the mark
some more pics from Robby's store
hey anwar, does sells only planes/helis or surface vehicles as well?
Video of a 50cc maiden in Jakkur, by Abhay Pawar.
Got back to the regular field after quite a while... only took the Trex 500 with one battery with me. The reason was that my brother had acquired couple of aircrafts from Prakkat (part of this bunch , you can see the fuse in the corner with the big red circle with a white border just before the tail) and he also found a great deal on foamies at the DragonMart (Aveer, Dubai), where is essentially got full foam kits with all hardware (wheels, linkages, even fiber tape!) for about Rs120 each :o So he said he will come to the field with one of those foamies built, and also a nice 40 size warbird with 3 blade props, working retracts and split flaps !
We were not sure what the model was (we guessed it was a Japanese model, probably a Zero), but Mike identified it correctly as the Kawasaki :thumbsup:
It was a lot of fun testing these planes. Usually 40 size warbirds are a handful to fly, requiring some speed to land, which invariably leads to jumps on landing on the uneven surface that we fly on. But this one was quite a surprise, in how well it behaved. Lots of fun landing with flaps ! The only catch was that we had to keep it sort of close, since the color scheme made it difficult to identify its orientation when it went afar.
Forgot to take pictures, even though we spoke about it... will post next time.
I worked on an own design depron cessna. First test flight the toy wheels split and burnt my motor. now a new motor mount and ground testing. No flying due to CWG in Delhi.
Hey Foamy, If I am not wrong this is NCC parade ground site in your photo. Am I correct.
nice one saurabh!!
Quote from: majraj on September 26, 2010, 11:32:41 AM
Hey Foamy, If I am not wrong this is NCC parade ground site in your photo. Am I correct.
great recognition, thats the ground and all the place is pitched with the CWG dancers tents.
Quote from: anwar on September 26, 2010, 09:33:42 AM
...he also found a great deal on foamies at the DragonMart (Aveer, Dubai), where is essentially got full foam kits with all hardware (wheels, linkages, even fiber tape!) for about Rs120 each :o
Here is one of Rs120 kits (including all hardware, but no electronics) built up !
Quote from: anwar on September 26, 2010, 09:33:42 AM
... my brother had acquired couple of aircrafts from Prakkat (part of this bunch )...
Here is a Mustang from the lot. Has working retracts, there are NO flaps. Flies great, but this also needs some wide stripes under the wings for better visibility, thus helping with identifying the orientation.
There is a Kyosho Calmato 60 in the second picture, one of the best basic low wing planes.
Saurabh bhai! I will be in Mumbai for some time in December, could you tell me if Airoli is close to Sion evarad nagar colony?
Btw, good video, Was that the only place you could plant the camera?
was not successful...power was sufficient CG was perfect...but soon after take off it turned right and banged to the left fender of Ashish WagonR.... luckily nothing happened to his car. but my fokker landing gear and prop broke away. motor was out from its wood stick mount (forget to put the screw). model was intact.
now the thing need to be investigate is WHY in tilted to right immediate after take off?
Quote from: saurabhhsrivastavaa on October 04, 2010, 02:40:56 PM
Hmmmm Good work. My suggestion, try n place the camera on wings to avoid prop clutter & take some good head on shots so as we can see you in screen. Good luck.
Will do that this weekend. :)
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Quote from: anwar on October 01, 2010, 01:50:45 PM
Here is one of Rs120 kits (including all hardware, but no electronics) built up !
More pictures, including the supplied hardware for holding the battery using a rubber band, and a tail wheel equivalent.
Great pictures for a small camera. Good going. :salute: :salute: :salute:
Sandeep sir Lowinger Flying at Karkala
This week after finally assembling ARF ultimate biplane 120(from Rc Dhamaka),along with extra260(from jack hobbies),engine used is ASP 120 AR 2stroke on both the planes,went to our flying field with my fellow flyers.For the first time took off my biplane,flew it for about 13 min or so.The engine was a bit over power for the plane,while flying never opened the throttle fully,throttle at midstick was more than enough for normal flying.After 13min or so landed the plane sucessfully and then refuelled it again,then took off for my second flight did some low speed passes and then high speed passes along with some barrel rolls and then landed again after 15 to 20 min or so.Enjoyed it a lot.heres some pics of the bi plane.
Yesterday I went out looking for a new field and managed to find a awesome one near my house.. It has >1 foot thick dry grass all over so landings are soft.. And there are some mud paths so I can take the car right onto the field to facilitate setup/charging etc. So I took my Glidiator out to the field and flew.. It flew so nicely that I felt confident enough to do a few loops and stall turns.. And this is my 2nd flight (first being the maiden of the glidiator) ever so i'm feeling really good.. ;D Oh and the crows were following the plane around and trying to catch it which was pretty cool too.. :)
This is my first post in this thread... I went to a field near my house.. iTs by the road side.. On saturday tried to fly my cessan but crashed (it was foamy) so no much damage... couldnt understand why it crashed broke a prop... today went again and hand launched it then after getting a height realised the directions are reversed on the TX... Heart beat was rising it was hectic when i go right it turns left and it was more scary when it turned nose pointing towards me totally lost direction but managed to land it safly on a coconut tree..
thanks to the local people they helped me to get it on the ground.. Problem was identified as the aelirons should be reversed on the tx... retired for today now next week..
I hope the damage was minimal ! You should have taken pictures :)
Sorry bhai.. I didnt have a camera at that time.. It was cooll a guy came in lungi took out an arival(malayalam) tied it to a long bamboo stick and he chopped off the leaves of the coco tree.. he he it was kind of okk.. Now me feeling more confident... feels like i can fix the damages and just go on and on...
Quote from: Sreedhar on October 17, 2010, 09:58:59 AM
Problem was identified as the aelirons should be reversed on the tx...
You should have performed the ground check first before taking off. This is a common mistake and time and again it is reinforced that ground check is a must before taking off any model, but people often forget in anxiety and excitement. Please follow some protocols to avoid such mis-happenings.
finally got to shoot some vids of flying this week... my friend got to fly first (this is my first vid so bear with me for my excellent camera works) but later when i took over to fly i had the worst crash ever, my MSH protos in in complete pieces, had a thermal shut down - motor was over heated and my lipo bubbled.. but rebuilding it again... (
Wow :(
So you needed to use a lower pinion, to keep the head-speed and temperatures down ? Or was it just a case of inadequate electronics ?
how do u find that microbeast compared to v-bar 4.0-5.0?
what is your set up if u got a thermal?
on my logo 400 i have no problem with jazz or jive 80 even in 40+ celcius without heat sink
2800 rpm and throw it around as hard as i can
any lower pinion will take the HS to belwo 2200 rpm plus, the governor works well after 80-85% throttle curve with around 2600 rpm... the issue is with the motor, it heats like insane (you can burn your skin easly after one flight) and the ESC shuts down sensing overheating. have to get a scorpion 880KV, which is on my other fbl protos and never had any issues..
and the beast is excellent and from my view is better than the v bar and value of money.. set up is quite simple and can be done on the field (no need for laptops on the grounds)
ahh u got that old hacker motor, throw it in the bin.
cool with the micro beast, heard thad people cant really feel much difference between v4 and and the beast exept the tail that should hold slightly better in v4 like in a tail slide and stuff.
u got v5 on your mini?
I couldn't find any takers to build a funjet with me so I took what was left of my "Overpowered pusher jet" and turned it into a slow flier.
I also took my Cruiser with the modified wing and my f-14D Skyray out and flew them most of day on Sunday. I took 6 batteries and my field charger and had a blast.
Had some nice time with the RC8 last week. Buggies and Truggies are the way to go. I havent bashed ever since the RCPA track has come up. My Revo is on the shelf. I need to get her out.
Summary of RC action here in Allahabad :
Enjoy the Coldplay and the action !
Nice :thumbsup:
Wonder why the pineapple box was landed on the tarmac, should have used the grass ?
Very nice video and editing.. {:)}
You guys have a great flying place.
Nice Video :thumbsup:
nice video.. and nice 3D skills... great... {:)} {:)} {:)}
Thanks. Was a great weekend of flying. Great company, great field, great weather, and great planes !
Anwar, you right, pineapple box ought to be landed on grass. We'll keep that in mind next time !
Taped my nokia n73 phone to my easystar ;D
and here is a video from Diwali holidays at Nagpur :)
Nice stuff Sunlikestar..Finally some videos of our pancard club.
This was the weekend of targeted parachute drops (not in the video below, it just shows the initial test).
Cool. What was the weight of that doll ??
Not much. We added 10gms lead weight the next day, and it will still drifting away too far. That made targeted drops all the more interesting though !
May be instead of the 10 gms can you add a Assan rx 3 micro servo, a single cell lipo, and a10 amp ECU to guide it to land where you want ?? You may have to try with long servo arms and max movements to get the desired effect.
Finally my Pilatus porter was in air today morning at airoli ground. Thanks to Ashish who is a good hand launcher, and cameraman Saurabh with his Nokia N8 for capturing the maiden of Pilatus. i hope the videos will be uploaded soon by Saurabh well edited.
About Pilatus:
Perfect Shape
Perfect Flight
Smooth Controls
Smooth Flight.
Perfect trainer (Balsa)
NEXT : Will install two servos for airlons for Flap.
Well last friday, i decided to fly my cessna in my college ground for the first time. Students and teachers gathered at the ground. I was very nervous . However, the hand-launch was perfect, did some circles and loops and was flying pretty comfortably, then for some reason i lost radio contact with the plane. I turned left with both aileron and rudder input but the plane just kept going straight in the direction of the window of the girl's hostel :giggle:. I immediately reduced throttle and luckily there was a tree just in between my plane and the hostel. The plane hit the tree, the leaves absorbed the impact and it fell to the ground with no serious damage. I repaired it the same day and hope to have a flight next week. Someone in the crowd remarked that the plane was well-directed :giggle: :giggle:. Seems like my Cessna got distracted by the girls hostel. ;D However, after the crash everything seemed to be working perfectly.
Sandeep with his Hybrid...
Fuselage: Slowstick
Main Wing : Piper Cub
Tail and stabs: Coro built
Ashish's Video
Sandeep with his Pilatus. Maiden Flight.
What is the feedback on the Porter ? Can it make a good first plane, or a second plane for a beginner ?
Pilatus porter is a very stable plane. It can surely be a first plane (trainer) for a beginner. Very docile and forgiving. However, since the size of the model is small, there may be some orientation problem if flown at greater heights.
flew my Glidiator ver 2.0
built thread-
Thanks Saurabh for fantastic Editing as usual.
Well hitting the elevator for the first time was really difficult for me as it was my first Balsa and a maiden also.
But when a perfect hand launch was given by ashish, and Pilatus was in air, i feel comfortable and proud to be the owner of Pilatus.
I appreciate Saurabh and Ashish also for motivating me in flying this bird successfully.
Thanks for your modest comments Sandeep :) You flew really well :)
Here is Saurabh with his MIG-29 (
Enjoy watching
the music is not suited :giggle:
Quote from: anwar on November 20, 2010, 09:52:29 PM
Not much. We added 10gms lead weight the next day, and it will still drifting away too far. That made targeted drops all the more interesting though !
Try making some slits in the parachute for to the point and straight dropping.
Worried that the slits would widen over time, and tear up the chute ? :headscratch:
Quote from: bmanoj2 on November 21, 2010, 08:32:11 AM
May be instead of the 10 gms can you add a Assan rx 3 micro servo, a single cell lipo, and a10 amp ECU to guide it to land where you want ?? You may have to try with long servo arms and max movements to get the desired effect.
I want to try this :) Any suggestions ? I am bit worried about the lipo being dropped from a height, Not sure how much impact the drop will create. ???
Why not just build an RC Parachute or Trike ? :)
Spent some time today troubleshooting a tail drift issue on a JR Vibe 500E, belonging to a friend. Turned out that upgrading the skids to the bigger Trex 600 skids was one issue. The more serious issue was that the tailboom had started to break ( :o ) at the point where the horizontal stabilizer was attached to it. The original was a plastic attachment, but it also had been upgraded to a Trex 600 metal horizontal fin holder (the one that wraps around the tail boom). It was probably tightened a bit too much, and had eaten into the tail boom. This is something everyone should keep in mind.
After fixing these issues, the heli became very very smooth.
The heli has been built using highest quality parts... Scorpion motor, Castle 100A ESC, Spartan Quark gyro, JR8717 servos etc.
Here is a video of some test hovering :
had a great time flying with rajesh/ rotorzone and pvn2000, flew almost all of my multiplex planes and the trex 600, 250,sorry no videos
Hey Anwar, great video and Heli infact {:)}. I am interested to know which software you used for this. I have Pinnacle and adobe premier elements but I am not able to make titles as you did. :salute:
That was just the basic iMovie that comes with every Mac ;)
Quote from: santhosh on December 05, 2010, 10:32:20 PM
had a great time flying with rajesh/ rotorzone and pvn2000, flew almost all of my multiplex planes and the trex 600, 250,sorry no videos
When ? Where !?
Pictures ?
christ college ground, pvn2000 is still here, no pics, videos forgot to take the camera :banghead:
Darn :( Wanted to see some heli flying by Rajesh/RotorZone !
fabricated one parachute release system for my Pilatus porter.
building time was 15-20 min.
here is the test video of same.
nice, you can also try dropping a paper plane from it. And then chase it with your pilatus.
paper plane aha!, nice Idea {:)} .....will do this also.....thanks
Quote from: anwar on December 06, 2010, 11:58:15 AM
Darn :( Wanted to see some heli flying by Rajesh/RotorZone !
Didn't really do much. Didn't want to change the radio setup and mess up there. Only excitement was caused by me getting surprised at the throws on Santhosh's funjet. I totally rolled over coupled of times on take off before I realized how little movement was required.
Are you going to be in India christmas/new year ? I have long holidays and we could plan something.
You fly mode 1 ? Or was it some other change within mode 2 ?
Not sure about India trips this time, most likely will go on a business trip to the far east.
Rajesh fly mode2. i usually fly the funjet with maximum throws on ailerons. it took some time for rajesh to adjust with
I was wondering what adjustments were needed on the helis, before he felt comfortable doing more stunts :)
i mean to adjust with the throws of my funjet not the heli :)
Who cares about the Funjet >:D 8-) ;D
One thing matters in this world... HELIs ! :giggle:
i quit :bow: :bow:
It was not set up in Idle up mode. And I didn't want to set it up without even a pitch gauge. Also I was touching a Tx for the first time in 4 months, so didn't want to take risks with Santhosh's model.
The trex 250 was a revelation to me though, it was far more stable that I had imagined.
The 600E was ready to go with a linear pitch curve, I had just disabled idle-up as Santhosh did not want it for a little while. I guess you all can get together once more with a better setup (camera-wise) !
I had the same feelings about the 250 the first time I flew it... and it was with some wind in our desert/field !
Hmm, Didn't know you had everything set up.
Thanks Santhosh for the hospitality. How did Sunday flying go ?
Quote from: RotorZone on December 06, 2010, 05:21:37 PM
Thanks Santhosh for the hospitality. How did Sunday flying go ?
sunday we flew all the planes with praveen in the morning and evening,in the evening there were around 50 plus peoples in the ground and we were lucky to land safely for 3 is rohan? when u r planning to come over here again we can arrange a meet with prakkat anwar and all the flyiers here
I think we should take lessons from Santosh on hospitality ,,,i had a real great time with him and his friends all of them great guys :salute: :salute:,,,he has all the multiplex models + 2 of each as spares what a interesting hanger (:|~
For 't is always fair weather When good fellows get together With a stein on the table and a good song ringing clear
praveen welcome back
rarest rc activity by me
i sold my rc car
Ashish with his Foamy F15. ;D {:)}
Here is Saurabh's MIG29, @ Airoli
And my F15!!!
I tried some harrier and it responded really good!!!
Quote from: ashJR7202 on December 28, 2010, 09:36:37 AM
I tried some harrier and it responded really good!!!
Sir! That was really good. Awesome!!!!!!
Do you have any plan for F15? I always wanted to build it. And after these videos I can't resist.
Nice Nice !!! {:)}
thanks sumeet!!!
here is the link from whr i downloaded original plan!!! beware in the drawing CG is marked very much behind, i tried and tested it and it is at the point from whr wing starts
Wonderful job sir... :thumbsup:
The Mig 29 is Really mouth watering. Nice performance with nicely built as well. :bow:
Really wanted to build it.
Can you tell me the parts you used? and where did you got them?
Thank you Sir. :thumbsup:
Thanks Sumeet. I have sent you a mail with the plan details and instructions. Happy BUILDING !!! :thumbsup:
created and uploaded my new logo!!
my first one!
Did you created it yourself? Which application did you used for this?
Cool mannnnnnn.....
i too have the same question as what sumeet has..
Bought a new truggy this week, Nitro BTW, tried tested , broke, but this week was a real funn
got my self a neon orange canopy for my logo 400 and flew the crap pout of it in -10 degrees and light snow fall.
3x4 min then my fingers was so num i could not feel the gimbals anymore
Had a servo failure day yesterday on my Easystar.
Morning: Elevator servo stripped during pre flight checks. Replaced on field and flown.
Evening: Ruder servo stripped during a high speed low flight turn. The plane crashed, fuse broke in two equal parts.
Fuse repaired, servo replace on field and flown till dark :)
And then, attached some LED strips to the plane, on field, and flown again :P
Sunday flying.....Super fun
Hi Amit (SunLikeStar),
Believe are far ahead of our time ;D...
Thanks Mohan! I learn from the best :thumbsup:
this time with my funjet,capturing this on the camera is tough than flying this :giggle:
watch the videos
Cool Video Santhosh...Funjet is really a great model..
cool, santhosh, this time you were careful with the mundu and all, gr8 flg, it is time to upgrade to intermediate from beginner
Tnx, I will keep my status as beginner only ( at least on Rci) still a lot to learn from the great peoples here
Ha ha ha..just changed my status back to beginner... :giggle:
flying at Royal Calcutta Turf Club, Driving to that place was like 3 Hrs+, traffic and flying was like crazy, there were some 10 real 'Near Miss' and four crashes. a 50 size gasser, a foamie, 60 size cessna and a slow stick (I don't know how he manage to break it in three places)
Had been to Hoskote this saturday afternoon, It was a delight to fly vinays glider!. It flew so high that my 14x digicam found it difficult to focus :D
This huge 2m wing span glider never liked to come down, always I used down elevator when facing the wind :giggle:
My first exp with gliders, it was great!
Have no idea how to reduce the size of the pics as they are high res. Here is the link to facebook upload.
You can select 3 or 4 images, and use to reduce the size. Also, consider making that album public on FB.
Have shared it as public, isnt it accessible.
Some test flights from our field this week. These aircrafts belong to someone else, who was not present on the field.
The Cessna came with a broken nose wheel. Since I did not have the right size piano wire, I tried to make one using the tail linkage of a Trex 600 heli. It was a bit too thin, so I could not get it to stay straight, hence the hand launch. Landing was also an issue.
