RC India's exclusive rc aeroplane

Started by Pikle6, May 25, 2009, 10:10:18 AM

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hello to everyone,
i was just thinking of new ideas for a plane and something popped up. I think that RC India should have its own flagship aircraft which we all shall be proud of. We shall all help in the build process of it and contribute any amount possible. Anwar Bhaiya shall maiden the mammoth as RC India was his brainchild.

aircraft's features:-
full VTOL compatibility (my expertise ;D ;D)
Full HD video Transmission and recording.
GPS assisted maneuvering and follow designated path.
full on board Gyro stabilisation.
Weather systems.
RC india's logo (ofcourse).
Fully capable of performing every 3d maneuver.
able to achieve high speed.
Able to survey an area and return.
on board data logger.
ELECTRIC (preferably for less noise)
humongous battery pack and solar recharge ability .

anyone can add anything more and
please tell us anwar bhaiya if it is possible
and we shall decide a place where the build shall take place
after taking your consent
i have the greatest aspirations for the project.

and we might just be the only forum to have its own hi-tech flagship plane. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

oh almost forgot - anwar bhaiya can there be a live chat facility in which all online users of RC India could chat

Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


Now I am sure you are as young as you look in the pictures  ;D  ;D  ;D

RC India branded stickers (and teeshirts) ?  Hell yeah !

Everything else ?  I was almost done with them all, then I just woke up !!!  :D

Seriously, that is a commendable list !  And  I did think about incorporating chat into the forums (it is really easy to do), but backed out thinking that some serious discussion may happen only in chat, and other people will lose out on the good information (and the chance to win the sweepstakes !)
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Dear Anwar,

Please pause a little bit! As a professional designer and an INDIAN RC Passionate, I feel that the present logo is too week, to be an excellent logo! And now we are going to build a brand plane, exclussive to rcindia, and t-shirts too i think, which needs a very good brand look of logo, when we go global.

If you allow me, I can create a good logo, and it can be finalized upon your (or all) confirmation!

You can see my expertise portfolio here!

: Second link deleted

Recently I have designed a logo for NZ RC club: http://www.parkflyers.org.nz

What do you say, shall I do it? I need what do you feel?

Awaiting your reply...//MEROG




No way I am going to allow anyone to change my design !!!!!!

After all, that is one thing I get back for spending so much time and effort (not much money though, yet) on this !  You all have to suffer through my design  :-\

Your benevolent dictator!
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


Dear Anwar,

If you feel the logo is excellent when compared to global standards. It's ok!

If you feel it is highly professional, it's ok!

And this RCINDIA.org is your kingdom man, it's your kingdom. Yes, you can be a dictator!

And am sorry for hurting you, just wanted to serve my country to make it stand at top on the globe, in every aspect! (And I have not asked any money right?)

Thank you for your immediate reply!




 about the chat you are right and who would not like to win the sweepstakes
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


Quote from: anwar on May 25, 2009, 10:26:45 AM
Now I am sure you are as young as you look in the pictures  ;D  ;D  ;D

by the way what does it have to do with my age  ???
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


Dear Pickle6,

I could not understand what does it mean!

Can you please tell me a bit explained!

Quote from: Pikle6 on May 25, 2009, 11:12:10 AM
about the chat you are right and who would not like to win the sweepstakes



i mean that you get sweepstakes for posting in the threads and people would only share info in the live chat and much info might be lost and forum would become useless. So the live chat area has not been created
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


Dear Pickle6,

Am really sorry! I have not thought about the sweepstakes. What should I do now? Shall I delete all my posts in this thread?




Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


MEROG - Take it easy my friend. Close your eyes for a minute and think about the following (after reading them).

1) I feel totally bad for not thanking you for proposing to work on the logo for RC India.  And I could have declined the offer more politely, I only meant to do it in a jovial way.  Plus I never said you hurt me.

2) I never said or implied that you asked for money, even though you only said "professional designer" and it could mean either way.

3) Just like you feel that many (or most) of the designs you make will probably turn out to be world class, I am entitled to feeling the beauty and meaning of my design. It works both ways. Beauty is pretty much in the eyes of the beholder ! It is natural (and perfectly expected) for someone to feel the NZ logo you created is only just "OK" and has room for improvement.

4) Pikle6 was addressing me when he said chat would prevent people from increasing their chances to winning the sweepstakes (as chat messages are not considered posts that count towards the sweepstakes).  I feel that you may have interpreted it wrong, but I could be wrong.

So let us keep this fun. And once again, thank you for your offer.  You are welcome to post any designs you come up with for the logo and seek feedback from the members here, if you find free time to work on those.

PS: The second link you posted about your portfolio is going to an interesting site about Bibles. Not sure if that is what you intended, so please review.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Dear Anwar,

I just closed my eyes and thought..and writing this!

Am really really sorry for my emotion!

And I am really greatful to you for all your valuable points which effect my carreer greatly! (Atually am a researcher in microbiology by profession, and the designing is my secondary profession!)

No words to express my sorry for my wrong expression, Anwar, I can say please dont consider all these messages for sweepstakes (as I'm just replying)!

Thank you very very much for your great time and Huge Concern to write such a big message, just for me!

BTW, the links of the blogger I think are being haked and diverted to a bible site, now a days. Am really sorry for that, I need to change the domain name!

Thanx alot anwar!

