2010 ends (FLYRC)

Started by pvn2000, December 27, 2010, 05:09:14 PM

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2010 we started trading in rc planes,,we have sold many models throughout India this year
all in the Rc india family  and friends/clients have been supportive and  helpful thanks to all

We would like to specially thank Anwar for his super support and guidance

and most importantly i would like to openly disclose that in the numerous models sold all have reached safely and without any damage except for some  

1) Dear friend divy our forum member received a model which was (manufacture) damaged

2) Mr sharma from Delhi who also got a model which was slightly damaged on the fiber cowl he had to reinforce it with epoxy

3) Saikat gosh got a model which was slightly damaged  we could only send it to Calcutta through air the rest of its   journey to  Tezpur had to be made by road so most likely the damage must have happened during transit

4) crazy pilot  firewall mount was cracked and had to glued. the classic had 2 cracks in fuselage.

we understand the excitement of a buyer expecting a new model ,we feel equally happy when they receive it in good shape ,and sad if its the other way round and trust us none of us wants to feel sad

out of hundreds of models sold only 4 were damaged on transit or had some minor problems
the 4 dear buyers who had a slight setback after receiving their models have taken it so sportingly that they haven't even put up a comment on their damages  :bow:
this is at least 3 to 4 months old story  

We try our best to deliver goods safely and without any damage and if still some glitches happening while on transit or some manufactures problem
its totally not in our control  and is not deliberate

I ones again thankyou all for your continuous support and apologies in public to the 3 who could not get their models in good shape

                                                               Thankyou and regards
have a great year and time ahead                          FlYRC


Good to know that Fly RC is ding well :) 

RC India's support to all sellers is similar, and I may admit a small bias towards the ones who take good care of their customers in terms of price and service.  I hope I have "said it as it is", when it was called for !

Wish all stores a better 2011 than 2010 !
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Sure Anwar i understand and appreciate


hi praveen sir,
Sent you a PM.
When you fly electric, fly clean, fly quiet, and fly safe!


i know crazy pilot you have been always understanding,minor damages happen when things are moved around.its packed and come to India then moved from port to warehouse and then packed and couriered to diff states ,,, things  happened even though i try my best to pack safe...i hope you understand
this is what iam looking for support and understanding ,,,you guys are truly  :thumbsup:


My 5 paisa worth.
If the model is received damaged in intact box (i.e. no visible sign of packaging being damaged) the liability rests with the seller (who may in turn take it up with mfrs if the items were recieved that way from mfrs).
However if the items were damaged in shipping from seller to buyer the liability is with the shipper (hence it is always recommended that the package is insured for actual price but it may shoot up your shipping).
As far as a buyer is concerned it is within his right to get items which are free from damage or defect.

PVN it is good to see very cooperative buyers, and sellers.

I had an issue with one of the (now defunct) LHS where the model was damaged in a sound box and I insisited for replacment,spent more money to ship the item back, but that was the end of relationship with that seller   
If you are really into scale you should be here. www.rcscalebuilder.com


all the boxes are not made of hard cardboard ,,some models come in boxes which have thin top and cannot take too much impact/load on it ..if you put load on it ,it is pushed down and as soon as you take the load of it ,it regains its shape which makes it looks completely intact,

eg pic posted

and insurance is a option buyers can opt for though its a lill difficult to get insurance on fragile materials ,the courier company denies it point blank

And sure its a buyers right to get things without damage ,,after all who would want to receive a damaged product
if they want it insured i would try and get it insured before dispatch but as you said it would cost them (its buyers choice)

thanks for your valuable comment flyingboxcar

Also about the damages caused on my models while shipping are negligible and will/did not make any difference in its looks and performance ...the worst effected was divay (manufacturing defect) which i voluntarily have taken care of


Hi Mr. Praveen,
I cant find your Fly RC web adress in your public profile. :)
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."



Praveen sir, what about the GWS slow stick?
"The day you stop playing with your toys is the day you start getting ready to die.."

FlySky 9x (with ER9x,  backlight mod &  dual module hack) | Futaba SkySport 4VF (with 5th channel hack) | Glidiator - scratchbuilt 60" electric glider | SkySurfer | Scratchbuilt Tricopter | FT Nutball |  .46 Glow trainer (electric conversion in progress)



there is this banner of flyrc top right hand side of rcindia keeps flashing refresh the page


Quote from: SunLikeStar on December 28, 2010, 12:32:04 PM
is the multiplex stock in ???
was in stock the pic is of the last one


Quote from: medicineman1987 on December 28, 2010, 12:36:27 PM
Praveen sir, what about the GWS slow stick?

GWS not yet in stock..will surely update you as i get them