HD enabled !
Finally my Parachute dropping mech. was tested on Sunday..which worked great.
Thanks to Ashish was capturing the dropping.
Done 4 flights, one was dropped from a very good height and Ashish was not able to focus the object (parachute). the chute was almost lost but nearby kids helped it getting the chute back.
next drop was failed as the chute was just hanging on the servo as not released properly.
Third and fourth was perfect drop, just 5-10 mtr from our base, as it was dropped from a low height.
I hope Ashish will be uploading the videos Soon.
Flying @ Noida ... RC cars / planes ... and plane Vs. Car drag race
Nice ! This thread is coming alive now :thumbsup:
I know this must be a very boring thing for all you experts to hear, but it is very exciting for me....Finally i was able to fly my easystar all by myself :). Did three flights.....many thanks to atul_g, amit (sunlikestar), Prady and everyone at Pancard club, Pune for their kind support. :salute:
Here is the video pf Parachute dive test:
Thanks Ashish for uploading.
Ashish. A tip for you. Set the camera focus to manual and then to infinity. You will avoid the "hunting" that occurs with auto focus when capturing moving objects.
Great stuff Sandeep, try to drop paper planes next time!
thanks Sushil,
yes i found autofocus is taking time to focus properly!!
but i am not sure if my camera have facility for manual focusing, will check manual again for this!!!
and yes, in the background u can see my F15 is trying to take this diver!!!!!
Yeah, next time i will drop a bunch of paper planes.... and some more things whatever is possible..
i think eggs will also do... ;D
In most professional cameras, there should be a manual focusing button or slider to set the focus manual. to set the manual focus there should be a focus ring on the lens itself.
Nice release.
'Pora far javal yet hoti kaa? :giggle:
Quote from: sandeepm on February 10, 2011, 03:08:25 PM
In most professional cameras, there should be a manual focusing button or slider to set the focus manual. to set the manual focus there should be a focus ring on the lens itself.
mine is not professional camera, it is just Super Zoom digital camera, with better results than usual small cameras!!! And doenst have any manual control to focus on lens itself!!!!
but even though i will check if focus can be set to infinity or in either fixed focus in menu!!
Check for A/F and M/F
As Sandeep says, look for the focusing mode. It will be in the menu. once you have accessed this mode you will - normally - be able to set the focus via a ring on the lens. What camera is it anyway?
it is Panasonic FZ35,
and doenst have facility for manual focusing using ring!!!
all i can think of is, if i can set it to m/f using menu and try!!!!!
Flight Test GWS Slow Fly this morning at sunrise, somewhere in the eastern sector ;)
Today i fly my hornet plane with help of all our Dakshin flyres member . But this day also we miss Mr.Sandeep sir.
Some more video of spitfire by JP
One self built electric plane and some pic
Some pic
Can you share other details of this model? Size, motor, prop, battery, weight, materials, plan if any.
Crashed my friends plane yesterday ,total loss :banghead:
What model ?
no idea,scratch buil one.guess to whom it belongs ;) ;)
If you have folks visiting from out of town, then I know who it is ! ;)
you r wright :bow:
Building a 2x2 mt F3A plane..
i am currently running in my new savage x 4.6! its huge and its loud. cant wait for her to finish around 8-10 tanks. then will tune to much leaner setup.
its a great truck and iam eagerly awaiting the next weekend.
on 26 feb we had our RC activity
JP had got his Baja
here is the video
It needs tuning....The baja
yes , was lying around for 1 year inside
;D ;D
Hi all,
I've made a plane for the first time without having a single flying experiance :) this week.
Thanks to RC India members. With the help of you people and reviews i made it. Thanks to all of you
also thanks to Jack ( Jack's Hobby) as he supplied me all required electronics.
I've used Fom sheet and wiring cover which i got in my home. Wiring cover i mean to say is to cover up the wiring at home electrician used that plastic one which will cover the wiring at home. :headscratch:. I dont know how to say but i've used it as body of my plane and attached servos and all electronics. I have to test the flight but it looks little heavy for the motor. I'm not sure if the motor can give that much power to fly this one. However, weight is ok and it is balanced.
Here are few pics...
Sorry Im unable to attach pics as pic size is more than 192kb. How to upload now?
Please use or something like that.
Thanks Anwar i'm trying it....
Still im unable to do :headscratch: it anwar!
Please send them to the address at the bottom left (in the green footer area) of any page here. I will fix them up :)
today and yesterday I flew my Glidiator with a new motor
the hobby king 36-42B!!!!
with a 10x5 prop
i could do 3D stuff and also fly vertical!
Anwar ! I've sent to address which you r ref to. Thanks for your help bro!
Unfortunately I have still not received them... which would indicate that they are really too big, or there are too many of them !
I can be able to post one pic only....
There is option to the right side of that one upload box, to add 3 more images... please look around when you are uploading. After all, everyone else is able to upload more... so I am sure you will also figure it out :)
In short, just use webresizer to bring it under 192KB, and then keep uploading !
Nice plane :thumbsup: Do not make the pictures so small (they can be upto 800x800 size), so that we can see it better.
Dumb thumbed my 600N after a long time, doing low height piro flips ! Lack of sim time is really showing up now :(
Damage... CY blades, tail boom, torque tube. Hit hold a split second later, or the damage would have been just the tail.
got away easily i must say
My scratch built is performing better than expected, except last 10% of throttle isn't producing anything gr8 neither speed nor performance, working on a symmetrical wing and a low cambered speed wing , will post it soon, meanwhile ...
Don't you think the undercarriage needs to be longer, and the nose wheel length to go along with it ? will a tail wheel be in order? any suggestions ???
first flight after restoration...
awesome flying and nice camera work {:)}
Took my easystar a little higher this weekend...
nice one...
Crashed another of my disoriented..gosh when will i learn?????
Ankur......beware...toooo many public near the field............
inspired by augustinev, took my parkmaster after almost a gap of one year, here's the video
Some good piece of flying there, :thumbsup:
Built the FunJet from RCDhamaka with this glue :
Medium thickness, and 20 second initial bonding time and GAP FILLING ! Seems perfect for this application.
Used the below motors, and 60A Turnigy Plush ESC with a 6x4 prop.
Very nice airplane :thumbsup:
Nice to know u liked it, welcome to the funjet family :thumbsup:
Now I know why you have a gazillion of these ;D
Easystar combat flying with Bakya (Easystar) and Amar (Delta). However the only plane i was able to hit today was Mohan's V-Tail, who was minding his own business :banghead:
Combat flying was awesome! How did the slowstick video turn out, that you shot?
Poor Mohan bhai, someone either hits his plane in mid-air or crashes it into his car :giggle:
Video is not that good, we need a wider lens. I'll try to fix that today.
Also i am thinking about building a new combat plane for tomorrow, a SPAD, while watching THE MATCH today :violent:
Ooh a combat plane!! cool! :thumbsup:
I will try to complete my Blu baby.
Quote from: santhosh on April 01, 2011, 02:27:20 PM
Nice to know u liked it, welcome to the funjet family :thumbsup:
Looks like FunJet is mega popular !
My Eurofigter 1st flying after decaling red and black
some low pass and landing
Nice... appeared that you had to land because you lost power... ;) 8-) i didnt lost any power while landing, i had to land because i lost power..... :giggle:
Well said Ashish......... you have to land because u lost power...........
Again : you a very good micro foamy builder................and very stable hands on tx to control them....
Mad Rcers' Brotherhood of Hoskote
They come by every possible mean of transport, Carrying their planes like their back packs, only one thing in their mind, to reach Hoskote lake bed to fly their planes. Yes these are Mad Rcers' of Bangalore, running on tight budget, Money provided by their parents these Young people, I would like to call them Mad Rcers' of Hoskote. They come this faraway place because there's a restriction for them to enter in the flying area which is close by to city. Don't mind Hoskote lake embraces each and every RCer with equality. Tarmac, forget it, there's not even mud track for take off, How they take off? , if you want to see gas planes hand launched come to Hoskote.
And how this is a Brother hood. OK every thing they have is present for sharing, even their, knowledge, flying skills.....every thing.Not brother hood I will call it more than that.
I am very certain, These youngsters will keep RC Flag (no this is religion for them) flying high in Bangalore.
My best wishes to all of them. Keep it up guys, don't let the spark die. :salute:
(You passion is very infectious)
All the Best
Beautiful Hoskote Lake Bed
Getting Ready to Fly.....
This day was fortunate to see many majors of Bangalore's RC world at Hoskote.
Let's try again spirit is the key here.
WOW I Love this...........Can any thing come near to this, money can't buy this
Even Junior Love this
On field discussions are best learning experience
Every body is available for help here
This Junior is flying for first time in his life today, heaps of thanks to Majors
More Pics will follow, next day was a holiday, So flying continued......
Nice pictures Akshayb and lovely captions :goodjob:
Thanks Sunlikestar, My words don't even come close to spirit flowing over there.
As I promised, Here are more Pictures. April 4th 2011
This was a Festival, "Ugadi" , New Year for Indian Vikram Samvat.
But nothing can stop from flying.
Away from technicalities of Bangalore's Busy Life, Yes that's Hoskote
Let's Put Wind Sock First
Preparing to Fly
Learning by seeing
Let's start Flying
Chuck it now
WOW what's a Flight
Learning Session
Let's fly this now
Some Refreshments
Ready for another one
Winding up
I can't stop my self from taking more pictures on following Sunday, Which saw some intersting flying sessions. Try to post more pictures tomorrow, if my lethargic mood behaves. Comments please
nice picture once again :thumbsup: you guys have a good field and a nice group.
i wonder where the wind sock is grouted onto ? ??? :giggle:
Thanks for appreciations.
This Wind Sock Belongs to Ujjwal he has got a electric pvc conduit pipe(Pic-13), This wind sock is put in a wooden stick and tided to this pipe and pipe is put inside many cracks in the lake bed(you can see them in many pics).
Quote from: Akshayb on April 16, 2011, 10:47:32 AM
Thanks for appreciations.
his wind sock is put in a wooden stick and tided to this pipe and pipe is put inside many cracks in the lake bed
thought as much :thumbsup:
Nice Akshay !!! Nice pics and a great group you have there.... With the sun getting more powerful everyday, even we are getting more lazy to move out :-\
0530 is a good time, in fact gr8 time, calm winds, nice and comfy
We don't reach Hoskote that early, as some boys wake till late in night to complete their foamies.
Here in Bangalore we can't stop flying in summer as this is best time to fly, before monsoon arrives.
Tried bomb drop from easystar. Dropped a few paper planes first, then some sticks, then some empty softdrink bottles. Inspired by the success of this we finally tied Krishna's Oshkosh under the easystar, but sadly the easystar was not able to takeoff with almost same size plane tied to its belly :(
why dint you drop your rubber powered plane? :headscratch:
forgot to take it to the field :banghead:
Made a 10 min electric powered glider from foam plates after a party.
After party at a friend's place, i found eating plates were very lightweight and strong enough for small gliders.
Evil idea stuck in my mind and i took 2 plates at home.
I was inspired by Kalyanprodhan sir who made one such glider from plate.
The electrification of this glider doesn't prove fruitful, but it increased the gliding time off course.
The motor got off from glider after crashing three tmes. but it was really fun.
Motor was a chinese heli tail motor,
propellor was handmade from balsa wood,
battery was an ipod battery 3.7v(120mah)
This was a Hot Sunday. And Hoskote Lake bed (HLB) saw low Turn out of Rcers. April 10th 2011
Probably some of them were busy with their exams. But HLB saw couple of Helis and there beautiful Flights.
Any body will fall in love with this place
Junior Prepares his plane, closely observed by Majors
Some Fine Trimming
Haste makes waste, Don't be in hurry to Fly :giggle:
Helis getting Dressed up, Fueled up
I love Foam for Building, Let's get ready
Final instructions
Flying starts
Ready for lift off
Lift off..............
Heli training in progress
Another flying session here
I want to fly this, cutie pie
And this one for me
Winding up disscussions
no flying for me again since weeks :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :'( :'(
just looking at my plane soldering, esc's and connnectors nothing else
here is saurabhs Mig29 @ Airoli field
Was flying my easystar today morning, four SU-30's flew past pancard clubs each approximately 5 sec apart. They made three such passes and all the time my easystar was high in the sky and in their line of sight. One of them was the tri colored SU, and they were flying low enough that i can easily see the vertical tri color bands on the fin. I am wondering if they were able to see my plane ???
Did you have your 808 camera on board? That would have been awesome capture!
Yes i had it! but they were flying higher than me, ofcourse :) Also as soon as i saw the jets i just closed the throttle and let my plane just glide in circles over the hill, did not do anything to get them in frame.
Quote from: ashJR7202 on April 20, 2011, 07:57:23 AM
here is saurabhs Mig29 @ Airoli field
Thanks for the posting Ashish. :)
How to land a EZ Glider Shaolin Temple Style
sweeeet!! which camera is that?
Its a Contour HD video cam
Did you buy this cam locally or online..? If online please post the link.
Hi I bought the cam from Amazon online
Ive tried it on my Jets helis and gliders as well here are some more vids
Nice camera. It seems to yield good frame rates.
What are the specs and how much did you pay for it on Amazon ? (with shipping) ?
Here's another video with a Flycamone , this is not HD and you can tell the difference in clarity and framerates
Very nice jet btw. :)
@xantos: Is there any specific reason why you went for Contour and not Gopro ?
The Cularis video is shot with a GoPro HD
The GoPro has a very big profile and not really suited for airplane use unless its a very big airplane.I had to mount the GoPro on the Cularis with double sided tape without the polycarbonate housing, even then I thought its too big, besides the Gopro has a very wide angle and the fish eye effect is not too good .
The contour HD however is sleeker , easy to mount and 120 deg wide angle so is more suited for our airplane use.
Awesome video!! where in Mumbai was this video taken??
I was doing glide test of my combat plane a few minutes ago, in my colony. A guy came up to me and asked "are you like the three idiots" ??? i was like, did he just called me an idiot ;D
built a balsa tow line glider..tats all folks..
Quote from: SunLikeStar on April 22, 2011, 10:09:58 PM
I was doing glide test of my combat plane a few minutes ago, in my colony. A guy came up to me and asked "are you like the three idiots" ??? i was like, did he just called me an idiot ;D
:giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
SLS, was it that 'collapsible' glider ( dhanushya baan? ) ..
then i guess he must've ment it :giggle: :giggle:
Thats what ppl will call you if they find you throwing coro around on roads at 10 at night :giggle:
Enough, too much of laziness, last week's Pic's are still waiting to be uploaded. that's what I told myself this morning. And make myself uploading pictures of 17th April 2011.
I was just wondering. If any body is bothered to see, Pictures posted by me ? I got my answer on the same day, i.e April 17th. Many Flyers asked me that I shall continue to post pics on the forum as who ever is not present gets a update and who all are present comes to know how they were looking on that day, Ha... Ha... Ha.......
So here goes Pictures....
Love this Scene
Let's Fix Wind Sock First
Pre-Flight Discussions
Yeah, Even Flyers needs a Charge
Waiting to Fly
Preparation Starts
I Wonder how you do it
Ready to Fly
My First Flight Today, Thanks to Helping hands at Hoskote
Flying Starts
Relaxed Winding up
love your pics, keep up the good work :thumbsup: maybe you should make a separate thread for it.
BTW would like to know more about this plane (; if possible.
Thanks for Appreciation, This will keep me going. HA ha ha.....
These were some college kids came first time on field. Somebody told me name of this plane......, just slipped.
I think some body present that day would like to answer your question.
Hey Akshay,
They above pics of Hoskote and the flyers there are amazing...its definitely a perfect place to fly park flyers and small aircrafts
did you go to hoskote last sunday(24th april) ??
I've built a JAS-39 Gripen (52inches long, 30 inch wingspan) and i really wish to test it on a large, safe, environment... :)
I have never been to hoskote... :( I really have to travel with parents are quite busy.
can you tell me more details, like how many people come and at what time, till what time ?
Thank you !
People usually reach there by 8 and will leave around 1. Last time there were around 8-10 guys flying
@foamybuilder - ohh...and what type of models do they fly ? electric (ofcourse) , nitro/glow ?? gas ??
And will you be going there this coming weekend ?
I think gas or nitro were there. I dont know details about that as I am purely electric. 2 nitro were there and rest were electric easy star, f22 and some other planes. Someone had brought a mustang too.ya i think i wl b going
@foamybuilder - check your inbox..i sent you a PM.
Hi Samanth,
This place is very huge, you can fly any plane here, but problem is we don't have tarmac for take offs and landings.
People reach early in the morning and fly upto 3-4 in the afternoon. Samanth which area are you from. Can take lift from some Rcer. May be you can join me.
I would love to join you !! :D I live in Vijaynagar... where do you live ?
Vijaynagar will be quite out of way for us, we leave from K'Mangala.
ohh...damn... :(
do you by any chance, know anyone who lives near vijaynagar ? can be jayanagar, bansankri, rajajinagar, ?
Hope somebody from that area sees your post and reply
FoamyBuilder, where in K'mangala do you guys meet up?
Would love to meet up with you guys! I live in Koramangala..
Sorry Samanth :(
I do not stay in kormangala, Akshay stays there..
Quote from: Samanth on April 28, 2011, 10:26:22 PM
ohh...damn... :(
do you by any chance, know anyone who lives near vijaynagar ? can be jayanagar, bansankri, rajajinagar, ?
Join the Face Book community for Hoskote:
There are many folks come from North Bangalore. They may give you a hitch ride.
Quote from: Divyam on April 28, 2011, 10:33:47 PM
FoamyBuilder, where in K'mangala do you guys meet up?
Would love to meet up with you guys! I live in Koramangala..
Sorry Samanth :(
Can be in touch with Ujjwaana or me.
@ujjwal - I am already in the Hoskote RC Flyers community ! :P
i'll somehow try and convince my parents to drop me
Alright guys, according to google earth, the distance from my house to the Hoskote Flyers Site is 31.4Km !! :banghead:
I have a Trex-450, scratchbuilt Extra 300 and JAS-39 Gripen, and an FPV Plane(which is yet to come)
Do you think its worth travelling more than 62.8Km (going + returning) to fly my models over a large area ? thats what my parents asked me...
I said that I not only get to fly them, but I also get to meet a lot of Hobbyists like myself and have a good time :D
So please tell me your views if its worth travelling so much.
Thank you :)
I really wish Jakkur would allow us RC flyers/Hobbyists to Fly again...
because the distance from My house to Jakkur is ONLY 14Km !!!
