Collision Avoidance PCB for Multirotors

Started by TeamRecon, October 23, 2015, 11:00:04 AM

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Hey Guys, It has been two years since i wrote an article on flitetest about DIY collision avoidance in quadcopters .
 Since then thousands of people tried it and confirmed working . Few of the people were unable to connect the boards according to the schematic given by me . So , I made a PCB and it is working with my quadcopter with pixhawk and Sharp IR sensors.

  Each PCB Costs Rs.995/- + Shipping

Currently only Collision avoidance is working in the future sonar based altitude hold , automatic take off and landing and other features will be added

Let me know if anyone is interested.




is this still for sale ? i am interested if it works with pixhawk ? and what are the range of the sensors
