Feedback on local hobby stores / LHS

Started by avinash.tutu, March 05, 2010, 01:36:44 AM

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hi piyush.

will try to send transaction details to you against jubilee hobbies. just incase it can help.

pls give ur email id.

Sandeep Bajare
Ph - 9175342600



today is the 8th day .if he had send me the parcel on 20th monday ,yesterday was it supposed to reach to me.i think he will never gona resend my parcel .i think i am doomed


khan pm me your issues let me get in touch with him and find out and try and help you out.

no guarantees though
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


hi guys have you ever got any problems with thehobbyshop because i ordered things from them like on 3 jan, at first it said transaction was successful the it came not successful but the money was debited from my account then they said the money will be returned in the next 7-10 working days. it never came then again i wrote to them ,then again they sent me a invoice telling me that they will dispatching  it,this was on 13.till now its not reached me i am  writing to them every day i have sent pm's, emails,ther phones always switched off :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: too it seems they are not bothered to reply too.

K K Iyer

Are you still running
Why do you let your reputation spoil like this? Why don't you phone your customers?
You may remember me as one of your early customers, when you were in Calicut. I even hosted your friend Ashish in Indore and took him flying.

anandp is just ripoff now. They just bring the items from HK and sell for premium price and for warranty redirect user to hobby king  :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:


same way RC Bharat.. he will end up with some excuse... if he has so many excuses after everyone just give up to contact him.. why is he doing business then.  :headscratch: :headscratch: :headscratch:


a very worst cheat online store . i never saw a online store like this. i order for simulator dongle. payment done through EPS payment gateway. i got the payment order success . but they don't ship . i call them and ask they are saying ur order was cancelled. so people please don't trust the website . beware of the thank you .


5.8 Ghz 200mw Wireless FPV Kit 8 channel Tx/Rx - Under Robot section... :banghead:

categories and product not matching...
Fly high if you have good set of batteries.....!

v2 eagle


There may be lots of reason when a order is cancelled.
But its too bad to call a LHS as cheat just because they cancelled your order.
You can call them and ask for a refund or a reason why the order is cancelled. you have the right, but just don't use it wrong.
you can dispute the transaction with the bank and also with the EBS payment gateway.
Best wishes,

FPV with head goggles



The problem is these LHS never call back we have to run behind them.After payment will wait for shipping details but after two days when we contact they just reply the order is cancelled.

but the stock of particular item will be available.

but below LHS

rc dhamaka
Rc electro
edallhobby shop
indian hobby shop

so far best experience with them as soon as we order immediate mailing invoice,shipping through reputed courier,smooth transaction and exact product.
You want to go up---pull the stick back--You want to go down---pull the stick waay back!


hi ashok i call them. they said they refund the money. but still now i don't get any refund. what can i do. am also doing online store. if i can ship the product imminently i refund the money. within 48 hrs member receive their money back. but i never cancel the order. if i got the order within 8 hrs or 12 hrs i will dispatch the product. but a online store never take any risk for the order still now. then wht u say for this. if a order place and i got success payment why they cancel i don't know ? may be technical problem they must refund the money to the customer at least within 4 days ....


bought emax ec-0857 charger from them.
tried to charge lipo(2200mah, 3s) but the difficulty i faced was after every 3-4min charger  automatically switches off.

took it to the electronics repairing shop and they said the problem is with the charger.

when i called rcdhamaka ppl, he said they can't do anything and i have to contact emax and send charger to china for replacement.

how can they send a faulty piece, atleast they should test it before shipping.

i am having an event after 9 days and because of this charger my practice sessions are delayed.  :(


rcdhamaka has a good reputation on the forum. Try contacting them and tell them in detail everything. They will surely listen to you. BTW when did this charger came to you?
"If you were born with wings, do every thing you could, for flying."


quite strange... rc dhamaka has always been good at customer service...


No there must be more to it...

These guys are too good..

One of the best suppliers with a fantastic reputation.

Ring and speak direct to Kartik Shah ...
If you cannot get through try his Skype id..


Don't think rcdhamaka would respond in a manner as mentioned..what are you using for the power supply?


supply is a.c. i checked the charger at my home and my friend's home. also with a second battery but same problem persists.

Rcdhamaka ppl said they only take back unused unopened items. for faulty item, i hv to contact It's original manufacturer.


Just make sure your power adapter or whatever you are using has the rated amp output.Also make sure there are no loose connections


@muradshak- i checked it again just now but still same problem.

my point is rcdhamaka should atleast check the charger before sending it. i cannot send it to china for replacement.


Quote from: krunalmarakna on February 08, 2014, 10:27:35 PM
bought emax ec-0857 charger from them.

took it to the electronics repairing shop and they said the problem is with the charger.

when i called rcdhamaka ppl, he said they can't do anything.

If you buy a TV fridge etc. If it s faulty do you open it and try repairing it..?  And still expect replacement? AFAIK they check before sending it. Now it is your word against theirs. Looking at the reputation of yours and theirs, it s for the RCI members to decide what meets the eye.

Before coming to the forum and bad mouthing you need to think before you shoot.
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


Missed that piece of information..really bad idea of opening it..+1 to augustine

Send from my Xperia using Tapatalk


Not sure if it is clear that the shop people opened it.  They may have done basic continuity checks etc.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


sir there's a bit of misunderstanding. i went to the repairing shop only after they denied replacement as i was in dire need of charging battery . i hv not done anything to the charger prior to using it for the 1st time. now also is it  my fault?