I think Hoskote's atmosphere is better than Jakkur minus any restrictions.
weekend ride last sunday
Nice! Great pics! :D
nice pics dude. especially of the rustler doing a wheelie.
more pics plz. and post a vid if u can. wanna listen to that nitro ;D
flew the slowfly28 after a long time..
honking to drive away birds is not a bad idea, Zongun is another option
....pulling too many G's lately? ;)
awesome amar..great flying as usual..
good one amar...hope you will help me to test my flying wing!...and thanks for giving me some spring steel, i will replace the landing gear of my blubaby :)
Any time guys...;)
My new 'racer' plane..
nice, my plane is also featured in the videos :)
i didnt knew someone was recording.
I feel, It is worth coming to this place. I am beginner and met many highly experienced flyer here. I am learning a lot from everyone here and for sure, you will have good time.
few moments I captured from Hoskote on last sunday ....
Maidened my Trainer ! It flew brilliantly :)
Didn't notice that in the earlier post, but Hoskote has a big runway now ?
Sahevaan, please post pictures :)
Akshay should be having photos. The runway is too good. I am buying landing gears for this purpose now
The beginning phase of runway construction snaps....
I am going flying again today so once i am back i will post them!
This weekend has been a very bad one for me, 'cos I had the first crash of my trex 500.
Got greedy and wanted to have one last flight, before darkness fell. Couldn't precisely place the edge of one coconut tree in our compound and the main blades made a swipe, and then they struck the tail boom. Damages seem to be totaled main blades, chipped tail blades, TT front gear set, bent tail boom,one brace, bent feathering shaft. Words of consolation or spare parts as gifts would be acknowledged with great comfort :'(
Set up an MSH Protos with a Mikado Mini VBar for a friend. This heli was so different from the other 450s I have flown so far, starting with how different even the sound of the blades are. No wonder many people fall in love with it instantly !
Had my first landing yesterday :D
Soloing tomorrow !!!
gr8 going , RU coming over ?
Went camping , flew early in the morning and then slept and again flew in the evening , where weather was better . Did a few landings , they came out to be better than i expected :)
Group of Flyers At Hoskote, on 22nd May 2011
These are a few videos from last week. EXTREMLY windy and gusty. Probably 20-25 knots.
The jets were pushing hard against the winds. :giggle: Check out the landing.
Maiden Flight of the EPP FPV model. NO FPV equipment installed. only basic configuration.
Landing fo the EPP FPV
:giggle:...your jet landed like Sea Harrior.....verticle landing .......even my Subaru experienced similar head wind and landed vertical yesterday.... :giggle:
Sorry for the low resolution. The camera relayed great video, but I forgot to set the recording resolution to 720 x 568 on my laptop.
i am the first to view this since morning...............on rcindia and keep on refreshing....
It was really difficult to handlaunch this bulky plane...but liked it...!!!
oops you just missed the rock during landing!. Good one!. You may need to buy a good cam. ;D
You may need to reduce the use of ailerons, changing your plane inclination sometimes is resulting in interference, may be due to change in polarization.
Great work saurabh. Hope to see her flying on sea someday..
I think this is the first FPV video taken by a forum member..
Great to seethe progress Saurabh. I have been long waiting for this report.
How is the endurance of the EPP Platform ?What Lipo you used ? I was thinking to buy HK FG UAV platform, but its costly. Planning to build 2.36m 'Big brother instead (
I am also making Clover Leaf/Skew Planner Antenna for 2.4G and 5.8g. Tell me if you need samples. Would be happy to get feedback.
Quote from: foamybuilder on June 06, 2011, 01:13:45 PM
oops you just missed the rock during landing!.
Yes, you are correct... I barely missed a rock while landing... the landing speed was high as I had to keep it from stalling. She is 2.45 kg all up ... :o
QuoteGood one!. You may need to buy a good cam. ;D
You may need to reduce the use of ailerons, changing your plane inclination sometimes is resulting in interference, may be due to change in polarization.
The camera quality is excellent. I am using a Sony HAD 2 CCD 600TVL camera with stock lens. Because I forgot to record the video in HIGH resolution on my laptop, it apprears to be low quality. And yes you are correct, the interference is because of polarization and ground effect (bouncing of signal at low altitude.) The more high and away I fly, the more clear and interference free the pic becomes.
Cheers !!!
Endurance: My 8 mins flight consumed about 1900 mah. I am using a 4 cell Turnigy 5000 mAh Lipo. I am sure it will give me about 30 mins endurance with good throttle management. Because she is a little heavy, I need to maintain airspeed to keep her from stalling.
Quote from: saurabhhsrivastavaa on June 06, 2011, 05:48:06 PM
Because she is a little heavy, I need to maintain airspeed to keep her from stalling.
Heavy ? I think should be the lightest plane for the WS! anyway are you totally satisfied with it or have better platform plans ? Do share you research. People swear by Raven and other models like Skywalker.
How much is the wingloading?
Hi, She is a little heavy for her size. The ideal weight suggested on RCgroups forum is about 1.8kg - 2.0kg. Mine is almost 2.4 kg.
Not sure how to calculate the wing loading, as the wing area is not known to me. Wingspan is 1800mm.
I am kind of satisfied with it. However, I had to do a few mods to the plane. I had to insert a SHIM, and raise the back side of the wing by 10mm. This helps with the hanging tail problem. Then I also installed a new wing mount.
Details here.
tried inverted, didnt go well.
Gave full right aileron, started to come down, got scared and gave full -ve, went side ways to the left and crashed
Today was a good day. :)
Had 3 successful flights within visual range.
It was pretty gusty today and the FY21AP did not fail to impress. :hatsoff: ABM works awesome in windy conditions. All one needs to do is to reduce power for landing. Pretty nice and easy. 8)
I did push my luck with my HK EPP FPV by switching OFF my radio during one of the flights and AP kicked in. However, the plane took half a circle in the RTL mode but then I had to switch on my Tx as the failsafe on throttle was not adequate in the strong headwind. Maybe next time I will have it set at 80%
Here is the video.
Please watch in HD or a higher resolution
Thats great. Nice landing :thumbsup:.
I like everything except the font in your OSD.
Thanks Foamy. :)
Unfortunately, there is noting I can do for the font. :(
The quality of the Sony CCD 600 TVL is extremly good and produces sharp images. Quite Happy with it. Just ordered another 600TVL with OSD and 2.8 - 12 mm manual adjustable lens and auto IRIS.
Quote from: saurabhhsrivastavaa on July 02, 2011, 09:17:08 PM
Saurabh Sir, That's a great video and very nice flying. Good Job. {:)} my epp-fpv has arrived today now waiting for fpv gear.
this is was another blasting FPV video with high resolution...i am impressed with the quality of video this time. Another impressive thing is the ABM...
and all above is the Turnigy 9x.. {:)}
Thank you Crazy, Sandeep. :)
Some pics that were taken by one of the PROFESSIONAL photographers (Ashley) at the field.
@saurabh - the photo's have come really nice :) also any luck on the photo flying above BMW A6 which ashley has taken i guess?
seems like i miss this one!!!!
@ Ashish,
Yes, you did miss a lot ;)
Thanks for the compliments Anand. Those shots are in the other video that I did not upload as all look the same and it gets boring to watch similar videos all over again.
super duper @saurabh... excellent work gr8 job ....
Thanks Divay :)
Just reached Kottayam yesterday safely with my spare readio and stuffs.... Tonight started building a 48" SPAD :D so far completed the wing, 80% of fuse etc. Racing against time to finish it by tomorrow so that I could fly it with Santhosh (whom am hoping to visit day after tomorrow at his place). Couldn't find 4mm forced to use all 3mm (let us see how it turns out). thought I should update here :)
As Santhosh bhai has not much spare time this weekend we are planning a broader Kerala RC meet soon. Hope everyone can participate.
Finished The SPAD. Fingers crossed will maiden her tomorrow with Santhosh Bhai. Am not that much impressed with my work this time :(
Had a blast at Santhosh bhai's territory ;) Thanks to him for the wonderful hospitality. Nice place, nice people :D Maiden-ed the SPAD at his flying spot. Couldn;t trim her up as it was quite windy. Survived couple of hard landings but the last one killed her. Being a SPAD, living up to its name, I think its repairable and she will be flying again once I find an hour.
Anwar Bhai, please do let us know about the Meet so that people like me (on parole) can plan accordingly :)
Please do post pictures / videos !
Some pics of flying at the noida field this weekend
some more
Which is the one flying over the easystar,scratch built :giggle:, nice photo :thumbsup:
hahahah ... thanks Santosh ... oh btw thats not an easystar its a sky surfer
Quote from: anwar on April 20, 2009, 08:24:02 PM
Some sellers on RCU ship international too !
Yes, they do.
One of whom I have had experience with is Edward Watson aka "Darthdrk"
Someone into scale building, darthdrk ships fuselages world wide.
I've noticed his collection beats any other hobby shop I have come across + some of them copy his hard work too.
My First Fly-Easystar :) :) :) :)not bad :thumbsup:
:) :) (
Where is the most interesting part... landing ? :)
Mounted HD wing cam on my HK 450 V2. Couldn't find a suitable place, so put it on the battery.
The video came out all 'wavy' especially when hovering - may be since it was right below the main blades.
Nways njoy ;)
Thats a nice flying Raja... :thumbsup: but i wonder why the movie is soo wavy... :headscratch:
it looks like you were flying under water... LOL :giggle:
I have the HD wing camera as well. Its not that great. The focus is a big problem. :-\ I am using a class 10 card 8GB. Still the video is not as good as I had thought it to be. :(
@raja_mastana: Good work! I like it!
@saurabhhsrivastavaa: Hey I have the same issue with HD Wing Cam, the videos are very jerky even with Class 10 Card. Any solution?
the solution is buy a gopro or a contour
Never tried Contour, but GoPro is familiar to me! Its pretty good.. But then a little heavy than HD Wing.
Saurabh, me too using a class 10 card, still has frame drop issues. colors are also not accurate. but still nice to play around ;)
Milind, someone on HK suggested to start recording a dummy video for few secs, before the actual video :P .... no harm in trying it out though, if you have serious frame drop issues
Hey guys..
Well... to be honest, the HK HD wing camera is not a quality camera. It may be ok for beginners but you cannot even think of comparing it with GoPro or Contour. Gopro is a different league all together. :hatsoff:
The frame rates are not stable and the drops are frequent. I have problems setting focus on mine. You can either set the focus on center or the edges. If you set the focus on the centre, the edges tend to blur and vice versa. I believe this is a problem with wideangle lenses.
Sadly, there is not much you can do about the camera. The reviews have been throwing the pros and cons.
However, I have just received my new SONY 600TVL Super HAD II camera with 3.6mm lens.. I will be putting it up for sale as I got one spare... (I am in a habbit of getting 2, just in case ;) ). People who are interested, may want to have a look. :)
hi mate.
any 'wavey' effect is due to vibration.........looks like 'just a little ' more pad under the camera.....a lot over here [UK] use gyro pads for the camera.
one that is used a lot as a cheapy is the 'key ring' cam very small and light and quite good color . ( ( a lot are HK or china seller. ;D
Rc Activity at the Noida Field
Some more
continued .....
Beautiful pictures {:)}
Very nice Pics Divay.. :thumbsup:
Thanks @ Sun... and Saurabh
Gr8 pics , good flg
Thanks Gusty ....
Nice... :thumbsup:
Wish the camera had more zoom.
Thank you sir! - uploaded a slightly better version
Edge 540 20cc @ the noida field
Very Nice video and flying, Divay Sir.
Thanks Crazy bro
Quote from: divay99 on September 05, 2011, 05:11:36 PM
Edge 540 20cc @ the noida field
Why was the landing snipped ?
hahahaha .. good catch anwar.... ... no crash or anything ... the cam batteries gave up ... lol ... you and your devilish thoughts .....
Not quite devilish... landings are the most interesting parts of such videos ;D
Is the field flat and free of bushes? Looks like a nice place for rc cars as well. :)
Oh yes Rajat .. we have a dedicated rc track 1/5th scale... with bumps and the works ... here is a pic of the same....
Saurabh bhai, Thanks for the reference about the vee antenna. :thumbsup: I made a DIY vee antenna and saved 15bucks ;D but had to a lot of r&d on antenna .
this link was very much helpful
after very long time i got my first flight , went too many places where i can fly but crowded every where , you know delhi is , followed by children every where , lot of struggle
would like to thank my litle brother(nirbhay ) who alaways ready to come and run ;D
and ankush who alaways ready to climb on tree ;D
after many flights it is borken from every edge , but still flying ;D
here are some links
Quote from: joydeep on September 08, 2011, 12:31:37 PM
Saurabh bhai, Thanks for the reference about the vee antenna. :thumbsup: I made a DIY vee antenna and saved 15bucks ;D but had to a lot of r&d on antenna .
this link was very much helpful
You are welcome dude... Do post your DIY pics and methodology... cheers !!!
Quote from: vineet on September 08, 2011, 09:29:27 PM
after very long time i got my first flight
Congratulations :thumbsup:
looks like you guys had lots of fun :)
Congrats! :thumbsup: {:)}
See, you wouldn't have had this much fun if you'd sold your stuff!
I loved the electric-pole-hit landing! :thumbsup:
Cooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllll :D
Lovey flying Saurabh Sir. Now i am going to fly my porter soon as its been lying for a long time. Infact i like this plane so much i am searching for a bigger version of it.
It was a bad day today crashed my F-16 nose down, due to sunshine.
But the beauty of these foam planes is that, these can be reapied in 5 minuts.
another day it flew nicely.
2 weeks back while flying my Eurofighter, Battery came off...... :giggle: :giggle:
at one end it was attached using sticking velcro and at other end using velcro strip...
due to poor sticking velcro battery came off, but keep hanging at other end due to velcro band.......fortunately CG didnt shift and didnt affect flying...otherwise it would have been disaster.... :headscratch: :headscratch: :headscratch:
landed quickely... u can see battery hanging in the video.....
pls turn DOWN the volume otherwise u will here Saurabh's obscene language :giggle: :giggle:
I remember the same thing happened to my slash once. I was using jayanth's lipo and I forgot to put the battery hold down strap. One jump and the battery was hanging out :o :P
:giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
here are some more pics of last weekend...
Fighter Squadron ...... with pilots.....
More fighter pilot
The wing looks awesome (:|~
Damn beautiful collection... (:|~
Hi Friends,
Just another day at Airoli Flying Field. Here are some pics of the field in the morning.
Here is Ashish flying his colored wing. Watch in HD
Landing Video: Watch in HD
You guys are so lucky to have access to a field like this :( beautiful videos {:)}
in picture, it seems very good field but actually we avoid this field....its is only in rainy we use this as our Patni field becomes muddy.....
thing is that...there is high grass around and cant access area around this road easily, its very risky, sneaks are around.....road digging..etc.....that is why we avoid this......
even for last 2 weeks Amar was here... and he can tell u details abt this field....
Quote from: ashJR7202 on October 17, 2011, 12:44:44 PM
sneaks are around...
i guess snakes :giggle:
Quote from: ashJR7202 on October 08, 2011, 03:55:23 PM
:giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
here are some more pics of last weekend...
Fighter Squadron ...... with pilots.....
Wow!!! You have got an amazing fleet!! I am almost jealous ... I want to steal that flying wing...
Quote from: saurabhhsrivastavaa on October 17, 2011, 01:42:15 PM
i guess snakes :giggle:
I think those poor reptiles long wanted to fly and have been ditched by Wright brothers. Thats the reason they flock at all the R/C fields to give it another try!!
:giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
after completing flame in red WING looks awesome {:)} {:)}
to add up, one more Su-37 is in making....most probably with 360 degree thrust vectoring {:)} {:)} ...mechanism is about to complete...
360 Degree TVE !! OHH!! Planning to fly planes in 'Reverse Gear' ??
nahi yaar!!!! cant even fly straight properly :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: Reverse 8-) :banghead: :banghead:
i meant was 2 axis TV system...wanted to built su-37 like Dave's with TV system......
A motor on a motor for 360 deg vectoring ;D you'll feel right at home here at Pancard, we hail ideas like these ;)
Ps: missed the sneaks thing earlier; now cant stop imagining Nike sneakers waiting on the prowl, hiding in tall grass, ready to attack any unsuspecting pilots :P
i like the sqauatting Fighter Pilot :giggle: way to go guys, makes me proud
i liked this color scheme..for IAF concept future fighter, from Russian site, but couldnt get much details...other view...planning for my Su-37!!!
help me in finding more details on this...
otherwise will use 2nd one...almost same as Sukhoi PAK-FA
Had a nice Flying Time this Sunday with jayps and Sandeep sir
Here is the video of Japs sir testing the Spit fire the mad monkey.
I have been trying to finish the 1.6M Speedy Glider from RCBazaar for long, as the unique motor + Spinner was hard to find and I finally got the setup.
I did not like the stock Trim/Decals so I pulled out rolls of MonoKote from my closet and put the custom decal (most popular scheme for DLG Glider).
But this plane really needs some Totum to maiden. As I was setting up the Radio, change in model caused the Throttle reverse. While putting the battery, the spinner was resting on the canvas stool when and due to reverse throttle, it spin on the canvas. No damage ?
While doing thrust check, one of the folding prop broke off at WOT and flew! I called for every one around to check if it hit someone. Lucky! no injuries. But later we found that it hit Abhay's Skoda standing close by and pierced through the tail lam cluster! Damage > plane worth !!
that's bad; but could have been worse. I'll be more careful with folding prop from now on. Nevertheless, the glider looks very beautiful :thumbsup:
You may want to skip forward as it is a long video.
great sourav,
which system you installed on cam?
Thanks Ravi.
This is the Fy21AP with AP117 OSD. Camera is the Sony 600 TVL Super HAD 2.
