Anything and Everything - Hobby King

Started by chokxxi90210, October 01, 2010, 10:35:25 PM

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Darshan for multirotors

You can try contacting chintal sir (rcmumbai owner) as he might be able to help you
He sells these
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart

chintan joshi

Thanks for the tips, hope i can find it there or somewhere !

Devang Flyer

We don't keep receivers for RC car radios.
But, from a technical point of view, without customs, that receiver (shipped) will cost around 750 rupees.
With customs, it can go upto 1000 rupees ( my best guess ).
And you also don't know much about importing and exporting.
These days, its quite hard to get anything imported that sends or receives wireless signals because of WPC approval ( A mess in it self)

You can buy the same radio, which will come with one receiver from us.
You will get the receiver you want.
And you will always have an extra, backup radio!
+ You should get it within 3 days of placing the order. Hobby king will take 1 month+ with normal shipping option.
All for Rs. 1700

chintan joshi

Thanks devang! Yes i saw that product, for 1700rs , yes its worth. But i have the whole new set of Rx Tx, its just that i burnt the receiver module and i just want the receiver part. Extra transmitter is not needed. If i can find receiver from somewhere, it would be great. Hopefully it from Rcmumbai. Yesterday i tried to call Mr. chintal but he didnt answered, might be busy. If receiver single unit is not available, i have no other option than buying the whole unit :D. (*tight on bucks, so i ought to have look for other options*). 

absolute zero

what all products from hobbyking are likely to be causing custom issues or not being delivered?? like batteries, motors, esc??
Sorry guys you might have already answered this question but the topic is very huge so not possible to read it.


  • I think hobbyking stopped shipping battary to India and even if they ship they ship using dhl etc.... so mostly cheaper to buy from local sites.....
  • I think motors and esc will not have problems unless they are very costly ....but if you import by dhl or express shipping it is more likely that you will get custom duty because if you can pay 1500-3000 for shipping... you can also pay for 200 or more custom duty... to deliver faster, they need faster clearance of customs, so in my opinion this shipping companies encourage custom people and I have seen shipping companies charge for custom clearance which more than the custom duty itself. like 200 rupees was charged on free samples of chips (I think which was coming under zero percent import duty)... but custom charged 200 rupees while company charge me total 1200, they said they had fix charge of Rs. 1000 for custom clearance which is extra from shipping amount.
  • I have heared parcels with rc set have some problem.... but personally I have not got any problem with 2.4g  toys/quads in past (I had never tried Rc set....)... Even if you compare price-vise(including shipping) rcbazaar avionics 6ch is better choise and have more features ... and in hk basic rc set if custom duty is applied.... it would be much more costly a 


I had ordered ducted fan from hobbyking . the parcel leaved warehouse on 1 Feb .they given me transit time of 14 to 39 days by international (registered) airmail
Càn anyone tell me how many days generàlly it requires for delivery of parcel  at Mumbai.
And other things related to it????


my parcel arrived here in exactly 29 days!
Considering that the mumbai customs will be slow (as usual)
You can expect 40 days total E.T.A


hello people;
I am stuck again.
My tracking number is RP420547732SG
Hardware from Hobbyking.
I cant even track it. The singpost website shows it as invalid.(i feel thats odd cause when i had placed my order last time;it showed info. recieved. now it shows nothing)
Is this normal?
Help ME!
Thanks in Advance.


When did you place the order? Singapore Post usually takes a while to update tracking. I think on my last order it took a week or two just to say "Information Received".


Ok . Then i have nothing to worry as the order was placed on the 20th may. Thanks friend

Sent from my GT-S7562L using Tapatalk


Quote from: prabal276 on May 23, 2016, 07:51:37 AM
Ok . Then i have nothing to worry as the order was placed on the 20th may. Thanks friend

Sent from my GT-S7562L using Tapatalk

Way too early for the tracking to show anything. Usually takes 1-2 weeks to show something when I order from China and use Singapore post, should be less for you.


Thanks friend. Thanks for the quick reply.

Sent from my GT-S7562L using Tapatalk

Malolan Venkataraghavan

Hello everyone. It's been a while since I posted here. But be sure that I never lost my interest. I was very busy with college and stuff so couldn't concentrate on RC.

Anyways, I need your suggestions for buying from hobbyking (

Thanks everyone,
Hey guys. If you would be seeing an Iron Man suit flying above your head in future, it would be me.

Malolan Venkataraghavan

Hey guys. If you would be seeing an Iron Man suit flying above your head in future, it would be me.


What kind of suggestions? You can buy from Hobbyking but be aware of the custom rules before ordering any stuff.
Hobbyking is good, cheap and trusted.
Spektrum DX6i | Phoenix V4 | CoroTrainer | Tamiya Baja king 2WD | RCTimer F450 Quadcopter

Malolan Venkataraghavan

Hey guys. If you would be seeing an Iron Man suit flying above your head in future, it would be me.


Hi... I have the similar problem..
I had purchase an item from hongkong post.. My parcel no is RC176783875HK.
Now its lying at DIMC NEW DELHI Office...msg shown is
"India, DIMC NEW DELHI 110002, Record item customs information (Inb), Air, CED Letter Delhi FPO, Retention reason : Awaiting proof of purchase/value from addressee...
What's there meaning ...????
Anyone tell me that how I can found it...??