DIY LiPO Balance Charger

Started by ujjwaana, December 31, 2009, 06:34:28 PM

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Saw this exiting project on making your own LiPo balanced charger using PIC MCU.

Looking at intriguingly simple design (PCB/2 Char LCD display) I always wondered how difficult should it be to reverse engineer Turnigy/Sky/Thunder AC6/BC6 chargers which are themselves ripoff of costly chargers like iMax AC6/BC6.

If more people are interested, they can bulk order the critical part - the two PCBs, which should not cost more than Rs 250.

Total cost of the project : < Rs 1200 (even when compared to Rs 3700 for 50W charger, when this is like a 150W one).

I am currently working on another PIC/ARM based multi-tester which includes a Servo Tester, Rx servo o/p tester, Tachometer and few more extensions.

but again, multi layer PTH PCB design is causing me problem and I have to re-design the PCB myself for a single sided home brew PCB fabrication.
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother


Totally disagree that turnigy and similar chinese chargers are rip offs. On the other hand I'm amazed how they are able to absorb the manufacturing and distribution and sell at those prices. Looks like you have a thing or two to teach the chinese about cost management. If you can make business plan out of it, you have a big worldwide market waiting for you.

And imax itself are considered clones of bantam  :giggle:


Rip off or not, I got a Turnigy Accucel 6 for a total of $57 including shipping and a 50W power supply; when I went to India on vacation last time. Now it has become my primary charger, and handles all type of cells (A123 and upto 6s lipo).  I was a believer is using better chargers, but this experience has started changing my perception on these.
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Totally agree to Rotor/Anwar. I really marvel the agressive paricing these chinese put, whether they Ripoff or not (well, the whole west is upset with the Dragon on IP issue, as they are eating into much west's fat 'royalty' ). Similar A6/B6 chargers are sold at 3 times princely price on Towers and other 'cream' hobby shops.

I have absolutely no issue with $34 pricing, or whatever Rs 4000+ charged by LHS. what I aim is to help super enthusiastic members like Subbu, Ankur etc who should be having enough reason to try more DIY than fully grownups like us, who have lesser time for the Hobby, whatever time we snatch from that for earning bread and butter. Few more projects:

LiPo Cell Monitor

2.4 Ghz spectrum Analyzer (for people who are having hard time with FAAST/FHSS/DSM systems)

Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother