Anything and Everything - Hobby King

Started by chokxxi90210, October 01, 2010, 10:35:25 PM

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also one more question:- ;D

is it advisable to buy this drift car.....? :help: :help:

if yes , what spares shud i add along with the order , so that if it crashes , quick fix maybe possible...... :headscratch:
Stop leg pulling , be wiser.....


Hi...u can't use maestro card on HK, irrespective of making direct payment or registering with paypal, it only supports visa/mc/disco/amex


Another option is
Here you can make a virtual card, transfer money onto it and then use the virtual card for shopping online.
I have used a maestro card on this website, however they charge 5% approx everytime you add money to your card. You also need to verify the transaction by providing transaction details only during first time or each time you use a different card.

But if you get the new SBI visa debit card, it should work.


thanks sidewinder , what abt ordering RTR drift car from hobbyking , one which contains 2.4G radio , will there be any problem with customs....??
Stop leg pulling , be wiser.....


I dont know much about cars, but if its big package and contains radio then you may need to jump through some hoops. Or ship via Fedex, pay the customs and get your items quickly and safely.
Frankly Customs are unpredictable.


the package wont b much big , coz its 1/18 scale , but contains 2.4g radio,

package size is below 2kg. and i m thinking of simple register air mail only....

if charged , approx how much would i have to pay for custom duty....??
Stop leg pulling , be wiser.....


Guys I was seeing of payment option and I saw Sidewinder Writing Entropay.
Sidewinder is it Safe Because it is a virtual money and RBI has Given a notice about Virtual Money.


Dear friends,

i have placed an order at hobbyking on 10/02/2014, it showing that the parcel is dispatched on 11/02/2014. at hobbyking website with tracking no as RC001640861MY.
But this tracking is not showing any update, when checked with POS MALAYSIA.
Its almost 14 days  :(. after sending many mails, ans submitting request at HK support center.
NO Reply.

What to do ? whom to call.
Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.


In the top right corner their is an option called live chat on hobbyking website
Have faced such situation before they will help you resolve the matter
Passion is Airborne


Your item has been sent to MUMBAI AIRPORT SORTING OFFICE from Kuala Lumpur International Airport today at 10:59. It will reach you soon.

Destination Country - India:Tracking Consuming:1888 Millisecond
2014-02-26 10:59, MALAYSIA, KUALA LUMPUR, Insert item into bag (Otb), unknown
2014-02-24 12:02, MALAYSIA, KUALA LUMPUR, Receive item at office of exchange (Otb), unknown

Origin Country - Malaysia:Tracking Consuming:0 Millisecond, Cache Time:2014/02/26 13:23:07
2014-02-26 10:59, Item sent to MUMBAI AIRPORT SORTING OFFICE, MPC PMIH (KLIA)
2014-02-24 12:02, Item arrived MPC PMIH (KLIA), MPC PMIH (KLIA)
2014-02-18 21:46, Item posted over the counter, MPC PMIH (KLIA)

You can track status of your Package at


Thanks Chintal,
Thanks avinvaghese  for the link
Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.


Guys pls help me with the payment method at hobbyking, I have SBI international debit/atm card verified by VISA. I tried to order, but while entering the card details it asks for the credit card details and not debit card details. Please if anybody can help me with this.


create paypal account first , then verify your visa debit card at paypal and then transfer money through paypal , as i was guided by chintal.
Stop leg pulling , be wiser.....


Stop leg pulling , be wiser.....


Thanks rohit for ur reply, and one more question did u order at HK in that way, or yet to order


yup , not exactly frm hk , but frm banggood that way.
Stop leg pulling , be wiser.....


