Suggestions for the RC India forum/website

Started by likith, October 01, 2009, 08:31:16 PM

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Quote from: anwar on March 18, 2011, 12:13:28 PM
Limited audience for the cost involved :(

Negative.. There are lots of tech savvy members and am sure ones the applet is launched it will be accessed by more and many, cell phone os nowadays are all app friendly... also 3g services is common with almost all the service providers, with networks getting stronger and faster people globally are accessing most of the social network pages and banking services through their cell phones daily deal applets,city guides,travel guides, all are common apps ...iam not a software guy
may be Ujjwal can put some light on this 


+1 @ pvn2000.

Apps for Android (Dell Streak) also welcome. Though I use the Android's native browser for accessing RCIndia without any issue, customized Apps are welcome, will remain online 24X7  ;).


Quote from: pvn2000 on March 18, 2011, 01:08:40 PM
Negative.. There are lots of tech savvy members and am sure ones the applet is launched it will be accessed by more and many, cell phone os nowadays are all app friendly......iam not a software guy
may be Ujjwal can put some light on this 

I am game for it, as I was myself wanted to break my monotony from OS/Core System  to Web world I worked in last academic days.

I am totally unaware of the new Web Services world of today (grew up in Perl/PHP/CGI days), so lots of rampup. But as Anwar has indicated, it might require much of infrastructure. But we can still come up with some App wich can work on HTML scraping (if SMF does not do obfuscation already).

Whats you take Anwar ?
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother


Anwar Bhai,

what is this discussion all about  :headscratch:

Android; from HG wells days meant " having human features" (I remember , during school we used to call a person (Not a guy, a person) equine and an other android)

Native ; meant aboriginals

and last but not the least PMs still means pms

It is time to switch Kaya  :thumbsup:
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


That is the reason nobody believes Nostradamus :headscratch:. He must have painted 'doomsday' based on what each guys Android can do and what his mouse on his laptop is capable of   :giggle: and the 'pigman/elephant man' (pilot with oxygen mask) pounding fire on earth ;D.


The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there

P.S ---pms still means the same in every country   ;D


what are you guys talking about 8-) i lost it after ujjwaana's post.
BTW i dont browse on a hand held device! I have a smart phone but dont do anything smart on it ;D


Quote from: SunLikeStar on March 18, 2011, 02:23:27 PM
i lost it after ujjwaana's post.
between ujjwanna's post and now did you get married ?

Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


Quote from: augustinev on March 18, 2011, 01:57:03 PM

It is time to switch Kaya  :thumbsup:

Absolutely Gusty sir, :)

You are at mach 3 on air above, but the ant looking Jhoney below is trying to be at mach 4 hyper speed on ground


Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


Quote from: anwar on March 18, 2011, 12:05:46 PM
There is a quota for PMs, did you hit that ?  What error message (if any) are you getting ?
No Anwar,my msg box is only 45%full..I can send pm using laptop but I can't do it in my mobile opera browser.
Mechanical engineer..

Radio:Spektrum Dx6i | Futaba 6EXP | working on coro Avispad | HK450MT kit | Seagull Boomerang 40 | HK 250GT | Upcoming: Easy Star 2 |


Can the tweet bar made optional? It is not required for me. I am watching the loading time of the page become a little bit slower than earlier. Data Transfer become multiples of that earlier.

What is the tweeted threads per day? Does it helps it in SEO or Pagerank of us?
I am against of this 1cm strip before every post (even reply).

If it is required, please make this optional at least.
We have to unite and to prove ourself to make indigenous products as well as marketing / Canvasing them. I'm sure we must achieve success if we try unitedly.


Quote from: ujjwaana on March 18, 2011, 01:55:22 PM
But we can still come up with some App wich can work on HTML scraping (if SMF does not do obfuscation already).

Whats you take Anwar ?

There is an existing solution...

Once this mod is installed on the server side, anyone can purchase the appropriate client application for their smart device, and access the site like a native device application.  See the screenshots in the above link.

But it is a heavy / invasive modification, that is why I am hesitant.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Quote from: anwar on March 18, 2011, 08:44:26 PM
There is an existing solution...

But it is a heavy / invasive modification, that is why I am hesitant.

I have enabled Tapatalk on the server :)  If this becomes an issue of any kind (maintenance or speed issues), then I will take it down. 

