RC club in cochin

Started by coolpratheesh, January 06, 2013, 12:24:36 PM

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Guys I really think its high time we formed a club in cochin for the gud of all flyers. I have been able to get another friend with me for the last one month and fly multirotors at a field. We would like to organise a proper club and find field for flying and cars ppl who would like to help and tag along please pm me.

@anwar please give us all the support possible.


Yea, me and Prateesh just had a conversation about this.Though the club will be based in Cochin,we are looking into calling every one who is interested in RC activities from all parts of kerala. Please utilize this thread and we expect all the members from the forum to report.


 :hatsoff: :hatsoff:
Will be their with my heli ..
My hanger
680 HexaCoptor ,Brushless Gimbals
Dji Wookoong Mettal V2
Futaba 14ch Radio, 5.8ghz Ground station
Nazza V2,
Cinestar8 Octa ..+ 3 Axis Gimbal For 5Dm3


To start a flying field, all you need a location which is away from people/buildings/electric wires, and where the owner does not object.  Finding such a place is the main challenge/task.

Once you have that, find like minded people, and keep up regular activity.  Others will soon take notice and start joining in.  Be prepared to spend time with newcomers, especially in answering their questions. 

I wish I were spending more time around Cochin, which is not the case :(
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Interested in joining you. Need to know the exact location...


Avin we will be meeting and deciding a location best for all. so please pm me your details.


Pratheesh.. please do not forget me.. nice attempt..  :salute:


Roopeshji .... u are the first member....


Please count me in.... {:)} As Anwar mentioned, the main task is finding a safe flying field.


can I join....?  :headscratch: :headscratch: :headscratch:
flying alone here...  :'( :'(
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|



Any activities within this week? Just got here and will be gone in few days. Would love to pass by if you guys will be flying :D


Pratheesh, i will gift you two coro planes, 50 inch spanned, in different design.. with additional reinforcement in fuse and wings.. and reinforced landing gear.. may helpful in beginning.. with stunning shades..and a hydro boat, now in making.. and a bumpy car.. but, sure without electronics..  :thumbsup:


Thank You Roopeshji..... Thank You very much.... Would like to keep it for the gud of the team at cochin...
@Arun Sreekalam: We will be happy if you join us..... the more the merrier....


Samlikespad: I dont think we can organise anything this week...


pradheesh: then count me in....  (:|~ (:|~
so thats my first first rc club membership...  {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)}
Turnigy i10|Flysky 9xb|Hoverfly quadcopter|Arduflyer apm 2.5 with gps|Pixhawk|Homemade micro night vapour|Homemade ornithopter(in progress)| Reptile Quad with Gopro Brushless gimbal | Naza v2| APM 2.6 with GPS | Micro quad self made | FrSky| v911 Helis | 1200mm Hexacopter with 5d gimbal | 1300mm x8 With Red Gimbal | 1000mm Octo|


@samlikespad: but it would be really nice if we could meet sumtime and exchange ideas.. ill pm u my number


Easier would be a car track. Get a 100x100 land, level it and put up a 6-8 feet stand and some pipes and you are done.
*Mugen Seiki MBX7 with Novarossi P5 engine*
*Mugen Seiki MBX6T M-Spec with Novarossi P5 engine*
*Mugen MBX6 Eco with Mamba Monster 2200kv*
*HPI Mini Recon with BL system*
*Team Losi 1/24 rally*
*Team Associated RC8 onroad GT Car, Team Orion power system coming soon...
*Hobbyking 1/18 Rally Extreme BL*
*Sanwa MT-4 radio*
Previously owned - Mugen Seiki MBX6 M-Spec, Thunder Tiger MTA4 S50, ST-1, Sparrowhawk XB, HPI BAJA 5Bss, TRAXXAS REVO 3.3


I understand it is easier..... but we love all kinds of RC stuff so we will be working hard to find a Ground which is capable of accommodating all our RC needs including a RC car track.


Dear All

I am back with the forum after a long time. I am not in India since mid December 2012, and wasn't active on the website since November due to a lot of reasons. Sold my transmitter and receiver and few other stuffs, but I still have my first proper RC heli (hiller 450)

I am happy to see this thread and "heliboy" would know few spots where you can fly helis. I have a very good spot near my home (kadavanthra) where me and heliboy flew his HK450, but it would be impossible to get in there again without me. The place is inside a residence area (where I live), but I would personally need to talk with the residence manager regarding the same.

I would highly DONOT recommend flying near the international stadium, as people would gather around and its dangerous and also the can become a nuisance enough for the cops to come in. I have experience on this during my motorcycle stunt riding days  8-)

Another spot we can try is the parking spot of "Yatch Club" in thevara. It is mostly empty during the days and its enclosed with tall wire mesh. I am sure if you all gather together and talk to the management over there, they might help. Other than that, may be some school ground ? Another spot I can think of is "maradu ground" near lakeshore hospital. You can simply enter the huge ground and you have a lot of flying space. Just make sure the kids from the nearby area dont gather and they get in danger.

I wish I am there now, as I see more and more people from kerala are getting in this.

I am on a very limited internet access, but will try to be on the forum when ever I can.




Thank you very much for so much information ebin. I was looking for this information. I also suggest others to put the suggestion about the ground here.


I am glad to see these many responses. However pratheesh you'll need to give frequent bumps to this thread to catch the eyes of all keralites in the forum. Regarding the field, please take account of all the constraints mentioned by anwar as this is going to be a long term prospectus for all RC hobbys't in the state.




Where's Santhosh bai and Prakatji. They have already conducted two RC Kerala meets with Anwar bai on his vacation.