Bad Experience With Rc Bharat (Sai Krishna)

Started by naresh, September 04, 2012, 12:00:55 PM

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Quote from: VC on September 04, 2012, 10:08:42 PM
Bear, crocodile - what forum is this? Nat Geo????

;>), Rc India, really sorry , my error.   as i said this is part of my spell mistakes sir.  *  Beer.


Sai - I am requesting you - meet Naresh halfway, he is ready to put all this behind us and smile. When and where is the beer being served?
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


I'm ready anytime.

And Naresh
Don't worry on the bill. I do own a bar too...

Hope we can have some good time with " KING OF GOOD TIMES"
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Ai Ai yooooo! I wish I was there too! Gusty, coming? {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)}

Why can't all disputes be sorted out like this?

Well done Naresh / Sai -  :hatsoff:
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Quote from: VC on September 04, 2012, 10:19:48 PM
Ai Ai yooooo! I wish I was there too! Gusty, coming? {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)}

Why can't all disputes be sorted out like this?

Well done Naresh / Sai -  :hatsoff:

Picture abhi baki hi Sir,  It will compelete only after the drinks, You should join us....  ;>)




Wow! Strange ending to this thread. I'm glad all is well and every one is planning for a party now, after exchanging some intimate dialogue >:D
But just to be on the safe side i'd rather not deal with this LHS :thumbsdown: and that's what i'm gonna recommend to my friends at the field.


On lighter note
Children <18 reading this, things can be sorted out without even a beer. Don't tell your parents that VC told us have some beer after an issue.  ;) ;D :o
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Dear Naresh, it is very sad to hear about a hot argument with Sai (RCbharat), as a seller, he would have easily settled this matter with a gesture of what went wrong exactly, and not by saying, "you are a big headache to me",

Dear sai, i wish you to have word with him, as you might know he is a serious flyer  :)


I would love to join you with Gusty, but in this case three (or four) would be a crowd. Enjoy yourselves. Have one each on Gusty and me and send us the bill.

Sunlikestar - PLEASE let this one slide - happiness all around. Let's not spoil this. A humble request.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!






On a less flippant note, a Forum Administrator has given a  :thumbsdown: to a LHS even after his public apology. I am sure the LHS owner could have posted his own version and fanned the flames. He chose not to do so, the buyer also graciously offered to be pacified, the seller agreed - all is well that ends well. Why prolong this issue? Why publicly vilify the LHS by posting that as a Forum Administrator you would not not trust this LHS and would advise your associates to desist from dealing with him?

To all Forum Administrators, responsibility has been thrust upon you and you have accepted it. Please be aware of your power and position here before you take sides, afaik, you are supposed to take a neutral stand. We, the other mere mortals here, can afford to take sides (right or wrong) and have biased views about people, organisations and events - that is our freedom. As far as you are concerned, your responsibility is to drum some sense into our thick heads and maintain order here. Your job is NOT to add fuel to a fire - especially when the fire has been quenched.

Correct me if I am wrong. I ain't no diplomat, I ain't no Forum Administrator, I ain't no Barrack Obama.  :-\ I just shoot from my hips (and my lips). >:D
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Yes, definitely agree to what VC just mentioned.

I was about to post on this but VC put in the message before I could. The admins on every forums are kept for a reason and its not a privilege but a duty to make sure the thread progresses in a healthy way within the bounds of forum rules. The members may or may not bias on the topic of discussion as the thread gains momentum. The admin has the power the stop or move the thread, but a biasing comment will simply unbalance the point of discussion and render the outcome with useless facts.

A bunch of such threads in a national wide forum will make the forum useless so admins have to be very careful in order to keep up with the quality of the forum articles..


What has this to do with me being an Administrator : ???
Did I modify any post? Have I moved or delete this thread? Did I ban someone? Did I locked/unlocked the thread?
Rule of moderation dictates that no moderation should be done on a conflict thread as Anwar's has claimed full responsibility of moderation in such scenario. Other than that I'm free to post my opinion.

Even tho I take tremendous amount of pride to wear this badge, but I'll let go of it in a snap to be able to post my opinion freely.


With great power comes big responsibilities and you should be careful when you use your powers.

An admin posting --> "But just to be on the safe side i'd rather not deal with this LHS  and that's what i'm gonna recommend to my friends at the field." is like a big blow right on the face to whoever is being "victimized" when half of us don't even know the other part of story. 

Rules of moderation are true, but since you wear the badge, your opinions should not reflect biasing. You can always deliver your opinion on a neutral platform. I just rephrased your opinion "But just to be on the safe side, i'd rather advice my friends at the field that such things do happen and we should keep an eye when dealing with the LHS"


Why neutral? Who decides what is neutral? Why should I lie that i'm going to advice my friends "we should keep an eye when dealing with the LHS" when I'm actually going to tell them never buy from this guy.


