Hi all!
I was really happy to see the response of the hobbyists in India for LHS Finder,
I found out that:-
Over 15 more shops got listed.
More than 2500 people have viewed the site.
Out of those 2500, about 100 to 400 people were from other countries.
We are now on Google ( Thanks to web master and SEO )
25+ people opted in for the newsletter!
and, without you all, this wasn't possible, so a BIG THANK YOU!
As some members of RC India suggested, we will now try to add a price comparison system!
This is what we want to achieve:
a. The same ease of access.
b. Adding a product search system!
c. Making a custom plugin that allows to select between different sites and price differential (Apparently no one has made one already)
d. Anybody can add products.
e. An automated rating system, users can rate a certain product.
f. Light and a minimalistic design.
ps: Thanks to RC Spider ( rcspider.com (http://rcspider.com) ) for the initial idea!
LHS Finder: www.lhsfinder.in (http://www.lhsfinder.in)
Please tell me what all things you guys want in the version 2.0 of LHS Finder ?
And some products too!
This is going to be epic.
Thanks Nitesh! I hope so!
why not other good one
vibrant hobbies
Great effort guys people should get products at the best price
again i congratulate u for ur efforts put in.
this will make price of rc products more fair
Thank you everybody!
Kamal sir, vibrant, rc mumbai , sharma aero models are already there. I have added robu.in
UPDATE: I have paired up with Devang, from i go crazy rc ( also lives in Pune and a good friend ) to make the version 2.0!
I will also be sponsoring his video, Honest college admissions... ( to increase the people who know LHS Finder )
We have planned the v. 2.0 to have 2 distinctive versions, one for store addresses and the other for product searches, although they will be totally different, both the sites ( technically one subdomain and one main page ) are interconnected with a feed system that keeps both the sites 'in the loop', and a lot of anchors/hooks.
We also are working on new/more things, but from how much i know Devang, he will not leave me alone till we perfect this system!
I will give you guys a beta test version to play around with by tomorrow night!
FUN FACT: We just found out that more than 250 scripts use a thing called "meta tag" p/ product p/ service. You guys can test it too, the tag should be " product_price " . Apparently many web masters don't even know about this. So no need for RSS/XML files :0
So we have designed this plugin that automatically checks the price of each product on each website when you search/open that product.
This means that 24 X 7 updated prices. All day . Everyday. #Itsnotgonnabeunfairthistime !
Product search will be best thing. :) I am waiting for 7-7-2015.
Mohit sir, Thanks ( again : P )
Guys, i think we have encountered many issues while loading live prices, many times, prices are unable to load and cause the page to go to a 503 state.
So because of this issue ( and this unique solution : P ) i am pushing the v2.0 launch date to 10th July.
also add product /category wise price comparision
:bow: :bow: :bow:
{:)} {:)}
How does someone access the price comparator website or product search website? Am accessing frm my Andriod so isn't it available on mobile site or its taken down for some updation?