RC India

RC Models => Self-designed, DIY and College Projects => Topic started by: hussain on August 31, 2012, 10:17:06 PM

Title: buggy in the making
Post by: hussain on August 31, 2012, 10:17:06 PM
hope to see this buggy on the roads shortly (fingures crossed)
Title: Re: buggy in the making
Post by: ebinmoothedam on August 31, 2012, 10:33:34 PM
WOW !!!!!

please keep us updated
Title: Re: buggy in the making
Post by: pravesh736 on September 01, 2012, 12:46:38 AM
did u do the welds yourself or the welder ?? some more specs too
Title: Re: buggy in the making
Post by: saikat on September 01, 2012, 08:19:37 AM
What are you using for the tubular frame ? SS pipe ?

Are you welding or brazing / silver solder ?

what are you going to use for engine ?

If I may suggest - look at the cifarelli 77 cc 5 HP
- these are available in India and are used for agro spray
Title: Re: buggy in the making
Post by: hussain on September 01, 2012, 07:22:46 PM
yes ,ss pipes and planning to use a 77cc chainsaw  japanese engine which has been ported
Title: Re: buggy in the making
Post by: hussain on September 01, 2012, 07:23:54 PM
looking for some good tyres ,if any one can suggest
Title: Re: buggy in the making
Post by: hussain on September 01, 2012, 07:25:17 PM
for right now i am setting it up with baja 5b tyres, which i think are too small for this buggy
Title: Re: buggy in the making
Post by: VC on September 01, 2012, 07:36:43 PM
Very interesting project and ambitious too. Would you be kind enough to post a picture of what you are aiming to build? I mean, what would the buggy look like once it is finished. All the best! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: buggy in the making
Post by: rajathv8 on September 01, 2012, 09:15:35 PM
What are the dimensions of the buggy? :)