DIY R/C System

Started by buzz_rc, January 13, 2010, 05:55:32 PM

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hi sanjay

although this is off topic, can you post some pictures of your builb here. I'm also interested in building one !

Today might be a great and wonderful day. It depends on you.


Hi Sahil,

I built one last year & a local HAM  >:D took it from me & never thought of returning it back. I had made some spare PCB's at that time but unfortunately got misplaced  :headscratch:. Now I have fabricated with a new design  :o & I have not assembled / tested it yet. Go through the link, If interested, PM me your address for the PCB.



QuoteI built one last year & a local HAM   >:D took it from me & never thought of returning it back.
lucky guy ;D

okay let me first try my skills on PCB itching, if it turns out bad i know whom to refer for a PCB 8-)
Today might be a great and wonderful day. It depends on you.


Dear friend..a great effort..but you need not to go to this extreme, to make an R/C proportional system. now you can use RX2B and TX2B integrated chips respectively for reciever and transmitter. with very simple transistorised circuits, and two 5 Kilo ohms POT, you can simply make an R/C system.if you are not willing to make your R/C in to proportional, its again too easy to you think how can you get the controlls..?.its easy by using small toy gear boxes.with this setup, you can freeze the steering of a car at a certain point, or a rudder of a boat, or a throttle of any vehicle,or a stabilizer of an aircraft.with proper RF power amps at end you can pump out your signal up to your need as the voltage and the number of transistors increase.i was making whole R/C systems from 1990s.all in to legal freequencies.i always make individual R/C systems for my each and every crafts.its too easy..


Hello mr.Krishna,welcome to the forum..U made ur own tx n rx for ur models?
Mechanical engineer..

Radio:Spektrum Dx6i | Futaba 6EXP | working on coro Avispad | HK450MT kit | Seagull Boomerang 40 | HK 250GT | Upcoming: Easy Star 2 |


Tx2B and Rx2B Chips do not provide proportional control...........I have built a system for 27mhz and am now making one on 2.4 ghz...(both legal frequencies in India).Time and lack of resources are the only limiting factors here, otherwise I would have completed it by now....With the RF amp I am using, It is possible to control a model upto 4.5 miles away, provided that there is a proper heat sink on the final transistor. Its good to know that you have been making your own rc systems, please do post some pictures here....and yes ,with the proper knowledge it is easy and fun to build and fly your own rc airplane...


Buzzz..who told you that RX chips will not controlls at your hands..? get a proportion, you must add a 4 transistorised circuits for each lead of the IC.and must take output from NON OSCILATING pin. to increase the range of an home made R/C system,you need not any costlier things,but you need some general purpose transistors,costs only 8 Rupees for one.with three final stage you can control your model from 6 KMS away, and with a five stages and a complimentary system at end i got enough range far about 30 kms directional.for that i need only around 300 rupees....i was making all rcs withis legal range, and i started my own r/c making after getting my HAM RADIO lisc:.


Hello Roopesh, Great to hear that you are using proportional controls using rx chips.
It will be great if you could post in more details with some circuit diagrams pics etc.
Also please share some details and pics of your DIY radio controls



SURE..but Spitfire i do not know that i break the codes by posting whole circuits related to the R/C systems here..if not i am too happy to share my all proven circuits i am in my work shop to make an rc system for my new fire craft, a wide bodied boat designed for my fire dept.its based on RX TX 6B for five functions.


Sir,its really good to hear about your accomplishments ........ do post some pictures of your work.


Wow.. good to see some interesting things happening on the electronics side. Would love to see your developments on these.

"Anything can fly" - SPADs just prove that!


sure..indeed..i will post all things that usefull to all..i have a lovable little sister, Rathikrishna.she is also a model maker and doing many stuffs by herself. i will share all things that we used and using now..happy...


Roopesh sir, please post some circuit diagrams of your RC systems.. It will be very helpful.. Also you could start a new thread on how to build your own radio.. This would help many people who are staying away from this hobby due to the high cost of buying a radio..
"The day you stop playing with your toys is the day you start getting ready to die.."

