RC India

General Topics => RC People => Topic started by: taksh on July 18, 2023, 04:27:45 PM

Title: Need help from Japan people
Post by: taksh on July 18, 2023, 04:27:45 PM
My items are stuck in the warehouse and the Japan proxy service told me that they can not ship engines internationally.

I need to ship items to a domestic Japanese address as soon as possible otherwise my items will be discarded.

If anyone from Japan can receive my items then it will save my expensive items.

I just need to do the shipping from my end.
After the items get shipped to a local Japanese address, I will request a pickup service to pick up items from your address, and the items will be shipped to my address.

I am ready to pay if you want it.
Title: Re: Need help from Japan people
Post by: gunnu on July 28, 2023, 11:22:05 PM
you can ship it to my address if you want.
if u want my any help PM me
Title: Re: Need help from Japan people
Post by: gunnu on August 08, 2023, 04:46:30 PM
check this video