Suggestions for the RC India forum/website

Started by likith, October 01, 2009, 08:31:16 PM

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Added a reply count to each post.  You should see it on the orange band on each post, something like "Reply #99" :)

For the attachment icons, I will need some time.
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Reply count is cool  {:)}
1. Would be good if we see the same when we hit the reply button and start typing with earlier post below that.
2. Could we start at 1 ?
~ It's funny how fallin' feels like flyin' ~
           ~ For a little while ~


~ It's funny how fallin' feels like flyin' ~
           ~ For a little while ~


Just get Chrome browser ;)  Others may have it, but Chrome seems to work great for me !
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Quote from: Drone on September 27, 2010, 12:30:45 AM
1. Would be good if we see the same when we hit the reply button and start typing with earlier post below that.
2. Could we start at 1 ?

1. Here is what I do.  Start the reply with the Quick Reply box at the bottom of the thread.  That way you can see at least the last page in the thread.  If you have just simple text in your reply, click the "Post" button below the "Quick Reply" textbox.  Otherwise, if you want to add smilies or if you want to add attachments, hit the "Preview" button below the "Quick Reply" box, and you will be able to add those (after adding the main bits of your intended reply text).

2.  This is "reply" count. So you can always refer to the "first post in the thread" or "reply number N" (where N starts at 1).
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Quote from: anwar on September 26, 2010, 01:08:20 AM
Added a reply count to each post.
Oh wonderful! makes it a lot easier..., appreciate the addition.
Its better to Crash while Learning on a sim rather than Learn from Crashing on the field


Quote from: Drone on September 27, 2010, 12:32:35 AM
Do we have sepll chcek ?

haha@ drone1 you really seem to need a spell check!! ;D
Money flies when the transmitter is ON...


As many people are using smartphones nowadays, Mobile version of the forum would be very much helpful.


Hello,,,,,,,,,,This is sneha here,,,, i have another suggestion too.why dont you create a sent box where we can see all the messages we sent?i dont mean outbox where you have to manually check the box to store a copy of it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is best message...... i like it......
Thanks :bow: :bow:
I am a lame marketer at the wrong place ;) And the admin here seems to be a sicko with no sense of humour :giggle:


Hi Sneha, the Show Own Posts link on the top of the page  it acts as a sent box where one can see all the messages that were sent by him/her ... hope this helps
Divay Puri
FUTABA T6EX|FUTABA 8FG|SEAGULL 40|SEAGULL FAIRCHILD -PT19|PIPER CUB - 90"|EDGE 540 EP TMPRO|YAK 54 .60| Mustang P51 .40|AXN FLOATER JET|HK Bixler|REACTOR 3D EP|U CAN DO 3D| Blitz SkySurfer|EDF Jet T-45 Goshawk|HK-450 GT PRO|Seagull PC-9 .91|Edge 540 20cc|Reactor 50cc|PC-9 30cc|SU 26 30cc|HK 450 GT|Hirobo Evo .50|MXSR 50cc|Tarot


Quote from: chintan on September 29, 2010, 10:26:09 AM
As many people are using smartphones nowadays, Mobile version of the forum would be very much helpful.

Oh, we have it already !  Just add "/?wap" to RC India URLs, and you get the condensed mobile version ! Please note that there are a few pages where this does not work.

You can also add "/?wap2" or more interestingly "/?imode" at the end to get better formatted mobile pages.

For example, you can access unread posts using :
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Quote from: sneha123 on October 05, 2010, 05:30:23 PM
why dont you create a sent box where we can see all the messages we sent?i dont mean outbox where you have to manually check the box to store a copy of it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

If you mean the "Outbox" for personal messages (PMs), you can choose to always enable "storing of your outgoing messages" by going to your "Profile" and then choosing "Personal Message Options" from the left.  There is an option there to "Save a copy of each Personal Message in my outbox by default" :)

Use it judiciously though, as it can fill up your PM quota quickly, and you may not want every outgoing PM to linger around for ever !
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RC India forum and me : About this forum.


If you use Opera 10 on your mobile, you can a full view of the forum and can even access the attached video files....

I have a Toshiba TG01 (WM 6.5) and have a perfect view of the forum in "www" format itself, same goes on my Nokia N95...


