Your favorite online RC video

Started by anwar, March 27, 2009, 04:19:00 AM

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 I'd love to own one of these..... Tata motors should get this guy and start production for him.......

I have to thank Vivek for the email...
I share it with you all.

To all my friends specially the flying types. These are super videos and there are 10 of them and see them for hours if u care to by clicking on them ( on the left captions) and also go back in years 2009,2008,2007 etc. You will enjoy every second of it. Specially the aerobatics with music

Flying car

Here it is 

- bound to happen!

...Click on this  link...
Flying Car


:bow:   That is super way too cool !
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While that video falls under non-RC video... this is super cool.


Quote from: findvikas on November 26, 2010, 09:51:50 AM
While that video falls under non-RC video... this is super cool.
I once asked a Chinese friend;  Are you vegetarian or Non veg?

He replied; " My friend I eat anything that moves"
So my friend FINDVIKAS how about my addition to your view; "any thing to do with flying is of interest to us hobbyist" We love our BOYZTOYZ...:)


same here... I was just talking about the thread as there are two threads on the same thing...

"Your favorite online RC video" & "Your favorite online non-RC video"


Quote from: findvikas on November 26, 2010, 09:16:53 PM
same here... I was just talking about the thread as there are two threads on the same thing...

"Your favorite online RC video" & "Your favorite online non-RC video"

Oh yes you are right.... We need to request Anwar to move this to that thread....


"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."


Big RC airplane stunts... shard by Adarsh on Facebook.

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Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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If only terrorists are not thinking of the same thing that I am at the moment, RC flying could be banned globally after just one big incident.. as long as your intentions are not cruel, RC flying could be as fun as it seem in this video!


The early pioneers, their trails and tribulations :bow:

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I'll be back.


Watch the first fe seconds, and then 3:00 !

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Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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The Absolute True Joy of RC Flying !!!  {:)} {:)} {:)}

Cheers !!!
+91 7977382130


Turnigy 9x w. Er9x | Custom Hovercraft |Scratch Build Boat | Tricopter | Skysurfer V3|


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This is why extreme care must be taken in building these bigger ones...

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Thats one huge fireball! Was it failure or pilot error?
"The day you stop playing with your toys is the day you start getting ready to die.."

FlySky 9x (with ER9x,  backlight mod &  dual module hack) | Futaba SkySport 4VF (with 5th channel hack) | Glidiator - scratchbuilt 60" electric glider | SkySurfer | Scratchbuilt Tricopter | FT Nutball |  .46 Glow trainer (electric conversion in progress)


from the video description..

"This is a friend's Skymaster Rafale I videotaped crashing at FBF in Brooklyn. Plane lost control after ailerons let loose from poor servo mounts in wings ..."

but look carefully at 0:17... something ejected from the plane which make me wonder if this was a planned event ???


Planned crashing of a jet that costs 1000s of $$$ ?  Once a servo comes loose, there are other parts that can take off.
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Trainstar trainer
flysky t6
mini quad
cap232 foam
1 / 8 scale nitro rally car



I used to have a Ready by ARC unbreakable type aircraft while I was learning. I passed my Bronze certificate and the unbreakable soon became breakable on a very heavy dead stick landing. Then I had a READY 2. I gave that away to get this JUPITER as I could not break that one even after very heavy landings. That was 8 years ago, I bought a CAROSEL as well but that was a brick to fly...... Since than this has been one of my favourites;

Arc the Italian company has now being bought over by Thunder Tiger ... These kits are a lot cheaper now as they are not being produced in Italy but CHINA now... I think.
