Recognition of Aero Modellers Association of India (N Delhi) by ACI

Started by rameshtahlan, May 05, 2010, 01:47:35 PM

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HI all,
Great news. Aero Club of India, an apex body of INDIA for youth and aerosports has recognised our N Delhi aeromodellers club -  AMAI (Aero Modellers Association of India). We now have 30 members and by mid month should have 40 and by the calls we r getting it should hit 50 members of AMAI by next month. All cheers to Mr Vijendra Nagar who is the President of the AMAI and has been sloggng for the past one year.


Great News indeed. Congratulations, and thank you for all your efforts.
Its a dream when the responsible aeromodellers in our country can fly guilt free. Hopefully it will come true someday.


I am curious, how do we become members of the Aero Modellers Association of India? I am usually concerned that the cops will confiscate my spads and the TX... but, a membership ID card from a recognized organization will help feel less scared !


Indeed a great news Ramesh Sir. Is this an individual club or an umbrella organisation to recognize other clubs in city/institutes ? I hope other R/C clubs across the country should part away with any reservation and get associated with the club to have a national identity.

The word "India" in the club should give acceptance and recognition in govt/authorities matters.
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother


AMAI is a N Delhi based rc modellers club, but there is nothing stopping modellers from any part of the country to become a member. It is simple, The one time membership fee is Rs 2,000 and  if anyone is interested in becoming a member, send me a personal request at my email, and i will send u the form which u must full up and attach 2 passport size pics and all details  of cheque to be made out are given, and address to which is also given. My e  mail add-


I am now copy and pasting what the President of AMAI has just sent me and it will answer a lot of questions -

I have been often asked -Why Should I join AMA?

The Answers are :

1.AMA will provide credence to the Hobby as a recognised sport and
hobby activity.

2.AMA will provide third party insurance cover.

3.AMA will provide an ID Card ,indicating that you are a part of an
organised and recognised sport activity.

4AMA will interact with the Administrative and Govt. agencies to
obtain and maintain your rights as a sport.

5.AMA will interact with international associations/clubs with similar
interest and share information.

6.AMA will provide a Manual to cover all details
of ,inception,rules,safety aspects and lots more as we develop them.

7.AMA will prepare instructor schemes and education programs.

8.AMA will provide free guidance and training to new comers in the

9.AMA members through its forum will share
information ,photos,videos,and exchange model goods.

10.AMA will have a regular teleconference(possibly video also) with
its Governing Body and members from other states,to continue to meet
their needs and incorporate new ideas into AMA.

Members could add more to this ,your AMA is an open democratic and
vibrant association -"WE participate we grow"

Best Regards

Vijendra Nagar


That is indeed a very good news. Is there any membership for the apex body ie Aero Club of India


Any one in India can become a member of Aero Club of India, i myself am  a member of ACI for past 30 years.


For benefit of all, here is the AMAI forum, u can register and start ur action to become a member and u will all the details of Identity Card and all -


That is a great step for this hobby in India :thumbsup:  I hope things work out as planned/proposed; and there is a good level of protection (including insurance) for flyers *who follow rules* in their flying.

I cannot see how a 2K one time fee can be used for life long insurance, I hope the organizers have thought all this through.

I do remember this thread about ACI, , particularly this post :

where the experience trying to work with ACI has been less than encouraging. History aside, we all hope that this plan goes through !
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Anwar and all u guys,
2,000 is only for membership for AMAI, the President of AMAI is working with an insurance company on details of third party insurance, not insurance of ur plane and eqpt. The third party insurance once worked out will have to be paid separately.
I agree, working with with ACI is crazy, but u have to be selfish and keep banging ur head, well, the 1st step is done -  recognition of AMAI.
We have located the details of Ministry of Comm approval of 3 radio systems for rc, Futaba are on the WPC approved list:
4YF,  8FG,  T6EX,  All on 2.4 Ghz.
We r now in the process of getting approval for other brands  speciall JR on 2.4 for 9 Ch and Futaba 9 Ch and u will hear the good news when i give it to you. That is why we r doing the leg work, as ACI does not use its legs, but we using it as an umbrella, and praising that all movement forward is because of them.


Thank you Mr Ramesh, that clarifies a lot !

I will certainly be interested in becoming a member :) (after some more of the details are ironed out).

And it is great to see the list of radios that are WPC approved.  Indian Hobbies (Sunil) confirmed the Futaba 6ex 2.4 is approved, along with the Spektrum DX5i and DX6i ones (which you did not mention).  I wonder which hobby shop got the Futaba 4YF and 8FG approved, that would be interesting information for everyone ? 

