RC India

General Topics => RC India Forum => Topic started by: admin on March 11, 2009, 04:54:01 PM

Title: About this forum
Post by: admin on March 11, 2009, 04:54:01 PM
This forum was started to provide an avenue for Indian RC enthusiasts to discuss their beloved hobby.  There are other large existing forums, but they tend to limit the posted content, because of commercial interests.  This site is intended to help Indian RC hobbyists exchange information freely.  There is absolutely no restriction on the usage of this site by any one, especially for posting and discussing commercial offers.

In summary, our aim/wish/hope/dream is for this forum to be the venue for people to post any great prices/deals on RC stuff, so that this hobby becomes accessible to even more people.

Here are some general notes/rules about this forum.

1. This forum is a personal effort by myself (My name is Anwar,  and I have been an RC hobbyist since early 2007). 

2. I am not associated with any commercial entity (which includes all RC hobby shops and model manufacturers or marketers).

3. While it is allowed for anyone to post reviews and comments on the models products they have experience with (including strengths and weaknesses of each product), we will not use this forum to intentionally malign any particular product or brand or seller.

4. If posts are placed under the wrong categories or boards, they will be moved to the right locations by the administrators.

5. As the user community builds up, more administrators will be added to the forum.

6. If you feel the need for a new board to discuss a particular product/topic, please let us know, and we will create a new category and/or board for the same.

7. Our contact email address is listed in the footer on the left side.  In order to limit spam mails, it is setup as an image that cannot be clicked.

8. You may also follow us on Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/rcindia) or befriend us on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/rcindia)

9. As it is noticed that spammers and SEO marketers are taking the pain of registering here just to put their non-RC related websites in their profile, it is a rule of this forum that only personal websites, RC related personal websites or online RC stores are to be entered in their personal profile.  Any other marketing related website links will result in the account being banned/deleted.

Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: adityarr on March 12, 2009, 12:36:27 AM
Hi Anwar,
Great that you have started this Forum. Wishing you the very best. I shall pass on this url to all my contacts.

Aditya R
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: prakkat on April 17, 2010, 04:10:49 PM
Hey  Who are you mr. roa, are a flyer flyer or a heli mechanic.i heard a lot about you mr.rao, r u the same rao in camebridge apparments.
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: anwar on April 17, 2010, 04:25:14 PM
Kunjai - Yes this is our friend Aditya (and the person in white teeshirt in the above picture) ;)  He is not regular on the forum.

He is the second member on the forum after myself :)
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: anwar on July 06, 2010, 11:45:29 PM
Quote from: admin on March 11, 2009, 04:54:01 PM
There are other large existing forums, but they tend to limit the posted content, because of commercial interests.

Today is an hugely wonderful day for me ! One of the items on my agenda when I started this forum was to see other forums lose their uptight and restrictive attitude, driven by commercial interests alone. Well, I see that Hobbycity links  and product links to other India based hobby stores are no longer blocked/restricted on another forum ;)  It took about 15 months, but the owner could see the writing on the wall.... with one or two posts per day there and a higher overall post count and activity here. A few more months, and it would be practically dead... glad that some changes for the good are being made !

Thank you all for making this happen :bow:
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: CrazyPilot on July 07, 2010, 06:42:46 PM
{:)} Amazing. I joined this forum today when i was looking for alternative of other Indian rc forums because of their annoying policies and thorough commercial attitude. Cheerio to owners of this forum.
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: flyingboxcar on July 07, 2010, 07:04:16 PM
I enjoy reading and posting at both the forums, and pray to God that neither of them should ever be dead.
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: anwar on July 07, 2010, 07:11:33 PM
Capt.  I am happy to see the changes too... it would have saved me a lot of trouble if these changes and some more were in place earlier itself ;)
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: mail4ajo on July 07, 2010, 07:27:00 PM
Quote from: anwar on July 07, 2010, 07:11:33 PM
Capt.  I am happy to see the changes too... it would have saved me a lot of trouble if these changes and some more were in place earlier itself ;)

I agree. There was no need for this forum had the other one been open for all. Inspite of that I visit the other forum atleast once a day and also do buy stuff from the forum owner.
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: ujjwaana on July 07, 2010, 11:12:49 PM
Had this have happened some time back, I would have not left the forum at all. Nevertheless good that people with my mind-set (and I don't regret how I am) won't need to take such step and be a Happy Family on such forum!
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: rcforall on July 08, 2010, 01:03:18 PM
 ;D :thumbsup:  but I  only  hope this is not a last ditch attempt   like ventilator  at a hospital :giggle: ,