The forum works fine on any of the better models, without any changes. The issue is more about people accessing through non-sophisticated phones, and secondly for people who pay for their transfer (usage based data plans).  Accessing the mobile versions of the pages really helps cut down the amount of data transferred.
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Here is a good starting point for the whole forum on the mobile :

See the last few items in the list (assuming you are logged in) !
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RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Quote from: anwar on October 05, 2010, 07:06:15 PM
The forum works fine on any of the better models, without any changes. The issue is more about people accessing through non-sophisticated phones, and secondly for people who pay for their transfer (usage based data plans).  Accessing the mobile versions of the pages really helps cut down the amount of data transferred.
Quote from: anwar on October 05, 2010, 09:01:52 PM
Here is a good starting point for the whole forum on the mobile :

Data usage was my only concern,

@Anwar, Thanx for the info


Some members expressed the desire for an image gallery on RC India.  I had given serious thought to that earlier, but then it seems like carrying a large number of images forever may not be a good idea, especially for a very active forum like this.  The other reason is that having the ability to upload an entire folder full of images essentially make people complacent in terms of the quality of images uploaded (chances of many images of the same type are much higher).

There are so many other alternatives (starting with Flickr), just build well organized "album"s there, and either embed images here using

     [IMG]    [/IMG]

tags or, just reference the album here.

Sorry if this sounds discouraging, but it is definitely for the longer term good !
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Can we avoid "Chatter Zone" thread showing up in the "Recently Updated Topics"
ALIGN 450 PRO DFC 6S Belt Driven | Polaris BEC | Nano-Tech 6S 1300mAH | Robird G31 | 325D Pro | TGY-306G HV | KST 515MG | K-Force 40A | NTM Rotor Drive 1700kv

Multiplex Easy Star 2 | Multiplex Mentor | Nissan 350Z Endless Tamiya TT-01D


If you don't want to see Chatter Zone ever, you can use this :

But it is all or nothing (fully invisible or fully visible).
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Respected Anwar sir,
In the videos, in your loved one thread, Your Fevorite Online RC video, I suggest to make a small link line at the bottom of the each video, having the

1) Direct Linkof the Youtube movie/page and

2) download video link (A few script having properties like downloadhelper of firefox that give direct download FLV link of the clip). I have to add manually using code /code. Otherwise all the videos on the same page will be saves with same name and therefore the last downloaded will be available.

3) There may also be the item with description with size of the movie/Data transfer required.
This may help those, who use limited data transfer high speed link and to avoid too much data transfer.

However, my idea may be odd to you, But this is my suggession.

We have to unite and to prove ourself to make indigenous products as well as marketing / Canvasing them. I'm sure we must achieve success if we try unitedly.


I am not sure this makes sense :headscratch:

1.  Clicking on any video will take you to its Youtube page, so the need for a direct link is eliminated.

2.  Downloading Youtube videos is something that is outside of a forum like this.  You can get the Javascript browser addon, or just use sites like

3.  Since Youtube hosts the video, it is sort of hard for a third party site to do that.  I have not investigated this, but all this Youtube related functionality is best handled on the Youtube side itself.

Most importantly, it is not common for people to want to download and keep Youtube videos in general.  Not sure about the RC crowd, may be folks to download the useful RC related ones.
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I actually use firefox and see the videos in the same page and same container. It's the advantage of youtube that only a small logo is place in right bottom corner, but outside frame will remain intack of the forum page.
No separate page opened in my browser and that is advantageous to our site.
Moreover unnecessary storing of the online video will take additional space and useless.

Yes, for RC, It's not so important untill it come to micro designing.

In fact designing and scalling for a design or scratch build with guide require much more seeing of the same video to me for detailing and that is why I store the required one to save bandwidth.
Can you mention your browser please (Opera, Seamonky, Mozila, iE or any other popular).


However thanks for early reply and simple answer.
We have to unite and to prove ourself to make indigenous products as well as marketing / Canvasing them. I'm sure we must achieve success if we try unitedly.


If you click anywhere in the video *while it is playing*, usually it takes you to the Youtube page for the same. This behavior in consistent on Chrome, Safari/Mac, and IE.
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Can we please have a separate section for free flight models??


Now that is a miss from my part.  I did not expect such activity in the free flight domain :thumbsup: 

Wonder if we should just put them under "Boats, Kites, Trains and all others",  as "kites" and "ornithopters" are already in there ?  I am not a fan of adding more and more boards, and confusing people with more choices.  It may be simpler to just add "Free flight models" also the "description" of the "Boats, kites....etc" board. 
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