This was two weeks ago when i was in Nagpur :salute:
Easyglider pro ridge soaring over a coal mine 8)
dint had a great weekend
saw the crash of my uncles chopper
will upload video later
waiting for the video...!! (:|~ (:|~ (:|~
ll upload soon (
Oops... bad idea flying in such a confined place... looks like the damage is not that much !
who is flying ....?? and which place is this :giggle:..! doesnot look like belgaum..!
pilot should look for obstacles before flying first :giggle:
@ anwar yes sir damage is less
tail boom pipe is damaged & flybar is damaged :(
it will be repaired soon :)
@ R/C vish why u need that ???
i have seen your over smartness in front girls :salute: how you have crashed that sonic model :giggle:
This chopper was flown by an expert flyer, not a overconfidence boy like you :giggle:
who broken the landing skids & damaged the main shaft :banghead:
This happened while trimming the chopper it suddenly started cmg back & telephone wire were exactly on the pilots head which he din't saw & the tail rotor hit the wires
this can happen with any expert flyer
the reason for that crash (sonic) was the the battery got disconnected when i got into invert suddenly at lowheight ( 4ft off ground) ..! think what you have to..! i got that pane next ready in 3days and flew it again... remember..!
there is no harm in showing off some skills..! ;) ;) ;D
and abt that your heli which you say i broke..! the main reason was that the person it belonged to was using a AIRPLANE TRANSMITTER for flying a CCPM heli though i suggested not to ..! :giggle: :giggle: :rofl:
when you dont know you dont speak..! :violent: :violent:
i never commented on the ability of the flier..! mistakes happens
Quote from: R/C vish on November 14, 2011, 07:01:50 PM
and abt that your heli which you say i broke..! the main reason was that the person it belonged to was using a AIRPLANE TRANSMITTER for flying a CCPM heli though i suggested not to ..! :giggle: :giggle: :rofl:
i did hovering with that radio @ 2ft din't had any problem
later you have done some fingering in that :banghead:
btw that TRANSMITTER was recommended for heli , air & glider
ahhahaha .. this is awesome .. keep it up guys
buddy go have a look..! what you are talkin abt is the hirobo JR radio( which you burnt by using a futaba charger :giggle: :giggle:)..!
later it was fixed with a futaba T6xa ( a for AIRCRAFT) when that crash happened :giggle: :giggle:...!! think before you speak.!
more over you are on mode 1 and me on mode 2.. so you cant expect me to control that heli..!
the degree of pitch was just set by looking (visual) not by pitch meter ( which gave more angle to the rotor when it was at min throttle)
the arm connections to servos were by Z bend... when they were to be with ball links
the pot for the cyclic servo was broken..! ( but typical tendency ... CHALTA HAI :giggle:)
there was a 1mm total play in the swash plate..
the rotors blades were imbalanced
looking at all this you cant blame the pilot for the error..!! ( who is not a heli flier but was told to fly a heli on mode 1 :banghead: :banghead:)
dude i was new to jr radio, din't check the charger cable , it was a silly mistake :banghead:
just changed the tx/rx system , din't disturbed any control or pitch degree
btw u must remember that it was RTF chopper
the person who brought the chopper has saw the test flight of the chopper
yes dear i totally agree..! but ask any one hirobo shuttle was not a RTF but assembled by other person and was brought second hand..!! it had many flaws.. the Tx was already tampered with..!
and the test flight that was seen was with the JR radio.. :giggle: :giggle: not with the futaba..
any ways i think you must have heard or EXP( exponential)... ?? it is a setting for the servo throws to be set.. for the pitch which was dont with the JR..!! more over there are throttle and pitch curve settings in the heli Tx which you dont find in the air plane one..!!
so using a airplane radio for heli DOES NOT WORK ( koi bhi 6ch radio heli ko chalta hai... will not work) :giggle: :giggle:
think before you wink.. :giggle: :giggle: ;)
even i agree that it had many flaws
then y u dint corrected it ??? & y u dint recommended to change tx system :headscratch:
you think i didnt...!! i did.. i even got a heli Tx to change...! but who listens :bow:..
and i am a plane lover and a plane flier..! never in to helis.. so did not go to do much of fingering..! as it did not belong to me..! dont like screwing up others belongings..! if it was mine would had done many things..!
els finally like this it would have fallen on my head that it crashed because of me..! :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
let it be
whatever it may be doesn't matter now
got the spares parts for service ;D it will be repaired in a week & later it will be in air ;)
waiting for the vid...!!
even the vid or your heli (:|~..
will post it soon >:D
Can't understand a single word about the discussion between shubhamblaw abd R/cVISh . your discussion is latin and hibru to me anyway continue
Sorry if I am intervening in your discussion
HH narayanrao KNS
Dears, I will be visiting Nagpur this Tuesday till Thursday on a business trip to our Branch Office there. Can some one kindly help me out by providing info on RC there like clubs, flying sites, RC shops etc.? This is my first time to Nagpur and will be very helpful :)
There is mr Fulli Buxy, zubin, mr joshi, and of course sanket there, sanket's contact details is here in the forum,
Thanks Gusty Sab, that was quick :salute:
Tried to find these users but not much luck. I have PMed some of them and hoping to hear from them. None of their websites are operational too! I did not get much time find more as this trip was finalized today :( I was hoping to do some RC shopping during my stay.
@Nagpur since yesterday. Though on official purpose, I was hoping to see some RC (clubs, shops, people). Any how, going to Mumbai tomorrow and I have a day there free :) If some one could tell me the locations of RC shops there....would be great. Please help.
Nagpur is not the best place to look for Rc shops/clubs but has lots of open space to fly; Mumbai is the other way around 8-) Check out the Mega list of all RC outlets (
Thanks SunLikeStar, I have already checked the megalist, but most of them are websites and am new to Mumbai. Could you suggest the best/biggest shop in Mumbai? I was hoping to shop some planes (like AddictionX) to take with me :) If you could kindly suggest couple of names and places/route it would be great.
Sorry Samlikespad I dont know Mumbai at street level; I hope someone from Mumbai would pitch in and help you out.
No probs SunLikeStar, and thanks a lot for trying to help. Lets see if some kind hearts comes up with some help :)
Wonder why this thread's been dormant for some time....
Anyways, I had a blast again at the field today. Three fun flights!
Here's a video of the one where I did some wacky flying close to the ground (from 20s onwards).
Quote from: augustinev on November 19, 2011, 05:13:51 PM
There is mr Fulli Buxy, zubin, mr joshi, and of course sanket there, sanket's contact details is here in the forum,
Gusty sir, are these people on RCI? I would be really glad to get in touch with them! a modeler, in all segments, i am thanking to Mother Nature, for the great uniterrupted RCying experience..and most exciting and realistic segment is my Boat and Ships..with a simple NiMh batterypack, its hours of hurry..just sit once..and command the vehicles with your TX..and the excitement and pleasure increases as the crafts cuts through making a lots of wave..and, i manages to reaches to sea side lake, or canal, or in River Mahe, daily, for, this weekend i got my deciple Gokul, once and he was too excited with gun, we gone for an RCying..and was exciting a lots..for hours..clean water source..ample of wind..lots of children and natives..sniggering and giggling all around..and some coffee and burgers..hours of fun and excitement..we started about 5 O clok..eve..and we stopped at 7.30, as the battery of gun boat exhausted..its all awesome experience..and pleasure..that nothing can brings planning for a full night RCying, with a full lighted up crafts, on a moon lit day..and i can simply dream, about the excitement and happiness as my new (still working), big fishing trawler sails in moon light, with all lights, and music from its MP3 player..hours of excitement and realism..think a craft leaving us to a long range of the line of vision..!! with all incandescent lamps on..making a lots of wave streaks of lights all over water, try some water crafts..among all other..addiction guaranteed.. :salute: :thumbsup:
and see some cool videos here..i stoped shooting video, within a short time, because looking my crafts through the LCD screen of camera is not a good option as it mars a real feel of excitement..still i took video for a long time..on tripod..and we ran all around the lake..with crafts..mission.. baywatch.. :thumbsup:
{:)} , nice to see you guys have ponds, in delhi we have only rush
yes..Vineet..thats why i thanked Mother nature at we have ample of water source along with flying grounds and long tracks.. :hatsoff: rush..everything wind..chirping birds..lots of wide paddys..and the goodness of village.. :)
saurabh :setup of every thing used ??
The display is getting affected at time (around 2:00 in the video)... was that you being at the edge of your range ? That is a scary scenario to be in.
No I was not on the edge. The 1500mW 900Mhz system has given me more than 4km LOS. More to do with polarization. The receiver rubber ducky is not that efficient. I am planning to upgrade to a patch antenna. Also, since I have the AP installed, no worries even if you loose video. With a flick of a switch, I can always get my model way back to RTH at a cruizing altitude. (within the visual range).
This Sunday, we had a lot of fun doing waypoint navigation. Did 2 sorties. First one was Waypoint navigation with 5 waypoints. I turned the NAV at 100m and the plane climbed to 200m as that was the default altitude for NAV flying. The best part is that the AP controls the THROTTLE as well to maintain the cruizing speed and avoiding stalls. Second sortie was long range. Went upto 3kms and still very much in control. (thanks to my 1W booster). The altimeter read 400m. I flicked RTH. It came back but we could not see the plane hovering on our heads as it was way too high. Could hear only the sound of the motor. Then using the goggles, I brought it down to a visual range. It was FUN.
Its an awesome feeling when you know that you are flying somewhere in the sky beyond the visual range and can only feel the sound of the motor. ;D
This is an amazing system... I am loving it.
Looks like video quality is degrading whenever ur plane is banking. Try a clover leaf or something..
Is the osd missing the arrow pointing in home direction? I couldnt see it any where.
Was just waiting to see the complete video..
It was too much fun to join the session.. {:)}
Quote from: foamybuilder on February 28, 2012, 09:33:38 AM
Looks like video quality is degrading whenever ur plane is banking. Try a clover leaf or something..
Is the osd missing the arrow pointing in home direction? I couldnt see it any where.
Ya. This time, I was using a 7.5 dbi patch antenna on the ground. I had a directional vee antenaa on the aircraft which I will be replacing with the stock rubber ducky. That should improve the performance. The patch does give a better picture but you need a tracker... I had one of my dear pal as a tracker... LOL. My next investment will be in a good antenna tracker.
The hornet osd does not have home arrow in the default mode. Home arrow is availble in the radar mode.
This is the new FY31AP with Hornet OSD.
This week trying the new GCS and google map assisted flying using data modems and waypoint navigations with altitude hold... Fully autonomous.... Already installed today and ground checks complete.
After breaking my 36" foamy YAK54, I rebuilt it with same wing/tail pieces with a new EPP fuse (re-enforced with a balsa strip sandwiched in-between two depron pieces for strength). Today I did the maiden and the video follows :)
And some fun with my electric Spadstick :) today.
It's a great experiance with Deccan Academy Of Hobbies, Hyderabad.
Team Deccan Academy of Hobbies are doing great job by providing the training and helping the people who are interested in this hobby.
My experiance wth DAH is, People are so help full and encouraging. Spl. Thanks to Mr. Anwar & Mr. Arun Sinha!/media/set/?set=a.253061361450344.58291.160963100660171&type=1 (!/media/set/?set=a.253061361450344.58291.160963100660171&type=1)
we had some good thermals on sunday and enjoyed a lot,
here are few pics, SLS's glider, Amar's EZ star, and my ALula
Were You Chasing The Eagle :giggle:
Nice Shots
Nice shots & nice captions {:)}
Thank You, Anwarbhai
From yesterday's flying session... a "before" and "after" set of pictures !
Wow! Did it crash/land on the car?! Of all the places it could have landed in the BIG desert! :)
Crashed my glider while flying it like a pylon racer :banghead:
Yes, he lost control... possibly related to Orange Spektrum RX (still unconfirmed).
did some rebulding on the heli (:|~
Sad to see as crashed.. :banghead:
i have removed all orange rx from all my planes, they are strictly on scratch built foamies only. investing on R6014HS (Even this has heat issues i heard, read on, 6014 for now
Crashed my TB 20 plane. The plane banked left sharply and when I tried to correct it by applying right banked right and crashed. I guess servo centering was not happening correctly.
Damange : Cracked rudder and broken props...repairable
I built a quad that doesn't fly! :(
@raja super nice fly buddy :)
Thanks Satya
@ NICE 3D ever saw , though its is going to happen after few months
best of luck
Quote from: anwar on March 25, 2012, 12:08:18 AM
From yesterday's flying session... a "before" and "after" set of pictures !
like how you people get these types of places and we just get roofs , tress , wires, eagles.
I was hoping to catch (read, watch) some action at one of the Airoli Flying Fields yesterday. My cousin had his AIEEE yesterday at DAV Public School, Airoli and I had around 3 hours before his return. Since after a bit of effort, I managed the timing and locations (read, failures at Chennai Sholavaram Field), I was hoping to finally see LIVE some RC flying... But Lo and Behold!!! fliers decided to give it a miss yesterday... At both the fields... I had spoken to Sri. Sushil Anand about visiting the Mahalakshmi Race Course (MRC). But that wasn't possible yesterday. I have some exams from May 11 through 17th. So hopefully, I can make it to the MRC on May 19 and witness some action.
Watch Out RC Community!!!! I come late, but I come with passion, fervour, dreams and ideas... I wanna rock this sport (not just a hobby) and take it places... Hoping there'll be some action the coming sunday (May 6) at Airoli so that I can atleast get a glimpse. If anyone's planning to go RC the coming sunday at Airoli, pls buzz me at 97696-62839.... The name's Kumar... Siva Kumar...
Signing off... Love ya guyz...
As it was holiday today in Maharashtra i could not stop my self from testing my quad again, have couple of videos uploading them all here is the first one.
one more
Flying at the Noida Field
4 km FPV at Airoli.....
Watch in High Resolution
Hello sir, which fpv gear are you using?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
HK 900Mhz 1500mW vTx with Stock Omni Antenna
Stock Video Rx is with upgraded Saw Filter. and a 900Mhz 8dbi Patch Antenna on the ground.
Camera - Sony 650 TVL Super HAD 2 with OSD.
Saurabh, is your equipment like this ?? :P
How is it possible to achieve 4km range :o :salute:
As i said...
I hve a turnigy 9x on frsky with 1watt booster. It can gime me more than 8 kms of radio control. Video is not a problem as i am using a 1.5 watt video transmission with a patch on d ground... This is no great shakes... Anyone can achieve this kind of range with this setup...
I worked on testing my Hat CAM. I am not happy with the results..will work on modifying the angle a bit more to capture less of ground :(
Today was the best and worst day of my rc flying..
best part is,I did two successful landings {:)}..
worst thing is:
for final landing approach after about a half hour of flying, at dusk, i didnt noticed high tension wires in the field, the plane got hit to wires and was falling vertically down.. here i made mistake, I accelerated full throttle and pulled rudder to edge >:(,to avoid crash..
the plane lost control and dive into a pond nearby..
Dont know how but got fuse cracked at two places..
I am also worried about electronics :'(.
two servos were under water for about 15 minutes during rescue operations..
Sorry to hear about this abhay seems the fuselage is completely damaged which plane is it?
its dragon fly, i also had crashed yesterday and it broke nearly from similar places, but it's a quick fix :D
Chintu its EPP dragonfly from Hobbyking as anand said above .. Its my first ever kit build,i am a scratch builder though..
I will fix the fuse, but worried about servos,esc and rx though electronics didnt taste the pond water except two servos.
sad to hear..
Abhay you coming from my neighbouring city i wanted to ask did u order this plane directly from hobbyking,if yes didnt u had any problem with the customs though I have been ordering electronics from hobbyking never had the courage to order a Kit or an ARF
Yes chintu i ordered it directly from hobbyking, but it was held by customs.I took advise from a senior member and kept quiet and after about a week it released from customs.. But its quiet disturbing :-\.
i was lucky, but many wait and are still waiting for months, haven't got their parcel. :(
Its all your luck.Next time onwards ill order kits from LHS for my peace of mind.
Ill refer you to read the related threads before import of kits.
@roopesh sir, its sad but i am rather happy that i made two successful landing for first time.
I have glued the plane and it will be ready by tomorrow. :giggle:..
Motor,ESC,Rx,Battery and aileron servos have survived. I havent plugged the rudder and elevator seros since they were drowned for long time.Still no traces of moisture in them, but will plug them in Rx after inspection during day time.
So a couple of friends and I actually started our own local drifting club around our area and though we only had 2 people join the group, the interest seem to actually grow as I have a couple of people contact me and ask questions about the entire kit and how maintain and manage them well. I just hope we could really start a good club for everyone to enjoy all at the same time.
GauravAg posted this on Facebook. Requesting everyone to post such videos here... such stuff will lead to interesting discussions :)
Another video uploaded by Gauravag, with a very interesting looking slow flying pusher plane/glider. Was this built out of some plan ?
Very very very Beautiful Gaurav. :bow: I felt love at fight sight with ur pusher (:|~. What a beautiful glide. I liked it better than ES and clone.
Please please share the plans and dimensions with build log. Tried many pusher planes but not succeeded yet. I am sure if u help definitely i can make my First (Success full) pusher plane.
Manoj Sharma.
The pusher is not by Gaurav Agarwal (gauravag), it is by another flyer, also named Gaurav B (Bhansal ?). Also featured in this video.
Thanks anwar sir. Corrected 8-)
I was shocked to get a phonecall on Saturday to get out of bed and wait for the boys to pick me up and take me to the field. I have a special chair at the field and it was wheeled onto the cow paddock, minus the cows and I had my first fly of my Mikey's plane. It was wonderful, the weather was chilly but perfect for flying. My plane behaved without fault. A little aileron trim and it was perfect. It climbed well, and landed smoothly. It was a great 2 hours but cut short as my pain killers ran out of killing. I've repaireda Grasshopper J3. My wife dropped it on it's tail and everything broke. It's now repaired and so is my wife :-) I finished building my Phoenix 2000 apart from placing the decals. I emptied my receiver box and bound every receiver to it's transmitter. I became quite good at it after 35 bound with no faults found. I charged up just about everything I own with inbuilt batteries and then charged all the spare batteries for Digital cameras. I did a forensic recovery from my hard drive. I clicked to delete one movie and 200 vanished. I have managed to reclaim 120.
My latest order arrived from HobbyKing and ithad to be sorted and put into it's proper storage drawers. I balanced about 6 or 7 new props, repaired 2 helicopters for friends, found mt Lama 2 had a burnt out one way bearing and ordered a new one. Wrote endless emails and PMs, made some new friends from India. Cut about 20 meters of various size heatshrink into suitable sizes for plugs etc. Discovered a better way to identify receiver wiring. Slipping heatshrink (red or yellow) over the plug and onto the wire, writing AIL, RUD, ELE, etc on it with black marking pen and then shrinking it. Leaving a permanent reminder of what goes where. Fitted a much smaller receiver to my Sky Surfer. Read a lot of RC information, answered a lot of questions on HobbyKing's ANSWERS section and got paid 80 cents for it. Watched about 100 UTube RC videos and drank lots of tea. A pretty normal slow sort of a week.
I'm praying madly for an extra 6 hours to be added to each day because there is nowhere enough as it is. No reply so far. I'm also experimenting with having only 2 hours sleep a night but the experiment is being messed up by continually nodding off.
Next week I'll try to do some work. Kind regards Stuart
Anwar, could you please tell me how you stop your prop from being damaged every time you land. If it stops vertically you must lose your prop every time you fly. I would like to know because I have a pair of wings I intend to join to make an 8 foot flying wing.
By the way, I really like your art work, a very smart plane and well flown too.
Kind regards Stuart
Quote from: Propfella on June 12, 2012, 07:08:56 AM
Slipping heatshrink (red or yellow) over the plug and onto the wire, writing AIL, RUD, ELE, etc on it with black marking pen and then shrinking it. Leaving a permanent reminder of what goes where.