Apart  from the  forum I was shocked at the level of negativity  concerning that individual in his home town  :o
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: Sethji on July 08, 2010, 02:26:13 PM
I have had my share of problems with that forum  :banghead:...
When I first signed-up they would not let me have my choice of username... This is my story  -  I  had duly registered and  created my profile - I had updated my picture, my signature, and my website info. Then, I logged-in the next day (with correct username/password) but their system said that there was no such account (my laptop saves all usernames and passwords - so even if I forgot the machine would not)... I found this very strange, but proceeded to re-register with another username and was able to read/write on their site. Later, I realized that my username and signature (which happened to be my RC hobby blog address) was the reason of not letting me have my choice of username of their site. Were they so threatened by "IndiaHobby".  Now, one could argue that the username could be confusing to their members, then atleast the Moderator/Owner could have emaild me and migrated my data instead of canceling my account or the system could have just informed me during registration, and I would not have to waste my time...

Anyways, our interface is much more user-friendly (quite close to the Web 2.0 navigation style), unlike the other forum (i.e. that store's personal megaphone)... I truly feel at home here... lots of learning and getting to know some nice people in my city who share the same interests... Thank you RcIndia.Org

The above is not an attempt to slander or indulge in Libel, These are merely my thoughts
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: iamahuman on July 08, 2010, 02:56:33 PM
This is THE BEST FORUM!!!PERIOD The layout here is really friendly even if you are not  a member.I just love this place.Thank you Anwar sir :salute: :bow: for making this forum.
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: medicineman1987 on July 09, 2010, 12:36:45 AM
Seriously, if this "other" forum is the one that i think ur talkin about, then i don't see a point comparing our forum to that one! This forum is the best! I normally don't sign up on forums but after reading this forum for a while as a guest i was compelled to join this forum.. The people here are so helpful.. The layout is awesome.. Its so easy to navigate.. I could go on and on..


Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: iamahuman on July 09, 2010, 04:49:14 PM
medicineman1987, you just put it across in the best way.I am addicted to this site.You just hit the nail on the head.
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: medicineman1987 on July 09, 2010, 04:54:33 PM
Quote from: iamahuman on July 09, 2010, 04:49:14 PM
medicineman1987, you just put it across in the best way.I am addicted to this site.You just hit the nail on the head.

Yea.. seriously addicted! RCI is set as my homepage.. And i've left it permanently logged in on my hostel computer so that i don't have to waste time signing in everyday! ;D Oh and i have to bear with my super slow GPRS connection so i can surf from the hostel.. but its worth it!
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: ujjwaana on July 13, 2010, 08:00:35 PM
Quote from: medicineman1987 on July 09, 2010, 04:54:33 PM
time signing in everyday! ;D Oh and i have to bear with my super slow GPRS connection so i can surf from the hostel.. but its worth it!

Earnestly, this forum rocks, at least with such a small nuymber of R/C folks in the country. Bow to Anwar bhai!!

And medicineman1987 ,Living Hostel in Goa!! Now that I call LIFE!!
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: vinay on July 14, 2010, 07:02:30 AM
Quote from: ujjwaana on July 13, 2010, 08:00:35 PM
And medicineman1987 ,Living Hostel in Goa!! Now that I call LIFE!!

Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: hangingtough on July 14, 2010, 08:43:36 AM

Folks i cant say about my fellow friends but this forum has become as addictive as ever.

Visits : Earlier it used to be once a week, now practically 2~3 times a day is normal.

Post  : Just post and see how you will be bombarded with information.

But i still dont know how anwar bhai keeps this forum alive all by himself. Hats off to you Sir.
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: anwar on July 14, 2010, 01:54:56 PM
Quote from: hangingtough on July 14, 2010, 08:43:36 AM
But i still dont know how anwar bhai keeps this forum alive all by himself.

I do only 25% of the keeping alive, the rest is everybody else ! ;)

Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: anwar on July 27, 2010, 05:37:23 PM
Please note newly added rule #9 here :


Sorry to sound like the "Soup Nazi" but some people will go to any lengths to just to put their links on any many places as they can, and boost their SEO results in Google searches etc.
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: Dharmik on March 04, 2012, 06:23:55 PM
Sorry for bump but is this very 1st thread on the board? If so RCIndia going to celebrate its 3rd anniversary soon!
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: vineet on March 04, 2012, 06:38:39 PM
i love this forum
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: raja2k5 on March 04, 2012, 09:18:16 PM
Ya, Got a lot of info from this forum.
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: anwar on March 05, 2012, 01:19:36 AM
Quote from: Dharmik on March 04, 2012, 06:23:55 PM
Sorry for bump but is this very 1st thread on the board? If so RCIndia going to celebrate its 3rd anniversary soon!

Yes, March 9th is the 3rd anniversary !  I was wondering if we would hit 5000 members and 100K posts... looks like we will be close, but not there.