My understanding is that WPC approval is for specific sellers/shops, as someone is required by the terms of the approval to collect and retain identity proof and contact details of each buyer of these approved radios.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


we r working on 2 fronts. One is to get 2.4 approved for rc. Since approval already exists for only 4 frequencies in  27 mHz band, we want this to be changed and 2.4 incluced. The other issure that wenders have comlicated for thier own personal intrests is to get type approval. Had the matter been tackled for the comunity at large, then one had to do just one thing, make the ministry include 2.4 in their already approved 4 freq list in 27 mhz band. Any way, we r planning to get in touch with futaba and jr to get into some sort of  arrangement. Maybe some existing vendor would come forward or we will eventually find another way. But the problem with vendors in India is they keep a very narrow vision and self interest only, so we may have to come up with some real innovative idea. We may get ACI to get import approval since they spend a lot to give funds for modelling to schools and all. so its a matter of time when we hit a working solution. In the mean time, we are working to get as high a membership for AMAI to give it enough weght as a body which can tackle ACI. ACI does not want headaches to tackle every individual club in a one to one basis, so lets see, we have take one step, have to keep walking now.


I am sure this is interesting information for authorized dealers like RCDhamaka, where in they can pursue WPC approval using the contacts of AMAI/ACI.  Sanjeev/Karthik - This is an avenue you should explore, which would help with even better sales/acceptance for Airtronics radio equipment.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Quote from: rameshtahlan on May 06, 2010, 09:49:21 AM
In the mean time, we are working to get as high a membership for AMAI to give it enough weght as a body which can tackle ACI.

I am sure this forum itself can give you like 200 to 300 members, if not more ! 

Kindly keep up posted on any further developments in this front, as this is something everyone has been looking forward to for a long time :thumbsup:
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Thanks Anwar,
we need a huge croud if we r to tackle ACI and do something for the rc croud in Indai. We r primitive compared to the rest of the world, and the govt says we r competing with world powers.


With a person like Ramesh Tahlan leading this, no doubt you will get many many memberships. 2K is not a big figure for a lifetime enrollment for the peace of mind, and assurance to be a part of something we had been dreaming of for such a long time.


Quote from: rameshtahlan on May 06, 2010, 09:49:21 AM
.... But the problem with vendors in India is they keep a very narrow vision and self interest only, so we may have to come up with some real innovative idea....

I Couldn't agree more Ramesh sir. I already had enough spat with a particular commercial community here in R/C circle on similar matter. This hobby needs true a Non-Profitable outfit for its upliftment with the least interference/conflict with ANY commercial entity. I don't say commercial entities are bad, but iota of their own preference may spoil the spirit of this hobby which largely thrives on freedom. I get horrified with assertion of such entities when they say that we cannot succeed without their complete involvement.

I would urge everyone in the R/C community to extend help from any of their acquaintance who have capacity to assist us, like those in Bureaucrat circle, people in Ministry etc.

All the best for your initiatives Ramesh sir.
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother


totally in agrement with u, i have been in this hobby for 45 years.  i have been flying in numerous cities across india, and in one city i was horrified to hear one gentleman say then 2.4 ghz sets r bad and will crash ur plane, Amazing, now i find that the same gentleman is selling 2.4 sets. It is this kind of thing that is taking this hobby backwards in  India.


Quote from: rameshtahlan on May 06, 2010, 12:49:37 PM
in one city i was horrified to hear one gentleman say then 2.4 ghz sets r bad and will crash ur plane, Amazing, now i find that the same gentleman is selling 2.4 sets. It is this kind of thing that is taking this hobby backwards in  India.

That sounds very familiar ! I had a really tough time with such attitude elsewhere, where words and deeds are completely orthogonal !
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Quote from: rameshtahlan on May 05, 2010, 05:46:28 PM
For benefit of all, here is the AMAI forum, u can register and start ur action to become a member and u will all the details of Identity Card and all -

Mr Ramesh,
I am not able to find any group by name 'amaforum' on Google group. Is the group hidden  and invite only ?
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother


Quote from: anwar on May 06, 2010, 01:15:07 PM
Quote from: rameshtahlan on May 06, 2010, 12:49:37 PM
in one city i was horrified to hear one gentleman say then 2.4 ghz sets r bad and will crash ur plane, Amazing, now i find that the same gentleman is selling 2.4 sets. It is this kind of thing that is taking this hobby backwards in  India.
That sounds very familiar ! I had a really tough time with such attitude elsewhere, where words and deeds are completely orthogonal !

very very, very familiar. Thank you Anwar for this forum, once again.


Quote from: ujjwaana on May 06, 2010, 01:49:02 PM
Mr Ramesh,
I am not able to find any group by name 'amaforum' on Google group. Is the group hidden  and invite only ?

I have the same problem. Have sent a PM but nothing yet.
Hangar: Zlin 50L -120, CMPro Super Chipmunk, Ultimate Bipe EP, Imagine 50, Christen Eagle 160, Ultra Stick, Super Sports Senior


I think it would be for the benefit of all the members of this forum for AMAI to - even in brief - inform all as to what the membership entails, for now as well as the foreseeable future, for members out of Delhi.. For example, what does the ID card do for one, outside Delhi?

A simple website - to start with -  would also be in order, I think. FAQ could be a part of this.

As for insurance, we have coverage for third party damage as part of our local club membership. We have also obtained police clearance to fly at the local field.

Perhaps it is really time for ALL local clubs to come together. Easier said than done, I know!
Hangar: Zlin 50L -120, CMPro Super Chipmunk, Ultimate Bipe EP, Imagine 50, Christen Eagle 160, Ultra Stick, Super Sports Senior


here is the forum again, an anyone can access it.