Hobbyking too has come up with this contraption, may be stolen from your idea , Sue them for stealing your patent !! here
I only saw these yesterday and I was shocked, I mentioned this many months ago (about January) I told someone this is what I used instead of using sticky tape or cut up pieces of labels because it couldn't possibly fall off and your could mark whatever you liked on it. I mentioned I used red or yellow heatshrink and wrote on it with a black marker pen. The name really stood out after it had been shrunk. This method is similar but nowhere near as good. What about left and right or additions such as Co-pilot or simply power to another device. I have a FMS T28 Trojan and there are so many cables, extensions, piggy -back connectors it would be impossible to track anything without the tags on them but with time they would fall off where these wouldn't. But the range they give is poor and what do you do with any left over. I much prefer making my own then you mark them with anything and no waste. I see there is no left Aileron and Right Aileron, Wheel servo and many other names which could be used especially with video gear on board, and being black they are very hard to write on and be seen clearly. Somebody obviously liked my idea.
Another thing I don't like is the wishy washy white on black. Very hard to see buried deep in the plane. My system really stands out plus the name is written on both sides prior to be slipped over the plug. There is nothing mentioned about placing these prior to fitting them because if you leave it too late you could easily melt the foam with the heat gun when you shrink it. Ripped off again. Even the idea of actually shrinking it over the plug I mentioned as well but don't shink it over the plug which goes in the receiver, it won't fit. Very handy for joining extensions it stops them pulling apart. Is it coincidence? I just hope nobody made any money out of the idea.
I use heatshrink for many things, my last purchase was 2 meters of every size available from 2 mm up to 50 mm Does anyone know how many meters that is. From Memory it was every 2mm up to 30mm and the every 5 mm up to 50mm....... 38 meters of heatshrink in 3 different colours is 114 meters in all. I'm not far off having to repeat my order I use so much.
By the way another thing I always do is to use the correct size to shrink onto deans connectors but then I have the size to slip over the body of the connector and allow enough to completely cover the smaller pieces as well. When deans are soldered they are not always insulated right up to the body of the plug and a small amount of metal can be seen. Using the larger piece this covers those gaps as well. Shrinking a piece of couloured heatshrink over the head of a key is handy. I used to have mine colour coded. Red for shop keys and yellow for home. If you want to join the two vertical stab supports for mikey's plane. Don't poke them through seperate holes. Join two sticks together with heatshrink, poke one stick through the hole until one stick points out each side then use CA to bind them together. Looks much neater and even stronger. I've even used it to hold a screw on the end of the screw driver if it has to be inserted at a difficult angle which is hard to get at with fingers. One last one. Shrink some around an LED and run the wires back up the tube if you are trying to look into a very dark intererior of a fuselage. Don't do what one smart guy said to do. Get a flood light outside the fuselage because the light will shine straight through it. It certainly will when the foam melts from the heat.
Thanks For the heads up Gusty.
Happy heat shrinking Stuart
Posted by Harveer on FB.
Quote from: Propfella on June 12, 2012, 07:17:08 AM
Anwar, could you please tell me how you stop your prop from being damaged every time you land.
I assume you are referring to the flying wing model posted a few threads before. I am only the messenger :) It was done by our member gauravag.
All kudos to him, and I am sure he can answer the rest of the questions.
In general, the props on wings are mounted on an elevated platform, and due to the pusher nature, they are tilted upwards (looking from front to back). And since high KV motors are used with smaller props, this is not really an issue.
Quote from: anwar on June 04, 2012, 10:21:57 AM
Another video uploaded by Gauravag, with a very interesting looking slow flying pusher plane/glider. Was this built out of some plan ?
Can gaurav or any one else give me the plans of the pusher shown here. it is really awsome....
No, I got it mixed up Anwar,
I was referring to the flying wing a little more up the page. I realise the pusher type are hard to breal but the flying wing has me intrigued as to why the prop doesn't break because there is no undercarriage and little space between the plane and ground. I wonder if anyone has a photo of how motors are mounted on large flying wings. I would really appreciate any info on this matter.
Sorry Anwar I thought it was you flying the wing but again you posted it for another flyer, that's what confused me.
Cheers to all. Stuart
Since the prop is on freely rotating motor shaft, it will move away in case it hits ground. I have had scratches on the prop, but never broke one.
we had a small break in the showers so i and sujit bhaiya(raja_mastana) went out to the airoli field to fly. i flew the yak and he flew his hk450
the full flight videos of both the aircrafts are posted below
i have also posted a video of the airoli field just so that others could have a look at its present state. all cricket activity has ceased to continue due to the rains as shall be evident from the video.
also attached are a few pictures
had great fun today flew two sorties on the yak 55 and we had a little meet at the ground
saurab had brought his blu baby for maiden which did not go well due to high winds and ameet narvekar uncle had come to meet us too.
we did more flying than video shooting so i put together a small video of today's activities at the airoli field
watch it in widescreen mode at 720p
also attached is a pic my father took of us all
from left to right
ameetnarvekar ( ( ---
saurab ( (
raja_mastana ( ---
pikle6 ( (
had some awesome flying to day..! 7 flights 4 models
a .40 strega, .40 calamato, .40 classic, any my ZZIP soarer...!
tied one maneuver today... launched the ZZIP soarer by hand and then caught it back before landing...!
the plane never touched the ground for 2 flights...!!
we had a visitor today..! Wg cdr AJIT KUMAR(retd) had good time talking to him also....
on the bad side.. nobody took pics...!
Flew 3 packs today morning, everything seemed fine. On the 4th pack, i was coming in upright, going inverted and immediately pulling back both sticks so heli goes high up and comes upright nose in. Did this once, it was fine, on the second attempt there was tail blowout (as soon as i pulled back on both the sticks) and i completely lost control. I never had a tail blowout on me before. Damage is pretty bad. Any ides what caused it?
I was using the dual push tail mechanism and some HK tail blades (in the past i had the single tail rotor control arm and KBDD blades)
real life heli has Four major reasons for Tail Rotor failure (a) Drive failure (Belt may be) (b) Servo/linkage failure (d) Overload (e) Electronics glitch
Overload (motor?) and Electronics glitch might be a possibility.
Possibly there was a drop in headspeed because of motor overload which caused the blowout. That reminds me i can check the CC log to confirm this.
Also, I did the maneuver once, so it seems there was enough pitch in the blades to stay steady.
Sounds like you are applying full pitch and cyclic. It will load the head too much. Any gyro will loose control if you load the head too much (there simply isn't enough tail rotor RPM to have authority). The cheaper gyros aren't that good dealing with maneuvers. From you sig, it looks like you are using Quark, it is one of the better ones, so I'd suspect head speed first. Also look for any play in the whole tail system. It should be butter smooth, but without any play.
Also check the gyro mount if it is too loose.
Try to do the maneuver with as little cyclic and collective. It certainly doesn't need extreme inputs. Keep the head RPM in mind always during flying, allow time for RPM to recover if you have loaded the head too much. Do not go from one heavy pitch maneuver to another without allowing RPM to recover.
There is a little play in the tail (near the linkage rod), not too much. The slider moves smooth in both directions, no problem there.
Gyro mount is also fine. Using a 4mm tape to hold the gyro.
QuoteKeep the head RPM in mind always during flying, allow time for RPM to recover if you have loaded the head too much
I agree with this - if i have given 2 secs for RPM to recover, it might have been a different story.
I combined two moves and i had a failure, wonder how the 3d pilots do all those complex moves without any failures ???
Enjoy some more view of Airoli, Navi Mumbai
Pilot is Subbu (
Wow. Awesome flight.
thanks sujit bhaiya for the video :salute: , after the total 13 minutes of flight the battery still was at 11.7V that means we could have flown another 5 to 10 mins ;D
the 2200 3S Lipo is a beast for the easyfly
thanks hyd_quads
great great flight. {:)} {:)}
Had a slope soaring weekend this Sat Sun.
Flew everything from Foamys to Composite moldies to heavy wing loading flying wings
Check out the pics here
some pre fpv flight done over the weekend. windy weather not allowing to start fpv :D
Today's been a big day for me, novice. My second quad (MultiWii, dt700s, 18A SS series, 10x6 GWS-style) has hovered (~1ft.) at just 15% throttle. ;D
Dual channel U-shaped Al rods (used as rails for sliding glass panes in showcases, they're ultra hard)
Centre made of an examination pad made of some thermosetting fibre. (I remember reading this idea on RCI itself)
My day:
A little bit of wind, that urge to see the heli flying, that feeling of urgency ... took put the 450 v2, put in the battery, took it to the roof (my fav. spot to fly) and hovered tail in for about 2 mins when suddenly a gust of wind came and knocked the heli on the ground ... boom ... a few broken parts at hand.
The feeling was not just sad, it was a mixed bag, this 450 v2 is an RTF version, just like a virgin, waiting to be explored. Was a bit excited, lets see how i can open it up and see if i can get it all packed up to fly again.
Kept it on my workbench, initial examination shows a few parts to be replaced:
1. flybar
2. landing skids
3. tail boom
4. vertical fin
5. tail boom support rod
6. tail assembly
7. main blades
Good part is that i had most of these spares handy, so the operation started and i slowly started to open her up, slowly studing where to start and how to keep her sanity intact :)
Lets start with the flybar, was the thought, Ok, agreed the impatient me.
To Be Continued...
today was a Fun Day
dude, you have got a nice helipad there :)..
seems to be a underground-tank lid..
Yeah it'sa underground tank we are planning to add a cricle and H in it. ;)
Was invited to visit the Wings India field yesterday in Mumbai.
Very kind hospitality extended by Nandan, Dosu and all others.
Lucky you! :)Those are some serious stuff
Hi All,
Doc and me having some fun in morning. here's a small video of a Roll --testing cam close ups ;D
this week end was quite funfilled.....
during the flight on the electric Royal coachman the motor came off... the mount was still in place... it just ripped off from the screws holding the motor and the mount(should have checked preflight.... this goes in the pre/post flight check list)
the sonic was maidened.... ( more details on the sonic thread)
finally the showstopper was sahir's plane landing on the tree top( around 30 Ft high)..... he was comming in for landing and the engine cut off.... was trying to glide it back but the winds were so strong that it blew the plane away... finally it landed on the tree top....
searched on the ground for around an hour... but later when we went on a building around 100mts away we could see the plane....
we did not find any one at site to get the plane down so it lies there for tonight in the open.... people will come tomo morn to get it down......
a fun filled weekend....
Hi All,
This week I transitioned Backward flying on my MCPX , checkout the vid below.
@aero - Did u guys manage to get the plane down from the tree ?
Flying tomorrow..will try to post some pics or video..
yes we did manage to get the plane down the tree.... as it was on top with brittle and thin branches... we asked the climber no to go on the top but to just throw the plane down using the stick from half way.... its in bad shape.. but will be flyable after some work.....
Had lots of fun today at the Baner field. Watch in HD :)
Great Video..Great Flying..
1:38 amazing low pass..
This week: Ventured into planes as well.
Started building a BluBaby 33" from coro. All parts glued (using Araldite std. epoxy), yet to decide on the power system. ;D
Quote from: ankurkaul17 on August 26, 2012, 04:57:00 PM
Had lots of fun today
Good build and flying, we flew the same one today (Apart from many others) ;D
Ash used a 3 axis stabilization on his easy star 2. easy peasy landings :)
nice {:)} {:)} {:)}
Praddy doing aerobatics on Sky Surfer.
Went to a long drive to Wynad-Ooty the last Eid long weekend. Since I was taking my car, it was a long time dream come true to carry a plane on a trip.
Wynad was ok ok and on Sunday, we started for Ooty from the Kalpetta route (Coimbatore-Vythiri-Gundelpet-Ooty Highway 181).
The drive was amazing with little hillocks dotted with Tea plantations. Around evening time, some 5KM before the Pykara falls, I found a perfect spot for a quick RC flyinng : Lake in front of Hills and a small open field to land. The first hand launch by a total first timer friend ended up in a nose dive. Then my flatmate took up who has done some launch for me.
What followed was 30 minute of pure fun. The backdrop was one of the most scenic - something like Sod Farm in Real Flight. Atleast 200 villagers gathered to see this feat, probably happening for the first time in their area.
The Coordinates for the spot on Google Map is : 11.465536,76.559812
Spot the Plane!!!
Yours Truly!
Hope to do some similar RC Cross Country trips in the future!
wow beautiful place to fly
Shhh... I missed it.. Reminds me of Harsil n Dhanaulti..
Quote from: shadman_alam on August 30, 2012, 04:05:48 PM
Shhh... I missed it.. Reminds me of Harsil n Dhanaulti..
Far from it!! Himalayas are Himalayas! I asked you to come.. there was ample space in the car.
I would definitely do a similar FPV flight in Spiti-Leh Himalayan Ranges... Ohhh... can only imagine the view!!
tried my quad outdoor(after a lot of Planes jumped for quads) for the first time.... the board handled the winds pretty well but could not handel the sudden gusts....
Quote from: shadman_alam on August 30, 2012, 04:05:48 PM
Shhh... I missed it.. Reminds me of Harsil n Dhanaulti..
Once again am at the place of Oranges... Nagpur! If any of the Nagpur RC gurus are flying tomorrow, if you could kindly tell me where you guys are flying...I might be able to come and join (just to watch you guys flying :D ). I have a cell number that I borrowed from a colleague here but dont know right now what number...
After the build, first out of house flight of the 450, actually my first out of house flight after hours of sim practice and few on the rooftop flights.
impressive {:)}
Nice flight. I would have done it away from those power lines, on a more wide open field... but then it all depends on how confident you are :thumbsup:
Quote from: ujjwaana on August 30, 2012, 03:41:17 PM
The Coordinates for the spot on Google Map is : 11.465536,76.559812
I had missed this post. As someone who visits Wyanad quite often (while I am in India), I am going to try and seek out this place for some flights !
Thanks anwar, it was fun flying the heli like this am still learning to control with different orientations, will try to visit some of the more established fields soon....
Did my first inverted noise-in today - lasted just few seconds.
Fear of crashing prevented me from trying this till now. Practiced a lot on the sim and was able to do it just fine there. Actual flying is a lot different though.
As soon as the nose turned towards me - i was completely lost. Somehow got it upright without crashing. :P
Anyways, it brought back memories of my first upright nose in. That time also I was completely lost, the heli flew over my head straight into a wall :banghead:
Hey, congrates! A friend of mine suggested a medicine to calm down the nerves, comes in all sizes of bottles with varing percentage of effectiveness :)
Have you tried it? ;)
ha ha, i am still doing some very basic things, but i am sure it would be effective ...
Did my first nose in hover today on my heavily modded V120d05
Hi dude,
Good going....Really stable n no tail wag....But, one thing please fly it in more spacious place...I just met with an accident while doing invert practice on my 450, i escaped with a finger injury only as the dx7 took the impact....Even if the size of heli is small it can do a substantial damage due to head speed..
N do join us on some weekend.
Hi Doc, the heli is very stable and powerful now, not to mention very resistant to crashes as well. Your advice is noted!
I had a small impact of this walkera on my finger and the pain was considerable. I can't even imagine what 450 can do ... God grace. I hope you are fine and back into the hobby?
Quote from: dheerajjuneja on October 02, 2012, 10:23:16 PM
...not to mention very resistant to crashes as well.
A crash-resistent heli... can I buy 5 of them ? ;) Or did you mean the pilot skills have improved, lowering his "crashes to flights ratio" :)
Helis are not be messed with... they teach you hard lessons !
am afraid there are not much of these helis available ;) it's a v120d05 from walkera heavily modded by using a new much better rx, motor. Head, bearings and blades taken from v120d02s. Main gear modded to use the thicker MS and main gear shear pin changed to use a copper wire of 20 guage etc etc, so you are welcome to make one ...
When I said crash resistant, I literally meant it. From what this heli was in stock form, the MS and FS would bent at the slightest contact, however after modding I have had like 10 crashes and none of them involved any part change so far, only changing the copper wire which will break on impact but save the main gear.
Best is that if you fly this micro heli like on a grass field there is no chance of breaking it at all, so I would advice any one to have this heli for practice or learning, though I am not into 3d as of now, but have heard that it can do moderate 3d with these upgrades, and for full 3d it just needs an even better motor than what I am using I.e. an HP08s 13200kv.
Quote from: dheerajjuneja on October 02, 2012, 10:23:16 PM
Hi Doc, the heli is very stable and powerful now, not to mention very resistant to crashes as well. Your advice is noted!
I had a small impact of this walkera on my finger and the pain was considerable. I can't even imagine what 450 can do ... God grace. I hope you are fine and back into the hobby?
My finger is ok, n went for flying on 2nd oct....As Anwar said HELIs are dangerous tings...I was lucky dat the heli was at waist level and was in recovery from invert (n 450 size) ....I pushed the dx7 radio in between which took the main impact...Had it been in forward flight n at face level ....Cant imagine...Thanx to helly flyer n dinesh jindal who came running to the spot with band aid..
Neways...nice flying once again...
My first music edit
Hi Ankurkaul17,
I think it's time to change that skills in your signature ;) ... very nice flying, and that music you have chosen with slow downs is really shinning.
Hi Dheeraj
I wish i could fly like that..this was flown by Praddy at our field..i was the cameraman and the video editor :)
Ha ha, the video and music work is also excellent, wishing to see you fly like that soon too ....
PanCard flyers ROCKZ!!! :hatsoff: :salute:
hI all,
I have been flyin helis for quite some time..wanted to try my hand on airplanes....So, i got hold of this Yak 54 EPP techone hobbies...This is my 3rd battery on this plane..I guess as a newbee i did ok...My friends Helly flyer and Laxman did the trimming and set up (I can program and set up a heli but not a plane)...
The aileron is too sensitive, so next time will put expo on it...Also, it dips often from its nose.. How to get ridd of this nose dip...??
Nothing fancy bout the video but i njoyed ..
Quote from: ankurkaul17 on October 06, 2012, 07:43:47 PM
My first music edit
Very nice edit Ankur. Excellent work....
My fpv flying and testing the autpiliot setup. Still need to do tuning of ap settings.
Had a good day hovering the U Can do 3D
My 2.4km fpv journey. Watch in HD.
Nice video.. :)
Can you please tell the specs of your FPV system?
Sujith flying his QUAD...
Please do not mind the annotations.... :giggle:
Watch in HD
Thanks Saurabh for the videos :bow:
I could not shoot the jet properly ... heres whatever is watchable :P
Saurabh - Nice video of the 450 flight. What camera were you using ?
Making RC Plane!!!!
Welcome to RCIndia, and good to know :) But a one line post does not make much sense... please do post some details... what model, pictures etc.
Thank you Sir.
I will provide whole deatill till tomorrow.
Hello anwar sir,
Dixit is a friend of mine.we are making the avispad together.
Entire day making Blue baby . nearly 60 ''. will post once completed.
Repairing old ones.
Some pic of sunday flying...
some fpv flying over the weekend.!!
Nice intro video :thumbsup:
foggy saturday morning.
Not mine !
My first Flight on 450 heli..
thanks for all support frm members..
One happy face :)
Good job Sheetal :thumbsup:
that is amazing
Thanks everybody For all ur valuable Supports.
thanks Again Team.. RCINDIA.. :salute:
Hi all,
Check out first attempts of my Belt CP Backward flying.. :)
Hurdles all the way. Being a beginner i am not able to get my RC hobby into the air.
