Formation of Aero Modelers and Hobby Shops Associations

Started by rcforall, March 28, 2009, 12:17:58 PM

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Hi All Hobby Shop Owners ,

I propose 2 things here :

1) Formation of an On line " ALL INDIA AERO MODELERS ASSOCIATION " under RCINDIA and registering this association so that it could develop , promote and protect this fascinating hobby

What say Anwar ?

2) Formation of an " ALL INDIA HOBBY SHOPS  ASSOCIATION " again with the same purpose as above but with the additional intention of being able to represent trade related matters that affect us .

I volunteer to be an active member in what ever cpacity.
sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Great idea. Especially, the Aeromodeler's association. We need something like the AMA and each and every modeller should belong to it. We could run this organization along similar lines as what the AMA does for aeromodelling in the US.


Call me a pessimist, but I am always vary about such "associations"  8-)  Informal gatherings work best in my experience, since people are doing it out of their hearts, and NOT to get the "President of the Association" post, or to get their pictures in news papers !

Someone change my mind for me  ;D   
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Anwar ,
I know what you mean but time and again you hear of a ban on flying here or there , ban on Chinese imports etc can be represented only with a formal organization .
This post was just to get views .
I know it may be a bit premature but at least thinking on those lines should begin  to have a organized hobby so that issues affecting the hobby can be addressed .

sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones



I second your thoughts on this. For me aeromodelling should be out of your own heart. I have seen quite a few aeromodelling clubs that were started ambitiously but now they are almost inactive due to misunderstanding among members.

In India, its very difficult to get people resonate. - I am sorry to say this but it is very much true.

"Anything can fly" - SPADs just prove that!


Ismail ,
I agree in fact there is the good old Indian Crab basket joke  ;D
But I think some time it would have to be done if the hobby has to grow : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Quote from: izmile on March 28, 2009, 10:09:57 PM... I have seen quite a few aeromodelling clubs that were started ambitiously but now they are almost inactive...
In India, its very difficult to get people resonate. - I am sorry to say this but it is very much true.
You are right, there was a club here too that never took off (pun intended!)
I completely understand what  sai and tg are saying, but an association is not the answer (esp on a nation level). in fact it'll pose more questions. ;)
but when you think about this you realize that something needs to happen for the progress of this hobby.
But an association on a honorary level will not do. infact it may even wreck what we have now!
There are many Plus points of having a BODY govern the needs of this hobby.
*fuel and supplies
*sales and spares
*imports and exports
*Price control
*Support in the form of Fields and permissions
* and tons of other uses...
I think a solution to this is to have the Govt open the avenues to Better this hobby and aeromodelers still go by what their heart says and PUSH this Forward!

Its better to Crash while Learning on a sim rather than Learn from Crashing on the field


Flyjoe ,
Thanks for bringing out the points to be addressed .
I agree an association of individuals could be tricky.
But I think forming a trade association might be easier  as the members are fewer .

I am surprised none of the shops seem to have commented  ???.

Especially with something like the Chinese toys ban should we have had a RC Hobby shop association we could have represented as a body and got RC products separated from general toys .

I think the way forward is  first for the shops to form an association as a traders association.
sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


I agree with Anwar and Ismail.
Having a club adds a lot of factors to the enjoyment of free-flying. Lets all of just enjoy this hobby at an equal level. From beginners to advanced. Lets all of us host Fly-ins/events and everyone meet and share.
Clubs in India mean a lot of politics, unfortunately.

Having a trade association might work, so i think the vendors should work on that. It would definitely benefit the RC community by having a common voice.



I second that, a trade association of all hobby shop owners would make sense for now.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


How can anybody say it won't work without even giving it a try. At the same time I also wonder whether our govt would listen to a group of 2 or 3 thousand people of a nation with over 100 crore population.


Its not just "anybody" saying. I have been into RC for over a decade, and have run a Flying club for 7 years. Seen many others and interacted with many more others in India and internationally.

and also something said by a group of 2-3 thousand together is much better than no one being able to say anything.



The issue here is not whether We Should or Should Not have a governing body.
Its obvious that we'll need something that help us. But the question is How & Who
Mr Rao, we can't give it a try without knowing where to start. Ismail, me and anwar commented on the fact that there were trials but they failed.
Forming a Governing Body For RC is not a trial and error project. It must be a venture that has all angles covered and most issues settled.
Its better to Crash while Learning on a sim rather than Learn from Crashing on the field


well guys lemme make a point here.Its not about whether or not ppl here are willing or not.Its about seeting aside somethin known as EGO.I dont wanna mention names here but i(involving my father too) had infact paid a sum of Rs 25 K for becoming a life member in a club in India.But after a year or so we came to knw that the concerned ppl had not opened a club but a trust  :o.And we had no recpts or any of the promised facilites or no action was taken for it???.Later when asked we did get the money back but this aint abt money.The main prblm here most of us in this hobby in this country do not want it to become a sport or do not treat it as a sport.For us its a hobby and ppl in the business including me do it as a hobby.for the fact i buy most of the planes for my personal use and order a few extra pieces for the shop.

So if we wanna bring abt the changes in the field.We need to make a conscious effort to be united.We for some reason dont act like corporates when it comes to this.we all have a personal agenda.We need to know how to bring it together.The starting point is NOT Open a club or organisation but first lets meet up and discuss issues.Then when we do form a comon grnd we can think abt a organisation.

The morale
I make my own rules


No offence meant. But it is funny to see a man who says something about setting aside EGO, Chooses I AM WHAT I AM and I MAKE MY OWN RULES as the avatar or tagline or something I dont know.


It can all mean good, if all the rules he makes are like "I am willing to help another person today"; and "what I am" is a guy who is inherently selfless  ;D  8-)  8-)
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


thats casE Mr.Rao I never mentioned i am without EGO.If i am right i guess i mentioned setting aside YOUR EGO.
Defintion Of Ego:
The Ego comprises that organized part of the personality structure which includes defensive, perceptual, intellectual-cognitive, and executive functions. Conscious awareness resides in the ego, although not all of the operations of the ego are conscious. The ego separates what is real. It helps us to organize our thoughts and make sense of them and the world around us.

The self, especially as distinct from the world and other selves.
In psychoanalysis, the division of the psyche that is conscious, most immediately controls thought and behavior, and is most in touch with external reality.
An exaggerated sense of self-importance; conceit.
Appropriate pride in oneself; self-esteem.
So if i say i make my own rules- Does it mean that i am not good??Or if i say i am what i am does it mean im not suppose to say what is correct.If u do feel what i have mentioned to be wrong can u pls point those facts out????
I make my own rules


MY MY      so many words in response for simple sentence made in lighter vein to be funny. Obviously I have a lousy sense of humor.Sorry.It would take me a month to understand all you said. I am a simple agricultural farmer who has a love for RC. I learned my lesson I'll never again post such posts.


sir no offence i thin i sounded too seious(My mistake).But i was just elaborating my view.Constructive critism of me is always appreciated like jus what u had said.Its jus that a little smiley wud have made a lot of diff. ;D
I make my own rules


forget it all man. Let us just enjoy the hobby we love so much in our own ways. BTW these small face icons are not available to me when I am typing the post. I wonder why


If you use the blue "Reply" button, you should see them.  If you use the "Quick Reply" ones, you will not.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.
