Hexacopter issues.

Started by amalbharathan, August 01, 2015, 09:44:43 AM

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I bought a Hexa copter Kit from robomart. Using KK black board 5.5 and FSCT6B Transmitter. when i give power to my copter it blinks led for one time and beeping continuously. hearing a sound and a ticking motion from all the motors.  Nothing else is happening:( :( :(. Attaching few images of my hexacopter and transmitter. Can someone look into this and give some advice..?




I bought a Hexacopter DIY Kit from robomart.com last month. My Flight Controller board is KK 5.5 (black color) and transmitter is FS CTT6B. When I give connections to copter blinking LED for one time and starts beeping and motors have a flickering motion. Nothing else is happening. Can some one please help me to solve the issue?.



There can be any issue, first look at if you have calibrated the esc, if calibrated trying arming.


Darshan for multirotors

There can be two things
1. The firmware .. Which firmware have you uploaded on the board?
2. The esc calibration using the fc
Please post a video if possible
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart


I have uploaded FlyCam_H6Copter_v2_9.hex firmware. But I haven't Calibrated ESCs. Is there any software for calibrating ESCs..?
I tried many but nothing is working (Multiwii,Open Pilot) T6 Configration for Radio etc..


i havent used KK 5.5 but for ant FC you have to calibrate the ESC, you can individually calibrate them by connecting each to the throttle channel, keep the tx off, put throttle at full,switch it on,power the ESC and rx and pull back the throttle. or there must be a separate process for your brand ESC, which one is it??




Any seperate device is required for individual ESC Calibration..?



kindly post pics of the connections you made.. and your setup


Darshan for multirotors

Well you can do that but it never worked for me.. The best thing you can do is calibrate using the kk board
Turn the yaw pot to zero
First turn on you tx and put the throttle to max
Now power up the kk board
You will hear 2 beeps
Now quickly get the throttle to zero
You hear another beep or two
Now disconnect power and restore yaw pot
If you have problems please refer to the manual which is available online
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart


if u have issues like the motors dont start or respond kindly chnage the connectors ur using between motors and esc earlier a guy came with same prb i checked his quad and this connectors were the prb plastic ones rather soulder them directly or propely maintain a contact


The continuous beaping definitely is due to uncalibrated ESCs.
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