Joe Smith, Extreme 3D pilot, All in one year

Started by rcpilotacro, July 14, 2012, 01:04:26 PM

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Joe Smith Started off RC Flying and one year he reached Joe Nall and put up a Show stopping performance at Joe Nall, since then there has been no looking back for Joe. Inspiring !! Listen to the commentary after the video. if he has reached this level in one year, it is sheer hardwork and patience, support from family (and cash !! :giggle:), with limited resources, we can strive too !!  ;D

Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


He is a good. .. Real good..  His recoveries are so well blended with the manuever.


Totally unbelievable  :o Amazing skill and all in one year??? now this joe can take a hint from that Joe!!
It has to be undeterred determination and commitment to the hobby to have an outcome like this! and like you said, we must remember the support from the family and the extra green! ;D

True Inspiration!

Thanks Gusty for sharing this challenge!

Oh btw I'm back after a loooong busy month!
Its better to Crash while Learning on a sim rather than Learn from Crashing on the field


good to see you back, your Shikra more than your family is waiting for you Joe "Would be" Smith

bought a Rockstar + 3 Crash and 2 High Hat, Cymbals are top of the line (18gs for one crash and High Hat pair) my neighbours are unhappy they must be :banghead:
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


must see this one.. this guy is in steroids!!!


Joe's style of holding the Tx is pretty cool too, very relaxed. Akin to holding the sticks on the kit rcpilotacro and FlyJoe ;)

All this in a year...impressive and inspiring.


a close view  on the vid at reply #2 at 3:40....  looks like he is using some sort of auto balancing or gyro or a something else.... flying without giving inputs... any idea on what it is..??
Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines.
-Enzo Ferrari


One thing folks seem to be missing is the money part....In the west, you can become a pro and get sponsorship, so that must be another reason to go all out.

What we do here is pure hobby.... ( I think ;-) )
Spektrum DX6i | EP Pusher Trainer | EP CUB |


Pankaj, I'd agree on the sponsorship part (I wish I had one). But disagree on the expense part, its as expensive in the west...All the more because we have the power of quickfix remedies (jugaad) are are always lower on resources ;)


@aerovishwa: at 3:40 .. he has mixed 2 different manuevers.. tumble n enter into KE spin..then transition into weeble wooble.. (spiral rolling on vertical down line).. and exit it in continued rolling circle or straight.. no gyros .. comon man thats an insult to the flyer.. all u need is alot of power n really big sufaces..  all these manuever i have covered in the tutorial here ..

@pankaj:money is just an excuse.. he wasnt sponsored till his 2 big competitions... i feel if u can train yourself to be skillfull enough to fly like that... then u are really confused if u cant make money... no offence..


Quote from: girishsarwal on October 05, 2012, 07:13:30 PM
Pankaj, I'd agree on the sponsorship part (I wish I had one). But disagree on the expense part, its as expensive in the west...All the more because we have the power of quickfix remedies (jugaad) are are always lower on resources ;)

I would totally disagree here. RC is indeed very, very expensive in our country. Situation has greatly improved in the recent times with advent of Electric planes, Chinese components and growing mass in the hobby in the country, still this hobby is much affordable for Americans than we sitting in India. They pay almost zero shipping for items bought from Towers/Horizon/Nitroplanes. HK and other shops have also opened local warehouse, greatly saving on International shipping.
While in India, LHS pay more than 30% of duty and hefty freight prices.
The other big factor is that an average American earns about 5-20 times more than equally qualified person in India (Skill/Job/ title etc) while cost of living in India in most of cases are equal or even more (Grocery, EMI, and in Urban cases, housing). Apart from Medical and Legal expenses, we paying same or even more than Americans. Like for EMI of a Hyndai Accent/Swift, one can easily buy a Honda Accord or Volkswagen Passat there.

The only point I agree with you is Passion. 95% of Indians DON'T have a Hobby. I just strike of things like Movie, Reading, Singing etc as Hobby in CVs I come across. The madness to pursue their hobbies at the weekend I have seen in my American colleges is compared to none. Unless they dope, they manage their time well and give enough attention to their hobbies. Week round RC airfield is also a factor, which many of Indian cities lack.
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother

Rajib Samadder

RC airfield is real pain   :banghead:
By the way in India officially RC do not consider as hobby or sports, its consider as threats.  :giggle:
Rajib Samadder
WhatsApp: +919433344777

Membership Id: ASAB-SR04


@ujwanna, earning in dollars and spending in dollars, having a family, eating out once a week at a good restaurant (not burgerking), having an equally sized housing, hiring a domestic help, shopping the same brands leads to similar balance sheets here or in the US. The extra money comes in from the dollar conversion of savings for most of us. I agree that customs contribute to a major contribution but how many of us do not tend to avoid customs and pay up diligently. I think the amount of money involved almost equals up if not more.

Regarding the car comparison, the Passat or Accord might be considered super luxury in our country, it perhaps does not share the same altar in the west.

95% dont have a hobby for sure and 99% dont pursue even if they have one. And alternate hobbies, I'm sure the figure is much much less.


why do all maneuver talks end up in bank account talk, economics and what not... ??
To hell with expenses.. if u are really passionate about it, u will do it anyways,, 3D rocks!!!
Fly low n fly fast...n fly lower,,, :)


The reason most hobby talks end up in back accounts is because of the mindset of the folks around us - family, friends etc. Not only they may not have a hobby, but most would view the pursuit of hobby as a thing of childhood and would not consider it as an activity that an adult should indulge in, worst it would often be seen as a waste of time & money.....

Sticking to aeromodelling against this backdrop is tough enough.
Spektrum DX6i | EP Pusher Trainer | EP CUB |


Quoteas a thing of childhood
Arrey sir, who doesn't miss being 18, and bachelorhood

QuoteSticking to aeromodelling against this backdrop is tough enough.
Very true, but passion has found out ways for all of us.  :thumbsup:

To each his own circumstances, but we all would love this hobby to be less expensive than what it is, beginners and experienced alike. We all can and have afforded it, but we all know inside that it lies on the higher side if you're not going down the route of DIY


Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


as crazy as he is Joe, flying near a stream with a water proof rudder :)
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


Joe flying heli

Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.

K K Iyer

This not flying.
This is MAGIC!
I am inspired to make a really stupid comment:
"Managed to avoid the trees, but wasn't able to avoid the water"
When will I be able to do one complete lap around the field inverted below 5 ft height?



here is another one of Joe's Flying, a true inspiration to all , including all yougsters
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


Here is the message from Joe, in his true spirit of wanting to help the kids, Way to go joe !!
Lil edit to keep the privacy

Joe Smith
I really appreciate the support and it was great to read through that thread. If there is anything I can ever do for you, please let me know.
Take care,

Hi Joe
you have been a great inspiration, some of'em want to & emulate your flying, that's good ain't it ?

Joe Smith
I wish I was there to help them all. That is awesome!! Can't imagine how cool it would be to fly fighters. Thanks again. Stay safe.
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.