Ultimate Nitro Trainer Combo @ Rs 14650/-!!!! Greatest And Cheapest Way to Begin

Started by Mpowershopping, May 03, 2009, 09:45:21 AM

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The Ultimate Trainer Combo is just what you want to take to the air for the first time.You get everything that you require to take-off.The pack includes the following:

Hitec Laser : Rs 5000/-

.46 Trainer ARF 1 Unit : Rs 3750/-

.46 JBA F Engine 1 Unit : Rs 4750/-

JBA No 3 Glow Plug 1 unit : Rs 200/-

Manual Fuel Pump 1 Unit : Rs 850/-

10 x 6 Propeller 1 Unit : Rs 150/-

Combo Price: Rs 14650/-
I make my own rules


Sounds like a good deal !

Please do post some details.  For example, what model of the radio is it (how many channels) ?  It would really help to post links into these items in your online store (if you have them there), so that people can get a good idea of what you are offering.
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is it the laser 4 or 6 ? which frequency band ? on which channel ? what about servos ? are they hitec once or some other brand ? how may are you including 3 or 4 ?

what about shipping and handling how much are u going to charging ? any additional cost other then these ?

please post pictures of each item, that would really help !

thanks  :)

Today might be a great and wonderful day. It depends on you.


Thats a nice price for and entry into this hobby. I'll be great to get a clearer picture. Esp in regard to the TX, and does the combo come with a RX... A few more specs would be great!
Its better to Crash while Learning on a sim rather than Learn from Crashing on the field


please update, we are waiting for your reply  :)

Today might be a great and wonderful day. It depends on you.


My Hanger:
.46 Trainer, Edge 540 EPP 3D, Extra 260 DLE 35 RA, EPP Cessna 182
Lama IV
HPI Lightening 3.0


I believe this store is no longer in business.  Their website is no longer operational.  There are other threads about response issues with this seller, probably it happened around the time the shop went out of business.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.