Rohit please do keep updating info about your Drift car !/18 ordered from HK.

i see that the package is more than 1.7 kgs, just want to know how heavy package imports work out n how much hassle customs can be

thanks mate


@rumblepirate , i dropped the idea of getting 1/18 drift car from hk as it was not universal (as 1/10 scale cars are) also getting spare parts become a headache as not much are available , neither u can use other manufacturer's stuff , however getting spares for 1/10 scale is a lot easier , so i ordered redcat 1/10th drift car.
got it within 5 days of ordering , come with 2.5G radio , no hassle with customs , see my thread for more details.!!/
Stop leg pulling , be wiser.....


Thanks a ton Rohit, that's all I needed to know ....

About the spare parts you are again absolutely spot on on every account, I'm still considering 1/16-1/18 for my younger brother for most of the time he can play indoors or small parks n parking lots. If he would hv been a serious enthusiast I would hv recommended 1/10 for him. For a beginner I think 1/16-1/18 won't be bad option

Thanks again mate


after 5 days,from 1-03-2012 no update.... still it is showing as follows, which i didn't understand,

Destination Country - India:Tracking Consuming:0 Millisecond, Cache Time:2014/03/05 21:47:30
2014-03-01 10:06, INDIA, MUMBAI AIR, Send item to customs (Inb), Air
2014-03-01 09:40, INDIA, MUMBAI AIR, Receive item at office of exchange (Inb), Air
2014-02-26 10:59, MALAYSIA, KUALA LUMPUR, Insert item into bag (Otb), Air
2014-02-24 12:02, MALAYSIA, KUALA LUMPUR, Receive item at office of exchange (Otb), Air

Origin Country - Malaysia:Tracking Consuming:0 Millisecond, Cache Time:2014/03/05 21:47:30
2014-03-01 10:36, Item held by customs for OTHERS, INDIA
2014-02-26 10:59, Item sent to MUMBAI AIRPORT SORTING OFFICE, MPC PMIH (KLIA)
2014-02-24 12:02, Item arrived MPC PMIH (KLIA), MPC PMIH (KLIA)
2014-02-18 21:46, Item posted over the counter, MPC PMIH (KLIA)
Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.


Have patience as it sometimes takes more than 2 weeks for customs to clear.



Hi Friends

I was looking for beginner plane (sky surfer.Bixler) preferred.But every were the price was sky level.Bixler 2 for 8100INR and sky surfer for 7500INR

i was ready to pay even 7000INR including shipping but no one ready to offer. Atlast contacted Hobbyking customer care they promise the delivery will be with in 3-7days asked me to follow certain steps.

so placed order on 28/2/2014 even though its a JIT item they shipped next day and today got my Bixler 2 just in week.

My total cost was 5340ruppes only including shipping.

You want to go up---pull the stick back--You want to go down---pull the stick waay back!


Quote from: moorthy on March 07, 2014, 02:12:57 PM
Hobbyking customer they promise the delivery will be with in 3-7days asked me to follow certain steps.
Is it possible to share the steps, for the knowledge of everyone?
The shipping method selected etc.
Money won't make you happy... but everybody wants to find out for themselves! - Zig Ziglar
Multiplex Easy Star | F22 Raptor | FT Simple Storch | Futaba 14 SGA



HobbyKing use many express mail service belongs to fiji,singapore,malaysia,Hongkong and china.In these china EMS is best thats what they requested.

When i was in conversation in livechat they ask me login in separate tab and to place order.

Before when i try to place order while check out use to see three to four type of shipping but this time saw only one shipping
and placed order.

Same way JIT items take 3-5days for shipping but  28/2/2014 placed order and 1/3/2014 it was shipped means not even 24 hours
You want to go up---pull the stick back--You want to go down---pull the stick waay back!


Hi all,

I have a problem linking the debit card card to my paypal account, I am getting the following error msg

"This credit card has been refused by the bank that issued your credit card. For details on why your card was refused, please contact your credit card issuer's Customer Service department. Or, you may want to try adding a different credit card."

Is it because i am trying with debit card?

I wanna place order at hobbyking ASAP plz help guys.

I have a SBI international debit and shopping card verified by visa.
Can i order directly using my debit card?

Thank you