I am working on the logistics of a sweepstakes to mark this occasion.
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: naresh on March 05, 2012, 01:36:11 AM
Hey Anwar, Great job brother. I feel very happy and lucky to be in this forum.
lot of info in this fourm. Lot many good people and talented folks in Rc India.

Thanks for giving this fourm Anwar......!
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: naresh on March 05, 2012, 01:41:06 AM
Anwar, It looks like i've got promotion as a Senior Member in Rc India. ;>) Is it becouse of #100 posts?
Yesterday it was like Active member in my profile.
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: naresh on March 24, 2012, 08:37:39 PM
Quote from: anwar on March 05, 2012, 01:19:36 AM
Yes, March 9th is the 3rd anniversary !
Ohh...!  :headscratch: Looks like i've missed and forgot to wish "Rc India" for anniversary, So sorry... Belated Happy Anniversary "RcIndia".
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: anwar on May 12, 2012, 07:11:44 PM
We have passed another milestone with 100000 posts!  And the 5000 member mark was passed a few weeks ago.

Thanks to each and every one of you who made this possible, despite our shortcomings (perceived and real).  And not to mention my "in your face" attitude on certain issues... most of you seem to have the patience to bear it all !

I know there is lot of criticism around the fact that most of what is happening here is just trade. My thought, always, is that this forum is what its members make it out to be.  If they want to use it for trade, fine ! With most people going the ARF way, this is just a sign of the times we are living in.  I see the same even in the big US forums. Instead, if the audience initiated having more design or innovation discussions, that's even better !  Even just posting what they did last week in RC... Hell yeah !

I am always open to suggestions for improvement. Please feel free to PM (or post in public in the "RC India Suggestions" thread).

Once again, thank you all ! Nothing is more joyous  than seeing at least a few people who log in multiple times a day here, despite having so many options on where they could spend their time, even for RC stuff.
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: rcpilotacro on May 12, 2012, 09:05:55 PM
Kudos anwar, my dream too, is to see RC grow to epic proportions here in India, and we produce some renowned RC pilots in all class, when that happens, there would be RCIndia's contribution in that, somewhere.
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: aviator on May 12, 2012, 09:07:03 PM
@ Rcpilotacro - Agreed +1
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: roopeshkrishna on May 12, 2012, 10:01:02 PM
its sure, and a million thanks for Anwar Sab, for this great effort, to promote RCying in our loved Country.. i got lots of Seniors, and good friends in modelling from here and got lots of ideas and innovations from here.. a cool and loving place to logged in..   :thumbsup: :salute:
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: VC on May 12, 2012, 10:27:18 PM
For the last 20 mins, I've been sitting here staring at the screen thinking of a suitable line to write to express my gratitude to Anwar Sahab. Normally, I'm quite eloquent and fluid with my language, today however, words fail me.

'Thank you' seems to be so inadequate today.

I just can't imagine my life without this forum. What I was on 2nd. Nov 2009 and what I am today is unbelievable, even for me. Experiences, learnings, friends, associates, models, equipment, successes and failures - this has been a life changing adventure that continues relentlessly.

God bless this forum and all the members.
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: coderbanna on May 12, 2012, 10:42:16 PM
my love for technology always drive me towards these hobbies, in from last few months i am really interested in RC flying, its like magic :)
after watching most of the rc videos, DIY, scratch builds etc i finally thought, how much that has to do with india, then i came to that forum and found a nice place to hand out with same type techie minds. you know life for geeks like us is very hard, and social life is not that great :)

its nice to be here, however i am a newbie in RC and may remain so... its always fun to see what's going on.
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: SunLikeStar on May 12, 2012, 11:45:04 PM
Congratulation to all RcIndia members   :thumbsup:
:hatsoff: Anwar
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: Dharmik on May 13, 2012, 08:10:01 AM
Congratulations!! Anwar bhai and all members. I would love to see this forum running on VB script.
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: hyd_quads on June 24, 2012, 03:15:21 PM
Quote from: admin on March 11, 2009, 04:54:01 PM
There are other large existing forums, but they tend to limit the posted content, because of commercial interests.

Just read a post on a western forum of repute that proves the above quote.
Apparently, there was a serious foul play among one premium vendor (or vendors) (who's one of the sponsors of that forum) that resulted in the suspension of the account of a knowledgeable member, timecop. "timecop" should ring a bell in any multirotor fan's head.
Okay, why not give a link?

http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1677053 (http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1677053)

I am glad rcindia is not like that. :hatsoff: to anwar sir, all the mods and members too.

Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: satyagupta on June 24, 2012, 03:38:05 PM
Quote from: Dharmik on May 13, 2012, 08:10:01 AM
Congratulations!! Anwar bhai and all members. I would love to see this forum running on VB script.

ugh vb-script no please.. JS rocks ;) working with JS from last 3 years i know how easy peasy it is :D (no offence meant Dharmik bro)
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: JK on October 25, 2012, 02:57:08 PM
I thank Mr Anwar for having initiated this forum for enthusiastics of planes like me. Since my school days, I loved to collect photos and articles of aircrafts, models etc. I am interested to fly rc plane in coming days with the help of RC India Team members., My congratulations to all the members and Mr Anwar.
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: anwar on October 25, 2012, 03:19:20 PM
Welcome to RC India :)

Please do read the important threads before making any purchase decisions !
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: sanjayrai55 on March 04, 2013, 10:26:54 PM
I am so dumb  :banghead:

I've only read this page now!

I am no poet, and I sorely lack the the eloquence to truly express my feelings, so all I can say is THANK YOU Anwar; in your own way, you have made our world a little more worthwhile to live in  ;D
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: VC on March 04, 2013, 11:46:36 PM
Absolutely Spot on Sir! I doubt, if the gravity of the situation (Being a life changer) will ever dawn on Anwar Sahab. I hope it doesn't.

Just imagine for a moment, there was never an entity like www.rcindia.org. Where would we be, where would our knowledge levels be and what would our lives be like?

I guess, I would have been a more social creature still pumping iron now!

The first picture was taken in Aug 2009, before I joined this forum, before I had a single TX/Rx. Before I had any idea of ESC's or LiPo's or had a single scratch build to my credit. The second is taken last year (almost exactly a year ago at Calcutta B.E. College) after having achieved a bit of knowledge of intermediate aeromodelling and RC and having mixed up with the bad boys like Anwar, Gusty, Sundaram, Saikat, Sujju Bhai and You.

:D :P :P :P :P :P ;D

I am a bit more experienced (NOT older  ;) ) and happier now.  :bow:

p.s. Gusty - your Cap. Thanks! :salute:
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: rcpilotacro on March 04, 2013, 11:57:39 PM
Thanks VC to have put me with the big wigs, i am just a dude (God i hate this word, for want of a better one..) with a remote
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: VC on March 05, 2013, 12:00:20 AM
Good morning Captain! Been a long time since I wished you so early.  :giggle:
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: sanjayrai55 on May 16, 2014, 06:26:50 AM
I have been noticing for a while now the variety and increased number of Advertisements in the top box,

Great job, Idi Admin sir!  :goodjob: :hatsoff: :hatsoff: I guess these pay the bills  ;)

And, please resist that take-over bid from Microsoft  :rofl:
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: Swapnil on May 16, 2014, 08:14:44 AM
Quote from: sanjayrai55 on May 16, 2014, 06:26:50 AM

...And, please resist that take-over bid from Microsoft  :rofl:

Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: sanjayrai55 on September 29, 2017, 05:28:29 PM
Spammers are having a field day on the forum. All administrators seem only to be conspicuous by their absence. In fact, the previous post in this thread would have been received with a warning not so long ago

Wake up gentlemen. Show some responsibility towards the power vested in you!
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: anwar on September 29, 2017, 07:59:42 PM
Everything that is reported is removed quickly.  Unable to login frequently.  Please use the "Report to moderator" option liberally in case of any spammers.
Title: Re: Re: About this forum
Post by: sanjayrai55 on September 29, 2017, 09:27:19 PM
Quote from: anwar on September 29, 2017, 07:59:42 PM
Everything that is reported is removed quickly.  Unable to login frequently.  Please use the "Report to moderator" option liberally in case of any spammers.
Hello Anwar bhai. Nice to see you after a long time :)

Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: connor00 on April 19, 2020, 06:45:07 PM
found a nice community to inspire people about building and discussing about RC drones, I have bookmarked this forum to see daily new topics about drones
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: rcpilotacro on April 27, 2020, 12:23:15 PM
Thread got bumped after a long time
There are so many RC WhatsApp groups that's it's crazy
Chatter in WhatsApp is lost
Here it is safe
Look, you will find a lot
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: S.S.Hari on January 13, 2022, 03:35:24 PM
I am a beginner in rc uav, I have tons and tons of questions , I do not know how and whom to ask , if anyone reading this message please get in touch with me regarding answering my queries , I will be very thankful for any kind of help and information regarding rc uav . I have recently constructed a quadcopter with kk2.1.5 flight controller and flysky Fs i6 transmitter receiver. Despite trying for months I am still unable to even start all motors together , my uav itself gets disarmed while starting.
Please anyone who is reading this may contact me on my email address .
Title: Re: About this forum
Post by: Devbrat. on November 16, 2022, 04:04:30 PM
Good afternoon,I was just wondering about how I can send a PM?