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Subhanjan from kolkatta

Started by subhanjan.saha, September 09, 2013, 01:21:59 AM

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i have been reading what you have been saying on me, and i am sad that you cannot recognize my skills. i have been devoting my time to building my uav's and i feel i should get some notice. i  contacted the govt. so i could show the, that very cheaply we can make uavs that can assist the soldiers in battle. i also want people to fund me for my woork, as it is been esxpensive to make my uavs. one uav has cost me 90 thousand rupees to make.
some members of this forum, said bad things on my youtube videos so i blocked them. this was very shocking because i was expecting people to say good things for such an innovation. i request those members to please give likes to me and take back their dislikes.
subhanjan saha


Hi subhanjan.
If u read through posts saying 'bad' things and not appreciating your skills etc .. Good ... Now read through forum for builds of planes etc.
You'll see many 'innovation' like yours perhaps better. What innovations and specs and features does your UAV have? Call it rc hobby model please. Some pics do help.


Pls. Post pics of you models and let every one see what you have made.
Sent from a potato using a lamp.


No body here has anything personal against you. It is important that this hobby be treated with respect. If it is abused, maybe for the sake of self-aggrandizement and commercial gain, the consequences to the entire community will be severe.

We welcome you to this forum, and hope you grow as a modeller and a human here :D



Welcome Subhanjan to the forum.

First of all I would like to appreciate your coming and joining the forum and starting out this thread by introducing yourself. Good job. Also, i would applaud your patience and determination to be able to build and learn to fly a RC model successfully.

I can assure you that you will have a lot to learn from this forum and its members. Please take all feedback positively,  we are all here to support and encourage this wonderful sport/hobby of aeromodelling, which you have just undertaken. 

Ok now some ground realities which you cannot ignore or choose to not accept.

1. Aeromodelling has been a hobby for over 50 years , and it is now and it will be in the times to come.

2. Even though by definition our creation can be termed a UAV. It is not . It is a RC hobby aeromodel and you should stick to calling it the same.

3. Though i appreciate your building and flying, which requires a suite of skills, your creation does not have any 'innovation' . All the components are ready to use, available off the shelf. Show us some true innovation by truely building something unique - You will then realize how much ingenunity that involves and the praise you will get for that. It can be anything, in the airplane build, to the electronics, to stabilisation etc etc

4. Several of your claims about your model's capabilities are faaaar fetched from reality. From payloads, to range to alititude and to the capaibilities. You have gone out to the media and said what you thought, but they are really far from true. Believe me. I have been there, done that and know what it takes.

5. Regarding aeromodelling being expensive. Well you can't say that your model costed you 90k, so you can go around begging for funding with unrealistic goals or claims. This hobby has always been expensive . Spending 90k for a first aeromodel isnt a lot. I loved Gusty's comment once : "Be worth it" You need to be worth this hobby and equipment. really !

6. As said by sanjayrai55, we need to treat this hobby with a lot of respect. As an aeromodeller, which you now are, please be responsible of your duties.

This discussion will help you. please reply back with your thoughts to me point wise on my comments above, and ill come back on it.

Also, please go ahead and post pictures of your models. We will all help improve your models and flying. You will get priceless information here and will learn a lot from here.

All the best, and look forward to hearing back from you.


Quote from: gauravag on September 09, 2013, 10:40:41 AM
You will get priceless information here and will learn a lot from here.

:salute: :salute: :salute: This is very true, i am dead sure that every member in this forum or any guy who is just visiting would had been helped a lot but the information that floats in here. :bow: :bow: :bow:
one stop for multirotor needs:


Beautifully spelt out Gaurav.  :thumbsup:

Welcome to the forum Subhanjan. Like Gaurav I appreciate your enthusiasm and genuineness in coming forth.

Share your knowledge and views and gain more from this forum.


Award | OFNA Nexx8 | Art-Tech Edge 540T | Glidiator V2 | Hawker Tempest | Cessna Citation Jet
Turnigy 9X
FPV Platforms : CF Tricopter| HK EPP FPV | Bixler 1 | Bixler 2 | DJI Phantom 2 +H3 3D


well well lookee here... welcome to the forum buddy :giggle:
hopefully you will learn something here... though I am not going to take back my dislikes on YouTube. the YouTube rating system is there for a reason. it is so that you tube can differentiate between quality videos and "other"  stuff. 

hope this helps :)

Sent from a potato using a lamp


Very well said Gaurav. You have summarized everthing.


Hey Dude, get out of the patriotic spin. What we build and fly are aeromodels, not UAV.

Oh! BTW, any technology can be put to good use or abused - just depends on the point of reference
Spektrum DX6i | EP Pusher Trainer | EP CUB |


Subhanjan, where do you stay in Kolkata? I want to meet you and see your aero model in person.
Be Inquisitive


Why does the poetic prose sound 'oh so familiar'? Yet another avatar of 'He who should not be named'?  ??? ;)

I sincerely hope not..................

Being born and raised in that city, I would have preferred one 'T' less in the spelled version of Kolkata as cited above.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Off topic, VC sir whats the flags in your avatar for? :headscratch:
one stop for multirotor needs:


After 12 replies, we are yet to hear from Subhanjan. Would like to hear his viewpoint too. Let's not overwhelm with this barrage


@satyagupta: it reads V C In signal code :giggle:

Sent from a potato using a lamp


They are signal flags the top one a stands for Victor, the the bottom one stands for Charlie, I.e. VC
Sent from a potato using a lamp.


Ohh i did not knew about that

Thanks guys :thumbsup:
one stop for multirotor needs:


 {:)}Hello gentlemen,, I am SUBHANJAN SAHA from kolkata, WB who made RC aircraft. i would like to inform you that this is a FAKE profile >:(,, and i am not requesting any kind of fund. So please do not entertain this post. i didn't claim anything regarding this hobby :bow:. i already applied patent for what i have modified in this hobby :hatsoff: ,.

You guys are awesome who share their knowledge priceless-ly..  :hatsoff: to you..
thanks you..


Who is fake and who is real. Or is it the same person with an alter ego  :headscratch:


Welcome to the forum the so called real Subhanjan saha. Share your knowledge and views and gain more from this forum.  

Like Gaurav I appreciate your enthusiasm and genuineness in coming forth thats once again for me.

Quote from: subhanjan on September 14, 2013, 01:33:13 AM
I already applied patent for what i have modified in this hobby :hatsoff: ,.

But it is sad to note the real Subhanjan Saha has really proved to be "The Subhanjan Saha of the news" who has not learnt anything till date from the complete episode.


patent? so now we can pretty much patent anything we want to... I think I'll patent my cat...
what do you hope to get by patenting your mods?

so if other people make a similar mod, you want them to pay you royalties?

seriously, stop ruining this hobby. while people like sundaram sir, gusty sir, Lance sir etc are holding the hobby up and supporting it, you are axing everyone till the hobby gets destroyed...

Sent from a potato using a lamp


quote: .. I think I'll patent my cat...  quote

:rofl: :rofl:


Oh god bless this Hobby!
And make people like Subhanjan stay away from destroying it for others!
Award | OFNA Nexx8 | Art-Tech Edge 540T | Glidiator V2 | Hawker Tempest | Cessna Citation Jet
Turnigy 9X
FPV Platforms : CF Tricopter| HK EPP FPV | Bixler 1 | Bixler 2 | DJI Phantom 2 +H3 3D