Hurdle No 1: My first plane F86 Sabre ESC burnt before maiden flight, after 1month replaced ESC but crashed while being hand thrown. Now under repair.
Hurdle No 2: Having a bad experience with a fixed wing plane i decided to go into helis. Bought a Hiller 450 beginner kit. Almost 75% of assembly done (Servos, links etc etc) but now found my RX malfunctioning. I guess i need to get a new Flsky RX now. Already spent 8k+ on this hobby in 45days without a single sortie...:-(
Very frustrated but i will not give up.
Anyways guys let me know if any of you guys have any Flysky receivers for sale.
I had my first experience on RC turbine jets today :D
I flew the BVM Bobcat with the JC Cheetah .
Sundays flight videos
my Skyfun jet's flight video
flight video of my glider and saurabh bhaiya's rcdhamaka quadcopter with kk2 board
second flight of the day of the quadcopter
second flight of my glider
My buddy flying his Tarot 450...
Ours is a predominantly heli field n all of us are crazy for choppers.
We offer Rotary Grass Cutting Service to farm house owners...hehehhehe
great flying {:)}
....nice flying doctor sahab...:)
Quote from: laxmansuthar on January 11, 2013, 08:21:49 PM
....nice flying doctor sahab...:)
Hey all, its laxman who is flying this tarot 450...I have a Trex which is getting fixed for its tail problem.... sahab doesn't matter who is flying this & heliflyer both are a great heli flyer in Our group
Laxman (
My buddy just built this GWS E-Starter, 4 channel, 400 zise brushless, 920 KV, 10X4.7 SF prop, 18 amp ESC, flies well. Very good trainer. ailerons are effective for rolls, plenty of elevator on stock settings. Good fun
On my wardrobe in my bedroom...
Team Associated, Kyosho, Mugen Seiki, OS Engine and a few more coming soon....
Last weekend funfly ;D
ho do these hellis perform such aerobatics..... they always amazes me.
( yeh the credit is to the flyers also ) ;)
Sunday flying @ Attur, Karkala
This is our regular Sunday flying, the page is daily updates and you can like the page for continuous feed.
Me and my Quad :)
Wow thats a cool flight.. {:)} Is it easy to fly actually? :headscratch:
We did a small RC Sun and Fun Event at Noida and called Delhi and NCR fliers to participate here is a video
Hey Arun,
No these are not easy ...but with practice you can fly it, I have done some flips as well on it, my try and post a video of it soon.
had the first outing of Mini Parrot quadcopter bought from nice little thing and I am sure I am going to enjoy this before I graduate to the bigger ones.....
{:)} {:)} {:)} fantastic flight Shekhar Sir, little more practice and you will be able to do aggressive turns and loops.
thanx mr. gupta....hope things are to your satisfaction.....
Sunday flying @ karkala
Sunday flying @ karkala
did maiden today morning
build pics ( (
Finally maidened my Calmatoi Sports 46, which I was Slow-Building for over a year.
Thanks Shadman for maidening it and bringing it down for another day.
beautiful bird..
any fight video...
Flight this morning
GWS E Starter Flight New Delhi India 808 #16 V2 Lens D
Then I flew the HobbyKing Mini Mustang that was attacked by a Hawk while on landing approach!
Went to mundka in delhi, my first visit to a common flying field. some pictures:
Nice Sharp Pics...
Quote from: ujjwaana on February 26, 2013, 06:29:38 PM
Finally maidened my Calmatoi Sports 46, which I was Slow-Building for over a year.
:thumbsup: Which field is this ?
Quote from: Hellyflyer on March 13, 2013, 12:14:59 AM
Nice Sharp Pics...
Thanks Hellyflyer, I was kinda hoping to see you there on this weekend. Missed doctor by a few minutes :)
nyc sujit that robird sure makes the bird fly awesomely stable :thumbsup:
Shannon. thanks for your tip about move up a hole on the tail servo horn.
I feel the tail is much better now. It was extremely windy but the bird flew well.
rc related activity i did this week: sat around and waited for customs to release my parts.... :( and built my cessna.... :)
Ur welcome we both help each other out....... It slipped outta my mind about the hole or I would have told u long back :banghead: :banghead:
Lol aniket I did the same
I flew two different HobbyKing Skyfuns - one factory stock (slow), one for medium speed (
Quote from: dheerajjuneja on March 12, 2013, 09:32:34 PM
Went to mundka in delhi, my first visit to a common flying field. some pictures:
thanks for the pics...dear dheerajjuneja..
in first friend Mr OD sharma is learning heli flying via buddy cable..from me... :giggle:, nice pics
thanks for the pics...dear dheerajjuneja..
in first friend Mr OD sharma is learning heli flying via buddy cable..from me... :giggle:, nice pics
My pleasure, I have downloaded a plan and have got all necessary stuff to build a model SU-37, being the first try am facing some issues. Laxman sir, will need your help on this one, will call and discuss :)
Pilot is Praveen
Nice, Sujit. Regards to Pravin too!
Thanks Sanjay ji .... Navi Mumbai misses you
Show time. My club 3D Team putting a show after a big event at the field.
3D Team Pilots: Tavis, Jasmine and Salam
Some close flying shots from yesterday's 3D show. :hatsoff:
A few more
Salam, this looks superb. It must be a thrilling experience :hatsoff:
Thank you! We had a huge IMAC event at our field and it was fun and a great experience to put a good show at the end. Tavis who is my flying partner in that video is a great 3D pilot.
Awsome..... {:)} {:)} :hatsoff:
This week went to my club lake tested a new boat design.
Here is a video
I have set it up to jump around by adjusting the stringer up so the nose goes up great fun to drive
you can buy them on my ebay shop
postage to India is $26au
can be set up in many ways sub surface drive, surface drive for real speed or even water jet to play in the rapids
One of the best days of our live's.
I just cleaned the servos of my Blade Mcpx v2...Glad i managed tinkering with those small screws. But, got a headache after concentrating on those small parts.
@ankurkaul17 Awesome! Beautiful location. I got a high watching it. Wonder how you guys must have felt.
Were you using power on EasyStar or absolutely no power? Time to take out my EasyStar and hunt for some slope soaring sites :)
No power at all on any of the have to hold her nose down not to let her was an amazing experience doing all this the edge of the cliff :)
I lost my easystar while slope soaring Purandar valley last sunday :'( Waiting for RCD to restock again :P
Here is a picture of me flying my mig on the slope after loosing my easystar. The mig in flight has no prop or motor on it :thumbsup:
Me n my friends stayed at our homes only n kept staring at our models. The weather is so hot n humid here that it isnt really njoyable to fly.
True that Doc :'(, looking forward to some action as soon as weather permits... :thumbsup:
Slope soaring at Purandar valley.. The Multiples Easy Glider Pro performed very well. The wings covered with red tape gave it good visibility and increased speed.
{:)} {:)} {:)} {:)}
today i took my old lipo which ws gone because i dropped it, and beat it up with a stick...
Fixed up my 450 and did my first circles just 2 hrs ago:
Keep it up bro.
Juneja saab, kadii saadi field chay vi darshan dey diya karo
Flew my first coro glider and also built a pusher which never flew well :P
Hi Doc, thanks!
I was there at mundka last Sunday, I may be visiting this Sunday too, will let you know.
Bhai Sahab, aap to billkul Gayab hi ho Gaye, Batana jab aapka plan bane field ka, and we will definitely catch up.
I had stopped flying for few months (My usual hibernation from flying which can happen anytime of the year).
Was there last Sunday but left early (My raptor landing skids broke due to a failed auto). C u tomorrow by 8:30am.
Just saw your message, sorry couldn't make it yesterday. If you have plans for next week, let me know.
- Dheeraj
Sunday Fun Flying @ Karkala, Mangalore
Fun Flying is right - sure seemed a lot of fun :D :D
Great video too, nice models, nice music :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Thank you Sanjay sir! Yes it was lot of fun :) Planned to maiden Phoenix SeaBee ( (Electric) but battery wire soldering came off while fitting the battery :o It was a huge disappointment as we had to spend a great deal of time putting everything in my small hatchback and travel 45+ kms on Sunday morning :giggle: Finally consoled ourselves with the thought that everything happens for good - What would have happened if the wire had come off mid air? :o :o :o
Bad luck on the Seabee, but the as you said, it all happened for the best :D
45 Km! Oof! :o :o
Converted my slope soarer coro Dazi for field flying. Basically added a pod with motor and extra battery. Man did she flew.. just an awesome flyer. Will post a build thread later this week.
Nice video Vishal :thumbsup:
And guys 45 km is not that much if you are looking for a nice place to fly. We regularly travel 80km for slope soaring. But yes you need a place close by where you can just go out every weekend.
Nice flying and good to have a flying group :)
Vishal, Is this the same place you all fly regularly ? ( Gunji mutt ? ). In your previous video, location seems to be an open field and here it's a stadium. Wether both fields located in same area ?
Superb build :hatsoff: Looking forward to the build log.
You are right regarding the distance Amit. Compared to metros, we actually have many flying fields in and around our place and we must thank god for that! But the one @ Karkala is our favorite. The scenic beauty is compared to none. Hence we take the pain to travel there at least once in a month :)
It's not the same place Guru. This is the Bhuvanendra college in Karkala. It closely resembles one of the air fields in our simulators. The earlier Nitin's video was taken in Ganjimat farm house. Our #1 field at Atoor, Karkala is not yet ready as there's grass all over due to monsoon :( Have to wait till somebody sets the field on fire :giggle:
Regarding the flying group, yes we are very fortunate in that aspect too for having an active group, especially Nitin. He is as addicted to flying as myself :)
Hoping to fly with you all, someday :)
Most welcome Guru :) We too hope to make a visit to Shimoga shortly!
Am happy :) . Let's plan on it.
Guru sir, Vinay Basavaraju mentioned a lot about you and your amazing models. Hopefully, we can meet someday!
I envy the open space in Shimoga, Bangalore is packed. ;D
You are welcome to shimoga anytime Anjan. But please no need of addressing by 'sir' for me, am just a beginner.
Even i have heard about your scratch building skills.
Just getting into helis now, started last month with Nine Eagles solo pro 928 and now flying this incredible micro from Blade MSR X
The best $49 I ever spent on an RTF, lipo, charger, spare blades, DSM2 TX that can bind to Orange RX for future scratch builds
Yep... it is a very nice heli :thumbsup:
And people go inverted on the mSR, must be possible on this too ;)
Made this aerial video today from the Nodia Mud Run Devil's Circuit. The camera was loose on the wing (attached velcro only) so I got the jelly effect by accident. Next time will be better.
Forgot to mention - CRASH ! @ :133 !!
Some Action from the Noida Field
Not this week.. a month back roughly
cause of crash : Elevator clevis failure :'( (brand new clevis failed mid flight)
I will reply only one time in a day on this forum and my answer will be diysplayed in one line and related to question .This is the same as the above, just a different sort order.
Flew my coro glider and crashed it! ;D
Wow! all entries coming with a crash at end ... not encouraging. Good thing is that people are having fun flying the birds :)
@dheerajjuneja sir we all should learn from our mistakes and be sure that we may not commit the same next but be sure we create new one :P LOL
Flew with Rahul, 450 HK Heli and Nitro Heli and Raptor w/ twin motors
Flew with Prem our micro Parkzone Spitfire and P40 Warhawk. They flew beautifully with the built-in 3axis gyros. Prem maiden his GWS Spitfire (Length
720 mm (28.4 in) Wing Span 876 mm (34.5 in). It uses a 120 watt 50 gram brushless motor and 3s 1000 mAh lipo with clay added under the nose to get the CG.
Flew our spads with Nitin and Brijesh. One of our spads suffered from wing folding while performing loops. Good lesson learned. Don't sacrifice strength in order to save grams.
last weekend khargar good fun
Bad luck Vishal....hope there was no lasting damage.
No centre wing wrap?
The front of the fuse got a bit damaged but can be rebuilt. The motor mount was made from hard foam board so the mount cracked and saved the motor.
There was center wing wrap Sanjay sir but it cracked just after it :banghead: I had used 4mm balsa as spar with the center 1/3rd reinforced with 3mm hard foam board. Will reinforce with 10mmx10mm wood beading patti next time. A triangle wood section would be ideal if available.
Maidened Multiplex Parkmaster. Absolute fun to fly!
Good one Vishal :thumbsup: What is the power set up ?
By the way do you have 3d flying experience ?
Thank you Guru :) Motor: EMAX BL2215/20 KV1200/Battery: 3S 1300mah/ESC: 30A
Other than inverted and some knife edge, rest all on simulator only.
Nice, Vishal {:)}
And, some beautiful camera work :salute:
Thank you Sanjay sir! Our cameraman Nitin has improved a lot now :hatsoff:
Quote from: vishalrao on October 29, 2013, 09:35:11 AM
Thank you Sanjay sir! Our cameraman Nitin has improved a lot now :hatsoff:
hehe :giggle: I must say double thanks to Vishal sir for teaching flying and also for photography. :bow: :hatsoff:
Testing the zyx controller on a 450 size heli. The tarot zyx on a 450 heli with emax digital servos and a 3800kv motor a perfect setup for sports flying and a bit of 3d. Heli was missing some 3d punch as i am using 20c lipos. Things went wrong in the end as i accidently pressed the THold on my transmitter but due to autorotation no damages. Still figuring how did that happened ???
Hiller 450 pro FBL
3800kv motor
60a esc
emax digital servos
Glass fiber blades
2200 20c lipo
Transmitter RCB 7x
location -> private land - baroda.
oh...... i miss uuuuu
Flew the Hawker tempest.... It has HUGE cg issues.... the cg with the recommended battery was too far behind, but I had a roll of solder wire as weight and put it right up into the nose and now it tracks straight and is a beauty to fly! It even sounds and looks true to scale!
It also had Retract issues, on landing one retract got jammed into the wheel pocket.... as I come to know - the reason was that upon the first harsh landing the landing gear got a little displaced and shifted a few mm behind and hence the gear got jammed. I was able to land it in high grass and then confirm that the retracts worked fine before the next sortie.
Flew the E-Starter and Parkzone micro Spitfire and got chased by several hawks.
It had been a really busy week and i was wanting to let off the steam. TO add up to the stress i crashed my RTF P51D mustang,which certainly was not a beginner model as it suggested. :giggle: Anyway,it was a few weeks back that i got Mr Rishi's no. from a long lost post on RCIndia.I needed a diesel engine from him,but sadly i got to know that he had stopped their production. However the good part begins here,he handed me Mr. Athlaye's no. Mr Athlaye is a senior RC lover(thats wat i would call him considering his enthusiasm which contradicts his gray hair :bow:).So i had a couple of telephonic exchanges with him and we decided to meet up yesterday. I was sleeping in my bed when i got a call at 8.30 in the morning,it was Mr Athlaye,asking if i would wanna join the field. I was up in a sec grabbed my bike keys and rode 27 km all the way to hadapsar.
Sadly by the time i reached there it was already 9.30am and these guys had finished flying.I was a bit disappointed,however the best part of the day was about to begin. Mr Athlaye invited me at his house and offered me to take a look at his collection. I was more than happy with it :hatsoff:. Well and my happiness was turned into an overwhelming experience when i saw all those home made planes and tiny engines he had. I had neva in my life seen or even heard of a engine powered by CO2. I was even more surprised when i saw the size of the prop that it turned. {:)}.
After enjoying at Mr Athlaye's house we went to Mr. Sandeep Bajare's place. It was like a rc lovers paradise. ALl his planes are hand made using coro and biofoam or any other piece that one would get in a local hardware store. All his models matched my criteria for a beginners aircraft,large, light & powerful and the best part is that these models are so simple yet aesthetically appealing. He showed me some really hitech planes on autopilot and gps !!! :o i had neva seen things like these before.
The visit on that sunday morning was a real bliss for a person who hates waking up early on sundays'. After all these years with helis im now gonna start up with planes and i think these guys are the best support anyone can have.So here i was gearing up my scratch built biofoam plane. Got a really powerful motor from RCB pune and was awake till 12 am last nite.Have put up the ailerons,rudder and elevator will have to wait until friday :). I am really excited about saturday. :)
For folks in pune wanting to learn to fly can join me along with others.
People wanting to learn to fly can also get in touch with Sandeep bajare.(He is on the forum) :hatsoff:
Sanket :salute:
Good to hear about your exp. I have seen some excellent support on this forum myself. Went to the Mundka field in ND and Laxman and other frequent visitors helped a lot to understand and rectify the issues I had with my model. Just saw your post and thought its a good time to pay my regards to the seniors :)
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I crashed my heli..Again a failed autorotation. 2nd crash practicing same manouevre.
@doctor you crashed a 50 titan..
Hey doc, any videos of the crash, man that would hurt crashing all your expensive gear?
Bro, i dont record videos of crashing. hehehe
Avesh, not raptor but Gaui x5. Autorotation is one of my favourite manouevre. Crash cost roughly 6 or 7k.
Man, what's the fun in a flight video without a breath taking awesome crash at the end :) :)
Never tried autorotation myself though, will try it out on RF soon ...
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Btw doc, it must hurt crashing a beauty like x5 ... Crashing a 450 has always been very routine for me sometime back to the point I stopped feeling much hurt about it ...
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sad to hear that doc, last time auto-rotation saved my 450, all of sudden due to blackout but still having cyclic control saved my heli from a height of 30 feet. I always like to land my heli on autorotation (450 and 500) both.
@avesh: I have an auto rotation bail bout via the castle talon 90 esc. This is the coolest feature of Castle escs allowing me to practice autos during the entire flight. This time the motor didnt power up as it should have (Went into failsafe due to low battery) so the confusion resulted in a crash.
Anyways, good save avesh. I know the feeling when u save ur bird. Try autoing a 700 or a 600 size bird, they seem to float forever in air.
Quote from: doctor on November 12, 2013, 10:25:25 AM
Avesh, not raptor but Gaui x5. Autorotation is one of my favourite manouevre. Crash cost roughly 6 or 7k.
I have only had torque tube gear teeth broken due to botched autorotations/training. But I have saved my heli and the helis of others (when they are on buddy cable with me) multiple times because of being able to do autos reasonably well. The savings that may come by knowing how to do proper autos are much higher than the initial costs of training for the same.
Keep practicing them... doc :thumsbup:
Thanks Anwar bro for your encouraging words.
which plane is that rockmania
Flying my Quadcopter
450 frame , 1000 kv BL motors , 20 Amp Simon K Esc's , kk 5.5 FCB , 2200 mah 20c LiPo , 1045 props. customized stand and camera mount and LED lights for night flying.
Night flying, awesome, the bird is looking good, will post some pics of the x350 that arrived last week :)
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spot landing ;D
Rookie jet flying at Karkala
Pilot:Jayps Rao (
Pilot has skills to handle the speed.
more pics
How much approximately for the jet? I need to figure out how many more decades I have to save in order to buy one.
