Does any one know where to get the Easy fly glider??

Started by Sahevaan, May 11, 2009, 03:06:29 PM

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hi everyone ,
i was planing to buy a Easy fly glider availbe on but due to shipping charges it is almost impossible to get it !!
anyone who is selling or knows who sells these gliders in india??

the link for the plane is given below-

thanks ,


instead of easy fly,if not available in India, try easy star which is available with Sai and at a very good price.
Fly high if you have good set of batteries.....!


hey sandeep ,
good idea 8-) but i prefer a large wing span like the easy fly!!
if not the easy fly , my second option would be the wild hawk!!
happy flying ,


hi ,
mr.sai , it had been good dealing with you but my cessna has had no proper flight till date , always some some or the other problem , servo failure , esc failure !! now the motor is going on full throtle always , tried servo reversing , now even the gear comes out of its place , also i have changed 1 servo for the elevator !!

but i think i can take a chance to buy a glider , could you convert the glider into 4ch + brushless combo , totally how much is it coming to?


Sorry to know about the problem with the Cessna .
It is due to such experiences that we are not importing such RTF plane  versions
The Glider is 3 channel and converting to 4 channel is not advisable as the wing being polyhydral the effectiveness of ailerons is in doubt .
Yes the easy star is expensive  compared to the hobby city one but I would assume after your experience with the Cessna RTF  you   would give  buying another RTF plane version a serious thought .
It has been our observation that the products used in RTF plane versions from China are vastly different from the  stand alone products  supplied . eg we have had no issues with motors , esc's , servos etc when supplied separately but have had issues with RTF's planes .
With RTF Helis and plane ARF's  it is a totally different story they are value for money .
Hence  I will seriously advice you to  consider  assembling a glider like easy star  for longer term days of happy flying .
In fact our experience with the Multiplex Easy cub has also been great.
sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Hey Saheevan,

Even I have numerous chinese RTFs lying all over my house.. All of them were bought before I knew what to buy and what not to buy!! They have always conked out on me.  Better to get a ARF and put in stuff that you can trust!!  My suggestion, close your eyes and go for the Easy Star / Cub!! They are great!!  The initial 2k or 3k more would make sure that you do not reinvest!! My Easy Star is still with me after almost 2 years of solid running! And I have done a brushless conversion and it is one of my best models!!

- Chan


yes ,
i will be going in for a ARF , does the multiplex easy cub come RTF or ARF , with servos?? also will you be able to probably find the solution 2 my cessna pls , when i switch on the throtle switch , the trotle opens on full , then the gear slider out, i have tried servo reversing , it still doesnt solve the problem.... i am still using the stock ESC , but as it seems to give problems , id later on (2months ) get my cessna converted into brushless , though the 27mhz receiver is spoilt , i bought a 72mhz and a Futaba Tx..... as of right now , i am busy , will purchase a plane with in 1month , but felt Easy fly had a enormous wing span so felt tempted to go 4 it!!


yes Chan ,
that sounds good but does the easy cub come with servos? and a esc ??


  i recently ordered an easy star for my friend from towerhobbies. that was an arf model,landing cost was around 7000 INR  including the 1000 rs customs duty



I think Mr. Sai has a brushless combo available for the Easy Cub.  Well proven setup.  I can vouch for that as I have personally flown the model and it flies great.  But Easy Star should be a much more fun model as it can glide better (not that the Easy Cub cant glide  ;))!!  But if you like ROGs and three point landings, then go for the Easy Cub!

- Chan


Quote from: santhosh on May 12, 2009, 10:48:51 AM
  i recently ordered an easy star for my friend from towerhobbies. that was an arf model,landing cost was around 7000 INR  including the 1000 rs customs duty


Just as I thought the landed cost is about equal to buying it locally our price is around the same  ;D in fact with the 5 % discount for this forum members I guess we might be a bit cheaper  ;) : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones
