Greetings fellow RC enthusiasts,
I'm reaching out to this fantastic community in the hopes of finding a mentor or receiving guidance on how to embark on the exhilarating journey of flying RC airplanes. As a newcomer to this hobby, I'm eager to learn the ropes and immerse myself in the world of remote-controlled aviation.
While I've done some research and watched numerous tutorial videos, I believe there's no substitute for hands-on experience and personalized guidance from seasoned pilots. That's why I'm seeking someone who is willing to take me under their wing, pardon the pun, and help me navigate through the learning process.
Here's a bit about my background and what I'm looking for:
Passionate Beginner: I'm truly passionate about RC aviation and eager to learn. Whether it's building, tweaking, or flying, I'm ready to dive in and explore every aspect of this hobby.
Available Time: I have a flexible schedule and can dedicate ample time to learning. Whether it's weekends or weekdays, I'm committed to honing my skills and becoming proficient in flying RC aircraft.
Local to Mumbai: I reside in Mumbai, so ideally, I'm looking for someone local who can provide hands-on guidance and perhaps even accompany me to nearby flying fields or clubs.
Willingness to Learn: I'm a fast learner and am committed to safety above all else. I understand the importance of following regulations and guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable flying experience for myself and others.
If you're an experienced RC pilot willing to share your knowledge and expertise, or if you know someone who fits this description, I would be immensely grateful for any assistance or guidance you can provide. Whether it's tips on selecting the right trainer aircraft, advice on basic maneuvers, or insights into troubleshooting common issues, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please feel free to reply to this post or reach out to me via private message if you're interested in mentoring a newcomer to the world of RC flying. I'm eager to connect with like-minded individuals who share my passion for aviation and look forward to embarking on this exciting journey together.
Thank you in advance for your support and guidance!
Best regards,
- Get a plane.
Recommending VT-Simple Trainer from Vortex RC. It is a 3-channel trainer plane that will cost you around 3.5k including electronics plus shipping. This is basically the Tiny Trainer from FlightTest, and is a great and durable first model that can survive an initial few crashes.
You can learn flying on this, and upgrade to a more intermediate 4-channel plane later.
- Get a 3S 1500mah lipo and B6 Imax charger. One battery is enough in the beginning.
- Get a Transmitter + Receiver
You can go for the cheapest, Flysky CT6B (2.5k) or FlySky FS-i6. The radio selection is up to you. You can either buy cheap now and upgrade later. Any radio with 4+ channels will work for you. Check Olx in your location to see if someone is selling an RC transmitter. Verify if you transmitter supports USB connection for a simulator. Both CT6B and FS-i6 require special hardware to connect, while most other transmitters will connect with a normal USB cable.
- Get a simulator
PicaSim or ClearView. Both have a free version and are available for both PC and phone. Both support connecting your Transmitter directly and using it as a controller. Practice in a simulator till you can comfortably fly around. The goal is to learn orientation and control. You need to learn how the plane behaves on your input.
- Find a group of flyers in your city.
Easy to get started and get tips for your first flight. You can also find a big open space and get started solo. As long as you have good practice on a simulator, you should be able to have a decent first flight on your own with the trainer plane.
Hi Rupin, Begining with Gliding gives good lesson in flying too , cheapest and safest way to do. Once I have visited "India hobby centre" located at Lamington road in Mumbai for Balsa models kits , they are great for learning flying without costing too much , and they also give a good idea of how to build an aeroplane. xNitin has already given great tips , so I am only adding to his words. FS-I6/I6x is best way to intro , truely. But you need entire environment - Tx/Rx, Motors, Propellers, ESC, Servos , Soldering Equipment, Soldering Skills, Silicon Wires, Lipo, Lipo Chargers , and for building ...... Depron, Thermocol, Balsa Wood, Carbon FIbre Rods/ Aluminium pipes, and lots of Desi Hacks ....... and mostly keep trying because crashes are frequent . Also, CAUTION because some of things need special care FOR YOUR SAFETY like the Lipo battery , and the propellers when the motors are armed . Always test Motors after removing any propellers, but if you need to test with propellers take special care and get the motors tied down first . Keeping the lipo at safe storage voltage by using a proper Charger after flying. (Like SkyRC B6 original charger) . Reading the safety instructions that accompany the electronics is a good idea. Also - always programme for "FailSafe" to prevent model flyaway. And fly against the wind, so if anything happens the model generally comes back towards you. ........ Happy Flying.
Last but not the least ----- Most innocent bystanders think they own the land , and feel it their birthright to annoy you, will ask totally silly and annoying questions , and ask you to do silly things like fly high, you have to learn to live with them .