Suggestions for the RC India forum/website

Started by likith, October 01, 2009, 08:31:16 PM

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Sure Anwar

Can you mail me a reference pic please?



Just do an IMAGE search for "RC Truggy" on Google, and pic one you like :)

Basically something like this :
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"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


I am not getting chatter zone as well.Checked my preferences.It wasn't even there as an option. :headscratch:
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Anwar, my suggestion is to add a checkbox like "helped" linking every post and every member should be able to click that "helped" button if that helped him in some way.This way you can collect a statistics as how many post people have made and how many of them had really helped someone.
Not sure how the  facebook "like" works though.


Quote from: ankurkaul17 on April 27, 2011, 03:18:11 PM
Have mailed you all the three logos illustrator files and another mail with all the three jpg's (incase you dont have illustrator).

@Ankur - Just wanted to summarize the list for you ;D

1. Need boat logo.

2. Change car logo to use a Truggy or Buggy

3. Change heli logo to use an Align model (or TT Raptor) or something like that, and remove the Apache which is more of a combat heli.

Lot of work cut out for you... as time permits, of course !
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Hi Anwar

Have finished all other work except the boat logo...unable to pin point a rc boat for using in the logo..when i convert it to vector the rc factor is lost.

Also i have increase the logo width to 316 px from 300 to accomodate large car and heli.

PFA the other three logos for your crictical analysis.



Hate doing this to you, but I have some "critical analysis" !

1. We should leave the car also in just a silhouette as much as possible... in short, reduce the white areas. Even for the surface radio, reduce the white wheel into just a semicircle or 270degrees circle of just the edge color, as in the airplane radio.

2. Similar for the heli, just leave it as a silhouette as much as possible.  Also, mirror the heli on the horizontal axis, so that the tail extends to just above the letter "a" in "India", and the nose of the heli pointed to the right (away from rest of the logo).

3. For the boat, just pick any RC boat picture, but show a slender antenna sticking out of it.  Just make sure that the antenna does not look like a mast, make it thin, and attach it to some place where it does not look like a mast (like the extreme back of the boat).

Thanks again !
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RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Quote from: foamybuilder on April 29, 2011, 07:15:03 PM
Anwar, my suggestion is to add a checkbox like "helped" linking every post and every member should be able to click that "helped" button if that helped him in some way.

I have enabled "Karma" for everyone.  Hope this will help us recognize the outstanding members here.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


my first one, your first one, the KarmaSutra :giggle:. no need for FB like Like, yeah? Takes a lot of time to load
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


"Facebook Like" is more like a "publish to Facebook" feature.  This one is completely internal.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


How do I know who was Smitten by me, esp the fairer one ??
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Quote from: augustinev on May 01, 2011, 07:33:06 PM
How do I know who was Smitten by me, esp the fairer one ??

Don't worry too much about it ;D 

Fact is, this is just a guideline, not the final word on anything !  Like anything, this can also be gamed !
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


I've tried the applaud button on Augustinev, now who do I smite :-\


The Futuba seller guy? :P ;D

PS:I see I can smite(or applaud)the same guy after 1 hour :)
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Thanks :) i tested the smite button and i conform its working fine ;D Also I've found out that you can use this feature only once an hour.


Quote from: SunLikeStar on May 01, 2011, 08:16:33 PM
Also I've found out that you can use this feature only once an hour.

That is configurable.  I am considering increasing it significantly, like 24 hours.  This should help prevent some abuse, and make its use more natural in terms of frequency.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


I like the additions being made to the forum. Goood way of finding the good bad and ugly :) Also could the Applaud/smite be limitted to 1 per Thread? As in user A can smite/applaus user B only once in a thread. To avoid excessive and misleading counts.


Quote from: anwar on May 01, 2011, 08:19:16 PM
I am considering increasing it significantly, like 24 hours.
So that i'll be able to applaud someone only once a day but i can still applaud other guys, right?

Edit: changed smite to applaud, dont want to attract negative karma.


Quote from: rajathv8 on May 01, 2011, 08:24:15 PM
I like the additions being made to the forum. Goood way of finding the good bad and ugly :) Also could the Applaud/smite be limitted to 1 per Thread? As in user A can smite/applaus user B only once in a thread. To avoid excessive and misleading counts.

This is a basic system.. and there are many things to be desired.  Like I said before, the system can be gamed.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


I think so.

Quote from: SunLikeStar on May 01, 2011, 08:29:58 PM
So that i'll be able to applaud someone only once a day but i can still applaud other guys, right?
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Two people had "smitten" me inadvertantly, and I have reversed them on request. 

Wonder if I should change the links to "Like" and "Dislike" instead of "Applaud" and "Smite" ?
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.