+ 1 Ebin, I couldn't have been more apt.

Mr. F.A. first cast off the mantle and then post. Don't promise to sacrifice if/when required.

Did you seek the truth by asking Sai for his version - No.
Did you clarify any issues with both parties - No.
Did you offer to mediate - No.
Did you respect the fact that the two affected parties had patched up - No.
Did you act in the best interest of the forum - NO. You took a side that you 'felt' was right and chose to broadcast your views in public. If Naresh was/is so inclined, he can go around tom tomming, "the FA has endorsed my point and has admonished the seller publicly". I don't think that is done.

Your responsibility does not only end with wielding the baton and "modifying, deleting, banning, locking" etc. It is ALSO your responsibilty to carry yourself with dignity and maturity (Irrespective of your chronological age) so that the forum members repose their trust and faith in you. Anwar Sahab is a perfect role model here. No matter how trying and transparent a dispute might be, he can play the devil's advocate and put in a good word for both parties.

Learn, young man, learn. I can't help quoting "With great power comes great responsibility". The responsibility to not only say what is required but to also not say that which should remain unsaid. How come I don't see you posting your authority over another post where a person is offering to sell a used, scruffed up brushed motor for Rs.3000/- + shipping, where as a brand new unit is available for Rs. 2000/- inclusive of shipping? He is also arguing his case ceaselessly, brashly even after this has been pointed out. Doesn't the FA have a role to play here as well? Or is this some kind of personal vendetta being sorted out here on this thread?

Sunlikestar, perhaps you will dislike me for this post, I frankly don't give a damn. Sleep over it and tomorrow when things are cooler, you will see that there is some sense in what I have written.

As I type this, I see that you have posted a new reply to Ebin's post and I feel sorry for you now.

Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Don't feel sorry :) as i've said before and in my answer to RcBharats Pm also, i don't feel personally about any thing happening here hence I am able to say what I say. I don't have to answer those big list of questions. Like I said before, I consider my self a member of the forum and can post what ever I like. I don't login to play admin here and if the admin rights are an handicap then I'm better off without it.

Also request you to not go personal over this and keep my age and maturity out of the discussion.


I'm sorry. I must have misunderstood the forum rules and regulations, I blame my chronological age for that. After all you are one of the designated 'Powers' and can surely do as you like. Put on, take off, post, withhold, whatever. You have surely earned yourself a lot of admirers today and have successfully made me look like a fool. Thanks Boss.

I withdraw.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


What did I do now ??? I am sorry but I am not trying to make any one look like a fool. I'am just saying that I'll always have an opinion and I cannot be neutral, just like in this post. The only thing which has changed is now I am an admin.

For that I want Anwar to consider this post as my formal resignation from all moderation duties, not a big deal at all :) but don't force me to be neutral when i'm not.

Quote from: ebinmoothedam on September 04, 2012, 10:43:39 PM
ahh...i feel like i watched a movie !
Now you've got a movie :P


Holy S**t,

all this happended while i was sleeping ?

a point i tend to agree with Amit is that, Mod/Admin should not tie one down to express what one wants to, for example, iamhuman (Taking this liberty), was quite active earlier, since the time he has been made the mod (Apparently for car lovers, or he presumed so), he has sort of confined himself to those threads (I brought out this point with him in one of the thread). Like i said to Mr Propfella, it just didn't matter how i looked at the forum before and after mod, i am neither judging nor saying whatever amit said is right or wrong, i am just saying..
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Quote from: SunLikeStar on September 05, 2012, 01:24:53 AM
What did I do now ??? I am sorry but I am not trying to make any one look like a fool. I'am just saying that I'll always have an opinion and I cannot be neutral, just like in this post. The only thing which has changed is now I am an admin.

For that I want Anwar to consider this post as my formal resignation from all moderation duties, not a big deal at all :) but don't force me to be neutral when i'm not.

Just because one is an admin does not mean that he loses all voice as an ordinary member on the forum.  The admin here expressed his opinion as an ordinary member, nothing wrong with that.  If he said "I implore everyone to stay away from this store AND I SAY THIS AS AN ADMIN", then it is different.  If he edited someone's post to reflect his personal feelings on an issue, then it is different.  Otherwise, admins are members, and they will behave so.  If their "moderation actions" (like editing posts) come into any sort of conflict, only then it needs to be escalated.
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I personallyfeel, VC is exaggerating over this issue. No offense.


Sorry for Interrupting. but i personally feel, The thread is going in wrong way and off topic.
Request for no prolonging the topic.

Thanks for consideration..... 8-)
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