seen better than this?

Started by shadman_alam, December 11, 2012, 01:41:30 AM

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+1 divyam..
@anwar bhai.. honestly i never crashed a plane while maneuvering .. i had couple of unexpected dead sticks on nitro stupid birds..thats why i moved to electric and gas..  may be u learned the hard way .. doing it right .. lol..  :P .. btw planes are equally expensive like heli's..
helis are scary.. i love heli 3d ... but i love myself more..  thats why i m out of it..  ;)
do u remember this incident..


I never really tried airplane 3D at all, except for hovering.  And that was easy to do, with all the heli hours behind me.

I did try to seriously get into heli 3D, but then found other interests calling, including the fact that I started enjoying training others and troubleshooting others' planes/helis much better than fixing my own crashed helis ;D  So heli 3D was put in a back burner couple of years ago.

I am cautious... but not scared of helis :)
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


thanks vinay for letting me fly his new super awesome bird..


gusty sir check out ,.. snap to hovers


ido segev .. daddy of all 3d flyers..


gernot 2008 Clover Creek Freestyle..

thats called flying on music.. not with music like american pilots do.. :P


Shadman, missed it, saw'em now, see you at hyde
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


wow.. that will be fun.. i m picking another gasser to add more to the fun and making custom ailerons (40% at root and 35% at tip ..yeah!!) and elevator (70% ) for  it .. extra 300sc 20cc from rcd ;) .. goldwing needs to improve bigtime..  this time no dle.. its jc evo 23.. 3.5hp .. 1 hp more than dle 20..  with insane servos... u will love it


 interview video with Mr. Chris Hinson. Check this out , who stand behind strongest and best looking 3D ARF'S in the world.


rj gritter (extreme flight team pilot) with extra 48" exp.. 


MARTIN BRANDMULLER  at exfc - rank 2nd
This is the best routine and execution one can dream of.. simply incredible


best pilots alive.. these guys are on serious juice..




Tie Breaker Freestyle  at NIT Warangal 2013
I was flying the Home-Built MXS 49".


Good one Shadman, i knew you will win, Kudos, was looking forward to sky dive with you. alas ! you had to go to warangal
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


Sir, i got soo  involved testing the New MXS .. that i totally lost track of all the plans ..  .. This is a much better plane compared to katana.. even  does right toque rolls :P  I m sure you will enjoy it  too ..


testing my sbach with Custom wings


getting down to the deck.. mxsr 31%


STOP Talking, START Flying!!