not getting notification

Started by ankur, February 23, 2010, 06:41:08 PM

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i selected all the boards in my notification setting in my profile but not getting frequent and  ALL notifications[except for those which i select the notify me of reply option while replying
please help me out
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


Notifications (except for threads you participate in) are not sent out immediately I believe.  And whether they are sent out has something to do with how often you login too, is my understanding.

Will investigate anyways.
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Hi Anwar,

Even I am not getting any notifications for the PMs recieved.

Cheers !!!
+91 7977382130


well i never logout but close and open completely all the tabs of this site more than 10 times a day
Total time logged in:
4 days, 15 hours and 22 minutes.
i don't think is less than any requirement
secondly i m not getting the notification at all[u said it may reach with delay,provided 2 days is not considered a small delay as i selected that option yesterday]
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th