Jet plane powered by a turbine, you're generally looking at around $7,500 just for the turbine and associated equipment to fuel and start it. A complete aircraft setup is around $20,000. Buying ain't a big thing, of course a sacrifice of a car might roughly complement it, but how actually it might feel it flying , see that 20000$ at 200mph + :)
Nice jet and nice flying too.. :thumbsup:
Very nice flying. Good landing in the limited runway.
Happy flying
you need 250,000/- and more!!!!...but keep your efforts on
Thank you...Avesh, Guru & Asupan. thanks to Nitin for uploading the Video
welcome sir :) and we are very happy that we got a chance to see a Turbine Jet flying in our place :hatsoff: {:)}
This Week was awesome for me.
Flew the Sky Easy Aerodrone from Rcbazaar, with Rcb6i, and Wolfpack batteries.
She flew very gentle and definitely good for beginners. with a 1500mah 2S pack it flies for 9Mins.
Here is my landing video.
Never though RC would be this easy... ;) ;) ;)
This video is shot in HD on Samsung Grand.
I flew my plane into a tree sometimes....
saying eeeeh ooh,
plane utaaar do :P
this time it was ft3d :D
{:)} {:)} {:)} :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Nice flying ground Ashok. Is your CG OK? Seems slightly tail heavy
Thanks Sanjay sir,
Actually there is no reference point given to check CG in the plane, but regardless this flew fine with 1050Mah to 1500Mah battery. The tail touching the tree is actually my fault to judge the approach. kind of aborted the landing and finally did that.
There is another video which has Steady flight but its around 600MB file.
This ground is just 1.5Km away from my home and good for all planes except Nitros.
Ashok.P (
My rc videos...need suggestions
controls (
throttle (
Hi Roby .... Beautiful model ... I am not an expert but feel the aileron throw is a little less ... (
Awesome Saurabh... wish you all the best :)
Thanks Angad... :)
So we have Adarsh (Bangalore) and another crew doing this. Good to see RC becoming a viable profession :)
I was also worried about how the landing was handled. Why not use a collapsible landing skid, as I saw in one of Adarsh's videos ?
Just saw this also : (
Noida Team Having fun !!!
Quote from: saurabhhsrivastavaa on January 06, 2014, 10:26:09 AM (
Great! Feels very nice to see quads coming big time into main stream.
This is a video we did on Christmas day morning: (
Good One Divay.. :thumbsup:
Did not install the retractables purposely. The AUW was anyway too high.
I admit that take off and landings are a little tricky and risky, but we have got used to it and take utmost care while taking off or landing.
I religiously do pre-flight checks and tests before every take off and even a small failed check cancels the flight.
Human safety is of paramount importance and cannot be neglected at any cost...
Just to add... we always have a paramedic on the standby and a unit ambulance in all our shoots.
Quote from: anwar on January 06, 2014, 03:13:45 PM
Just saw this also : (
DJI s1000 has been in discussions for a while now. Even the DJI website now carries the information. Though the DJI s1000 setup is smooth and quite professional, it is limited to 5D with a 22mm lens.
I am currently working on a project for an Octa capable of carrying a red epic with HD transmission.
DJI A2 controller sounds promising but recently discovered bugs in the POI mode has set off the project for a while.
The gimbal for Red Epic will be provided by (BG Flex F10 Pro)
I am planning to get a ballistic recovery for the entire setup as well. The E1100 from Zero is a good buy... but only limited to 5D. (
A great fly :) Great control over the quad :)
Thanks :salute:
Hey Agarwal , which motors are you using on your quad ? , it flies very nice
1000 kv brushless motors from (
Thanks :)
my friends fpv flight over the salt lake stadium (
Yesterday I had a experience with my favourite raptor 50.
This was my first experience with so heavy wind and I am happy that I was able to hold my raptor stable in air.
Yesterday our flying session was really great and I even got the opportunity to see the parasailing.
Hope soon the coimbatore aeromodellers club will be famous.
:) ;D :P
Will be posting the photos soon..... :)
Hello RC India members,
Last day flight with my Raptor..
It was a secience expo at my college and I am happy that I had a wonderful experience there. (
:) :)
Hello Nitin,
Please post some pics too. :hatsoff:
Watch in HD ( (
Enjoy the video!
This week i went to India Hobby center in Calcutta to check out a 6x4 propeller and was told that you don't need an exact size propeller.You can just cut a larger propeller into this size and rough it up a bit and it's good to use. Did just that .Waiting for the weekends to see if this works!
That is very irresponsible of IHC, giving such rubbish advice to make a sale!
The pitch has to be matched, as you will not be able to cut that to size
Further, the prop needs to be balanced
I would suggest look for a new vendor for your hobby supplies :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:
His advise was this get an 8 inch propellor ,cut an inch from both sides and if it isn't balanced u can scrape some material from back of the heavier side to balance it .He didn't sell any prop to me .My impression was he was trying to be helpful ! He even invited us to a flight session in maidan and promised an initial training lesson.
Maybe I dint convey correctly in the previous post :)
Don't know bout the pitch issue you highlighted though !
I once did this silly trick of cutting the prop,
my flying wing went down and one side of the prop got chipped and it started vibrating violently and flew off, and have to cut the other side to balance it since it was the last prop i was left with for the day.
im flying with this prop till now as you can see this in my build(post 4 pics) (
but i agree with Sanjay sir and wouldn't recommend anyone doing this as this may heat up the motor and may even burn it, vibrates the plane a lot, make mount weak, electronics can go mad.(actually scrapping off prop for normal balancing has more bad effects than good if done without expertise, to the best go with stock ones if you aren't into FPV)
My Vote too goes to sanjayrai55
Using props exactly as they are designed for is the best option to go for.
Thanks that's useful :)
Preparing for flying tomorrow (Y)
Lovely day ! My RC aircraft flew for the first time today morning {:)} there were quite a few things wrong with the plane ,the ailerons were not aligned properly and CG was a little off . Two amazing gentlemen we met at Hoskote -Mr. Sivakumar and Mr.Lingaraj helped to fix it up ,Mr Sivakumar then flew it for testing .It managed to fly and do some cool stunts ;D
Planning to do a lot of sim time and also buy the sky surfer and practice before trying this model again
Had great weekend after long time. Me and my friend Prashanth, we got the Sky surfer from RC
We order it on Wednesday and received next day in Hyderabad by picking up from local courier office.
Few pic's and Videos. Happy Flying, and Happy Ugadi (New Year). (//http://) (//http://) (//http://) (//http://) (//http://) (//http://)
Loaded up heading out for Sunday morning ritual. Sadly we don't have a cameraman at field after my son has relinquished his job as one ;D
Blackmailed the Rat for the camera man job with this first flight to him. :giggle: (//http://) (//http://) (//http://) (//http://) (//http://) (//http://) (//http://)
fly my skysurfer near the hill side. Tried some loops, later tried to speed the model at full throttle towards the ground and to regain at close to ground, but the servo attached to the elevator failed and the plane hit the ground at full throttle from more than 100 foot.
Broke the fuse completely, rudder and wing.
some snaps....
You mercilessly killed your plane :P
Hot glue and extreme tape, she will fly again.
@ Ankur- was helpless, due to servo failure.
@ Ashmida Will try to give it Hot water treatment, then hot glue and packing tape. I am also confident, it
will fly again.
Got to maiden my fastest build (10 minutes of actual work if not less) scratch built foam from throw away scrap foam. Just simply epoxy and hot melt glue together the pieces along with wooden skewers. The motor mount is a foam block. I had an extra motor/ESC combo just sitting around as well as some servos so why not. The elevons are just cardboard. Snip a few pieces of cardboard to make the servo mounts too.
She probably will need a rudder in the future to help in turning.
1.27 meter wingspan and uses about 80 watts to fly. (//http://)
Repaired and reequipped my friend's crashed Corsair.
Over 6 yr old Guanli model with geared brushed motor.
Replaced with emax 2822 1200kv, 2s zippy compact, 8.5x6 prop.
Pulls 50watts on full throttle.
Weighs 465gms.
Proof that 50 watts per lb can fly even a warbird, (wing loading is 9oz/sqft) (//http://)
Part 2 of the 10 minute scratch build project. This time I added a third servo for rudder control. (
Watched my brother fly a quad at home ! ( (//http://)
Last flight video (//http://)
Quote from: dhruvafreak on July 26, 2014, 02:40:27 PM
Last flight video (//http://) (//http://) (//http://)
maaan vey nice video short and sweet
First time flying in South Holland. My household effects finally arrived. Unpacked the new mini mustang and flew like a warbird should - low and fast! (//http://) (//http://)
Fixed youtube video
Always great to hear your RC activities all around the World :-)
rc activity in Mangalore (
made my own model and flew at mumbai race course here is the thread and video below ( (//http://)
lazed around in goa with my balsa snail (//http://)
Good vid..and flight..
Any one flying at mumbai race course tommorow.
I wanted to get info that if any new beginner can go and fly at Mumbai race course.. Do we require any permission of member ship
Finally got to flying the DJI Phantom in my local village.
Used a head mounted GoPro for the ground view and a keychain camera on the Phantom. (
Took out the DJI Phantom to chase a UMX E-Flite 3D Sbach on a windy day! (
Great stuff, as usual.
Very much wanted to preserve your Bird Attack Tiger Moth, as a worthwhile relic for the future, but failed to collect as i do not live in Delhi. Anyway, at least your video lives on...
I just hated this week , i crashed my plane because a kid tried to catch it while i came for my landing ! Seriously who does that ? I never go flying alone ,i take 3 of my men to keep these kids and bystanders out of my way and even they were unable to keep that kid at bay
Quotei crashed my plane because a kid tried to catch it while i came for my landing ! Seriously who does that ? I never go flying alone ,i take 3 of my men to keep these kids and bystanders out of my way and even they were unable to keep that kid at bay
:rofl: :rofl:
I made a Bi plane and tested it today but the only thing that happened was that it took off and then crashed within 5 secs.
Got my scanner ready today , not the best build quality was just ok . It needs alot of sanding tinkering here and there . Now iam waiting for my electricsl setup to come , will be using a turnigy g46 550kv with a 60A plush esc powered by a 5s lipo
Some pics
Your Plush house surpasses the beauty of this plane. All the best for the maiden
Thank you sir , iam hopeing the same as well . The parcel is on its way , i hope to maiden it on 1st or 2nd of november
Finally had time to edit the Southern California video over the summer flying the Hobbyking Skyfun. This plane is very easy to fly and go fast or slow and sporty aerobatics too! (
Lance sir,
Not one hawk in sight!
No hawks in L.A. or here. But here I fly over water (since canals are everywhere) so there's always the risk of drowning the plane if there's a malfunction.
Chased and got chased by the E-Flite Sbach. (
snapshots from the video
Got the scanner ready , wanted to go flying today but was not able to go .
Iam using the following equipment
Motor - turnigy g46 550kv
Prop - apc 12*6
ESC - turnigy 60A Plush
Battery - Zippy compact 5s 3700 mah
Reciver- R2008
Servo's - s3004 all around
Have changed the following things
1 - whells (using dubro)
2 - screws (almost all of them)
3 - motor mounting plate (had to make mine to fit the motor)
Techincal specs-
AUW - 2.5kg
Watts - 540 (will use a 12*8 to push it up)
Amps - pulling 32A
Thrust - have not measured yet
Here are some pics -
unpacked some of the scale micro flyers. more to follow.
This is what I did.. :) (
The 12*8 prop has done good for me i was pulling 600w which looks good . The auw of the plane is 2.5kg , this will give me roughly 107 W per lb which should be sufficient . Any feed back and commemts would be appreciated
I noticed that the Phoenix specs for the Scanner mention 1000-14000W 1400W.
Also noticed that you are using a motor rated for 55A, or say 1000W.
My flat bottomed wing SoloStar flies with a .40, which i guess must be 600W at 3/4 throttle.
(Same size, weight and wing loading as your Scanner).
So your Scanner will probably fly with your current setup, but may beg for a one size larger prop.
Best of luck.
@iyyer sir
I do have a 13*4.5 and a 13*6 with me , but will thry not drain the battery a lot faster ? I have only about 2 inch of prop clearance, how much is the least i can do with ?
built this and did a quick test flight (//http://)
You need to estimate the required pitch first.
From your wing loading, i estimate that your cruising speed requirement is at least 100ft/sec (~110kmph)
From your motor kv (550) and battery (5s), i estimate your full throttle rpm as about 9000.
Or 150 revs/sec.
On a 6" pitch prop that will give only 75fps or say 80kmph.
An 8" pitch will give 100fps at 9000 rpm.
Your 12x8 is drawing only 30-35amps, or 600-700W.
Should be enough for initial flights.
Later you could try a 12x9, 12x10, 13x8. And a larger battery if necessary.
Yes, using more power will drain the battery faster and reduce the duration.
But then what's the use of longer duration on an underpowered model?
If i remember right, Phoenix recommends a 5000mah pack...
But don't worry. Do a short test flight using relatively high throttle.
I am sure she will fly at 100w/Lb. Enough for a test flight.
Your 3700mah battery should surely be enough for a short (3-4 min) test flight.
I think a low pitch like 4.5" on your low kv motor is unsuitable, as the model's speed on part throttle will not be much above the stalling speed.
Best of luck once again. Just ensure she's not tail heavy...
Edit: Sorry folks for clogging this thread. Raj, for any clarifications, please pm me or start a new thread of your own.
i made this....a simple solder arm using locking wire and croc clips
also made a simple two axis camera stabiliser for my quad using two servomotors
Had a great maiden flight , very happy with the way this plane came out . I was worried about the COG but it was bang on , had more than enough power . I did loops , rolls and was tempted to do snap rolls but did not do it . I got a flight time of just above 6 mins (will order a 5000 mah battery )
Ps - forgot to take a vide
Ahmed's first attempt at flying his homemade foamy Curare lookalike.
Claims he had never flown a low winger before!
Model turned out to be amazingly smooth and easy to fly.
Imagine how a real Curare would be... ( (//http://)
Smooth and stable flyer. Bit difficult to see; some guy's bald head was reflecting the sun into my eyes :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
It was a nice sunday , though the cross winds were very strong . I gave one of my drivers my phoen to record the scanner , but the videos are very shakey . But none the less i have some pics
That's a nice ground you have got there.
after programming the ESC, the skyfun reaches speed of close to 200 kmph! As soon as it passes you have to turn it around or it will disappear out of sight! (
finally did the maiden flight of the micro Gee Bee Racer 1930's design. Fun little plane. (
holidays are really good!! ;) , had not flown my gliders for some time now!! the 3 planes are:- parrot 2m, skysurfer v3 and blazer!!
some more!!
I had a bad incident with my sky surfer , the prop broke of while i was in the air and caused the motor to come lose . When the motor came lose the remaining one blade of the prop had eaten the foam around the motor , i have fixed it today will do a test flight soon .
Went out flying with RCParkjets onthe 3rd, this is my qrx350pro in a matte black finish.. (
Did a test flight and it flew well , had to fill a good anount of epoxy in and around the motor . The aircraft came a bit tail heavy so had to add some weight on my lipo . I dont have flying pics , but do have a few pics of the plane
Quote from: controlflyer on January 04, 2015, 04:12:07 PM
Went out flying with RCParkjets onthe 3rd, this is my qrx350pro in a matte black finish..
Here is few images of my easystar.
Im sure some of you have done some thing simple like this happy new year all {:)} {:)}
I've had a rather easy week. Relaxing after a hectic Christmas and New Year (I wish) I finished off my HAL Hexcopter, fitted servos to the new Bixler 3, made up a number of patch leads. (why is it that no matter how adapters and patch leads one has, there's never the right one when you need it) Christened the new Flow solder station and fitted a backlight to one of my old Turnigy 9X's It's only been in a parts box for 18 months. :-) Tomorrow I'll finish off multicopter serial number 016. While I'm here, has anyone purchased one of the new HobbyKing quad frames with the carbon rod inside the motor arms? I was wondering how tough the engine mount is and also the undercarriage. It's all very well to have non-flexing and tough arms, but if the mount is weak then it's all a waste.
Happy New Year everyone Stu
I bought the flight sim Phoenix version 5 that comes with USB cable to my DX6i. Now I'm learning 3D! And I don't jave to spnd money to replace crashed airplanes. This is me learning 3D flying. (
Flew on the beach - no crowd, very lonely place in winter, perfect for RC flying or driving, but go during low tide or waves will get your electronics wet (//http://)
Hi Guys,
It was just 1 hr before i had my first flight with DIY 24" Nutball.
The Flight lasted 5 sec, here is the story.
It was 1 weeks before i got all the electronics ordered from different sites including HK.
Fortunately i was able to find 5mm depron at a place in Mumbai. Took me other 1 week building the nut-ball piece by piece. It was completed by yesterday evening.
I had my dinner and then decided to go for a test flight with my younger brother.
We went to a nearby ground, it is night but still sufficiently lighted.
And as i entered the playground people walking nearby gathered to see whats going on, so now it was a matter of prestige. ;D
I had 2 Lipo's with me 7.4V & 11.1V 1000mAh 20c.
To start with i connected 7.4V Li Po and put the nut-ball on landing gears to take off by itself.
Although it was a sandy ground the speed wasn't good enough for take off.
So i connected the 11.1V Lipo this time and again put it on landing gears for take off, people were watching which got me more nervous. I throttled to the full and by the time it reached full speed the landing gear(Made of Broomsticks) broke. :'(
I couldn't wait for anymore to see it flying so i took off the landing gear and told my brother to launch it on full throttle.
And when he did took off, but it caught me completely by surprise. It was way faster than i expected and since it was my 1st time i was flying an RC plane without any prior knowledge.
I wasn't able to handle it and was just tilting keys all around to keep it flying.
In the mean time the nut-ball went quite high. Once it did a loop and then it was flying upside down, i was watching with my mouth big open and my brother was all excited and jumping.
Then suddenly it turned towards the ground and crashed. That was all in just 5secs.
Disappointed that we crashed, but still excited and hope full that it flew.
End of Story.
Good thing is nothing except the propeller and landing gear was broken, the foam was intact as it was before. Fortunately i have one more propeller in my inventory.
But i think i should rather train myself on a simulator 1st. I have a Turnigy TGY-I6 Radio which has a simulator port similar to one like a keyboard female connector in PC. I was looking around on web,and just wanted to know is it possible to use this cable ( ( or this ( ( for the same purpose.
The simulator you have found willl work with your radio .
Train well on the sim,
Good luck for your next try .
Before take off - check all control surfaces are working properly .
Quote from: sooraj.palakkad on February 23, 2015, 01:09:20 AM
The simulator you have found willl work with your radio .
Train well on the sim,
Good luck for your next try .
Before take off - check all control surfaces are working properly .
Thanks Sooraj, can you please be more specific with which Cable to choose from the above 2.