I just tried the iPhone app, it is cool :thumbsup:  Cost was $2.99.

If you have iPhone, Blackberry, Andriod etc, please download the client as directed at the site (, and let me know how it is working out !  Once you install it, just search for "rc india" inside the app, and you should be able to locate the forum.

Here is some information from them :


Tapatalk is a forum app on the iPhone, Android, webOS, Windows Phone 7, BlackBerry and Nokia. Tapatalk Forum App provides super fast on-the-go forum access to majority of the discussion forums that has activated the Tapatalk plugin.
      Developers: Try our API to develop forum plugin to integrate with your existing system, or write your own forum app with the same API.

Showing New and Unread Thread with Avatar and Number of reply:

Images are thread are converted to thumbnail and allow full-screen viewing

Ability to see Who's Online and what they are doing:

Ability to search by topics and posts:

Ability to upload images directly from Android and iPhone!:

Check out for more information!
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Quote from: KALYANPRODHAN on March 18, 2011, 08:35:57 PM
Can the tweet bar made optional? It is not required for me. I am watching the loading time of the page become a little bit slower than earlier. Data Transfer become multiples of that earlier.

What is the tweeted threads per day? Does it helps it in SEO or Pagerank of us?
I am against of this 1cm strip before every post (even reply).

If it is required, please make this optional at least.

Unfortunately there is no per user setting for this.  There is an option of making it once per thread, instead of having it on every post.  But making it only once per thread would take away the utility of it, as there may be only one  post in a thread that is truly begging to be shared :)

Yes, it is a bit of an eye sore to have a bar on top of every post, but the data transfer will not be that much.  There are some Ajax calls to Facebook, but they should not be too bad.

My hope is that people are using this to share interesting stuff from the forum to FB and Twitter, which helps with visibility of the forum.  I don't know how often people are using it though.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Quote from: xxkrishxx on March 18, 2011, 06:44:41 PM
No Anwar,my msg box is only 45%full..I can send pm using laptop but I can't do it in my mobile opera browser.

That sounds like a client issue :(  Not sure I can be of further help, than suggesting a different browser.

Out of curiosity, what DOES happen when you try to use PM functionality in Opera ? It just hangs ?  You get a 400/500 error ? 
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


installed the tapatalk on my phone,really cooooool  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Installed tapatalk. Seems promising. Yes functionality is good. With use should be able to coment on all aspects.

Sent from my Dell Streak using Tapatalk


Quote from: anwar on March 18, 2011, 09:58:33 PM
Out of curiosity, what DOES happen when you try to use PM functionality in Opera ? It just hangs ?  You get a 400/500 error ? 
when ever I type a pm it'll load and I have to click the send button.The error is after the first loading is over,it is showing an empty box like a new pm box.If i click the send button its showing as msg body left empty.Earlier days it was ok but since 2 days I'm facing this problem.
Mechanical engineer..

Radio:Spektrum Dx6i | Futaba 6EXP | working on coro Avispad | HK450MT kit | Seagull Boomerang 40 | HK 250GT | Upcoming: Easy Star 2 |


That is a lost session issue.  Your session is lost, which could be related to your internet connection taking a reset and new IP being assigned to you, or some kind of local space issue causing your cookie to be not saved for subsequent sending to the server.

Can you try and see if the back button brings up the whole post (whatever you had typed in earlier) ?
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Quote from: sundaramvelar on March 18, 2011, 10:48:33 PM
Installed tapatalk. Seems promising. Yes functionality is good. With use should be able to coment on all aspects.

Sounds good :thumbsup:   

BTW, the Blackberry and Nokia clients seem to be free.  The Windows Phone 7 client has free and paid versions.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Yup it is strange. with Android it should have been cheaper, if not free in comparison to other platforms. But in this case it seem s to be other way around here. Free with others and paid version for Android ( though only Rs 132 /-)


Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Windows anyone? Phuleeezz :) and Gusty Sir... I am still laughing at your comment on "lost it" lolzz
I had thought about making a scrapping client and have a proof of concept client that works in WM6.5 and even on Windows Phone 7 using Silverlight but the thing is it still has to download the entire page without a middle layer/server side logic doing the web scrapping and defeat the purpose of high speed access of mobile device with limited use of Data plans.