FlySky 9x (with ER9x,  backlight mod &  dual module hack) | Futaba SkySport 4VF (with 5th channel hack) | Glidiator - scratchbuilt 60" electric glider | SkySurfer | Scratchbuilt Tricopter | FT Nutball |  .46 Glow trainer (electric conversion in progress)


Hai medicine..its sure..but i do not know that can i post all my circuits here, because of legal issues.i started playing with electronics from the age around 8.all things was related to valves on that time.but soon i mastered in transistorised circuits and chips.i was using my own rc systems from 1988, onwards as i passed my first HAM RADIO lisc:.but now i do not know about the related legal issues of RC. i started making usefull circuits for me because of my me all needed stuffs was only a dream..cost was only the second criteria to me.but before 1995, even the internet was only a dream for most of i stared to build all my need things myself..its not a first RF transmiter was a small, based on 3 volts, to send audio and video signals without gave me a range of 100 meters around.then accidently i got a book from my father's library, a russian book,authentic,THE BASICS OF explains the whole needed things esp about was a shocking discovery to me...then i tried to follow its rules..then with a tuned antenna to my circuit i got more than 500 meters with my 3 volt circuit !!. from that point i started my pioneering journey in radio. i know many reputed companies are keeping all secrets of circuitary to keep their have to understand that , you can simply make 100 channel radio controller, (IF NEEDED),without interfering others, all with..PWM,PPM,PLL,LMP,PPL and RFS...NOOOOO....nothing we need..we need only an audio oscilator, means an oscilator produces audio range freequencies (FROM 20 Hz to 14000 Hz) for a control.then we need an local oscilator one oscilates in your desired RADIO FREEQUENCY, and in final an RF power AMP. then you need an RF RECIEVER, (along with rf local oscilator in same freeq, that you used in transmitter), and a simple DECODER of this carried signal.means, a particular audio signal is modulated with your carrier freequecy and changed in to MODULATED CARRIER FREEQUENCY.   


to make a proportional srvo you need two CD 4060 ics along with LM series ics,all within a range of 50 rupees.a simple toy, (WALK MAN MOTOR IS THE BEST BET) motor,and a 470 Ohms pot will do the job nicely..all around 300 can also make a full fledged R/C system by using all transistors, digital proportional, not by any costlier stuffs but all with BC 148, BC 547 along with SL, and SK can wire an RF amp around any general purpose HF switching transistors like S 8050,8550 for low power, and can do high power transmiters by 2N 3056 or in extreame case 2N 2219, or 2N 2222 metal case transistors.while using these moderately powered transistors you must use all resistors in 2 watt range, and all coils must be in good quality in winding and wire, as the BJT drops an high current while in operation.a heat zink also provided.for even more extreame case you can use complimentry type amps or bridged amps in final stage.such circuits only works with a car you can also use N channel mosfets for final stage.i still use a four channel full proportional system,that i made in 1996, still works nicely..a 4x4 inch vero board and some transistors with an audio oscilator.i can change its freequecy to any desired range just turning a GANGED CAPACITOR from a pocket radio,in local oscilator stage. its better to make an R/C system based on SUPERHETRODYNE method, as it increases selectivity of freequency.


after verifying to some local authorised persons i will post all of my proven circuits here...and more...its not a fun...its a science to enjoy..i know making and operating a model from an entire KIT is not much creative. imagine that one of  your aircraft or a ship or a train or a robot is entirely made out of scratch inc radio...!!!its worth a live gold sister is a crazy one, and was spending ample of money on radios.i adviced many times her..but she continued to buy..untill once i opened a professional system,a four channel,from a reputed comapny, and she was truely based on my basic circuits except one thing. there wasnt any part number on any component, and all was SMD to avoid servicing,just like a mother board of a DVD player.the layout of the circuit was almost same except they used a mosfet instead of think again. and i have seen many professional systems interfers each other even with various crystals. means the basics are the same..but you can avoid all such mal functions by using your own RC by tunnig your system with tuner you must buy a professional system,yes sure its a pleassure , now i am looking for a second hand one a two channel,but only for a realisation of my old dream.but i will not use any of them on my crafts as i can make world class RC systems my extreame creation was a 12 channel multiport continious RC system, for a have a nice RC system to you...