Yes, i did checked the controls prior to takeoff.
Both will work - hence go for the cheapest :)
@abhi.vishw, once the plane starts flying, reduce the throttle.
The faster a plane will be flying, the more aggressively it's going to respond to the stick inputs.
Always remember, it's not the motors/Props through which a plane flies, it's the wings.
You sure need more power while takeoff/Hand Launch, but once it's in the air it very well can fly slow at low throttle which is much easier to control.
Once the plane is in the air, atleast for now Faster = Bad, and Slower = Good
The Simulator is the best way to start with.
Had Good flights with the skysurfer , i have not flown my scanner in a while though and to be frank flying the skysurfer has gone boring (it can only do basic aerobatics)
Went on a Trip with friends from New Delhi all the way to Pondicherry and made sure to take my MXP230 mini quad with me and had a blast flying at such beautiful scenic locations and managed to capture some really good footage.Hope you guys like the edit.Enjoy ;D (
Crashed to death my 3rd Nut-ball last Sunday.
This one survived almost 8-9 crashed directly on Nose.
Again it was problem with CG and some "kaamchalau" Power Combo.
The biggest mistake was that the Elevator was acting reverse.
It was too late before i could realize it. The plane flew nicely for the duration it lasted.
The Prop Saver broke on the last crash. Ordered some of them from VH.
Completed building another 19" NB and would try it this weekend.
This time im very much confident i would safely bring back home this one.
Flew @ RCPA this sat sunday, Thanks arvind sir for your kind invitation.
flew upto 1AM in the night with Skysurfer and leds.
tested my FPV skills and i progressed very well.
flew on goggles in just 2nd flight, plane was APM stablized and i could even land with goggles on,
enjoy the view from above.
Some good flying!! Also consider bumped, no flying guys??
Pics from plane!!
So is this how you get out of the hobby Subhash? :giggle: Which place? looks like around the chiks mountain range to me. Should say breathtaking view from the top!!
me too was with subhash ... i am soo thankful to him for that :)
it was a great experience flying in this place....
it is Bandipur tiger reserve .
@tantragna- this is my last project!! I was there for few testing and demonstration!!
Oh! So you are determined to leave the hobby.. Not good to hear someone exiting the hobby! All the best for your future otherwise..
just for sometime!! Studies are first priority!! and anyways here is my hex build,i know its too much for a guy leaving the hobby!! :P
Ready for maiden
Yeah it really is :thumbsup:
always excited for flying in pune here r some pics
Hey guys!
This is the stock camera flight video of the Syma X8C.
Designed like the DJI Phantom, you can replace the stock camera with a GoPro/Xiaomi Yi/SJCam 5000/ other such cameras and with such a setup you can take good aerial videos. I have been flying this since a couple months, and I love it! This is my first Quadcopter and its big enough to not be considered as a toy. ;)
While many people do not advice this as to be a beginners quadcopter, I've managed to learn flying a quadcopter with the X8C. Of course I must mention I've had quite a few crashes, but the quadcopter itself has a decent enough build quality to withstand light crashes, so I've not broken anything yet. I've been cautious enough not to have a hard crash which would break the qaud.
Also its worth mentioning that this quadcopter has 'headless mode'. This is a real benefit for beginners. This helps maintain orientation without you having to know which side the quadcopter is pointing towards. Only experienced fliers can fly without this feature, which I'm currently trying to tackle and learn. I am not a expert yet! :)
This is a pretty smooth flyer. Flies good at light winds, but of course this would slightly struggle at moderate to strong winds.
I would definitely recommend this quadcopter to others. Its fun! :) {:)}
Anyway, I don't want to rant any more to bore you guys! ;D
Check out the video! I am a beginner in flying quadcopters so please bare with the novice flying and video capture.
Cheers! :)
P.S. You can reduce the rolling shutter/jello effect as seen in my video by some quick and easy mods. This is the stock camera mounted as it is, so you know how the video is out of the box.
Where did you buy X8C from?
Quote from: santanucus on June 16, 2015, 08:54:57 PM
Where did you buy X8C from?
I bought if from Gear-best website.
{:)} {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)}{:)} {:)} {:)} {:)}
Quite a video
maiden flight last night - Hobbyking Sea Fury - huge plane!
From this morning - here is the landing at the beach parking lot. She requires a perfect touch due to being on the heavy side. For 1.2 meter wingspan, she lands like a rock (heavy wing loading - maybe extra dense foam or heavy retract electronics). Enjoy!
I had this Hobbyking MIG 15 in a box for four years. This week I glued on the wings, put in a lipo, and flew it! Very fast jet but needs huge airspace as it will not come in for a short landing.
The plane arrived with a dead flap servo. Finally the replacement servo arrived and now to see how she she lands with the flaps.
For slow relaxing flights, fly at night with lights on your slow flyer
Sunset flight with the Hobbyking Reaktor
Assembled the P-51D Mustang and finished the motor test and ground taxi test. Now waiting for calm day for the maiden flight.'-preggy'/new/#new[/url]
Slowlys makeover 2 flight videos
My First ever FPV Video online :D (
Finally did the maiden flight
can anyone guide me from where in india can i buy syma x8c?
My friend built the Hobbyking Pro GT 450 FBL and on the maiden flight the front gears stripped. Cheap quality, better to go with Align.
This is what a Hobbyking 550 GT can do when built and tuned by a pro.
changing focus on 3d helis now, trying out the 130x Red Bull
After a break of around an year, got my interest back in flying. Had a ultra micro v120D05 (highly modded) which had a very bad crash last year.
Have tried to get it to fly for a month but couldn't find the problem (maybe I had a pre conceived notion about the problem).
After about a year, with newly revived interest, I managed to fix the problem and fly this little beauty, boy it gets the heart racing again.
The ability to fly this thing virtually on my roof top makes it so easy, without worrying to go to a field.
Will fine tune it and will share a video of two of how this flys.
early morning slow relaxing flight with the Mutliplex Easy Star
@theleabres Beautiful locale {:)}
Flying the Mini Floater at Beach...
Crashed my Blade Quad MQX multiple times but could not break it. Still flew like new.
Selling another 250 Heli - 59 euros receiver ready with two lipos. Selling because too many helis and not enough time. Decided to focus on 450 and bigger helis. Just a quick simple video to show it flies (hovering in garage, too windy and rainy to go outside today)
Well here are a few pictures of my flying this morning..... One model is a modified Vortex RC Speedster and the other is a modified Kaiser MK II.... the Kaiser has been made in HD thermocol which has been cut out of packing material thermocol..... Both the models fly like a dream and are excellent when flown through a series of aeros.... Have reinforced their wings with Balsa spars for taking the added "G" forces for the aeros.... well hope you enjoy the pictures...
a few more....
Beautiful pics sir,
Request for some close up pics of modified wing.
Here are the pictures as requested by you... Well it is a Balsa wood fuselage sides with HD foam inset for the thickness. You can also see the hard wood skid below the fuselage.... I use the wood strips used by carpenters for their work as hard wood skids.
Thank you shobhit sir. the fuse is build nicely.
It helps at lot, to balance the CG of the wing.
yes and keeps everything enclosed inside.... giving a streamlined shape and look.....
Well..... last week we had a real interesting episode..... we lost an FPV model and then found it intact some 15 miles away....
Here is how it went. Me and a few aeromodelling friends had gone to Phaphamau for early morning flying and I did my first launch on the Kaiser Mk II... excellent aerobatic flight. As I landed I was preparing my Super Pacer for the Maiden flight as a friend was preparing for his FPV.
He launched the model and within minutes he lost Radio contact and the model took off on its own. The friend tried his level best to raise the height of the Camera Rx to get more range and switched over to his long range module on the RX Set..... No positive result.... we tried doing this for good about 15 minutes. The RTH was reducing..... This it suddenly dawned on me that was the Return to Home set on the model... if yes it should have come back home..... on check the answer was a big NO.
Well... another bright idea.... Straightaway asked my friend to call his friend who lives near our regular flying location.... Maybe the RTH was still set to the previous location..... As luck would have it the friend said ...... well I can see your model flying overhead and circling but am unable to find you.... he inquired as to where we were flying from... Straightaway.... my friend drove to the earlier field some 15 Kms away.... The model had flown to the earlier field as the RTH was set to that location and flew till the time the battery lasted. Thereafter it landed smoothly just on the outskirts of the field. The other friend was there to retrieve it safely.
Well.... a model with all the costly gadgetry was lost... and well... due to the gadgetry working as it should have worked in case of signal failure.... the model was recovered safely.
Happy Landings.....
:) Wonderful ! Really liked the last part that you were able to retrieve it! Otherwise? A week is lost :)
@shobhit sir,
First class episode for this thread!
Good that you found it and that there was no accident on the way.
Free lessons for us.
BTW, quad or fixed wing?
Well.... if we had lost it.... me and my friends wife's would have killed us for loosing the model for a stupid reason.... the reason was..... well.... the battery for the range extension module was cot connected and as soon as the model went about 50 mtrs away.... it lost radio contact..... after about 8 minutes we realised this but by then the model was some 9 kms away.... still relaying the video from the FPV camera........ on the video my friend realised that the RTH distance is reducing.... that's when we realised that the RTH was somewhere else..... maybe our last flying ground.
Which model does he use? Self made or branded? Specs? Anyways surprising story!
Well..... he has fitted it all on an easystar as of now..... but generally uses the Raptor.
well... S 174...... if I can reword your question..... what model does he use a scratch built or an ARF....... well he uses an ARF.
OK.... I believe that this hobby is for self built either through a kit or a scratch built one....... that's the real essence of this hobby.... The ARF have actually killed the hobby.........
Yes, but sometimes we have to depend on ARF due to lack of building material :(, for eg: something like this
Did maidened my scratch built high winger trainer
1st attemept -cg too back lateral cg too left.
2nd attempt cg correct, lateral cg too left
3rd attempt both cg correct still crashed. Now will leave it. Will make a coro pusher like skysurfer . Still havent tasted air more than 7 seconds.
@ Voice of deaf
try a corro ft explorer
@Voiceofdeaf, if you are a beginner, use depron/thermocol wing and reduce weight as much as possible . If so, less chance of crash, and even if you crash, less effort is in vain.
but if he crashes;
depron cracks/breaks.
and depron is expensive.
if he breaks a corro plane; he will lose approx. 200 Rupees.
@Prabal, but cracks/breaks in depron are easily reparable unlike corro.
Corro is very easy to repair. Hot Glue :D
Can also change a section
Depron models are lighter though. Good for Trainers & 3D
Well see..... Initially all people break models... The story is like this.....
Last year I broke my favorite model and it was in pieces. even the motor was destroyed. It was an aerobatic 5 feet span model weighting some 1.7 kgs.
I called up my father and told him that I lost my best model today and am sad about it... His reply was to the point.... and apt.
he said.... "so what? so have broken all the models you have made till date... so thats nothing new.... some you broke in a couple of days and some in a couple of years. Make a new old..."
well I was inspired and made the model afresh and am loving flying that model now.
See I make my own models with what ever thermocol I can lay my hands on. I prefer packing material thermocol and so I puck up packing material from where ever I can. The local "KABADI" is one big bet.
You may see my thread and see how I made my Kaiser......
total cost of the model is some Rs 500/- minus the electronics and remote... also thermocol can be repaired easily... just cut out the proken piece and put a fresh one in its place.......
I am planning to buy the Condor Nitro RC Buggy Kit from It features a strong alloy chassis, shaft driven 4WD system, oil filled shocks, front and rear differentials and sealed radio tray. The Condor is powered by a SH size 18 engine I have seen a lot of models of this size which come with .15 engines so this has a stronger and better engine. What do you suggest guys? Is it good choice?
Some FPV formation fun over the past two-three weeks with Pravesh736 and his Skyhunter ;D (
Excellent sir :salute:
wonderful videos sir..... :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute:
My flying ;D
@kkiyer @ramarao Thanks guys :hatsoff: and i am no Sir :giggle: just a kid ;) Glad you liked the videos. More FPV adventures with pravesh736 coming soon ;D
Here are a few more pictures of the last weeks flying.... we did fly when we got the news that the FPV model has been retrieved......
Thanks my Kaiser Km II (plan from Sharma Models) with a redesigned fuselage and the Ugly Stick (plan from in traditional colours.....
Hope you like the pictures....
Very nice Shobhit-ji :thumbsup:
The Ugly Stick looks beautiful. Is that also thermocole?
yes Sir...... the Kaiser is all thermocol.... whereas the fuselage of the Ugly stick is Balsa..... rest including the tail plane and the fin are thermocol....
Do you have any plans for the kaiser?
I require a good trainer
Sent from my GT-S7562L using Tapatalk
Dear Prabal,
The drawing of Kaiser is from Sharma models and is not available online. It is a part of their kit for the model.
You may please visit and search the link for trainers in Balsa construction as it gives the maximum choice. All the Balsa models can be adapted to Foam construction also. I do the same.
The best models are Air Scout, Happy 20, Schoolboy, School, Headmaster, telemaster and so on. All these drawings are available in Pdf format and are downloadable. Te files are full size and you can them them printed. What I do is.... take the file to a vinyl poster maker print shop and ask him to print it in 100% size without any resizing. He gives me a print on a vinyl sheet for about Rs 200.....
You may also try that....
Thank you sir!
What i truly require is a good trainer.
All my plane (incl. Explorer) have turned out bad.
Sent from my GT-S7562L using Tapatalk
Hi Prabal,
Ft Storch is one of the best trainer. its easily Visible, Glides Very well,
You wont regret making one.
Ok. Will make that after units.
Explorer is just having fun giving me troubles.
Thank you for the advice sir.
Sent from my GT-S7562L using Tapatalk
These are event photos of Amreli ( airport ) (Gujarat )
more pic
Got a new micro camera/tx combo so mounted it on a mini trooper just to see what happens
I wanted to let you know about this petition I just started on, "Directorate of General Civil Aviation (DGCA): Immediate Govt. regulation change regarding recreational Rc flying".
You can read more about it and sign the petition here:
Created in struggle by the will of aeromodllers.
I flew my Magic
RC Aunt flew the Sunbird
Harveer rolled Aashu's jet on take off
Then he landed without needing the net for stopping...
sunday flying
Built and flew the RadJet 800
Assembled and flew the GWS micro Slow Stick
played games with the Hobbyking Skyfun
Flew the GWS Micro Slow Stick
Built and flew the Hobbyking Combat Wing 1000 mm wingspan
Practiced low and slow flights and loops with the Hobbyking Flying Wings -1 EPP
Today I used two cameras and then synchronized the video
FPV with modified FT Arrow
nice video!
Dang! How did I miss this thread?
Activity from yesterday (holiday in Karnataka): add some HD eyesight to my 210.. installed Runcam Split and rebuilt the flight stack. Pending flight test.
This is the first wing I built. In the beginning, I had to learn how it flew which meant lots of crashed because I flew in a small park at super slow speeds.
;D Really impressive! :salute: :thumbsup:
Crashed this week.
Learn from my mistake so you'll have more time flying your plane instead of losing time repairing it. I usually go through a mental preflight checklist but this time I was rushing and so the crash happened. It was easily preventable had I stuck to my routine of inspecting the entire plane.
Flying in 25+ mph wind with a very lightweight combat wing
Fixed the Skyfun, flew it, and escaped from drones chasing it.
Flew an "old" plane
Installed two Mobius Actions on my Skyfun but now I have to find out why the colors do not match.
Flew the Hobbyking Radjet 800 yesterday.
Short clip just to show it can fly fast with a 2836 2300 kv motor, 5X4.5 APC prop, 40 amp ESC, 2200 mah 4S lipo
Good to see romanxdsouza's micro slow flyer!
Full throttle high Speed passes at two meters high gets exciting but if I make a wrong bad it's a fatal crash. The watt meters shows this setup at maximum 35 amps and 383 watts.
Chasing around a mini talon
Also fun to fly slow sometimes
On a very windy day, I hit full throttle at the same time strong gusts blew the plane straight to my head! Fortunately, I was alert (drank a cup of coffee right before flying) and avoided serious injury.
Quote from: theleabres on March 22, 2018, 10:36:12 PM
Good to see romanxdsouza's micro slow flyer!
All thanks to you sir......ur MV
Testing unlimited vertical
Flew my Bixler 2 while my buddy chased me with his drone
Flight tip - avoid the stall!
Got the Skyfun out into the air. Ugly plane now after several major repairs but she still flies nicely.
Finally built and maiden flight the Hobbyking Mariposa - my first balsa plane flown.
Deleted as same msg posted in two other threads too.
Part 2 of the Hobbyking Mimosa Review - Build, Tips, etc
Took the Skyfun out yesterday
The iNAV flight controller software stack is hitting its "v2.0" milestone and I'm doing my bit to test and improve and catch issues. Would recommend this to multirotor/fixed wing entusiasts looking for advanced capabilities like position hold / return to home.
Here's a quick position hold test on my 6" mini quad.
Took out the Hobbyking Red Eagle 3D Hummer today
Today I made this instructional video
Flying at the beach
Looked at old videos from a few years ago
When you're too lazy to go out but have the itch to fly...
Flew my V977 Indoors, too windy outside (Just hovering). Flew a lot of planes and helis on my Simulator later.
RC Kite eagle flown again
I made a video for flight tips of the E-Flite X-Vert, a VTOL plane.
I am getting old but I still love to fly fast
This week I like flying low and slow so I made this video
Nice flying and lovely video. As usual...
@theleabres : Thats awesome in some many levels, you enjoy it and nobody is disturbed, everybody minds his own business and yet you fly wonderfully in a populated park without causing any alarms. Absolutely love your take on the hobby.
@pnkyjs thank you for the compliments. I am just sharing so others can learn that it can be an easy hobby. Sometimes, a light small plane is all you need that is cheap to build and even cheaper to fix, unlike the big fancy ones.
Here is the flight from this week in a little more challenging weather:
Flight today early morning 06:30
Installed electronics in the AXN Clouds Fly and maiden flight
Sold the AXN Clouds and built the Banggood Sky Surfer. Here's the maiden flight
Got the EPP Shark on sale at $19 a few months ago. Finally glued it together. It's gentle, a good beginner plane since it's easy to repair.
Flew (and sold) the micro skyhunter yesterday but also made a video of the flight
Good mini plane with bright paint.
Built another GWS Slow Stick and flew it yesterday. The kit takes about 30 minutes to build.
Opened a new box Hobbyking F16 Falcon EDF and tested the motor.
I built another Slow Stick and did the maiden flight.
maiden flight
My RC activity was Not really RC but totally RC related, I had to organize my room , classify , catalogue and store my RC stuff.
Replaced the KK2 board of the good old F450 quad. The old board's display went off long ago.
Blade tracking of the wip 450 heli. Cheap TREX clones refuse to get tuned properly.
Here is my slash being driven after several months hiatus (
I have been travelling, so no flying this month